These are reversals found in a speech President Bush gave to the Charleston Air Force base in Charleston, South Carolina on July 24th 2007. Bush is congruent when it comes to America’s military might, but falters when talking about information received from the intelligence community. The last reversal is ominous. What is America’s crime that was so black?
Download mp3 file by clicking onto the reversal. The exact forward words responsible for the reversal are shown in brackets – [ ].
“Men and women of the air force, the navy, the marines, the army and the coast guard. Thanks for serving, thanks for [wearing the uniform] of the United States of America.” We’re all free now (Congruent reversal. America is free because of the brave men and women in uniform.)
“I’m proud to be back here in the great state of South Carolina. I’m proud to be [with some of the] Palmetto State’s finest citizens.” Heard the muscle (America’s military might.)
“Nice big aeroplanes carrying a lot of cargo. It’s good to [see the] amazing operations that take place here.” Hear this (Reinforcing his point.)
“A key lesson of September 11th is that the best way [to protect America is] to go on the offence.” See a crime attacked (Congruent reversal. America is on the offensive.)
“But our intelligence community believes that Al Qaeda is the most dangerous of these [Sunni Jihadist] groups for several reasons.” The lie is near us (What is the lie? This theme appears also in other reversals found on Bush.)
“Fighting could engulf the entire region in chaos and we would [soon face a Middle East] dominated by Islamic extremists who would pursue nuclear weapons.” Seal them. The safe noose (Is this a military manoeuvre? To box them in?)
“You’re living up the model, one family, one mission, one fight. Thank you for all you do. God bless your families. [God bless America].” Her crime was so black (An ominous reversal.)
YouTube video