David will be holding a 3 day workshop in Dallas, TX the 9th, 10th and 11th of August – $550
New Training Class Starts May 9th
Classes are three(3) hours long every two(2) weeks online using Zoom. To register for this course or if you have any questions, contact David at: backwards@reversespeech.com
The Why Files – Showcase Reverse Speech
According to the CIA: Record yourself, play it backwards. Your darkest secrets are revealed. Watch the video on their channel. Subscribe and Like too! Thanks. The Why Files – Reverse Speech
Public Notice
This is a public notice to correct a deceptive statement by Laurie Myers in his latest posts – he claims he was trained and certified by me in 2018 and he uses this opening statement on his new business – …
Now Available – David’s Newest Book
David’s newest book, The Angelium Saga – A Trilogy, is a Sci-Fi novel based on scientific and religious concepts which is now available as one single volume in either Hardback or Paperback copies. The book is also available on Amazon.com …
3-Day Training Workshop Oct. 8th
Check out the upcoming Reverse Speech training workshop beginning December 8th thru the 10th. See full details and sign up here: Reverse Speech 3-Day Training Workshop