By Norman J. “Jerry” Hirsch WHAT IS REVERSE SPEECH? Reverse Speech is the discovery, theory, and technology of David John Oates involving oral communication. The concept of Reverse Speech is actually simple. That theory is that when we verbally communicate …
News & Articles Library » Miscellaneous
Basic Instructions On Using Reverse Speech Pro Software
Here you will find a link to a document in Microsoft .rtf format that gives some good basic instructions on using the Reverse Speech Professional Software. This document was written for version 2.0 but the instructions and applications methods still …
Obama Speaking On Iran
Here are the latest speech reversals on President Barrack Obama speaking about the Iran negotiations and sanctions. Click Here To View Article
John F. Kennedy Assassination
New page with John F. Kennedy assassination reversals on Lee Harvey Oswald and Lyndon Banes Johnson, vice president at the time. John F. Kennedy Assassination Reversals
Obama on the Healthcare Act
Check out the latest Reversals on President Obama talking about the Affordable Healthcare Act Here: Obama on the Healthcare Act
Reverse Speech Halloween!
Check out speech reversals for Halloween. Scary stuff! Click Here If You Dare