Presidential Candidate Herman Cain

27th October 2011 “The second main thing that came out of that. Message is more powerful than money. They [spent a lot] of money trying to influence that straw poll vote.” But I want it – he wants the money …

Michele Bachmann in New Hampshire

October 10 2011 The following are reversals found on US Presidential Candidate, Michele Bachmann. The reversals are mostly congruent indicating she is honest and means what she says with no hidden agenda. She appears to believe that she has a …

British PM, David Cameron in Parliament

October 2011 1/ On the death of Lybian leader Colonel Gaddafi “…to protect civilians and to give the Lybian people the chance to determine their own political future. With the death Gaddafi they now really do have that chance. The …

Presidential Candidate Ron Paul

Presidential Candidate Ron Paul Various Interviews “This doesn’t mean they had glee about 911, that’s a [total misinterp]retation. They had pleasure in knowing that they had an excuse now to do what they had been wanting to do for so …

Barack Obama in the UK

May 2011 1/ Obama addresses the British Parliament Reverse dialogue is shown in orange. Click on the reversals to download the mp3 files. The exact forward words where the reversal occurred are marked with brackets – [ ]. Obama: “The …

The Death of Osama Bin Laden

Click on reversal to open mp3 file. The forward dialogue where the reversal occurred has been marked with brackets – [ ]. 1/ Sunday night May 1st 2011 President Obama announces that the US has shot and killed Osama Bin …