Check out the latest reversals on the GOP debate that occurred on August 7, 2015. Click Here to listen to what was found.
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Rudy Giuliani in Drag Smooching Donald Trump
Not sure what to think about this short video or the reversal. But here it is: Rudy Giuliani – “Oh you dirty boy you, oh, oh” – Wack me off he gets me wet.
Stairway To Where?
Excerpt from: Reverse Speech: Voices From The Unconscious If there were a “Top 40” of backmasked songs, “Stairway to Heaven,” by Led Zeppelin would have to be at the top of the chart. It has been quoted, misquoted, and dissected …
Newly Collected Reversals December 2014
There are quite a few new Reversals that were collected and added to the website in December 2014. We started out with some Reversals on the siege in Sydney, Australia from Man Haron Monis. We had one Reversal on Bill …
Sydney Seige – Man Haron Monis
Just in this evening, Reversals on Man Haron Monis, the Sydney siege man, talking about the letters he sent to the bereaved families of dead soldiers. Listen Here
Ferguson, MO Police Officer Darren Wilson Reversals
These reversals just came in this evening on Darren Wilson, the officer involved in the shooting death of Michael Brown in Ferguson, MO.