Obama – “..they got a tough job to do to maintain public safety and hold accountable those who break the law. As they do their jobs in the coming days, they need to work with the community not against …
Reversals Database » Political
Malcolm X
Malcolm X – “..what kind of social or political system is it when a black man has no voice in court, has no nothing on his side other than what the white man chooses to give him. My brothers …
J. Edgar Hoover Conversation With Richard Nixon
Hoover – “..H-but I would certainly, [???? N-well, H-just remaining silent]. N-Yea.” – I’m Asking every second for survival. Nixon – “..you know that line [that the ?], permissiveness is ? you notice that I thought it was …
CIA Testing of LSD
Here is a woman talking about the testing of LSD on citizens for mind control by the CIA during the 1950’s into the early 1970’s on a project called MKUltra. Unknown – “..I can’t tell you [about it, if …
President Barrack Obama November 2014
Obama – “..and those who wanna be a part of a peaceful Afghanistan must break from Al Queda, abandon violence, and abide [by the Afghan] constitution.” – They paid up. Obama – “we’ve been tak[ing the necessary precaution]s …
Rosie O’Donnell Reversals On Gun Control
O’Donnell – “..they say we cannot defeat the gun lobby, [they are wrong]. We will, we must.” – All riot. O’Donnell – “Hello and welcome to the million Mom march. Tomorrow you’re going to hear the NRA saying …