Reverse Speech

What is Reverse Speech?

It has been called the discovery of the 7th sense. The research into this phenomenon has been described as being of “Nobel calibre”. It has been featured in numerous publications around the world, and in the United States it became a household name in the late 90s. It is called Reverse Speech…

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How it works

If human speech is recorded and played backwards, mixed amongst the gibberish at regular intervals, very clear statements can be heard.

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Personal Development

Smash Through Unconscious Barriers, Uncover and Erase Deep-Seated Negative Beliefs, and Rewrite the Programs Running on Autopilot in Your Mind!

Personal Development Sessions

For over 30-years David Oates has researched and practiced Reverse Speech and Metaphor Restructuring, helping 1,000’s of people, from all walks of life break-free from the outdated unconscious programming that currently controls their lives, dictate their actions and hold them back from living the life they desire.

And now David is opening up his private session calendar to new clients!

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Happy Customers

David John Oates is the founder, discoverer and 42 year veteran of Reverse Speech. He was born in rural Australia in 1955, the son of a young Uniting Church minister. He spent his early years working with his hobbies of electronics and audio, building equipment for his small rock and roll band, and obtaining his amateur radio license at age 20. In his early 20s he worked as a pastor and youth worker with street kids, running half way houses and a rehab center. It was during this time that he first heard about backward messages in rock and roll and his interest was immediately piqued. He started his research in 1984 and by 1987 he had written his theory of reverse speech which proposed a new form of communication. He released his first book, Beyond Backward Masking, later that same year and was immediately thrust into the media spotlight with news services across Australia calling reverse speech the discovery of the seventh sense.

Since that time David has devoted his life to the research and public dissemination of Reverse Speech. He has written 18 books on the subject, both fiction and non fiction, and has conducted 1000s of media interview, radio and TV, across the world, even appearing on CNN’s The Larry King show in the United States in the 1990s where David lived and worked for 10 years. David has designed theories and training techniques, trained 100s of students during his career, and has also developed a unique therapeutic procedure which combines reverse speech and hypnosis to create powerful behavioral changes. Overcoming his childhood speech stutter, he has lectured across the world to crowds of thousands and conducted workshops for law enforcement agencies in Washington DC including the CIA and FBI.

David has been compared to Thomas Edison, Alexander Graham Bell and Nicola Tesla and his work described as being of Nobel calibre with far reaching ramifications in such fields as law enforcement, business and psychology.

He is a certified Hypnotherapist and currently attends to his therapy and corporate consulting business using reverse speech techniques. David is also an accomplished public speaker, maintaining an active international speaking and training schedule as well as a popular guest on many international radio and TV programs.

He currently resides in Adelaide, South Australia.


Of Positive Testimonials


Years of Experience


We have hundreds of positive customer reviews

David Oates brought his genius, skill and determination, displayed in his pursuit and development of Reverse Speech, to his therapeutic work. With his unique investigative tool, David is able to engage the therapeutic patient very rapidly and intensely. This can introduce rapid change quickly, even in chronic situation.

John Suess

Founder of MYNDSLINK

I believe that his work is of the highest importance – breaking entirely new ground and with significant implications for the way we understand and utilize our human capacities for communication.

Dr. Timothy Pascoe

PH.D. (Cantab.), M.B.A. (Harvard), B.E., B.EC. (Adelaide)

David is at the point entirely satisfied that he has many, many examples to demonstrate the phenomena…….The notion that language can carry extra secondary and tertiary messages as well as the overt manifest content is well known to many of you who have studied the works of Dr. Erickson, where double and triple messages are the standard practise in such a device.

Dr. John Grinder

Co-Founder of NLP

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