Major Ed Dames


Major Ed Dames U.S. Army Intelligence

Major Ed Dames

Update June 2001 – Major Ed Dames had a major judgement awarded against by PsiTech, his former corporation.

Maybe this explains some of the disturbing reversals found on Dames particularly around business dealings – Some extracts are below…..


Dames – “…we have evolved these techniques to the point where they are infallible when used by a professional team….” – There’s doubt. Offer the city. – (They are not infallible – he is offering them publicly anyway)


Dames – “…with the training tapes that are out on the street, with four months of committed work, about an hour a day every other day, that’s what it takes to master those techniques…” – You send the lie rot. – (it is not being presented as it is – internal dialogue that he may not be aware of)


And this reversal is also interesting immediately AFTER talking about his former Vice President who was involved in the suit against Dames – maybe it was a Trail Reversal foreseeing future troubles?


Dames – “ vice president in tape number four, module two, has a lecture about why its so difficult to discern that…” – I nurse it to walk with it


Dames – “..we have this physical bicameral brain now, this mind that associates with this physical reality, the reality that we are before we come into existence in this body is so different…” – They knock you off, you cry.


Full Text

Prepared by David Oates – Broadcast February 1998

Ed Dames is a renowned Remote Viewer who came out of the military and took the techniques to the general public. He tells disturbing tales about Mankind’s future. The analysis of his speech reversals have left with more questions coming out of it than what I had when I went in. My initial conclusions are not etched in stone and I invite you to make up your own minds, but here they are for what its worth.

(1) He is genuine and serious about Remote Viewing, however it is not as accurate as he presents, particularly when it comes to the Modules that have just been shipped.

(2) I have concerns about his space insights. I suspect he is not telling us the entire story or is feeding deliberate misinformation.

(3) He is also more involved in ongoing military or intelligence operations than he is saying and may even be receiving a payroll elsewhere.

Decide for yourself…….


Dames – “(An active psychokinesthis modality) …psitech is working on it now but we did not have that capability in 1991, if we did we would have used it obviously, that would be a nifty tool…” – Defend that naval weapon. – (is it already being used in the field, and he is not coming clean about it?)


Dames – “…we have evolved these techniques to the point where they are infalliable when used by a professional team….” – There’s doubt. Offer the city. – (They are not infallible – he is offering them publicly anyway)


Dames – “…with the training tapes that are out on the street, with four months of committed work, about an hour a day every other day, that’s what it takes to master those techniques…” – You send the lie rot. – (it is not being presented as it is – internal dialogue that he may not be aware of)


Dames – “..about two years ago we were talking about that, that we were going to become ravaged by weather…” – Make it inaugural.


Dames – “..the weather results are going to break the banks in many States, economies state wise are going to go critical quite soon…” – I warn you / I’ve seen the market.


Dames – “I mentioned about the winds about a year ago, the jet streams are becoming erratic, starting to slip and slide and drop down…” – Evil snow with black wood. – (a scene of climatic devastation??)


Dames – “(Mexican UFOs)..there’s a lot that’s going on Art, I’m going to remote view those photos myself…” – Its so weird to know another force. – (feeling strange about the reality of UFOs)


Dames – “ terms of being alarming, remember that 80% of the foods we eat are wheat, rice and mace so keep that in mind, if anything were to damage those crops, we woulkd be in a world of hurt…” – The whirlwind evil. – (Metaphoric – whirlwind is the force that surrounds the planet.)


Dames – “..we don’t know if its all green growing things, we know it doesn’t affect algae…” – Decide to warn you.


Dames – “…martian invaders – national defense does not include that kind of thing, it’s an answer they did not want to hear…” – They make you doubt it / Plus can’t see their whirlwind.


Dames – “..because we were already on thin ice since many people in the defense department equated what we were doing with the occult…” – Beat them off but NASA’s in it.


Dames – “’s a telescope through time/space, it looks around down on the ground…” – Lift your whirlwind now.


Dames – “…there is in the Cydonia region there is one specific feature that we have remote viewed time and time again we were so astounded by it…” – Receive the big fund making it up / Denied source. – (A puzzling reversal – being paid for misinformation about space and UFOs?)


Dames – “…there was a race on Mars that we’ve done a lot of work looking back in time … using the same technologies that we use to support military operations…” – When I feel that burrow in the (sun?) / Fund opposite in the sea.


Dames – “…if my nation was admitted to the United Nations I would wear a suit and tie or at least learn how to use the devices that were present in the UN…” – Offer gunmen. Are we in it? – (What is going on?)


Dames – “..evidently it could only be found through these kind of methods cos I don’t see how anybody could ever have found it…” – Look, you don’t mean it. – (not being totally straight?)


Dames – “..the kill shot that psitech is describing, a very lethal event, the best that we can do as remote viewers, is in 1999, we’re saying spring of 1999, a precursor, we were saying that something may happen as early as December, there was a coronal mass injection…” – Navy will seal the raver / A message – (sealer/sailor?) Send it by hand (sealer/sailor?) Send it by hand – (Gunmen? Navy? Messages? Is he involved in something deeper than we are being told?)


Dames – “…I don’t know Art, there’s so many unknown and so many things we are perceiving associated with that particular event in the future where we perceive ourselves there but we don’t know what going on…” – Now I know it’s the one.


Dames – “..that was the solar event that we are perceiving in the future, that annihilates a lot of life on Earth….” – Never a loss at Eve’s soul. – (Eve is metaphoric for spiritual maturity and rebirth- nothing is ever lost – we can begin again)


Dames – “…the next type of event, for instance the next volcanic eruption in North America ….” – Hope you know I warn you. – (congruent – he is concerned)


Dames – “ isn’t drudge so much, it gets old, it’s the same thing over and over again….” – It’s the law, stick it.


Dames – “..another one that’s even more difficult to do is missing children …. It’s the one where a child has been killed or sometimes tortured, its very difficult to work…” – They must feel it. That’s when I grow. – (satisfaction from this work)


Dames – “..obviously something that’s going to happen is not going to happen this year to massive numbers of people in DC…” – You see more beetles among the sand.


Dames – “ terms of a natural curve, lets say an e curse, a logarithmic curse, we’re right above the dog leg at a point in this e curve where disease is ready to take off…” – Saw a grave. Make me manic.


Dames – “..we’ll not be able to develop vaccines, antidotes, antibiotics fast enough to be able to keep up with these diseases. They’re going to really kill us off.” – Gonna get disease.


Dames – “..the spring of this year, I think art you may remember that last year I said we are looking at a global economic collapse in 1998, well we stand by that…” – Economic, you walk an eagle.


Dames – “..that is one thing that we can’t use tech for we can not discern alpha numerics but we can look and can perceive the trajectory in time of an enterprise like a company or a corporation, what they’re going to to…” – The share broker in the market / Scram in the fight. Nurse the gun.


Dames – “..we don’t have any monopoly on the truth at psitech, we only have a monopoly on accuracy, there are many people that are naturals. If the naturals learn, if they study the five tapes that we have, they’re going to become all stars…” – They admire you / We don’t see it but they get it.


Dames – “..there is a thing, I’ll call it a thing for all intents and purposes, that’s already in place and essentially has been waiting, waiting for someone to find it…” – That heals NASA.


Dames – “..there are sanctuaries, places that are less effected by the Mad Max scenario…” – Damned the love. They have to sell – (he is seeing chaos, his concern is genuine – get out!)


Dames – “…talking about reverse speech…” –


Dames – “..the matrix may be for lack of a better working theory, the mind of God…” – Angry at you.


Dames – “..persons who worked so hard and so long and gave their lives to obtain peace and probably held off war for as long as they could but its over, we’re going to war…” – Look, his arms will throw foul.


Dames – “ vice president in tape number four, module two, has a lecture about why its so difficult to discern that…” – I nurse it to walk with it.


Dames – “..we have this physical bicameral brain now, this mind that associates with this physical reality, the reality that we are before we come into existence in this body is so different…” – They knock you off, you cry.


Dames – “..a distinguished military graduate at Berkley’s ROTC program, I majored in Chinese and biophysics. I speak fluent Chinese….” – See national incense.



Here is that entire radio show in mp3 format:

Part 1


Part 2


Part 3


Part 4


Part 5


Part 6


Part 7


Part 8