2016 Third Presidential Candidate Debate
2016 Third Presidential Candidate Debate – Well, this third and final debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump certainly proved to be a contentious one. I really cannot decide whether they were any help to themselves and their own candidacy. I do not see either as a clear winner and think that they may have both lost in the debate. I can surely say that I believe the biggest loser in this debate is the American people. Out of 325 million people in this country, these are our candidates for the highest office in the land. The system is definitely flawed and the American people are becoming very tired of it.
Donald Trump – 2016 Third Presidential Candidate Debate
Donald – “..something happened recently where Justice Ginsberg ah, made some very, very [inappropriate] statements toward me and toward a tremendous number of people many many millions of people I represent…” – They’ve broken it.
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Donald – “(Chris) Mr. Trump, your reaction. Particularly on this issue of late term partial birth abortions. (Donald) Well I think it is terrible. If you go with [what Hillary is saying], in the ninth month you can take baby and rip the baby out of the womb…” – Yes Hillary health.
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Donald – “They’re coming in illegally. Drugs are pouring in through the border. We have no country if we have no border. Hillary [wants to give amnest]y. She wants to have open borders. As you know, the border patrol agents, 16,500 plus I.C.E. last week endorsed me. First time they’ve endorsed a candidate.” – Send my bigots.
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Donald – “One of my first acts will be to get all of the drug lords, all of the bad ones, we have some [bad, bad] people…” – They’re bad.
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Donald – “Because we have a country with tremendous numbers of nuclear warheads, 1,800, by the way. Where [they expanded] and we didn’t. 1,800 nuclear warheads. And she is playing chicken.” – Then they’re scared.
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Donald – “So I just left some high representatives of India. They’re growing at 8%. China is growing [at 7%. And that for them is a] catastrophically low number.” – There’s another planet, NASA the best thing.
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Donald – “Well I think I did a much better job. I built a massive company, a great [company, some of] the greatest assets anywhere in the world…” – I must see the buck.
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Donald – “(Hillary) ..where he said that he could not possibly have done those things to those women because they were not attractive enough for… (Donald) I did not say that. (Hillary) ..them to be assaulted. (Donald) I did not say that. (Hillary) In fact, he went on to say… (Chris) Her two minutes. Sir, her two minutes. (Donald) I [did not say that]. (Chris) Her two minutes.” – Yes I did.
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Donald – “(Hillary) But he also went after a disabled reporter, mocked and mimicked him on national television. (Donald) [Wrong].” – No.
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Donald – “Now John Po[desta said] you have terrible instincts. Bernie Sanders said you have bad judgment.” – This is said.
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Donald – “..but I am going to create a… the kind of a country that we were from the standpoint of industry. [We used to be there. We’ve given it up]. We’ve become very, very sloppy.” – I’m gonna beg you, I need to see you.
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Donald – “Iran is taking over Iraq. (Chris) Secretary Clinton. (Donald) [Iran is taking over Iraq]. We don’t need it. (Hillary) ..his conspiracy theories… (Chris) Secretary Clinton.” – Terror body, it’s an error.
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Donald – “[They’ve all left]. The element of surprise. Douglas MacArthur, George Patton spinning in their graves…” – I love it.
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Donald – “We need strong borders. We need absolute, we can[not give amnesty]. Now,…” – It’s America.
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Hillary Clinton – 2016 Third Presidential Candidate Debate
Hillary – ” You know, I think when we talk about the Supreme Court, it really raises the central [issue in this election]. Namely, what kind of country are we going to be?” – Shall I send new shit?
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Hillary – “on behalf of the rights of the LGBT community, that will stand up and [say no to Citiz]ens United, a decision that has undermined the election system in our country because of the way it permits dark, unaccountable money to come into our electoral system.” – Citizen warn ya.
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Hillary – “..that will stand up and say no to Citizens United, a decision that has undermined the election system in our country because of the way it permits [dark, unaccount]able money to come into our electoral system.” – They’re not God.
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Hillary – “And we would then to have put them on trains, on buses [to get them out of] our country.” – But I’m a faggot.
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Hillary – “So I think we are both a nation of immigrants and we are a nation of laws and that we can act accordingly. And that’s why I’m introducing comprehensive immigration re[form within the] first 100 days with a path to citizenship.” – I let them off.
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Hillary – “They have hacked American websites, American accounts [of private people], of institutions. Then they have given that information to WikiLeaks…” – Oh beat the darkness.
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Hillary – “We’ve got to do more to get the whole economy moving [and that’s what I believe] I will be able to do.” – Feel the battle standing.
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Hillary – “That picture of that little 4-year-old boy [in Aleppo with] the blood coming down his face while he sat in an ambulance is haunting,…” – The war fell on it.
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Hillary – “When it comes to the [wall that Donald talk]s about building. He went to Mexico. Had a meeting with the Mexican president.” – Cost blood, the wall.
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Hillary – “When it comes to the [wall that Donald talk]s about building.” – Wall. – from the forwards above, wall is singled out as a perfect mirror reversals. It is wall forwards and in reverse perfect both ways. Amazing how the human mind can do that.
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Hillary – “..amazed that he seems to think the Iraqi government and [our allies] and everybody else launched the attack on Mosul to help me in this election, but that’s…” – See a liar.
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Hillary – “.. ah, it is important that we not reverse marriage equality, that [we not reverse] Roe v. Wade,…” – Serve you, con you.
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Hillary – “Clearly from Putin him[self in an effort],…” – You’re finally force.
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Moderator – Chris Wallace – 2016 Third Presidential Candidate Debate
Chris Wallace – “..you said your talk about grabbing women was just that, talk, and that you’d never actually done it. And since then, as we all know, nine women have come forward and said that you [either groped them] or kissed them without their consent.” – The fault worthy.
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Chris Wallace – “You’ve been warning at rallies recently that this election is rigged and that Hillary [Clinton is in the process] of trying to steal it from you.” – Soften the Satan milk.
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Chris Wallace – “do you make the same commitment that you’ll absolutely, Sir, that you will absolutely accept [the result of the election]. (Donald) I will look at it at the time.” – Shall I send the claws over?
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