David Koresh


The following is a listing of reversals and subsequent analysis and profile of David Koresh that was prepared for, and submitted to, the FBI two weeks into the siege at Waco. Audio is taken from a 58 minute sermon that was broadcasted on KRLD day 3 of the siege

Prepared by David J. Oates

…to come out peacefully…
He’ll see my book

…My name is Dave Koresh. I’m speaking to you from Mt. Carmel center…
Show faith

…in the book of revelation, the commentary states…
Will shower there with weapons

…revelation of Jesus Christ which God gave to him…
My hit faith guards you

…blessed is that readeth and hears the words of the prophecy…
Will you release us up

…John writes this to the seven churches which are in Asia…
Shout the lesson

…naturally we must understand that we are not in Asia…
I know an answer

…and my predicament here at Mt.  Carmel.  One more point I’d like to bring out before I continue…
Mark my freedom here with them / We missed the girl. My nervous girl they don’t know

…and Matthew, Mark, Luke and John we see the burden of these ancient writers…
Feel lonely family / See the nerve

…if we take a look at the record of John…
The fool will get you

…Christ was a good man…
I am nervous

…the disciples might also see the works that thou doest…
Whirl on this gamble

…and so speaketh of being known openly if thou do these things…
Forget force

…and have to deal with the realities of life…
Foul with the lawyers. Weird the planet

…Christ had to meet with unbelief…
Feel not the beam

…most scholars and teachers will agree that the schools of Israel…
Search Satan

…Sanhedrin and also the Pharisees…
Evil planet / I wish woman’s sword

…I should be possibly scared…
Heal the sore. Feed the shock

…a law revolving around a system of shedding a poor and innocent lamb’s blood…
I will love you / Now nail the city

…although Israel themselves never really knew the real meaning of this…
We ruined the old man’s weapons

…do not use assert the authority of Moses…
We all see mercy

…if we study we’ll see that Matthew, Mark, Luke and John…
We’ll all be damned

…he tells that they have forsaken the prophet…
Guess your faith

…but he tells them that their house, their temple…
Why hurt them

…as Christ stood on the Mount of Olives, his disciples came to him secretly…
We mock your love

…if there’s a secret ????  of belief or not…
Time to feel the Master

…that is what his disciples called the Mount of Olives…
What’s the end / The love animal

…unless we could look into his mind, we could only speculate, it would be an opinion to try and figure out whatever it means…
Arms, we killed to get cellar / But don’t worry

…now, an abomination is something nobody wants…
I warned the Nazi. Share the mob

…We learned earlier in the book of John, Christ dated my doctrine is not mine but he who sent me. Now, we’ve got Matthew, Mark, Luke and John…
Idiots shot / Come London / I’ll stand by you

…the Christ that they had to see cruelly mocked and beaten…
Its in the heavens

…which is the point that we’re fixing to get into very heavily.  Father into thy hands I commit my spirit…
Idiots get whirlwind / Rip them

…learn of the power of Pentecost, the glowing tongues of fire…
Walk with it, the wrath

…learn through Romans that there is a righteousness of God…
Shower earth with the whirlwind

…we have such a wealth of information of such intelligent men…
I shot where he walks

…we end up in the book of Revelations where John…
Share the love with woman

…they were given specific and direct messages from Christ…
Seems the same. We are all feeling it

…We know that because we have heard the writings of the apostles…
I warn you / Its enough. Don’t fuck with love.

…and to the angel of the church of Ephesus write…
Now’s the favour. Search the need

…each counsel ends with he that has an ear to hear…
Saturday, they will fight it / Why no evil

…let him hear what the spirit sayeth to the church…
The search for the faith

…and the student of scripture becomes ????  of the subject which according to John is…
The master will shoot a noose in it / Shoot is love

…corse he was referring to the last part of the third chapter…
He would know refusal

…he says after these things I saw and behold a door was open in heaven…
He sees the fantasy

…now, the question to every true Christian is this, is John telling us the truth…
Heaven shoot me

…we know he just gave counsel to the seven churches of Asia…
Let me warn you

…but none the less, they being of Asia are noways the same people of us today….
Sell them London / Have a devil

…he’d be taken up hither…
They plan to get me

…goes all the way through prophecy…
Love will seal the law

…he claims there was a rainbow around about the throne ??? he cheerfully saw there were living creatures around the throne…
I love Lucifer / Evil with the love

…God who created all things for his pleasure…
We’ll just keep safe

…emphasises that there was a God, a kingdom, a judiciary…
Died with a weapon

…in the respect that John witnesses there were 24 elders sitting on 24 thrones…
I feed off the weapon

…part where it talks about where the heavenly things were…
I feel bad. Girls now feel bad

…I beheld, John says, the right of him that sits on the throne…
To hell with this

…until we have solid proof, unless we were there ourselves…
Prove the love

…that the mystery of God, his book, is sealed…
Sin with them

…and in this event, there’s a judgement that takes place…
Hurts my rave. There’s so much love for the wolf / Helps get to the judgement

…the answer to this, only the lamb…
Save with this name

…heard a lot of statement the last couple of days…
Look what’s happened

…this is saying that about the meanings of these seals…
We see the meaning with my blood

…so there’s a mystery between God the father, his book and Christ and what he is to reveal…
The love surround used to be sin / Evil will see

…there was, behold, a white horse…
All hate the wind

…the fifth seal folds under alter…
I am the wolf who is safe

…crying to God to avenge their blood that was shed upon the earth…
I’ll bless you with our friend

…they will begin to see the openings of the trumpet…
Its the naked whirlwind

…contains all the information from that point…
Ashamed of the laws

…does the living God have something we need to know…
Damn you with his love

…now what can this possibly mean…
Damn you with our friendly cowboy

…144,000 is sealed with this seal whatever it may or may not be…
One with you / The love, don’t feel often

…it appears that some terrible plague takes place…
Helps get girl from breast

…comes down from heaven covered with a cloud…
Eyes with a wolf

…it is the revelation of Jesus Christ God gave to him…
And all will break some with the memory. I have feared God

…if any man should add to the words of this prophecy…
That same enemy

…if any man should take away from the word of this prophecy…
Fear will get same enemy

…now that’s fearful.  That means this book is not to be messed with…
Afraid seven

…unlocked the mysteries of the seals and what they contain…
You sinned

…the trumpet and the information thereof…
Kiss the Nazi

…well, we know in the first seal…
We serve to warn you

…come and see and behold a white horse.  He that sit upon him had a bow…
War him / Made off with the city

…counsel to the church in Philadelphia…
They fought

…Christ being the root and offspring of David…
There’s weird when your son’s whirlwind needs help

…this David wrote 150 psalms that are published in most bibles…
She’ll not murder

…lets turn in our bibles to psalm 45 and lets see if we can’t get some kind of hint…
I feel off mercy

…does that mean my heart is indicted a good matter…
I am big Aladdin. I mean basil

…Solomon doesn’t seem really like too nice of a guy…
Dealer. We decide the love

…thou lovest righteousness and hatest wickedness…
Send to kill city

…was a crown and a bow.  Now God is the one who has written…
Want money / Says the Lord

…God nevertheless says, he’s found the children of man…
I am the Russian Nazi ******

…so what can this truth be…
Used to make a wolf

…be the first ???? maybe a truth about Christ…
We’re still family

…so because of truth, the truth of God’s book…
Refused to fuck a wolf

…you see, he just gives it to the lamb and you know the lamb…
Now judge them / ??? walks in the big city

…my right hand shall teach thee terrible things…
Give Jesus a harem

…Christ? Is he a killer.  Did he kill for God…
You wash Jesus

…??? daughters were among the honourable women…
My mom loves the Lord

…we know in verse ten whether its the spiritual church or a literal women…
They serve to warn you

…would seem kind of funny for God to tell the spiritual church to forget her own people…
He look, fuck with you

…for he is thy Lord and worship thou him…
My heart

…why she goes within. Does she have a truth or something…
It must reverse the nation

…we look up to the father on the throne which we want to exalt…
They’re so evil / There’s no use

…being the first born ???? and all after that believed…
Feel with her

…to the person that doesn’t really doesn’t scripture this would seem to be a very controversial subject…
They live in London / There’s love for service

…for the people praised him for ever and ever…
Feed the earth

…I wonder what his judgements were…
I wish to judge them but don’t know if its ????

…harken to me those who seek after righteousness…
Censor girl will fuck its city

…He’s the one who can make us new, right and it says Lucifer…
I wish your faith would kill the city.

…Harken to me my people ????  my nation
The shared memory was nervy

…and I will make my judgement…
I wish to judge them

…committed his spirit to the hand of God…
God in the heaven

…we all know the right hand of God is law of light…
God with the Hell

…doesn’t really commit itself, herself to God…
He shed hard. It forced her hard. It forced the name

…for ever and ever.  We know that Babylon the Great in a big whore, right…
Buzz off wolf / Live with nuke. It’s a bad boil / Beast serve you round this shave

…they don’t even know where the seals are found in the prophecy…
Its a false love. ??? is the one. He lives

…and the 4 and 20 elders, the four beasts, fell down and worshipped God who sitteth on the throne…
Wolf’s sword with us. The love will show when I don’t see often

…Hallelujah for the Lord God, omnipotent reigneth, all powerful reign.  Let us be glad and rejoice and give honour to him…
They all got to fear / He will fuck war / Where his loving shows you that I’ll give that up

…which we learned about in psalm 45}
I feel your snob

…the lamb only has to destroy his enemies…
Even as the ocean, he walked

…for the marriage of the lamb has come…
I’m not afraid

…how do you think that girl was ????  made herself ready…
Now feel all, the world

…but anyway it says to her was granted that she should be…
Announce the world was sad

…the question of the judgment is not who’s done wrong and who’s done evil…
I live with God / We love you. All love you. London judge them

…the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophesy…
It needs to be over in seconds

…and he that sat upon him was called faithful and true…
Lose no fear. Walk the way

…there’s a truth that’s almost 2000 years old that’s called the revelation…
Love. Was it the Jerusalem

…and on his head were many crowns.  He takes them from the Kings of the earth you know…
I’m feeling the weather

…  dollars cannot tell you.  Look at all these different courses. They don’t know.  Again its found again in Isaiah 45…
I fought no one / Don’t want to kill / I feel afraid

…he was ???? dipped in blood for people don’t like to learn the truth…
Shout me / Lonely faith was shed for the world

…that’s why so many times Christ has to be rejected for people know not the word of God…
Arm all the people

…without knowing the seals, they’ll do unto Christ, fulfilling…
Shout the new God

…for my doctrine is not my won but his that sent me…
Boy, my arms’ a shy gamble

…you’ll also learn in Job2 as well as ????  all the different prophecies referring to these fields.  Now let me emphasise something to you…
I showed the men I’m the fat fellow who’s won and now we’re falling / Thou have seen the wine.  We’ve seen enough of you

…I’m giving you a chance David now.  I’ll share with you. Every time you read a psalm…
Love city. We must be ripped. ???? was shot

…saying let us break their bands of ???  and cast their ??? from them…
You’re not the madman

…that man may not be judged by the law for all who broken the law comes before the word of God..
I will judge them by their name

…that he might be judged by nothing more than truth…
Lonely. I’m not judged

…this is happening today.  He that sits in Heaven, that’s the father you know, he laughs…
The man is a city    *

…the Lord said unto me.  Thou art my son…
My name in a soul

…psalms was written because Christ was destroying mankind…
Love is still fucking me

…the judgement is so men might fear…
We family

…we know Christ would never want or do that.  But finally it comes to a time when judgement begins…
Find reasonable men / Must look / Now we fulfil it

…is Psalm 45 the same as revelation…
I feel lovesick / The shallow love no answer now

The beast knows no fun / Don’t know the reason for this war

…why do they even have to raise.  why do they have to fight the guy who’s got the seal…
Fear will find within a whirlwind

…how will we seek other ????  love vanity.  But know that the Lord has set apart…
Let me seal / Who will warn them

…the book of Hosea, who’s that merchant man ?????  …
I am the son. Have blue hands / (Thus sayeth the Lord) the beast is a snob

…if they would allow me to have national coverage with this tape that I might give to the world…
Give mile with a weapon / Your love will shine / Whirl with the snake

…give ourselves over to the world, give ourselves out to you, and this is what I promised…
Is God worth serving / The love fell over sin

…revelation chapter 13, tells us very clearly…
Show the love

…before I said to you.  God said it.”
That’s right. Breathe

…and now in spirit and truth…”
So much British

…let’s believe in a God on the throne now, [all churches].”
Search Law. I am love




This recording is 58 minute sermon by David Koresh that was broadcasted on KRLD, day three of the siege. At the outset of the broadcast, Mr Koresh prepares himself mentally for the message he will deliver – Show faith / Shout this lesson. However he is not as confident as he would wish to be – I am nervous / I am afraid.

From the outset, it is extremely obvious that this is a man who has two distinct and contradictory forces driving him.

The first is his religious fervour. This is seen in speech reversals that reflect his forward message. – Time to feel the master / Let me warn you. At times he boosts himself up to remain strong – Lose no fear. Walk the way. His religious fervour also borders on violence as a means to accomplish his goals – Will shower there with weapons / Arm the people. His belief even goes one step further where he, himself, wishes to be the instrument of God’s work – I wish to judge them / I am the son. He is also quite prepared to die for his faith given no other alternative – We see the meaning with my blood

There is, however, another side to David Koresh, that is like a frightened, lonely boy (unconsciously he views this side of himself as the feminine aspect). – Feel lonely, family.  He is extremely pleased that he keeps this side hidden from everyone – My nervous girl they don’t know.  This side of him doubts his mission and wonders why all of this has happened. This is particularly evident in the reversal – I wish to judge them but don’t know if its …..  The reversal is semi formed as the last part of the sentence that actually isolates his doubts disappears into gibberish.  The doubt surfaces many times in reverse, and it causes him to wonder why all this is happening – Why hurt them / I fought no one / Don’t want to kill / I feel afraid. The doubt leads to paranoia – They plan to get me / Foul with the lawyers. Weird the planet. The paranoia causes him to seek refuge – I am the wolf who is safe – and will force him to stay with the safety of his group – We’ll just keep safe / We’re still family.  He needs both them and the support and acceptance of others – Want their love / We are all feeling it.

Thus we see two contradictory sides to David Koresh. This conflict has, over the years, led to formulation of his strong support group, and his mission. The support and acceptance he gets keeps him going – Is God worth serving. Show the love – Note: Doubt/request for acceptance.

Over the years the strong need for support has turned into an insatiable sexual desire – Share the love with woman / Give Jesus a harem. He uses sex and the unquestioning obedience of his followers to keep his ego strong and his doubts at a minimum.

David Koresh has several hot buttons. First, he has a strong need to be safe!! Second, he has a very strong need for love and acceptance. These are part of the reasons he will not come out – he feels no safety – and without the strength of his support group, he will feel no love. His biggest fear, to be lonely and isolated with no support, will come true. His third hot button is his conflict between his mission for God and his doubts over that mission.  This conflict, if left unattended, will eventually destroy him.

He did not come out after his radio broadcast simply because he was crying out, in effect, “Repent, for the Kingdom of God is nigh.” However, the world did not repent, in fact they discarded his sermon as the ramblings of a lunatic – thus triggering one of his hot buttons. He now, does not know what to do. His message was not accepted, he cannot doubt himself so he looks to God. “Give me message,” he cries. But no message comes. Then he is cut off from the outside world, he cannot fulfil his mission and chaos sets in. This conflict within him, that has been triggered even more by this confrontation, is so great that if death is the only way he can satisfy his needs than that is what he will do.

In my mind, there are a few ways to get him out. You could just have everyone leave. This would have the result of no longer fuelling his growing conflict, and he may very well come out on his own as internal tensions subside, but that approach is unlikely to be taken seriously. The next solution is to have someone negotiate with him who believes in his mission and who believes in him. He will NOT talk with anyone who does fulfill that first criteria. I would suggest his mother as reversals suggest he trusts her – My mom loves the Lord. Then that person must 1/ Convince him that his mission was successful (there have been TV broadcasts on Armageddon since the siege) 2/ Convince him that he will be safe and receive love and acceptance when he comes out. As well as this, the person would have to deal with Koresh’s doubts that Koresh will not admit to consciously.