Reverse Speech Examples

Welcome to the audio section of the Reverse Speech website. This site contains 1000s of examples of speech reversals covering a wide range of topics from politics to health, children and music, therapy and ufos to name a few. These …

Popular Reverse Speech Examples

  Franklin Graham No one is immune from Reverse Speech. Here are two reversals on Franklin Graham (the son of Evangelist Billy Graham). In the first one he says – I have anger to give you – Download mp3 file. …

Reversals on Children

Reverse Speech research has discovered that children speak backwards before they do forwards. From as early as 4 months of age they are pronouncing simple words in reverse and by the time they reach 13-14 months of age, complex sentences …

Music Reversals

Backward messages in reverse music (commonly known as Backward Masking) have been a controversy ever since the late 60s, when messages were found backwards on some Beatles’ albums that hinted Paul McCartney had died. The controversy raged extensively in the …

Reverse Speech Metaphors and Session Work

Reverse Speech Metaphors in Session Work Reverse Speech has amazing applications in the therapeutic arena especially since reversals reveal instructions to manipulate metaphors and their structures within the sub-conscious mind. Click here to read an article about Reverse Speech and …

Reverse Speech and The Soul

Reverse Speech contains many references to the Soul. It talks about the Soul as being an intricate part of our lives. It says the soul can be damaged, and its state can affect our behaviour and moods. It talks about …