General Interest ›
- Analysis of Jeffrey Edward Epstein July 2019
- Cardinal George Pell
- Hidden Middle East Agenda
- Tarek Farag – Former Clinton Aide
- 2018 Supreme Court Hearing Reverse Speech Analyzed Testimony
- President Trump – Kim Jong Un Summit
- Mark Zuckerberg Testifies Before Congress
- President Trump’s SOTU Speech January 2018
- O. J. Simpson Parole Board Analysis
- Donald Marshall Jr – Study of a Confused Mind
- President Donald Trump – Hannity Interview
- Sirhan Sirhan – Robert Kennedy’s Assassin
- 2016 Third Presidential Candidate Debate
- 2016 Second Presidential Candidate Debate
- Trump’s Released Lewd Comments Tape Scandal
- 2016 Vice Presidential Debate – Kaine vs. Pence
- 2016 Presidential Candidate Debate – Trump vs. Clinton
- Burke Ramsey’s Interview Analysis
- President Barack Obama $400 Million Iran Payment
- Khizr Khan Responds To Trumps Criticisms
- Hillary Clinton’s Health Records Leaked!
- Democratic National Convention 2016
- Tim Kaine – Hillary Clinton’s VP Pick
- Bernie Sanders Stepping Down
- Republican National Convention 2016
- Donald Rumsfeld On Election 2016
- Alan Sugar Reverse Speech Analysis
- Reverse Speech Analysis of Warren Buffett
- Mark Zuckerberg Reverse Speech Analysis
- Steve Jobs Reverse Speech Analysis
- Oprah Winfrey Reversal Analysis
- Orlando Terrorist Shooting June 12, 2016
- Men In Black Victim Reversals
- Bill Gates Reversal Analysis
- Tony Robbins Reversal Analysis
- Sir Richard Charles Nicholas Branson Reversals
- April 2016 Reversals
- LaVoy Finicum – Oregon Standoff
- Their Fear of Oates
- Exposing the Alternate World with Reverse Speech
- Special Report by Michael Goodspeed
- Article by Michael Goodspeed
- Reversals by Michael Goodspeed
- Richard Branson January 2016
- GOP Consultants 2016 Election
- President Obama’s Reversals January 2016
- Republican Debate December 2015
- Dark Thirty Radio with Jeremy Scott
- Lindsey Graham November 2015
- Edward Snowden November 2015
- President Obama Talking On The Oregon UCC Shooting
- John McCain October 2015
- Democratic Debate October 2015
- President Obama’s Speech On Troop Withdrawl
- Pope Francis US Visit September 2015
- September 2015 Reversals
- Republican Debate September 2015
- President Barrack Obama August 2015
- Benjamin Netanyahu August 2015
- Republican Debate August 2015
- Casey Anthony
- President Barrack Obama July 2015
- Pastor Rick Scarborough July 2015
- Ralph Nader July 2015
- Benjamin Netanyahu July 2015
- Janet Jackson July 2015
- George W. Bush July 2015
- Black Panther Party July 2015
- Ann Coulter July 2015
- Zbigniew Brzezinski June 2015
- Rabbi Daniel Lapin July 2015
- Pat Robertson June 2015
- Pastor Steven L. Anderson June 2015
- Paul McCartney May 2015
- Gordon Klingenschmitt May 2015
- President Barack Obama May 2015
- Michelle Obama May 2015
- Jeb Bush May 2015
- Hillary Clinton May 2015
- Miscellaneous Reversals April 2015
- Senator Rand Paul April 2015
- Sheriff Newell Normand
- Nick Gordon
- Hillary Clinton April 2015
- Cissy Houston
- Bobbi Kristina Brown
- Reverend Al Sharpton
- Reverend X – Don Vincent
- President Barrack Obama State of the Union February 2015
- Katherine McKee
- Charles Strange Father of Michael Strange
- Vice President Joe Biden January 2015
- Kenneth Copeland January 2015
- Benjamin “Bibi” Netanyahu January 2015
- President Barrack Obama January 2015
- Mel Gibson’s Telephone Rant
- Michael Hayden Former CIA Director Reversals
- Samir Shabazz Reversals
- Jonathan Bell Reversals
- George Tenet Reversals Former CIA Director
- Charlie Chaplan Reversals
- Bill Cosby Reversals
- Sydney Seige
- John F. Kennedy Reversals
- Ferguson, MO Police Officer Darren Wilson Reversals
- President Richard M. Nixon Reversals
- President Barrack Obama December 2014
- Malcolm X
- J. Edgar Hoover Conversation With Richard Nixon
- CIA Testing of LSD
- Jeff Rense Reversals
- Dr. Bill Deagle Reversal
- President Obama Speaking On ISIL September 2014
- Zbigniew Brzezinski – Former United States National Security Advisor
- President Obama Speaking On Iraq August 2014
- Joan Rivers
- Client Reversal – Wanting The Self Doubt
- The Crimea Situation March 2014
- Aleister Crowley
- Remote Viewing and Reverse Speech: A Powerful Combination
- President Obama Speaking On Iran December 2013
- John F. Kennedy Assassination
- Obama on the Healthcare Act
- David Rockefeller
- Major Ed Dames
- Did We Go to the Moon or Not – Solved
- Reverse Speech Examples
- Popular Reverse Speech Examples
- Reversals on Children
- Music Reversals
- Reverse Speech Metaphors and Session Work
- Reverse Speech and The Soul
- Reverse Speech and Business Applications
- Conversations in Reverse Speech
- Current Events – July 2007
- Current Events 2006
- Current Events and Reversals 2004
- Current Events and Reversals 2003
- Current Events and Reversals 2001-2002
Political ›
- Analysis of Jeffrey Edward Epstein July 2019
- Cardinal George Pell
- Hidden Middle East Agenda
- Tarek Farag – Former Clinton Aide
- 2018 Supreme Court Hearing Reverse Speech Analyzed Testimony
- President Trump – Kim Jong Un Summit
- Mark Zuckerberg Testifies Before Congress
- President Trump’s SOTU Speech January 2018
- O. J. Simpson Parole Board Analysis
- President Donald Trump – Hannity Interview
- Sirhan Sirhan – Robert Kennedy’s Assassin
- 2016 Third Presidential Candidate Debate
- 2016 Second Presidential Candidate Debate
- Trump’s Released Lewd Comments Tape Scandal
- 2016 Vice Presidential Debate – Kaine vs. Pence
- 2016 Presidential Candidate Debate – Trump vs. Clinton
- Obama Responds To ISIS Creation Accusations
- President Barack Obama $400 Million Iran Payment
- Khizr Khan Responds To Trumps Criticisms
- Newt Gingrich August 2016 – Reversal Analysis
- Hillary Clinton’s Health Records Leaked!
- Democratic National Convention 2016
- Tim Kaine – Hillary Clinton’s VP Pick
- Bernie Sanders Stepping Down
- Republican National Convention 2016
- Donald Rumsfeld On Election 2016
- David Cameron Resigns
- Alan Sugar Reverse Speech Analysis
- Reverse Speech Analysis of Warren Buffett
- Mark Zuckerberg Reverse Speech Analysis
- Orlando Terrorist Shooting June 12, 2016
- Sean Hannity Reversals
- Newt Gingrich Reversals May 2016
- Paul Ryan Reversals May 2016
- Bill Gates Reversal Analysis
- Reinhold Richard “Reince” Priebus Reversals
- April 2016 Reversals
- LaVoy Finicum – Oregon Standoff
- March 2016 Reversals
- British Parliament March 2016
- Bill Clinton March 2016
- Reversals by Michael Goodspeed
- Republican Front Runners of the Iowa Caucuses
- Queen Elizabeth II Christmas Message 2015
- Minister Louis Farrakhan January 2016
- GOP Consultants 2016 Election
- President Obama’s Reversals January 2016
- Republican Debate December 2015
- Lindsey Graham November 2015
- Gordon Duff November 2015
- Edward Snowden November 2015
- President Obama Talking On The Oregon UCC Shooting
- John McCain October 2015
- Democratic Debate October 2015
- President Obama’s Speech On Troop Withdrawl
- Pope Francis US Visit September 2015
- September 2015 Reversals
- Republican Debate September 2015
- President Barrack Obama August 2015
- Benjamin Netanyahu August 2015
- Republican Debate August 2015
- President Barrack Obama July 2015
- Pastor Rick Scarborough July 2015
- Ralph Nader July 2015
- Benjamin Netanyahu July 2015
- George W. Bush July 2015
- Black Panther Party July 2015
- The Queen’s Millenium Address
- The Australian Liberal Party in a Bad Position?
- Zbigniew Brzezinski June 2015
- Christiana Figueres June 2015
- William Jefferson “Bill” Clinton June 2015
- Ann Coulter June 2015
- President Barack Obama May 2015
- Michelle Obama May 2015
- Jeb Bush May 2015
- Hillary Clinton May 2015
- Senator Rand Paul April 2015
- Benjamin Netanyahu April 2015
- First Lady Michelle Obama
- Hillary Clinton April 2015
- Sean Hannity
- Ted Cruz
- Sarah Palin February 2015
- President Barrack Obama State of the Union February 2015
- Benjamin Netanyahu February 2015
- Mitt Romney February 2015
- John McCain February 2015
- Jim Condit, Jr.
- Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper
- President Barrack Obama March 2015
- Benjamin Netanyahu March 2015
- Mia Pope
- Charles Strange Father of Michael Strange
- Dick Cheney on Torture January 2015
- Pastor John Hagee
- Vice President Joe Biden January 2015
- Kenneth Copeland January 2015
- Benjamin “Bibi” Netanyahu January 2015
- President Barrack Obama January 2015
- Dick Cheney Reversals December 2014
- Michael Hayden Former CIA Director Reversals
- Samir Shabazz Reversals
- George Tenet Reversals Former CIA Director
- Sydney Seige
- John F. Kennedy Reversals
- Ferguson, MO Police Officer Darren Wilson Reversals
- President Richard M. Nixon Reversals
- President Barrack Obama December 2014
- Malcolm X
- J. Edgar Hoover Conversation With Richard Nixon
- CIA Testing of LSD
- President Barrack Obama November 2014
- Rosie O’Donnell Reversals On Gun Control
- Vice President Joe Biden November 2014
- President Obama Miscellaneous Reversals October 2014
- President Obama Reversals On Ebola Outbreak October 2014
- President Barrack Obama Reversals On ISIS October 2014
- Senator John McCain Reversals October 2014
- Mel Gibson Reversals October 2014
- Reversals From The Beheading of James Foley
- President Obama Speaking On ISIL September 2014
- Zbigniew Brzezinski – Former United States National Security Advisor
- President Obama Speaking On Iraq August 2014
- The Crimea Situation March 2014
- President Obama Speaking On Iran December 2013
- John F. Kennedy Assassination
- Obama on the Healthcare Act
- Miscellaneous Syrian Conflict Reversals
- Reversals on President Obama Talking About Syria
- President Barack Obama August 2013
- Edward Snowden, Former NSA Security Contractor
- David Rockefeller
- State of The Union 24th January 2012
- Presidential Candidate Rick Santorum
- Barack Obama in Australia
- Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney
- Presidential Candidate Newt Gingrich
- Presidential Candidate Herman Cain
- Michele Bachmann in New Hampshire
- British PM, David Cameron in Parliament
- Presidential Candidate Ron Paul
- Barack Obama in the UK
- The Death of Osama Bin Laden
- Benjamin Netanyahu before Congress
- Barack Obama in Washington DC April 2011
- Sarah Palin at a Tea Party Rally – April 2011
- Barack Obama on the Economy August 2010
- House Speaker Nancy Pelosi
- Defense Secretary Robert Gates
- Barack Obama in Chicago
- Barack Obama at DNC in Atlanta
- Barack Obama at Disabled Veterans Conference
- Barack Obama in Detroit
- Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu
- Barack Obama on Education
- Barack Obama on The View
- Barack Obama Address
- Vice President Joe Biden
- Obama and Netanyahu Press Conference
- British PM David Cameron
- Michelle Obama
- Barack Obama on the Economy July 2010
- Australian Election Debate July 2010
- Vice President Biden
- Obama Address to the Nation on BP Oil Spill
- Julia Gillard Acceptance Speech
- Secretary of State Hillary Clinton
- Sarah Palin at the Tea Party Convention
- State of the Union – January 2010
- Barack Obama July 2009
- Press Conference with British PM Gordon Brown July 2009
- Third Debate with Obama and McCain
- U.S. Presidetial Election 2008
- President Bush in Ireland
- Hillary Clinton Campaign Rally
- Barack Obama Campaign Rally
- John McCain Campaign Rally
- Democratic Debate between Obama and Clinton
- Stunning Obama Drug and Gay Sex Reversals
- Second Interview with Larry Sinclair on the Jeff Rense Program
- Dick Cheney on Larry King Live August 2007
- Bush in South Carolina July 2007
- George Bush Press Conference on Iraq – July 12, 2007
- Hillary Clinton Web Chat
- State of the Union 2007
- Vice President Dick Cheney
- George Bush on the Congress and Senate
- US Secretary of State Rice
- President Bush – January 10th 2007
- Hillary’s No Surprise Candidacy
- Press Conference with Bush and Blair – July 28, 2006
- State Of The Union January 2006
- U.S. Presidential Elections 2004
- Inside the Mind of George W Bush
- Australian PM, John Howard
- Reversals on Mark Latham
- U.S Presidential Race 2000
- Reversals on Australian Politicians
- Reversals on the Kosovo Conflict
- Bill Clinton Impeached!
- Clinton’s Attack on Iraq
- Clinton on Iraq November 11, 1998
- Colonel Gadhafi August 27, 1998
- Afganistan Bombed
- Clinton at JPL April 1998
- Al Gore on Martin Luther King Anniversary
- Bill Clinton Reversals
- Clinton Sex Scandal
- Tony Blair
- 1998 State of the Union Address
- Clinton Budget Address July 29 1997
- Inauguration Reversals
- Election Night 1996
- Presidential Debates
- Hidden Middle East Agenda
- Did We Go to the Moon or Not – Solved
- Reversals on Apollo Astronauts Moon Conspiracy
- UFO Over Phoenix
Other Categories ›
- Men In Black Victim Reversals
- Australian Reversals Page
- Greg Albrecht’s Speech Reversals
- Reversals found by Naomi Longson
- Students Work
- Reversals by Michael Goodspeed
- Reverse Speech Metaphors and Session Work
- Spanish Reversals
Celebrities, News and Miscellaneous ›
- Analysis of Jeffrey Edward Epstein July 2019
- Cardinal George Pell
- Hidden Middle East Agenda
- Tarek Farag – Former Clinton Aide
- 2018 Supreme Court Hearing Reverse Speech Analyzed Testimony
- President Trump – Kim Jong Un Summit
- Mark Zuckerberg Testifies Before Congress
- President Trump’s SOTU Speech January 2018
- O. J. Simpson Parole Board Analysis
- Donald Marshall Jr – Study of a Confused Mind
- President Donald Trump – Hannity Interview
- Sirhan Sirhan – Robert Kennedy’s Assassin
- 2016 Third Presidential Candidate Debate
- 2016 Second Presidential Candidate Debate
- Trump’s Released Lewd Comments Tape Scandal
- 2016 Vice Presidential Debate – Kaine vs. Pence
- 2016 Presidential Candidate Debate – Trump vs. Clinton
- Burke Ramsey’s Interview Analysis
- Obama Responds To ISIS Creation Accusations
- President Barack Obama $400 Million Iran Payment
- Khizr Khan Responds To Trumps Criticisms
- Newt Gingrich August 2016 – Reversal Analysis
- Hillary Clinton’s Health Records Leaked!
- Democratic National Convention 2016
- Tim Kaine – Hillary Clinton’s VP Pick
- Bernie Sanders Stepping Down
- Republican National Convention 2016
- Donald Rumsfeld On Election 2016
- David Cameron Resigns
- Alan Sugar Reverse Speech Analysis
- Reverse Speech Analysis of Warren Buffett
- Mark Zuckerberg Reverse Speech Analysis
- Steve Jobs Reverse Speech Analysis
- Oprah Winfrey Reversal Analysis
- Orlando Terrorist Shooting June 12, 2016
- Sean Hannity Reversals
- Newt Gingrich Reversals May 2016
- Paul Ryan Reversals May 2016
- Bill Gates Reversal Analysis
- Tony Robbins Reversal Analysis
- Sir Richard Charles Nicholas Branson Reversals
- Reinhold Richard “Reince” Priebus Reversals
- April 2016 Reversals
- LaVoy Finicum – Oregon Standoff
- March 2016 Reversals
- British Parliament March 2016
- Bill Clinton March 2016
- Their Fear of Oates
- Reversals by Michael Goodspeed
- Republican Front Runners of the Iowa Caucuses
- Queen Elizabeth II Christmas Message 2015
- Minister Louis Farrakhan January 2016
- Richard Branson January 2016
- GOP Consultants 2016 Election
- President Obama’s Reversals January 2016
- Republican Debate December 2015
- Dark Thirty Radio with Jeremy Scott
- Lindsey Graham November 2015
- Gordon Duff November 2015
- Edward Snowden November 2015
- President Obama Talking On The Oregon UCC Shooting
- John McCain October 2015
- Democratic Debate October 2015
- President Obama’s Speech On Troop Withdrawl
- Pope Francis US Visit September 2015
- September 2015 Reversals
- Republican Debate September 2015
- President Barrack Obama August 2015
- Benjamin Netanyahu August 2015
- Republican Debate August 2015
- Casey Anthony
- President Barrack Obama July 2015
- Pastor Rick Scarborough July 2015
- Ralph Nader July 2015
- Benjamin Netanyahu July 2015
- Janet Jackson July 2015
- George W. Bush July 2015
- Black Panther Party July 2015
- Ann Coulter July 2015
- The Queen’s Millenium Address
- The Australian Liberal Party in a Bad Position?
- Zbigniew Brzezinski June 2015
- Rabbi Daniel Lapin July 2015
- Pat Robertson June 2015
- Pastor Steven L. Anderson June 2015
- Christiana Figueres June 2015
- William Jefferson “Bill” Clinton June 2015
- Ann Coulter June 2015
- Paul McCartney May 2015
- Gordon Klingenschmitt May 2015
- President Barack Obama May 2015
- Michelle Obama May 2015
- Jeb Bush May 2015
- Hillary Clinton May 2015
- Miscellaneous Reversals April 2015
- Senator Rand Paul April 2015
- Benjamin Netanyahu April 2015
- Sheriff Newell Normand
- Nick Gordon
- First Lady Michelle Obama
- Hillary Clinton April 2015
- Sean Hannity
- Cissy Houston
- Ted Cruz
- Bobbi Kristina Brown
- Reverend Al Sharpton
- Reverend X – Don Vincent
- Sarah Palin February 2015
- President Barrack Obama State of the Union February 2015
- Benjamin Netanyahu February 2015
- Mitt Romney February 2015
- John McCain February 2015
- Jim Condit, Jr.
- Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper
- Pat Robertson
- President Barrack Obama March 2015
- Benjamin Netanyahu March 2015
- Mia Pope
- Madonna
- Kim Kardashian
- Mustapha Farrakhan, Sr.
- Charlie Sheen Reversals
- Katherine McKee
- Charles Strange Father of Michael Strange
- Dick Cheney on Torture January 2015
- Pastor John Hagee
- Vice President Joe Biden January 2015
- Kenneth Copeland January 2015
- Benjamin “Bibi” Netanyahu January 2015
- President Barrack Obama January 2015
- Mel Gibson’s Telephone Rant
- Dick Cheney Reversals December 2014
- Michael Hayden Former CIA Director Reversals
- Samir Shabazz Reversals
- Jonathan Bell Reversals
- George Tenet Reversals Former CIA Director
- Charlie Chaplan Reversals
- Bill Cosby Reversals
- Sydney Seige
- John F. Kennedy Reversals
- Ferguson, MO Police Officer Darren Wilson Reversals
- President Richard M. Nixon Reversals
- President Barrack Obama December 2014
- Malcolm X
- J. Edgar Hoover Conversation With Richard Nixon
- CIA Testing of LSD
- President Barrack Obama November 2014
- Jeff Rense Reversals
- Rosie O’Donnell Reversals On Gun Control
- Vice President Joe Biden November 2014
- Jim Traficant Reversals November 2014
- President Obama Miscellaneous Reversals October 2014
- President Obama Reversals On Ebola Outbreak October 2014
- President Barrack Obama Reversals On ISIS October 2014
- Senator John McCain Reversals October 2014
- Mel Gibson Reversals October 2014
- Dr. Bill Deagle Reversal
- Reversals From The Beheading of James Foley
- President Obama Speaking On ISIL September 2014
- Zbigniew Brzezinski – Former United States National Security Advisor
- President Obama Speaking On Iraq August 2014
- Joan Rivers
- The Crimea Situation March 2014
- Aleister Crowley
- President Obama Speaking On Iran December 2013
- John F. Kennedy Assassination
- Obama on the Healthcare Act
- Miscellaneous Syrian Conflict Reversals
- Reversals on President Obama Talking About Syria
- Princess Diana Talking About Failed Marriage
- President Barack Obama August 2013
- Australian Reversals Page
- Remote Viewing
- David Rockefeller
- Donald Trump
- The Queen Addresses the United Nations
- Tiger Woods Apology
- Reversals on Charles Manson
- Martin Luther King
- Reversals on Ted Bundy
- Tammy Faye Messner
- Secret of the Skull and Bones Revealed
- The Warnings of Benjamin Fulford
- Paris Hilton
- Anna Nicole Smith
- The Queen
- Reversals On John Mark Karr
- Joran van der Sloot
- Music Reversals
- Reversals on Apollo Astronauts Moon Conspiracy
- Reversals On Michael Schiavo
- Reversals on Scott Peterson
- Reversals on Kobe Bryant
- The Azaria Chamberlain Case
- Shane Warne Sex Scandal
- Project for Aussie TV Appearance
- Courtney Love
- Celebrity Reversals
- Judas Priest Trial
- O.J Simpson Reversals
- Phenomenon the Movie
- The Jon Benet Ramsey Case
- Scandal Rocks the Cricketing World
- TWA Flight 800
- Sports Figure Reversals
- Sonny Bono Funeral Service
- Reversals on the Hindenburg Disaster
- David Koresh
- Clinton Sex Scandal
Coast To Coast Guests ›
- Reversals by Michael Goodspeed
- Gordon Duff November 2015
- Al Bielek – The Philadelphia Experiment
- Reversal Of Richard C Hoagland
- JPL Kent Exposed!
- Major Ed Dames
- Mark Fuhrman Interview
- Zahi Hawass
- Harlot: Self-Proclaimed Witch
- Victor on the Art Bell Show
- Art Bell’s Area 51 Callers
- Colonel Phillip Corso
Articles ›
- Their Fear of Oates
- Exposing the Alternate World with Reverse Speech
- Special Report by Michael Goodspeed
- Article by Michael Goodspeed
- Reversals by Michael Goodspeed
- Remote Viewing and Reverse Speech: A Powerful Combination
- Reverse Speech Metaphors and Session Work