Check out the advertisement for David’s Public Lecture and Book Release this coming November the 10th in Thebarton just outside Adelaide, South Australia. David’s lecture promises to be entertaining, exciting and very informative. You will simply be amazed! Reverse Speech …
News & Articles Library » Announcements
David Releases New Book!
Have you heard the news? I’ve just released my latest book – ‘A New Theory About Language’ the 2015 edition! And I have to say… I’m extremely proud of it. Over the last 30-years Reverse Speech has, as a result …
Response to Mark Newbrook by Greg Albrecht
RESPONSE TO MARK NEWBROOK (MONASH UNIVERSITY) An article has been published in the ‘Skeptical Humanities’ web site asserting that I have claimed that David Oates stole my ideas, presumably after we wrote ‘Beyond Backward Masking.’ Skeptical Humanities. The part that …
October 2015 Interesting Reversals This Month
Welcome all. We start this months reversals with what has been found on the first Democratic Debate held this month. You can find that page here. Then we had a whole bunch of reversals on John McCain talking about the …
Pope’s Reversals On The Jeff Rense Show
David presented the reversals that have been found on the Pope’s visit here in the U.S. on the Jeff Rense show last night, October 6, 2015 and you can listen to that portion of Jeff’s show on David’s personal website …
Pope Francis Visits The US
Wow, we don’t know what to think of these reversals on the Pope’s speech to Congress. These kinds of reversals we expect from Congress but to find them on the Pope is quite a surprise. You will have to form …