By Debbie Fitzgerald Analyst Essay Topic – Metaphors Changing a metaphor or metaphor re-structuring is one of the most powerful therapeutic uses for Reverse Speech. Reverse Speech gives us the ability to look within the unconscious mind through the analysis …
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Why Was the JFK Broadcast Such a Success?
Why Was the JFK Broadcast Such a Success? By Tiffany Fontenot The JFK broadcast had many reasons for being such a great success. The first of which was that it brought the right people together who are experts in their …
Wow! Diccionario de Reverse Speech en Español
We are very pleased to post the first edition of a Reverse Speech Metaphor Dictionary written for the Spanish language. This is a great work by Carlos Mauricio Coto, CRSI, CRSA and long time Reverse Speech supporter. It is available …
Reply to The Skeptical Believer – Reverse Speech
THE SKEPTICAL BELIEVER ARTICLE ABOUT REVERSE SPEECH By Matjaz Kranjec In our life, we would all like everything to be perfect, in perfect order and everything should fit in our understanding. In theory, this is very desirable and possible. We …
My Response to Sceptics
By Cathy Read In this essay, I will respond to an article of Reverse Speech entitled “ZetaTalk: Reverse Speech”. It was found on the website “Zeta Talk” and its internet address is It was published on January 15, 1997, …
Expanded Understanding of Reverse Speech
Summary of Your Expanded Understanding of Reverse Speech Since Beginning Training By Debbie Fitzgerald Reverse speech, a complex and fascinating discovery with many different theories and applications. I will endeavour to give an overview of what I have learned thus …