Hidden Middle East Agenda

The Present Day Middle East & North Africa

Hidden Middle East Agenda

Players – President Trump – John R. Bolton – Jared Kushner – Ivanka Trump – Bibi Netanyahu  

President Donald Trump

President Donald Trump 2019               President Trump – “Iran is a much different place right now then it was. As I said during my [State of the Union address we will not a]vert our eyes from the dictatorship that chants, ‘Death to America, death to Israel’ and calls for genocide against the Jewish people.” – But I know you Sir, Daddy needed this.   President Trump – “Today Israel demonstrates that incredible possibilities when strong sovereign and independent nations chart [their own destinies] they can be no better example of greatness than what Israel has done…” – See the sad, NORAD.   President Trump – “..so before I sign the presidential proclamation recognizing Israel’s sovereignty over the Golan Heights I’d like to ask Prime Minister Netan[yahu to say a few words, thank you very mu]ch, thank you, thank you.” – America, so we face it, new high.  

Jared Kushner

Jared Kushner - Senior Adviser To The President 2019               Kushner – “In meeting after meeting and conference after conference I hear the same broken record of negativity about why [progress is] not possible.” – It’s so golf.   Kushner – “When I ask my counterparts why they continue to repeat these same tired talking points, despite no evidence [that they lead to] progress they say, ‘We’ve always said these things and we’ve always done things this way.'” – We deal with it.   Kushner – “While politicians pay lip service, the world moves forward and the Palestinian people continue to be left behind. [We all agree on the follow]ing goals, we wanna see peace, security, and prosperity for Palestiln, Palestinians, Israeli’s and everyone else throughout the world.” – Often they ignore you.   Kushner – “The goal of this workshop is to begin thinking about these challenges in a new way [let’s try to view this conflict] and the potential the entire region through a different lens and work together to develop a concrete plan to try and achieve it.” – Health mark cites with our stealth.   Kushner – “My direct message to the Palestinian people is that despite what those who have let you down in the past tell you President Trump [and America have not given up on] you.” – I’ll find a big gun, the high crime in it.   Kushner – “So, if we implement this, this program, this is a very specifically designed program, we go down to the different projects, [we built it based on a lot of the work] that has been done in the past, we believe over time that we can double the GDP of the Palestinians…” – Go when I want to save the good.   Kushner – “[So, since I know a lot of people here like] to start with the numbers, ah we go with a, a program that’s about a $50 billion dollar program. This comes from grants which is about $13 billion…” – Killer beat but I warn deserts force.   Kushner – “Right now there is not a lot of [private capital], there’s not a lot of subsidized loans coming into this area because your in a position where there’s not the basic infrastructure necessary and you also don’t have the rules based system that’s necessary for people to invest.” – We’ll fuck it up.   Kushner – “Ah, they were told by the authority not to come and because they rely on them for their livelihood, it’s not a [free market where they can make those] distinctions.” – Begin the killer to calm you.   Kushner – “..so wanna strengthen workforce development, invest in healthcare [and then also improve the quality] of life. That’s part of the plan.” – We love the goodness on it.   Kushner – “..that’s if you go into the website which is on the bottom you’ll be able to see that we have a very detailed plan built out for each one but you have to do all [these things at the same time, you need] STEM education, we focus on youth and women workforce training…” – You do not mess with this Nazi.   Kushner – “..though we would get commitments for this we would make in tranches I then ask you to achieve different milestones of reform then the next tranches [will be released].” – Seal their evil.   Kushner – “..if you go debt to GDP ah, you know have Egypt at a 100%, Jordan at 9[4%, West Bank and] Gaza are less than half of that.” – It gets help, NASA wolf.   Kushner – “I just want to thank all of you, you know this is not a conference where people are coming to benefit for themselves, ah you all have big [responsibilities and a lot of] places you can be, and the fact that you’re showing up to, to do this shows that you care about the region, you care about doing good in the world…” – But I want to see the Lord that stops you.  

John R. Bolton

John Bolton - National Security Adviser 2019               Bolton – “..and as [we meet, threats] to international peace and security in the Middle East and around the world are on the rise.” – It’s stealth in you.  

Ivanka Trump

Ivanka Trump - Adviser To The President               Ivanka – “..underscoring this, more than 80% of the lowest scoring countries in the index for gender discrimination have in fact experienced armed conflict [in the last two decades].” – Say Daddy sullen.   Ivanka – “..that is why two years ago at the G20 in Hamburg [and at the direction of President] Trump the United States, Japan, Germany, the World Bank and so many others on the stage launched WE-FI.” – Zeffrin showed the planet.   Ivanka – “Our goal is to reach fifty(50) million women in the developing world by 2025 [and we will meet it]. WGDP focuses on three pillars, vocational education for women,…” – Daddy mull unit.  

Benjamin “Bibi” Netanyahu

Benjamin Netanyahu - Prime Minister of Israel 2019               Netanyahu – “Well I am delighted to receive, ah, the Haleys here and to say that uh, Sarah and I not only appreciate your [friendship in this visit but also] the entire people of Israel appreciate the extraordinary way that you represented out alliance…” – Your Sodom who lives in the Kushner.   Netanyahu – “..and uh, even though we had a little event last night uh, that’s not going to stop us [we’re going to continue working together]…” – I like this evil, release the devil.   Netanyahu – “..uh, we had a great productive meeting which reaffirms that the alliance between the United States of America [has never been stronger] and it’s going to get even stronger.” – The Mossad who vends there.   Netanyahu – “I’m very pleased to be here with uh ambassador John Bolton the national security ad[viser of the United States] with Nikolai Patrushev secretary of the security counsel of the Russian Federation.” – Yes, I did need her love.   Netanyahu – “..it’s historic because it’s ah, the first meeting between our three countries national security advisers [in our capital] Jerusalem.” – Move the fuck on it.   Netanyahu – “Israel will cont[inue to prevent Iran] from using neighboring territory as platforms to attack us…” – Now we never, Putin.   Netanyahu – “It was so kind of you to invite me to come here and it was so important for [me to come here to the White House] and to thank you.” – Sly now with the dream muck within.   Netanyahu – “..by the, while Israel won those two wars, we [would have to wait nearly] half a century until this moment here in this room.” – Hillary deal with battle.   Netanyahu – “..and that is why Mr. President, your decision to recognize Israels [sovereignty on the Golan] Heights is so historic.” – Our Lord, they made the loss.   Netanyahu – “Mr. President, [just as Israel stood tall in 19]67, just as it stood tall in 1973, Israel stands tall today.” – You found it lost, look, so Jesus said.