Afganistan Bombed

Reversals on Clintons announcement that the US had attacked terrorist bases in Afghanistan and the Sudan. These reversals concern me greatly because the hint that this is a staged conflict, that will only escalate.

[Play Stream] [Download File] The crime in the Senate

[Play Stream] [Download File] You now grow weapon

[Play Stream] [Download File] War, weep with guilt

[Play Stream] [Download File] I warned by some’s arrest

[Play Stream] [Download File] I am a snake oil Terrorist

[Play Stream] [Download File] This is the first reversal found on Clinton’s speech the afternoon of 8/20/98 following the bombing of terrorist bases. It shows his true, somewhat sad, motives. It says, “Lips are self serving with muck!

[Play Stream] [Download File] Dan Goldin, move ??????? – This is for Richard Hoagland? What does this mean Richard?

[Play Stream] [Download File] Free the unit / Seeking us. The Captain is (???) – this is a very interesting reversal. It may be revealing operational strategies. I have included the entire clip backwards. What can you hear?

[Play Stream] [Download File] The spooks arrested / Arrests nigger

[Play Stream] [Download File] Lick her fanny

[Play Stream] [Download File] I’ll make you serve me. Succumb

[Play Stream] [Download File] Lets arrest nigger. Nancy’s arm will fuck (muma??) – Two unusual words in here – code names maybe? Associates?

[Play Stream] [Download File] Search nigger

[Play Stream] [Download File] You fuck us up

Here are some from an address this morning from the General – Joint Chiefs address on Thursday, August 20 1998

[Play Stream] [Download File] Lean on the shiek / Down with it – The purpose – to lean and pull down

[Play Stream] [Download File] Scout mark it up with us – Scouts are still checking the territory

Here are speech reversals found on Defense Secretary, Bill Cohen, talking the day of the Afghanistan bombing. They have a higher than usual metaphoric content for this type of situation, indicating spiritual damage. Of interest is the reversal about NASA and December seven. I do not know what this means but note that december 7 is the day Japan attacked Pearl harbor.

[Play Stream] [Download File] See the lesser sword

[Play Stream] [Download File] Dam killer

[Play Stream] [Download File] With the wolf, you wreck Eden / Theres grief when the garden’s sick

[Play Stream] [Download File] Bill sells the crime aloft / They will listen

[Play Stream] [Download File] Bring in Nasa with December seven

[Play Stream] [Download File] Sex with a new gun