Obama Responds To ISIS Creation Accusations

Obama Responds To ISIS Creation Accusations President Barack Obama responds to ISIS creation accusations this week. Donald Trump has accused President Barack Obama of being the founder or creator of ISIS. Trump is also accusing Hillary Clinton as being the …

Khizr Khan Responds To Trumps Criticisms

Khizr Khan Responds To Trumps Criticisms – Reverse Speech Analysis Khizr Khan and his wife Ghazala appeared at the Democratic National Convention and are the Pakistani American parents of United States Army Captain Humayun Khan, who was killed in 2004 …

Newt Gingrich August 2016 – Reversal Analysis

Newt Gingrich August 2016 – Reversal Analysis Newt Gingrich was born June 17, 1943 and is an American political consultant, politician, businessman, historian, and Republican leader. He was elected to Georgia’s 6th congressional district as a Republican from 1979 until …

Democratic National Convention 2016

    Democratic National Convention 2016 Reverse Speech Analysis   Here are the speech reversals from the Reverse Speech analysis on those participating in the Democratic National Convention. Some of the major players are Hillary Clinton, of course, and her …