Netanyahu – “They deliberately fired thousands of rockets are our civilians [while hiding be]hind Palestinian civilians whom they use as a human shield.” – They need our help. Netanyahu – “I’m going to the United States not …
Reversals Database » Celebrities, News and Miscellaneous
Mitt Romney February 2015
Romney – “Israel is [the only one] whose creation can fairly be called a miracle, he wrote. It’s a deeply moving experience.” – Now we lie. Romney – “The story at how America, a nation still so …
John McCain February 2015
McCain – “(Interviewer) OK, are you meeting the national council this morning? (McCain) Yes, we’re meeting with the council, we’re meeting with [the military, we’re meeting with] lots of people. (Interviewer) Are you concerned about the people that are …
Jim Condit, Jr.
Condit – “Office holders like Congressman Boehner and of course just about the entire congress, whether they are guilty of treason because they’re [aiding and comforting] ah, what is actually an enemy of the United States/Israel hacking off the …
Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper
Harper – “..and so we either stand up for our values and our interests here in Israel, [stand up for the] existence of a free democratic and distinctively Jewish state or the retreat of our values and our interests …
Pat Robertson
Robertson – “ an addiction of this ???? destroyed [me and my family].” – Heal my family.