ReverseSpeech Testimonials

Video Testimonials

Here in this video is a group of professionals that have first hand knowledge and training in Reverse SpeechTM speaking about the concepts and benefits of using Reverse SpeechTM therapy aka. MetawalksTM, in their everyday professions and lives. Click Here To View Duration: 14:50 min/sec.
Group of Professionals
May 30, 2013
Alexander's Video Testimonial
Alexander's Testimonial
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Recent Video Testimonials
Group Testimonial
Reverse Speech

Audio Testimonials

You may listen to Saj MC a group of individual past clients here speaking about how Reverse SpeechTM helped them in their lives as a result of Reverse SpeechTM therapy which is otherwise known as MetawalksTM. Click Here To Listen Duration: 1:01:05 hr/min/sec.
Past Clients
Compiled May 30, 2013

Professional Endorsements

In conjunction with David Oates I have conducted a preliminary experiment into the phenomena known as "backward masking".Preliminary analysis of information processing within the human brain has revealed two working hypotheses.1. That brain activity alters significantly when backward masking (reverse speech) occurs. 2. That brain activity alters significantly in two different manners when different types of backward masking (reverse speech) are presented.I shall continue to explore the validity and implications of backward masking using brain wave analysis procedures in conjunction with David Oates in the near future.
Marcus S. Tomlian
David Oates brought his genius, skill and determination, displayed in his pursuit and development of Reverse Speech, to his therapeutic work.With his unique investigative tool, David is able to engage the therapeutic patient very rapidly and intensely. This can introduce rapid change quickly, even in chronic situation.I am proud to recommend my colleague and friend to those people who demonstrate the foresight to seek out David as a colleague or as a therapist and as a teacher.
John Suess
Founder of MYNDSLINK
It is with great pleasure that I provide a reference for David Oates. I met David over a year ago and since then have come to know him and his work quite well. Further, it has been a source of great satisfaction for me that I have been able to help David with financial backing and general support.I believe that his work is of the highest importance - breaking entirely new ground and with significant implications for the way we understand and utilize our human capacities for communication. These are large and sweeping statements, however, I speak from personal experience. David has carried out reverse speech sessions with all members of my family. The results have been extremely illuminating and they brushed aside any final vestiges of old-fashioned skepticism, which my engineering and commercial training caused me to carry. Equally, I have followed his work in association with counselors in Queensland, where the insights and messages uncovered during therapeutic sessions have been of great benefit.David is single-minded and relentless in his pursuit of the field he has developed. I have been struck by the fact that he never rests content with any new insight or addition to his technology. Every time that we speak, he seems to have something new to report. A year ago, David had evidence of Reverse Speech and various theories that he was pursuing. The progress he has made since then has been little short of staggering.I am delighted that groups in the U.S. are showing enthusiasm for David’s work. It is my view that it is highly important and I hope that he obtains whatever support is necessary to continue the development - and also ensure the wide dissemination - of the subject.Please do not hesitate to contact my if you need any further information.
Dr. Timothy Pascoe
Ph.D. (Cantab.), M.B.A. (Harvard), B.E., B.Ec. (Adelaide)
David is at the point entirely satisfied that he has many, many examples to demonstrate the phenomena.......The notion that language can carry extra secondary and tertiary messages as well as the overt manifest content is well known to many of you who have studied the works of Dr. Erickson, where double and triple messages are the standard practise in such a device.
Dr. John Grinder
(At the Sydney NLP convention June 1988)
I have known David Oates for over a year. He has conducted numerous seminars or Reverse Speech where I was a participant. His presentation of his research has been highly interesting and, without doubt, unique. I have had several private sessions with David and discovered, through my own reversals, an enormous amount of material that was extremely helpful in my own personal growth.The interest in reverse communication research has been growing and it is fast becoming known internationally. To this effect I have invited David to present his work at the International Experiential Psychotherapy Conference to be held in Germany in 1990.I recommend highly David’s work. His extreme dedication to his research and publication of his results is promising a bright future for the betterment of individuals and society.
Yaro Starak
BA (Manitoba), BSocWk, MSW (Be. Col.), AdvDipSW (Tor.) Lecturer in Social Work
I refer to your request for advice on legal implications of Reverse Speech. I have heard your tapes and am personally satisfied that it does clearly exist..... It would seem quite clear that it is open to the police to use tapes to search for reverse communication which may help them with their investigations.....It seems it would have significance to finding out information of a sensitive political, military or industrial nature.... I think it is such a can of worms that it will be dutifully ignored by all and sundry with a desire that you will just go away and hide the research
James Rossiter
LL.B, G.A., G.D.L.P., Dip Ed. (South Australia)
Well you will be pleased to know that your interpretations of the Reverse Speech found on the television interview with a very high ranking corruption suspect have paid off.Using the information gathered a reporter was able to convey to the investigation team a possible location of some hidden assets of the suspect. Armed with this information and other leads the investigation team was able to identify a geographical location to investigate. They found substantial real estate property belonging to the suspect which he had earlier denied owning.Sorry about not being able to identify person involved however they are known to you. Congratulations David, it works. Hope to see you soon.
Michael Wearing
UNISON INTERNATIONAL Management and Personnel Consultants
I have recently become aware of the groundbreaking work of Mr. David Oates in the field of "Reverse Speech".This is a form of communication lying completely outside conscious awareness. If it is validated - as I suspect it will be, after examining the evidence thus far - this discovery may prove to be of Nobel caliber.It is rare that a truly novel, creative, and profoundly important discovery is made in the field of human communication. These events are unusual, only a few in any century. Mr. Oates’ stunning findings seem to fall into this category. While one’s enthusiasm must be restrained as this idea is carefully elaborated and validated, it is difficult to not sense the excitement that is gathering around his unique work.
Larry Dossey, M.D
Diplomate, American Board of Internal Medicine
David John Oates has made one of the great discoveries of all time. He has proven that man’s true-Self speaks in reverse. He has documented and developed the art, science and philosophy of Reverse Speech. He is in a class with Thomas Edison, Nicola Tesla, Albert Einstein and Alexander Graham Bell. David John Oates, like Bell, shortly after he invented the telephone, is confronted by many who are excited about his great discovery but are still asking, ‘What practical use is it?’ I am amazed that anyone would ask such a question. My prediction is that Reverse Speech will revolutionize all aspects of human life. Most importantly, it will help us become truly congruent - saying what we mean and meaning what we say. This is the basis of integrity and real mental health. If anyone deserves world-wide recognition, it’s David John Oates. We owe him an enormous debt of gratitude.
Dr. Virgil Chrane
President, Alphabiotics International, 1990
In September, 1989, I began a study of Reverse Speech under the direction of Mr. David Oates. I was especially attracted to this field of study by the applications Reverse Speech has for counseling psychology.Using Reverse Speech as a tool to allow the client to communicate with self can significantly reduce the length of client therapy time. Reverse Speech will serve clinical psychologists as computers now serve statisticians.What is revealed in Reverse Speech, plus the use the counselor makes of it with the client, can help the client achieve a depth of self understanding never before achieved outside of some hypnosis. I have used Reverse Speech in counseling psychology and am very pleased with the results.Reverse Speech is a major breakthrough in communication brought about by rather recent technologies which promoted its discovery. Although Reverse Speech will revolutionize communication as it now exists, we are only seeing the tip of the iceberg. As the various levels of speech communication unfold through the work of David Oates and others, we are only beginning to understand the applications for this phenomenon.I will be happy to serve as a reference for Mr. Oates, and welcome inquiries about Reverse Speech.
Merle McElroy
Ed.D. Department of Psychology
Freud gave the world the subconscious mind, active and dynamic. Jung added levels to the subconscious/unconscious including the collective unconscious which connects all of us together at some level. Although generally accepted by most, Freud and Jung’s work are hotly debated constructs between psychologists today.The genius of researcher David Oates will not only serve as the bellows to increase the tension involved in the heated exchange between psychologists over the operation and existence of a subconscious/unconscious in the Jungian or Freudian sense, but it will ultimately serve as the force that will weld opposing views. The observational characteristics Oates has discovered cannot be ignored or denied any more than gravity or electricity---even if it takes science several years to work out a satisfactory model of the why’s and what for’s.REVERSE SPEECH [the book] is a revolution, a whole new paradigm, and may have more impact on history than any single book ever written!
Eldon Taylor
My initial impression of Reverse Speech was one of intrigue. Many people within my medical practice had spoken to me before about their intuitive nature and how it had informed them on one level or another about events of daily life. For me, I was interested in the possibility of helping individuals through Reverse Speech uncover their deeply unconscious motives that may be guiding their particular patterns of behavior and illness. Thus, I cam to Reverse Speech with an open mind thinking of it as another possible tool in which to share with patients in their journey towards health.Not having had any prior acquaintance with David Oates, I embarked with my wife on an initial taping session to discover first hand what possibilities lie ahead. We shared basic day to day type concerns regarding office practice, marriage, etc.. David took this half hour taping and proceeded to spend the next three to four hours dissecting it in reverse. What he found and what he revealed to us as a result of our half hour conversation fascinated us. He began to speak about some of the unconscious reasons as to why things were happening. My wife and I did not discover anything radically new, but we were fascinated how a person who did not know us could be so insightful as to who we were.Thus, I began to share with patients my experience with this process called Reverse Speech and some began to look into themselves. They too experience, somewhat incredulously, the fact that Reverse Speech could unravel aspects of their inner psyche by merely listening to their tapes in reverse.Given the informational value of Reverse Speech, I then began to question the therapeutic possibilities of actually helping people break these unconscious patterns of behavior in their lives. David is working with this very thing and has spoken of helping individuals with various types of difficulties. Personally, I cannot comment as of yet as to the therapeutic value because I await the results and feedback of my patients. However, I am very excited as to what may lie ahead in Reverse Speech. Given the feedback and results I have seen thus far, I think great possibility lies within the realm of Reverse Speech.
James F. Murphy, Jr
D.O. Osteopathic Physician and Surgeon
As I reflect upon our professional relationship centered around Reverse Speech Therapy, I note the shared concern that up to this point its potential and capabilities have failed to be fairly assessed.You correctly assume a large part of this situation. It has been difficult for you concurrently to develop the technology and to protect it from a few who want to exploit it without giving you the credit you deserve and without apparent concern about the significant ethical issues involved in its use.While the gestation of Reverse Speech Therapy has been long, I urge patience and persistence in continuing the high road that you have selected to bring it into the mainstream of mental health and commercial applications. You have long recognized the important ethical issues inherent in its use. What we have all underestimated is the resistance to give this technology a fair assessment. This is, I suspect, the predictable fate of any new technology that threatens to have a profound impact on existing belief structures and behavior. The fact that it is simultaneously simple in application and penetrating in effect makes it appear suspect and dangerous. Don’t give up on it, focus your effort to a few important areas. There will be a day when it will be broadly used and its importance recognized and appreciated for the degree of truthfulness that it ushered into society.
C.B. Scott Jones, Ph.D
President, Human Potential Foundation
The discovery of the phenomenon of speech reversals as a communication of thought from the unconscious mind could bring an historic change in the political and legal arenas. In politics, the additional information about a politician’s thoughts give n by speech reversals could alter dramatically the way that politicians conduct their election campaigns and other public speaking, and perhaps the typed of people who decide to enter politics. In the criminal justice system, speech reversals could be a powerful new tool for police and prosecutors, and for defense attorneys, to gain additional information in the investigative and trial stages of a criminal matter. In both civil and criminal litigation, the testimony given by witnesses is almost always crucial to the outcome of the case. If it comes to be widely accepted that speech reversals represent a means to obtain information from the unconscious mind that cannot be consciously altered or falsified, then hardly any major lawsuit will ever be tried without making the use of analysis of witnesses’ speech reversals. On the one hand, this may increase the cost of litigation. On the other hand, however, the increased ability of both parties to investigate the facts, and the greater pressure on witnesses to tell the truth because a falsehood may be more easily discovered, may in fact shorten many lawsuits, and may keep some lawsuits from ever being commenced. If speech reversals are what David Oates’ research seems to indicate - communication from the unconscious that can be understood with some degree of accuracy - then this discovery represents a tremendous advance in our knowledge of the human mind. Perhaps more importantly, the discovery will cause revolutionary change in the political and legal arenas, which lie at the heart of the manner in which we organize our society. All those who love truth will welcome that change.
W. Paul Stewart, Attorney
B.A. American Studies, Stanford University M.A. Humanities, Stanford University J.D., University of Texas
Wow! What a discovery! Reverse Speech will completely change life... make that reverse we know it. It allows no skirting of issues, no denial, no escape from reality. Reversals go straight to the core. It exposes our hidden unconscious programs, personality quirks and behavior patterns. It snaps us out of oblivion, finally giving us a choice of action again. In my opinion, there is no tool in existence that comes close to the perceptiveness or efficacy of Reverse Speech.David John Oates is a genius of our time. He has revealed the essence of individual and collective human nature. Anyone who chooses to use this tool when deciding on a business partner, employee or a course of action will have the winning edge. It is the ultimate Truth Detector. And if the world is ready for it, Reverse Speech will be used by the leaders and innovators in every field from psychology to medicine, business to law enforcement, athletics to the stage within the next few years. I firmly believe that anyone who doesn't use this tool will be at a great disadvantage in the twenty-first century.
Dr. Karen Boone, O.M.D., Ph.D., L.Ac
Doctor of Oriental Medicine, Doctor of Nutritional Science, Licensed Acupuncturist and Herbalist
David Oates Is a Genius and his Reverse Speech technology is a profound system to help you achieve any desire you have. I am a successful Internet Marketer and I initially contacted David to work on increasing my finances as well as work on specific health issues and in enhancing my manifesting abilities. The very first day after doing my reversals with David I made contacts that have now been worth several multiple 6 figures to me. I have made money faster than ever and continue to do so. My health issues have completely disappeared and my manifesting abilities are starting to defy the laws of nature! I am so impressed by this technology and by David Oates that I intend to develop a whole marketing program to promote this myself. This is literally one of the most powerful therapies and tools to transform your life on the planet. Book a session now and I guarantee that you wont regret it.
Saj P.
First of all I want to thank you so much for allowing me to be part of your profound life changing concept.I had been introduced to the reserve speech concept by my best friend, hearing from my friend initially I was already blown away. In the back of mind I have been looking for a concept like this for some time but I never knew how and where to find it.When I started my session with David I positioned myself more to wealth manifestation and after session one I was totally surprised to find out what information I was holding onto in my unconscious mind. Once the session had ended I manifested 60,000 potential client list with names, phone numbers and email addresses! Also I have manifested a client who would like to work with us who has a fund up to £2 million and many more clients are starting to join our company!After my second session the new door has opened for me. I am just about to set up some new businesses which will generate seven figure revenue per annum.I cannot thank David enough for what he has done for me, I am truly truly grateful to you David to changing my life in such short space of time. This is the fastest way to manifest anything in your life using his reverse speech technique.I strongly recommend this to anyone who wants to improve their wealth, health, business, relationship or any aspect of life. This is a must do concept and will be life changing.Thank you David, God bless.
Raj D.
When I first started with David Oates my approach was hey it’s worth a try why not? I was running a business with my partner and although we had been fairly successful, life kept putting hurdles in our way, I was getting fed up of hitting the same brick wall. I’m actually a no fuss kind of person, I hate talking about my business or “sharing” with friends, I hate nagging or moaning at my husband. I needed to speak to someone but did not want a traditional councilor who would sit there, with no experience of what I was going through and most likely judge me. The great thing about talking with David is that it’s pretty much like handing someone a shopping list of all the things you want and a list of all the things you don’t want for him to take care of. It doesn’t always go exactly as you expect but the results are pretty close and always astonishing. Because I get to speak to him I’m not one of those miserable people who sits down the pub complaining about everything. In fact I’m a lot lighter and easier to be around because I speak with David on a regular basis. One secret is that he doesn’t always remember what you tell him, this is great because it doesn’t actually matter, what counts is the results he gets. If you told me years ago that talking with a reverse speech therapist would be essential for the building of my business I would have laughed in your face, if you ask me now I’d tell you that having David on call is one of the smartest work related choices I have ever made. However I do I believe in spirit, energy, vibrations and the subconscious if these thing make no sense to you, then David is not your man. If you think that there’s a small chance that the subconscious and your spirit effect how your world is shaped then give RST a try. Some people choose to see business advisers or consultants etc, I knew what I wanted to get from my business, I didn’t need someone else pointing things out to me, I needed someone who could get my subconscious out of the way so I could strive for and achieve the success I wanted and now continuously experience. Thanks for listening and reversing David!
T.A .

Early Media Quotes

As Oates played back some famous speeches, you could hear audible gasps of recognition in the audience ... Think of the fun journalists will have next time a politician says 'Read my lips'.
Dallas Times Herald
June, 1989
Oates is convinced that psychologically significant messages are buried backward in speech, messages that people send and receive without being aware of it ... the theory reached the courts in the 1980s ... (however) neither legal team wanted to put a guy on the stand who would say 'Of course, Stained Class had backward messages, and so does Sesame Street, and so did the Judge's conversation with his wife that morning' ... It's a shame to think that there are tools going unused that could give some sense of what our office seeking fellow citizens have really got in mind.
Discover Magazine
July, 1992
This new frontier can be used as an exciting and new investigative tool ... the police department in Australia did verify that [Reverse Speech] located a murder weapon in the basement.
The National Private Investigators Journal
April, 1991
Oates is downright evangelical when it comes to the practical applications of his research.
The Daily Texan
Feb, 1991
The possibilities are intriguing. If it’s real when the President says, ‘I knew nothing’, we’ll know if he’s telling the truth.... debates might even become fun again.
Dallas Morning News
June, 1989
Mr. Oates...has been in touch with federal negotiators near the cult’s compound, but he said he didn’t know how much credence, if any, negotiators gave his analysis. He acknowledged that his process of listening to a person’s speech in reverse to detect subconscious messages is a relatively new technique, and is not broadly accepted.
Dallas Morning News
March 11, 1993
Since releasing the First Edition of the book, Beyond Backward Masking, in November, 1987, the public response and interest in our research has been tremendous. A major television network in Adelaide announced it as ‘The discovery of the Seventh Sense,’ whilst another network in a national broadcast stated ‘ certainly is earth-shattering’. Other media comments include.........."He can prove that he has discovered the seventh sense, a way to read people's minds ... it's a totally new area (and) the influence of this discovery could be enormous.
Australian People Magazine
Feb, 1988
This may turn out to be a discovery that could turn our knowledge of languages, and how the mind works with language, into a world shaker!
Journal of Australia. NLP Society
Dec, 1987
David says we often unconsciously comprehend the backward messages of others and recognize the messages as intuition ... he is adamant that he is onto something big here - new insights into human communication with implications for police interrogation and psychiatric analysis. He's dubbed it Reverse Speech and suggests it may be humankind's seventh sense. Believe it or not, the way forwards may just be backwards.
The Adelaide Advertiser, Australia
March, 1988
He makes serious claims to support his theory ... a pioneer in linguistic theory ... anyone prone to criticism of Reverse Speech theory would be advised not to have their comments recorded.
The Brisbane Sun, Australia
March, 1989
Messenger Press
Adelaide, January, 1988
An Adelaide man has put thousands of hours of research into listening to speech played backwards. What he has found is certainly earth-shattering.... [He] has found messages that he says relate in a direct but subconscious way to what is being said forwards...not subliminal Satanic messages, but a subconscious variation of what is going through the speaker’s mind at the time....An amazing story.
ABC TV, The 7:30 Report
November 30, 1987
Adelaide researchers have claimed that messages can be heard when recordings are played backwards... speeches of politicians contained hidden messages when their speeches were played backwards. Mr. Oates claimed the reverse message in such speeches is the voice of the inner mind.
The Sunday Mail
November 29, 1987
I found the book to be quite interesting as I browsed haven’t convinced me, I have to tell you.
Jeremy Cordeaux, Radio 5KA
Adelaide, December, 1987
An account which I found very compelling reading, and one which is sure to create wide interest. Greg and David have uncovered some startling facts.
The Northern Gazette
Adelaide, December, 1987
Adelaide researchers claim they have discovered the Seventh Sense through their study of backward masking, the practice of listening to music and speech played in reverse. They have taken the study of Backward Masking further into what they say is a world-first in research into the subject.... They have come up with the startling conclusion that unconscious thoughts unintentionally appear in speech.... They believe their results can be used to recognize and correct speech problems and psychological disorders.
SAS Channel Ten
Adelaide, December 2, 1987
I think I’ll play this program backwards after lunch to find out just what I thought of you guys.
Radio 5SE
Mount Gambier, S.A., December, 1987
The pair are the first people to delve into the mystery of Reversed Speech, so their book takes the concept of Backward Masking beyond previous discoveries.
The Naracoorte Herald
S.A., January, 1988
They have been called everything from ‘quacks’ to ‘dangerous,’ but have just published a book that is in big demand..... It’s a radical theory..... If taken seriously by those in authority, it has the potential to revolutionize humanity’s understanding of itself.
Messenger Press
Adelaide, January 27, 1988
The professionals will want to see clearer evidence before they agree to any radical theory like this...... If you’re about to make a public speech or appearance, take care! Dave and Greg might find out what you really mean when you tell us what you want us to think.
National Nine Network, ‘A Current Affair’
March 17, 1988
The possibility exists for developing Reverse Speech towards a reliable means of accessing the inner recesses of the human mind.
Unicorn Magazine
December, 1988
From an electronics background, the whiz kid has come to see it as one of the significant discoveries of recent times.
Picture Magazine
February, 1989
David’s theories are gaining acceptance. Psychotherapist Caroline Meade has been using his expertise in the treatment of her patients: Meade - "If there’s something going on, some strong drive that we’re not picking up on, then I will often suggest that the person go and do a session with David; and when they come back with the reversals, it becomes very apparent what’s going on....
National TV, The Ten Network
April, 1989
David does a lot of work using TV videos and he says that body language, facial expressions and eye movements are often a clue to when someone is about to say backwards what they would never say forwards.
Australasian Post
April, 1989
David Oates is leaving Australia to join the lucrative American lecture circuit... his theories are gaining wide acceptance by professional and investigative agencies.
Channel Seven News Nationwide
July, 1989

Client Testimonials

Reverse Speech has given me more freedom in my life. Obstacles that limited me are not there anymore. I am studying for a new career that I would only have dreamed about before.
Irene Weston
Engineer Computer Draftsperson
The biggest benefit of my Reverse Speech work was having my sexual abuse acknowledged and having acceptance for the love I felt for my Dad.
Exercise Instructor, San Diego, CA
I had a very bizarre pattern in my life that continually sabotaged my efforts to improve. Whenever I told anyone about it, they thought I was making it up. With Reverse Speech I was able to see exactly what was going on and why it was going on. In four months time I completely transformed a situation I had been working on for 20 years.
Ken Kettler
Golf Pro, San Diego, CA
Reverse Speech is a new technology that reaches to the tap root of the psychic. Having experienced the process, I can attest to the power and profoundness of the changes in my own life. It untangles the neurotic structures of outdated belief systems and empowers the individual to make beneficial changes on all levels of living. Its great advantage is the relatively short time involved to make lasting changes compared to years of counseling in which the subconscious is glimpsed but seldom spoken or listened to directly. The integrity of the method is the ego and beliefs of the facilitator is set aside and the subconscious of the individual client is directly accessed to give the information on the changes needed to heal the individual by their own subconscious. I highly recommend this paradigm for all those who want fast lasting changes in their lives.
Cassandra L. Cholaki
Ms D
I decided to do session work because - being a student of Reverse Speech - I thought I needed the experience. I wanted to improve my memory and get rid of my fear of speaking in public, my fear of being in the spotlight. Shortly after my first trance I felt major shifts taking place. My memory improved considerably and amazed friends pointed out to me that I say whatever and whenever I wanted to. It felt so natural to me, that I haven't even noticed the difference!I soon found out, though, that those points were only the tip of the "iceberg of change". Here are a few more points that changed along with my initial intent:
  • I am much more grounded. I take full responsibility for my life and all my actions. I am centered, focused, goal oriented. I can see my life's purpose clearly and know which actions to take to fulfill it.
  • I have claimed my power - of which I was afraid of for so long! That means I can be who I truly am. Thus I am not afraid anymore to open my heart completely. I am overpouring with love and compassion. I connected with the Goddess inside of me. I am more in touch with and more aware of my femininity.
  • My psychic abilities have increased to that extend that I have to really be careful of what I think because it does come true!
  • My intuition increased immensely. I not only know what to do but also have the unshakable confidence to follow up on it. I am more in touch with my soul, with the "higher reality". It is like surfing on a " higher wave of consciousness", everything is clearer, I know what I want and what I don't want. This is even true for my physical body that became more sensitive. And I became more sensitive to its needs. My eating habits have improved and to my great surprise I realized that instead of frozen yogurt I now crave carrot juice...
  • I am more energetic, more creative, I am more self secure, more joyful, more peaceful, life has brighter colors.
To sum it up I could say that I cut off the chains that kept me from being who I truly am. And best of all, I didn't have to do anything! It happened "overnight", so to say. Friends noticed my change first. "You look so different! You are so radiant, you look so happy, your eyes, how they sparkle!" For me it is such a natural state, that I hardly remember how I felt before the session work. And to be frank, I don't have the slightest desire to recall my existence before Life began!
Kati Meissner
I needed help with finances and couldn't seem to get it together with money. If you took all my cash assets and business liabilities, there was a major shortfall. I was surviving very basically on business turnover. David and I did some reversals and trance work.Six months later, I have reduced that shortfall by 75%, my business now turns over 100K a month, I own an aeroplane I paid cash for, I have had two great holidays and am off to America in November. I now buy good clothes, food and goods and live really well. It is impossible to reverse time and try all this without David's help. However, if I could I am sure things would not be quite as abundant! Sometime soon, I would like to consider some more reversals.
R. Sharman
I wanted to send you a letter of thanks and acknowledge you for making available the wonderful technology of Reverse Speech. This technology is definitely on the cutting edge for any personal awareness therapy. Your technique for helping me reach my core beliefs about myself was truly mind altering and above all, outstanding!!I have been involved with many forms of growth awareness techniques, but none that was as enlightening or allowed me to make the changes as easily and effortlessly, as with Reverse Speech. The fact that I was able to see, hear and have an understanding of what I was telling myself, and not have to rely on another persons perception of what he/she "thought" I was saying, was absolutely invaluable to me!! It gave me much greater sense of myself and to trust myself even more.I have reached a state of peacefulness deep within myself and do not feel scattered and in many pieces/parts. All has been aligned and now as I go forward in my life, I can and do, operate from a place of congruency and balance. I have been able to put to rest a lot of family patterns and now know that I will not be passing those on to the next generation.David, you ability to create a safe environment for me to acknowledge and see the darker and not so wonderful parts of myself was tremendously helpful to me, and truly helped me from going into a denial state. Thank you for your trust and caring as I made my journey into the deepest depth of myself. I have never had so much fun on my pathway through life and that memory will stay with me forever!! I certainly gave myself a powerful gift when I chose to work with you and the technology of Reverse Speech!!
Cynthia Marshall
Personal Management
I first met David John Oates, the founder of Reverse Speech Enterprises, in September of 1995. Since then, I have attended two of his introductory lectures, three of his weekend classes, and another informal practice session. Additionally, I have received either seven or eight private sessions from Mr. Oates where Reverse Speech techniques were used.The basic premise of Reverse Speech is a fascinating one: that while the conscious mind expresses itself in ordinary forward speech, the subconscious mind is able to use those sounds in reverse to also express itself. While I myself am still a novice at hearing recordings of speech played in reverse and picking out exactly what is being expressed, I have found that when Mr. Oates or one of his more-experienced trainees guide me, I almost always can then hear the reverse message clearly. Should the basic premise, on further research, prove to be true, it could be one of the most exciting breakthroughs in the history of Western psychology.In my private sessions with Mr. Oates, it does seem to me that the reversals that he has found on cassette recordings of our conversations hit me with a certain subjective jolt, and that that jolt is the jolt of truth. Almost invariably I change states of consciousness during out reviews of the tapes, and usually those changes are accompanied with new insights about what is buried deep within my own mind. Whether it would be possible at some time to take objective measurements of voice tones and inflections played in reverse and somehow translate them into meaning is an issue that I cannot at this time make a statement about. But in my case, I can say that I have experienced what I will call a subjective truth upon hearing and experiencing my own reversals. I am convinced that these reversals are, in fact, coming from my own subconscious mind.As a result of the private sessions that I have experienced, I have found myself to be more aware of several deep issues within my own life. I have been drawn to certain religious writings that I had not previously studied. In meditation, I have had better access to the depths of my mind, and I am definitely more in touch with the core issues of my life. I see some evidence within myself that my conscious and subconscious minds are working more in harmony than they did previously.I do not believe that there is one path down which all true seekers must walk. But for some seekers, the technology of Reverse Speech offers and exciting and significant path toward self-discovery and self-revelation.
Richard H. Williams, Ph.D
When David Oates asked if I would be willing to write a letter regarding my impressions of Reverse Speech, I readily agreed. After that, I was faced with the problem of where to begin.My impressions of David are of a man who is dedicated, caring, creative, persistent, and trustworthy. David's continued development and research of Reverse Speech over the past ten years has been tedious and painstaking. It has come without any overt fanfare or financial reward to date. His discovery of Reverse Speech has left him entrusted with a truly revolutionary process that can affect every aspect of our society. David's awareness of it's immense potential has directed him to ensure that Reverse Speech is presented only in ways which preserve the integrity of this promising new discovery. This alone has not always been an easy task.I was introduced to Reverse Speech through a friend, and I, as most people who first come into contact with Reverse Speech, was simply amazed with what this process reveals. Whether it's the uncensored truths of the subconscious mind, or the structural and operational metaphors that determine our behaviors and attitudes, Reverse Speech is the bright new star on the horizon of humanities search for self. Man's imagination will be the fertile ground upon which Reverse Speech takes root and grows. The possibilities are endless. The revelations are pure. The results are enlightening. Reverse Speech is a journey back into the Garden of Eden, where truth and knowledge await those who seek it. If this is your quest, Reverse Speech is a doorway, and David Oates is holding the keys. Enjoy your trip. A rich reward awaits us all.
Jeffrey S. McCombs, D.C
Since doing the Reverse Speech Sessions with you I have lost 11 pounds!!! It feels like they are magically disappearing. I had been obsessive/compulsive about food all of my life and for the first time feel like I have a "normal" relationship with food. And I am not dieting!The sessions themselves were great, I have never experienced such deep trance work. I really enjoyed them. It's nice to know that transforming what seemed like "the never-ending battle that would never end" doesn't have to be painful.Now that my "life-problem" has been handled, I can get on with my life.Thanks David!!! I actually didn't think it could happen, I'm very glad I was wrong.
Marlene Hays
Publisher, The Light Connection Newspaper
Dear Art Bell,I have had the privilege of being a private client of David John Oates since September 26, 1995. I was referred to David by my former osteopath who sensed that I had some major unconscious blocks to my healing. I was poisoned from ingesting contaminated L-Tryptophan in January of 1990, and my life has been a downward spiral of constant pain, illness, abandonment, medical bills, insurance hassles, and maltreatment from dozens of various "professionals" in the medical field since such time. This brief background of my life circumstances is what led me to open my mind to work with David on an unconscious level.After reading the cover story article on David John Oates in a holistic newspaper last September, l went to hear a lecture he gave in San Diego. I went intending to only stay briefly, as my pain level is such that it makes sitting for extended periods difficult. However, l sat mesmerized in my chair for the entire three hours, and at the insistence of the awe-struck, eager crowd, David generously gave us an extra hour of his time and expertise. From the first moment I saw David and heard his genius discovery of Reverse Speech, I knew that I was destined to work with him.Art, I have been seen by some of the big-name doctors at prominent research facilities up and down the West Coast. Not one of them had given me any hope for healing from my life of pain and misery. David, on the other hand, has given me genuine hope for a pain-free life by working with me on an intimate, deep, unconscious level. David has demonstrated extraordinary integrity in working with me, and for never quitting on me when many other "healers" had. Despite the fact that his discovery of Reverse Speech is of Nobel Prize caliber, David remains a humble, approachable man of great character and depth.I feel honored to work so closely with David, and I commend you, Art, for hosting David on your prominent radio show so that he can spread his amazing technology throughout the world. Reverse Speech reveals the truth, and the ramifications of David's monumental discovery can be used for tremendous good in the world. On a personal note, l am overjoyed to report that I am finally begin to heal myself of "expert" deemed incurable illnesses. David John Oates -- remarkable man and gifted therapist-- deserves all the credit for this miracle.
Cassandra M
San Diego, CA
Nothing I heard in my Reverse Speech session was new to me. The Reversals were more akin to soft whispers of truth that have been rubbing up against my consciousness, and hearing and reading them was merely an exercise in recognition.While discussing the Reversals with David, I was curious and attentive. I absorbed his understanding of my tape. But the days since have been the real story: Through my Reversals, my Soul has spoken to that part of me heretofore disconnected with the Divine. My soul pinpointed what was keeping me from my own salvation, clearly outlining how my conscious mind was guiding me into a hell of my own making.My life has been spent ever-reaching for my next step of growth: yearning, really groping, for yet another level of self-understanding. And this strong sense of self has been a beacon for many and a firm foundation for my own peace of mind.Since the session, I've been working less and less at feeding the fire of my own growth - settling back into an observation and appreciation for the development of those around me. Am I affirming or judging? Allowing or demanding? I'm trying now merely to get myself out of the way so that whoever I'm with can find room enough to be. Hard work for me.Through the Reversals, my Soul warned that I was living only half of the Golden Rule. I've not been loving others as I love myself. The imbalance is my own appreciation for my strength, my potential, my complete dedication toward self-development - The imbalance is my arrogance around others, my subtle disrespect for their Soul's place beside me, my disallowance for folks as they are without me.Perhaps this sounds very intangible, but it is as real as Wheaties and milk. Thank you David, for your research, persistence and sharing. I am grateful.Where I thought I was growing toward truth, I've been serving the god of my own worth. The very thing I believed was saving and developing me for God is the exact cause of the rot and despair I've always felt kept me from complete surrender to God's will. Obvious now, my own will was eating my Soul from the inside out. I've been an obstacle - to others, myself, and to God's calling in my Soul.Perhaps this sounds very intangible, but it is as real as Wheaties and milk. Thank you David, for your research, persistence and sharing. I am grateful.
John McMasters
This testimony is requested by Reverse Speech regarding the effects of Reverse Speech in my life. I am a chiropractor, age 55, and I had been struggling with my practice to get it to expand and grow, but I hit a certain plateau. Since having Reverse Speech analysis work done on me by David Oates, starting in November of 1994, my life has changed in some very significant ways.First, I am much more calm and relaxed; second, I find it more easy to focus on my work, even in times of much distraction. As a chiropractor, I can have a number of problem cases affecting me at the same time, with patients with various kinds of problem in the office and it is much easier to stay calm, cool, and relaxed.Another thing I have found is my patient volume has increased for the time expended. This was one of the problems David worked on, and it has improved. So my life has improved, I feel better, I am more focused, and my income has increased.In addition, I use the Reverse Speech Dictionary for working with my patients, utilizing a Neuro Integrating Concept Erase method (NICE methods). I have found the Dictionary to be extremely accurate in assisting people to clear off charges on Reverse Speech metaphors and in solving some profound problems that people have emotionally. This work has helped on patients as well as on myself. The dictionary is incredibly accurate and a great tool in helping people.I certainly can highly recommend Reverse Speech work to assist people in breaking through barriers, discovering problem that they didn't know how to resolve, and getting quick solutions to those problems so they can get on with their lives and accomplish more and feel better.
Milo Wilcox, D.C
I see a big changes in my life after the reverse speech you did for me. I start to do marketing business and for the first time I am signing people. I have a group in Poland and here in Toronto. I feel I will be successful. Still a lot to do, but I am not hopeless now. I have no fear about the future and I am happy and peaceful. Thank's once more and God bless you.
A. D. - Canada
Recently I worked with David Oates and his amazing Hypnosis program. He has some truly innovative ways he uses Hypnosis that I have never seen before - and it is easy. We worked on clearing some of my lifetime challenges, both health and personal. While I am still working on the health challenges, many of my personal challenges have lessened, such as stress, upset, anger, etc. It is a very nice feeling to like myself better and have my life go smoother. David was a blessing to me.
L. D. - Texas
Hi David,I just wanted to say thank you for doing your work.As a result of your Metawalks, I began a spiritual journey that has profoundly changed my life in ways I could not even have imagined a year ago.I really can't express my gratitude enough. Thanks for all your help (and patience!).All the best,
Hello David, it has been awhile we last spoke.You asked me to write to you about where I am after having worked with you and I must say things are working out very well. What I have realized is that the changes that occurred in me were very small but that had very big repercussions. I have become a better communicator and because of that everything that I wanted is becoming a reality.Thank you so much David,

When I first heard about the Reverse Speech I was wowed. I remembered from my youth the talk about subliminal advertising, the backward masking that the Beatles did in their music, and that some others followed with. I'd read what books there were available back then on how advertisers seduced us with their subliminal messages in pictures in ads and began noticing how true this was...I could look at a liquor advertisement and see SEX spelled out in the ice cubes. Fascinating. Much later in my life, I studied hypnosis and began to learn how really potent the use of metaphors in language was when trying to effect a change in one's personality or habits. Even Jesus knew the importance of metaphors! He taught in parables, knowing that the common folk he spoke to would not understand the truths he spoke, but if he used parables, they would more likely get the message via the subconscious.

I began with David's pre-recorded MetaWalk series and almost immediately noticed some subtle, but real, changes occurring in my life. After working with the series for three run-throughs, I knew I needed to work with the one-on-one sessions. Hearing the reversals that were taken from the interviews was quite intriguing; it was definitely me speaking and saying things that referred to what I was originally talking about. Some made sense, some, not so much.

The issue that I wanted to solve was to rid myself of creative blocks. I write music and continually had problems with starting a piece of music, getting part way through, or nearly finished, with it, then the slate would go blank. I would not be able to finish, for whatever reason. Often a tune would sit for over a year, unfinished. It was aggravating. I find now, that after I've completed both the MetaWalk series and the individual work with David, these blocks have pretty much disappeared. Though I don't always finish a tune running straight from the time I start, I am able to come back, sit down, write and eventually complete the piece in fairly short time. Awesome!

Another improvement I have noticed is that people of like-mind have more and more come into my life. It's almost like I attract them to me. I feel more light-hearted, though I've generally been an upbeat sort of person, but there's a lightness within. My spiritual connection with my Divine Creator has, likewise, grown.

I has been an awesome experience and would recommend it to those who have the sense of adventure and want to grow in some aspect of their lives.

Pam S.

In my case, the journey in self-awareness becomes a lifetime loop, coming full circle from reaching out (experiential lessons from various esoteric approaches and schools) to finally “reaching-in” within one’s own psyche, a totally personal databank of neural imprints embedded within our soul over a span of time. Going to the depths of my own psyche facilitated through Reverse Speech technology under the guidance of David Oates has truly been an awesome experience. The reversals are metaphorical reflections of not just behavioural patterns but also neural structures of our belief systems, inclusive of footprints imprinted into our soul-genes and deeply embedded in our psychic memory vaults. The language of the psyche expresses itself in metaphors and the process of reversals opens up the gateway into the psychic portal, revealing the state of potentials and any other influencing factors.

My journey with Reverse Speech (RS) dealt with hidden self-sabotage behavioural patterns among others and I am truly thankful to David Oates for his insightful approach to interpreting metaphorical expressions and creative application of RS to resolve issues encountered. Going into the caverns of my psyche, I found Reverse Speech truly instrumental in allowing me to fully express myself. Crossing the gateway into the psychic portal - I found Reverse Speech a remarkable “GPS for the Soul”.

Hello Dave, I took your program back in July. I was truck driver from Canada and wanted to change my job because of long hours I was putting in as truck driver, today I own a small businesses (lunch truck) working 6 hours a day and making more money then before. Also my relationship with my wife improve a lot. I believe reverse speech played big part in this and I would like to say thank you, and to encourage you to keep doing what you doing.
Dragan Pekic
Hello David,I am writing to thank you for your help. I am now taking steps to starting my own business which I never dreamed of doing a year ago. I still have some fears that might be holding me back, but I'm seeing them as positive forces. I can face them and am more determined to succeed.Thank you for all your time and energy. I understand that we have no idea what you put into RST and in helping humanity. What you do for all of us is greatly appreciated. May God continue to guide and protect you in all that you do!Blessings of Love and Light!
Good morning David,Since our eight week session some months ago, my life has done a complete 180. I am no longer bored nor stuck. Things are moving so fast. I am learning so many new things and there is much hope for the future.It seems that my ability to be open to abundance and information and light has increased exponentially. This is a good thing, though at times it\'s rather overwhelming but I\'m able to handle it.It\'s so much easier to stay focused on the positive. Focusing on the negatives is no longer welcome. It has been quite a ride and it\'s nowhere near over.You have my permission to use this testimonial.Sincerely, Ellie
August 19, 2018 <>I sit here today remembering what lead up to me contacting David Oates in September 2017. I was at my wits end and honestly, had lost hope in ever having a pain free life. Fifty two years I could count on one thing, pain, severe, chronic migraine pain. It wreaked havoc on my life. I’ve been a business owner since my early twenties. I knew the best way of keeping a job is if I owned it. It was always a crap shoot if I planned for any event in advance because of the unpredictable bouts I’d have with migraines. Countless days in bed unable to hardly walk to the bathroom let alone work. Some days I just had to power through even though one side of my head would be throbbing relentlessly with my eyes watering uncontrollably from the pain. Not all days were that awful. Some were just enough to cause me not to think clearly. It would take longer than usual to do everyday tasks because there would be just enough pain to be aggravating. Six migraines a month was a ‘good’ month, those were rare. Fifteen was a ‘normal’ month. So what do doctors do when a patient has pain? They write prescriptions. Years and years of this drug and that drug. If that didn’t work, well, let’s increase the dosage or try another drug. I’ve been down many avenues of promises. I believe all meant well but they don’t even know what to do, neither did I. I decided to find an answer despite doctors telling me there was no cure. I started a holistic approach to cleanse my liver and clean up my diet. I researched persistently. I came across a YouTube video on reverse speech and was quite frankly, awed. I watched many of David’s videos on reverse speech. Fascinated by this I started reading David’s book ‘A New Theory About Language’ and then ‘It’s Only A Metaphor’. Biblically it says ‘the kingdom is within’ and what I saw with David is the answer to your life’s issues are also within. I felt the urge to email David and did. He got back to me surprisingly fast. We set up an appointment and started on this miraculous journey. The work he’s done with me is not hard. I’ve just answered questions he poses and allow myself to tell me the answers on how to get to heal through reverse speech. It is fascinating! It has worked. It feels strange but great to wake up daily feeling awesome. I have the life I’ve never had before. I feel like it’s just beginning. This is unconventional but the normal never worked for me. I am my best advocate. David’s work has been my life saver.Grateful, Debbie Daffron
Debbie Daffron