Zahi Hawass

The following reversals were found on Zahi Hawass, curator of the Pyramids in Egypt, during an interview conducted on the Art Bell show 1/14/98. This analysis brings up the entire issue of bi-lingual reversals. When doing this tape I noted many more “sounds” that fulfilled the criteria of a genuine reversal – that is the melodious, sing-song tone that is typical of reversals – yet I could not decipher the phrase, so I presume they were reversals in Egyptian rather than English. Also, some English reversals I found contained words that I did not recognize. Once again, I presume they were Egyptian words. Some of these reversals have been quoted with question marks next to the indeterminate word.

[Play Stream] [Download File] …I’m very sorry to hear that…
This dilemma

[Play Stream] [Download File] (if there was something there etc) ..its fair of course…
So perfect

[Play Stream] [Download File] ..I am a person who has an open mind…
Bigots seem to doubt

[Play Stream] [Download File] …maybe this fight that happened for the last two years that I never really respond at all its because I thought to try and respond maybe its a waste of a time…
Sending their money

[Play Stream] [Download File] …and what I did for the last two years is working excavating trying to reveal the ????…
(Saladrofi ?????) They hold it / We froze it

[Play Stream] [Download File] .yes I remember that…
I remember what I say

[Play Stream] [Download File] …he came to see me and I think, if you talked to him again maybe he will tell you what happened between us…
I used him in my story

[Play Stream] [Download File] …I told him, John I don’t really have anything against you personally…
Don’t serve with the nigger

[Play Stream] [Download File]’d also open the pyramids to amateurs or people who don’t have degrees … you’d have millions of ideas that everyone would try to prove his theories…
The world would doubt

[Play Stream] [Download File] did hurt a lot. We used to have 4000 people to viditi the pyramids. Now we have 700…
Name that scholar

[Play Stream] [Download File] ..from every family in Egypt there is someone working in tourist, that means we lost a lot because of that…
Said Earthling. He froze. (No moss in it??)

[Play Stream] [Download File] …on the morning of the day of the 25th of december it was the first time that Sphinx was smiling…
Her message was tested, neutered

[Play Stream] [Download File] .at the same time we are going to allow the people who enter to have meditation. We’re not going to stop that…
They shared the devout

[Play Stream] [Download File] …but we are going to allow the metaphysical groups who come to the pyramids and they stay two hours, to do that…
Share mats. The matter with the knuckles, spooled like a (Ziffa to me?)

[Play Stream] [Download File] (anomolies under the paws of the sphinx) ..I was going to leave all of this for you as a moderator in this debate…
Woo your force. Save Allah. Feel it

[Play Stream] [Download File] …(Breach the door under the Sphinx – what do you hope to find) …I cannot answer this question until we take the photograph to see whats behind this door…
Don’t forget you live down the shock said the slut

[Play Stream] [Download File] ..Damian came after that and said Zahi, I want you to meet the people who talk about. You have to face them…
We hide this net / Make clear now. (We’re facing the door?)

[Play Stream] [Download File] ..I told you the reason that we did not drill in front of the Sphinx paw is because of two reasons. Number one that standford research institute did the same drilling in 1977..
The shake, we’re missing it (???) Missing the lid

[Play Stream] [Download File] …if anyone will come to Egypt and they are suspicious and they want to enter inside, I will give him permission…
(Mukloo???) now an exit. Stop the matter. Dig it

[Play Stream] [Download File] …when I did a TV debate with West and Hancock from Italy last summer…
And I laugh from that show / Ra smooth our Phoenix

[Play Stream] [Download File] (Talking about pile of stones and excavating rooms) …anyone wanted to try for the last month, many people entered, I give them permission…
Lord is ashamed of my bigot

[Play Stream] [Download File] …you know this is illegal, they’re not supposed to take stones from the Pyramid…
America was lost. Get the stone. Was so brave. Warning

[Play Stream] [Download File] (Stone cause Art’s watch to glow) ..I don’t really believe in this pyramid power at all…
I don’t want the matter

[Play Stream] [Download File] …I put half of it inside the great pyramid and I put the other inside my office…
Debris had a warning / The matter big enough

[Play Stream] [Download File] (resonance – art lying in sarcofacas) … I cannot say anything about that, but people entering the pyramid theres always, the structure is very impressive…
You feel it, yes

[Play Stream] [Download File] ..but when Florida state university told us the three places that they should find out, which is the Sphnix area…
The seal, be the servant

[Play Stream] [Download File] …first of all, why they would do such a thing like that when I was away for week…
We want to fail a man who stabbed (Garly???)

[Play Stream] [Download File] …that’s really not true, but we cleaned the shaft, there is water down there 4 meters down and there is a lid of a sarcofacas and there is nothing under that sarcofacas…
Bar an’ wide the doors a little bit. Fashed kneel

[Play Stream] [Download File] (drilling depth) ..I’m not sure exactly but its something like that, if I said 4 or 5…
This must stay public

[Play Stream] [Download File] …there is no reason to stop the drilling on that area there at least to prove whether the radar is right nor not…
Fool would seize that rape

[Play Stream] [Download File] .I met the whole family two months ago, they came, Barbera Bush and the daughters and the wives…
Nazareth daughter hurt

[Play Stream] [Download File] ..we hope as I said in the beginning, that next year we hope to make this debate in Egypt…
They’ll bore you now with that