Here are a few reversals on ISIL from the beheading of James Foley. This audio was recorded from this video. The Beheading of James Foley ISIL – “ deny the Muslims their rights of living [in safety under the …
Reversals Database » Political
President Obama Speaking On ISIL September 2014
Here are a some recent Reversals on President Barrack Obama speaking about ISIL and his strategy to fight them. The speeches these Reversals come from were download from the website. Obama – “First, we will conduct [a …
Zbigniew Brzezinski – Former United States National Security Advisor
Zbigniew Brzezinski is a Polish American political scientist, geostrategist, and statesman who served as United States National Security Advisor to President Jimmy Carter from 1977 to 1981. Zbigniew Brzezinski – “..????, the hardliners, the ones that propagate confrontation …
President Obama Speaking On Iraq August 2014
Here are a few recent Reversals on President Barrack Obama speaking about various aspects of the new Iraqi crisis. Obama – “..that’s what the bill I am about to sign will help us achieve, but I want, to …
The Crimea Situation March 2014
Obama – “When it comes to our core interests or our [NATO allies’ we can protect ours]elves.” – Our sarcastic abuse, allow it in. Obama – “We want to deal with Russia and the West and America and …
President Obama Speaking On Iran December 2013
Obama – “Simply put, they cut off Iran’s most likely paths to a bomb” – I boast Obama – “The world is united, in support of our determination, to prevent Iran from developing a nuclear weapon.” – The …