Your personal invitation to establish yourself as a pioneer of linguistics and the unconscious mind by becoming a Reverse SpeechTM Practitioner…
Following 30 + years of study, research and training… it’s time for me to think about the future of Reverse SpeechTM, to ensure my legacy, the findings I’ve uncovered and the progress in decoding the unconscious mind continues to develop and grow.
I’m searching for passionate and caring individuals who want to help humanity overcome its internal problems, interpret and quiet down the dialogue of the mind to allow everyone to achieve greatness.
Training in and Learning Reverse SpeechTM is exciting. It’s a whole new adventure into new territory.
The students of today will be the leaders of tomorrow, which is why we are looking for pioneers – those people who are willing to study the tried and proven techniques that are taught in the training program, then take these techniques and skills out to the world and put them into practice.
Could that be you?
Becoming a Reverse SpeechTM Practitioner (that’s the term I use for Coaches trained in the practice) requires a special kind of person…
You don’t need a degree, have previous experience as or be a coach BUT you do need to want to learn, you need patience and you need determination – you are after all joining an exclusive group of highly trained people with extraordinary knowledge and expertise capable of effecting lasting positive changes for those that seek your help.

How Can You Use Reverse SpeechTM To Help People?
Reverse SpeechTM is extremely effective in the treatment of all number of issues both physical and mental
The Reverse SpeechTM process is like no other form of Personal Development or therapy you may have experienced or practiced, consistently proving more accurate than TLT and EFT, and always delivering quicker, longer lasting results than NLP and Hypnosis, all with ZERO effort!
The Reverse SpeechTM Certifications
There are 3 levels of Reverse SpeechTM training and certification available:
Reverse SpeechTM Analyst
This analyst covers reversal analysis, interpretation, metaphors, the unconscious mind and detailed prompting techniques. It also covers marketing techniques to help build your business.
Reverse SpeechTM Practitioner
This practitioner course teaches hypnosis and Metaphor Restructuring, a technique creates a powerful behavioural change using Reverse SpeechTM
Reverse SpeechTM Mentor
This is a full time program working directly with David in all aspects of Reverse SpeechTM. This includes client work, media appearances, training, tape analysis – everything David does. It is training to be a master!
Upcoming Training Courses
Select one of the upcoming training courses below to get started…
The Reverse SpeechTM 2025 Live Online Professional Training Course
This course is taught by David Oates with whom you’ll have live interaction with via Skype. You will learn all you need to know to become a professional Reverse SpeechTM Analyst. New special price $5000 today.
Alternatively, pay in 10 monthly installments of $550.
No prerequisites, this course includes the Investigators Certification and the Analyst Certification upon completion.
What’s included in this Course:
- 2 Reverse SpeechTM training manuals
- The Reverse SpeechTM Metaphor Dictionary
- How to use the Reverse Speech software
- How to accurately document genuine speech reversals
- How to determine what speech reversals mean
- How to conduct conversations to get the greatest numbers of reversals
- How the human mind creates behaviour and personality with metaphors
- Regular progress reports
- Full technical support
- First year membership of the International Association of Reverse SpeechTM Consultants, Ltd.
- Certificates upon completion
- Reverse SpeechTM Professional Software [RRP $99.95]
You must be prepared to spend about 15 hours a week on study if you are to succeed in this course – course takes 12 months to complete with a 3 hour class every 2 weeks, 24 classes total.
Course Fees Are Non-Refundable
It is a prerequisite for the Practitioner Course that you have obtained your Analyst Certificate and finished or embarked upon a round of session work.
Register For Online Training Today!
Enter your details below to start your registration and claim your discount.
Frequently Asked Questions
Do I need any special qualifications or experience?
No there aren’t any prerequisites for learning Reverse SpeechTM all I ask is that you are ready to commit to the necessary work required to master this powerful technique.
How do I become a Practitioner?
Reverse Speech Practitioners conduct behavioural changes using metawalks. The course is also taught on line. If you are interested in becoming a practitioner you need to first graduate from the Level Two course – Reverse Speech Analyst.
For further details please contact us directly at
How long does it take before I can begin working with clients?
That depends on the amount of time you can commit to your training. In some cases I have trained and qualified some excellent practitioners in as little as 12 months.
Do I require any special equipment in order to study Reverse SpeechTM?
Yes, you will require the Reverse SpeechTM Professional Software. However if you join the Online Professional Analyst course this is included with your order
What is the Reverse SpeechTM Pro software?
It’s a specially created piece of audio editing software David Oates commissioned to support his work with Reverse SpeechTM
You can find out more here:
Who will be training me on the course?
David Oates, the founder of Reverse SpeechTM, will be conducting your training sessions.