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April-June 2003
George Bush: You’ll image the dream
George Bush: Shoot the law, grey shepherd
George Bush: Wrecked that office in Iraq
Colin Powell: (talking about Dick Cheney): And he’s beyond the government (cabinet?)
Colin Powell: Trusty Annabel will send a shock
Colin Powell: We guard the law
Baghdad Bob: (Iraqi Information Minister tells a reporter everything is OK as US troops march into Baghdad: Load the gun, load the gun!
Baghdad Bob: (when suicide bombers were bombing soldiers): Small but tactical, see the car bomb
Mubarrack (3/6/03): They brought its mess
Saddam Hussein (May 3rd tape delivered to the Sydney Morning Herald): Need a whole army for government
Bin Laden: I bomb Kabul
Bin Laden: I’ll bust America
Selection of Greg Albrecht’s “100 reversals on the Beatles”
“Honey Don’t”, Ringo Starr: My God is so stubborn
George Harrison: Paul is a mouse
“I should have known better”: Who’s fishing with the river and the water
Early Beatles: And you need to study the woman
Mark Chapman: Our fanciful Mona Lisa
George Harrison: Now listen Lennon
Some of Michael Goodspeed’s Rapper reversals
Rapper “DMX” talking about another rapper who wants to kill him: He’ll have your head
Rapper “DMX” talking about inability to land a decent recording deal: I wanna get signed up
Rap song: We signed a booboo ball
Reversals from David Oates’ private session work
Child in background: Love you
Oates in session negotiating price: I haggle, we’ll wiggle
Husband talking to wife about honeymoon: My love with you lives
Client: This is awful
January-March 2003
George Bush (President of the US): I will beat this silly business
George Bush: I ruined the Lord with thee
George Bush: I give missile
George Bush: May the devil go on ahead
George Bush: You’ll fuck ’em dead
George Bush: He’d offer money
George Bush: We will sit in Bagdad (desire to influence a future Iraqi Govt?)
George Bush: And the shows over
George Bush: Iraq face the lie
George Bush: We’ll ban the dickhead
George Bush: We’ll chase the crime we’re getting / Man, they had it
George Bush: A crime with us. Yes, and I need them to shoot
George Bush: See them in a cell
George Bush: They’ll need the drama
George Bush: This your life forever
George Bush: Yes and I need this law
George Bush: You’ll help the force to come
George Bush: We go with sorrow
George Bush: We sign evil with it
George Bush: They had a dream / There’s double effort
Dick Cheney (VP of United States): Or face the crime again
Dick Cheney: They’ll fuck us up / Your soul see the wolf brave (metaphor)
Dick Cheney: Our folks deserve the loan
Dick Cheney: Our folks deserve this law
Colin Powell (US Secretary of State): Now need warhead
Colin Powell: Forgive me
Colin Powell: Well, no guns
Colin Powell: So loud within you
Colin Powell: The silly sound you make
Colin Powell: I may lead in the family / Anguished their finance
Hans Blix (Chief weapons inspector): We’re talking with NASA
Hans Blix: It hurried up
Hans Blix: Just knock and they’d argue
Hans Blix: They will offer this
Hans Blix: I’m the weapon man
Donald Rumsfeld (US Defence Secretary): Afraid you rave with it
Donald Rumsfeld: Honor stealth
Donald Rumsfeld: We deal this evil on the facts
Ari Fleischer (White House Press Secretary): It was our line. There’s no further loss
Ari Fleischer: Sad you’re slack
Ari Fleischer: Iraq, they must kill there
Ari Fleischer: Their health was sad with this
Henry Kissinger: NASA nailed it
Henry Kissinger: That world with snow – I hear them not / Sad Office
General Franks: You know we lead
Reporter: To hell with that
White House Chief Of Staff: Let me select the cash flow in there
Dan Quayle: We ran our bullshit let me sell em
John Howard (Australian PM): They will fuck the tourists
John Howard: The worst you’ve seen
John Howard: They’re all black. Now markets despair
John Howard: Whirlwind cast its surf
John Howard: You’ve seen all with that
Tony Blair (British PM): You’ll kill Saddam
Tony Blair: I need to live with war
Tony Blair: Serious evil with this
Australian weapons inspector: I’ll blow you in the ass
Elizabeth Smart is alive – Church Bishop: My wife was wrong
Michael Jackson (talking about father): He used to beat me up
Columbia disaster: God is their pilot
Columbia disaster: Soon I sign off
Columbia Disaster: Let us mock him and I doubt him