Here is Bill Clinton being asked a question in the Clinton/Dole debate about how he avoids being unduly influenced, Forwards he replies, “I try to articulate my position as clearly as possible.” Backwards he says, “She’s a fun girl to kiss.”
Here is an ominous future tense reversal that was found on Bill Clinton in his acceptance speech following his re-election. Backwards it says, “World will come to damn you.” Does this predict a dark furture for his presidency?
UPDATE (16/4/00) For several years, we have been playing this reversal on Bill Clinton discussing the death of Vince Foster. The reversal says, “Silly hit. Nerves are worn. They killed to stay. Get out of it.” We have stated that this reversal, and others like it, seem to implicate Clinton in the knowledge and/or involvement (albeit unwilling?) in the “hit” (murder) of Vince Foster. Is this reversal then, like the one above that says “World will come to damn you” which we believe refers to Clintons impeachment being predicted in his reelection speech in 1996 (reversal and text posted in 1996 before his empeachment), yet another notch in the amazing well documented accuracy of Reverse Speech? We believe it is and this accuracy rate of Reverse Speech, and the truth it has exposed in the past and still threatens to expose in the future, is the reason why the founder and discoverer of Reverse Speech, David John Oates, has been hounded and stalked with arson house fires, assassination attempts, law suits and public smear campaigns (well documented on this site). David claims he has many other reversals on Clinton of this nature but will not post them for fear of his safety and the future of Reverse Speech which is still too young yet to be without its founder.
This first example is an extract from Bill Clinton’s inauguration. The commentator forwards is polite and cordial about the departure of George Bush. The speech reversal communicates the truth of the situation saying: “You’re fired.”
There are two reversals in this next example taken from a news conference Bill Clinton made in September 1996 about the escalating situation in the Middle East. The first reversal says, “The loan behind them.” This would indicate financial involvement, or backing, behind what is happening. The next reversal says: “Got a friend,” which shows that the involvement is supportive.
Here is Bill Clinton on a rather tough interview responding to some grueling questions. The speech reversal says, “I deserve Bob’s silence.” This presumable refers to Bob Dole. The attacks seem to be wearying him.
Clinton on Dole – Reverse speech is not “polite” like forward speech. It speaks the truth the way it was meant by the person speaking. In these two examples, Bill Clinton talks about Bob Dole. The first reversal says: “They snatched an old bugger.” The second reversal says: “They’re fucked. What an ass.” The plural reference, “they” seems to refer to the Republican Party.” “Old bugger” and “ass” would appear to refer to Bob Dole.”
This next example is from President Clinton’s 1996 Memorial Day speech last May.
This next example will test your ears. The reversals are very fast and not as clear as others on this site. They are taken from a speech President Clinton made to Congress about child support after he signed a new bill. The reversal says, “You must send the laws, tell ’em.” The next reversal says “And now I name the crime,” followed by “Do you want to know what helps you.” Then the last two reversals are played again, this time superimposed into the forward soundtrack.” Good luck in hearing them!!
In this example President Clinton is on television talkback. Listen carefully to the forward dialogue. What would your reaction have been if you were Bill Clinton? The reversal says: “Some nerve, that gal that’s on the phone.
This reversal appears to be totally out of context with the speech Clinton is making. It says: “Seize little breast.” Does the President have other things on his mind?
This example has a somewhat cryptic message, not quite a metaphor, but getting close. Clinton is talking about the downing of a US plane near Cuban waters. He talks about the hope of finding survivors. The reversal says: “Now pray they’ll blow whistle” – – or I hope they send out a beacon so we can find them.”
Here he talks about accusations of dishonesty that have been thrown at him. The speech reversal says: “Denied the habits and I said damn ya.”
Here is Bill Clinton discussing the growing situation in Iraq during a press conference with Tony Blair 2/6/98. Backwards it says, “Surf the net” and Lets shoot for the assassin.
Here are two reversals found on press conference Clinton gave 2/13/98. The first reversal says, “They built me up with that bullshit.”
The second reversal says, “Whirl with damned city.”
Worry. Gamble with it / They don’t see it. Screw your food