Here are a few selected reversals found on John Howard over the years. For the most part, he is congruent. In other words, he believes in his policies and himself although there may be a tendency for him to be sly and withhold facts.
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John Howard in Parliament: Remember the scum and we laugh
John Howard in Parliament: This little fuck, give it up
Howard: Innocent, need our money (talking about Australian social security – his concern is genuine)
Howard: No standard (being questioned in parliament about intelligence reports on the Bali bombings – reversal implies poor protocols)
Howard – We send him out to say our lesson (Sending the Minister out to spread the party line)
Howard: They will fuck the tourists (On terrorists attacks in Bali. He believes there are more coming.)
Howard: Forgive me, don’t see this (At Bali bombing memorial – he feels responsibility)
Howard: The worst you’ve seen (Justifying our involvement in Iraq, he is congruent about his concerns over Iraq)
Howard: But I am either sly or off (talking about terror suspects – he is not telling us the whole story)
Howard: The ship fight, yield the guns (He will be strong on illegal fishing)
Howard: Mug these folks (Talking about Mark Latham, leader of the opposition)
Howard: And we’d argue (talking about Arnold Schwarzenegger – future conflicts?)