America’s Coup d’état Thanks to Reverse Speech Analysts Shawn Smith and Shewolfe, and the students of the 2016 Reverse Speech training classes, who assisted with this page through contributions of some reversals and descriptions towards solving the John F. Kennedy …
Reversals Database » Political
Obama on the Healthcare Act
Obama – “I said, that I would, [do everything we can] to fix this problem and today I’m offering an idea that will help do it.” – They make you little road Obama – “I’m not going to …
Miscellaneous Syrian Conflict Reversals
Assad: “But nobody ex[pected it until September], so you can not expect. Its difficult for anyone to tell you whats going to happen.” – The madness of America Assad: “First of all they have rockets and they’ve been throwing rockets …
Reversals on President Obama Talking About Syria
“What I’ve also concluded is that direct military engagement, [involvement, in the civil war in Syria] would not help the situation on the ground.” – There is no worse than an involvement – he is reluctant to get involved in …
President Barack Obama August 2013
Here is a random collection of Reversals on President Barack Obama “[Theres escalation of troop] levels.” – Bushmen shall excise it “This afternoon I [spoke to former President] George W Bush.” – As I promote the corpse …
Edward Snowden, Former NSA Security Contractor
“So long as the public gets [to make their own decisions about] how that’s applied.” – I am just American “[And the more you] talk about it the more you’re ignored.” – The omen “[Even by a wrong …