Barack Obama in Australia

16th November 2011

1/ Joint Press Conference with Prime Minister Gillard

Gillard: “In addition to discussing this Global Force Posture review by the United States and these new initiatives [in our alliance], the President of the United States and I have had an opportunity to reflect on a number of other issues.” Snarl around it – incongruent reversal – given the direct complementarity of the forward and reverse dialogue, this reversal suggests there are problems in the alliance and Julia Gillard is unhappy about it

Obama: “We dis[cussed the whole range] of challenges where we stand shoulder to shoulder including Afghanistan.” Their war had sex – metaphor – he draws sexual energy from the war.

Obama: “[We’ve seen the awful loss of] life from 911 to Bali so I thanked the Prime Minister for Australia’s strong commitment to this mission.” The soul if I miss you – unsure, possibly inner thoughts that his mention of them will somehow honor them.

Obama: “But our focus today as the Prime Minister has said was on preparing our alliance for the future so I am very [pleased that we are able] to make these announcements together on Australian soil.” We’ll bury you with a seal – incongruent reversal – they intend to “bury” Australia and it will happen (seal, metaphor, to secure, agree)

Obama: “Once again I want to thank the Australian people for the kindness they showed me about 40 years ago and the kindness that they’re showing me during my visit today. It’s that friendship and that solidarity that [makes and keeps] our alliance one of the strongest in the world.” I speak the scam – incongruent reversal – there are problems in the alliance and Obama is not being honest.

Obama: “The Australian people have [lost none of that] warmth.” Bad when I’m sulk – internal dialogue – he is trying to keep his spirits up

Obama: “It also allows to respond to a whole host of new challenges like humanitarian or disaster relief that frankl[y, given how] large the Asian Pacific region is, it can sometimes be difficult to do.” Bind the big deal – he wants to secure the deal.

Obama: “…a rising peaceful China. What they’ve been able to achieve in terms of lifting 100s of millions of people out of poverty [over the last two decades has] been nothing short of remarkable.” This dick had to sell – negative sexual energy selling his program

Obama: “The main message that I’ve said not only publicly [but also privately] to the Chinese that with their rise comes increased responsibilities.” They forgot the Sodom – another negative sexual reversal around the Chinese.

Obama: “I think Prime Minister Gillard feels the same way that I do which is we would not be sending our young men and women into harms way unless we thought it was absolutely necessary for the security of our country.” We got a new mess – (or we got an illness) – either way, its not good and something is brewing.

2/ Addressing the Australian Parliament

Gillard: “As friends we recognize the same spirit in the nation you lead, or as you would no doubt express it in your famous words, yes we can.” Lay down to wheeze that whore – not a pretty reversal – sliming up to Obama – images of Sodom and Gomorrah and the whore of Babylon come to mind.

Obama: “As an 8 [year old I couldn’t] always understand your foreign language. Last night I did try and talk some strine.” Look at worry – a congruent reversal – worried that he couldn’t understand the language.

Obama: “This morning I [was humbled] and deeply moved by a visit to your war memorial.” More muscle – incongruent reversal – he is thinking about military might.

Obama: “I know that some in this region have been worried about America’s commitment to upholding these principals, [so let me] address this directly. As the United States puts our fiscal house in order we are reducing our spending.” In a loss – incongruent reversal – the United States is in a bad way financially.

Obama: “Building on our historic trade agreement with [South Korea we’re working with Aus]tralia and our other Apec partners to create a seamless regional economy.” Sodom, we go away. You fuss – incongruent reversal using the word, Sodom, again. Its meaning is unknown other than it is a negative sexual metaphor and has been found on Obama in the past.