Happy Halloween!


Happy Halloween


Happy Halloween to all this year. Here are some reversals that fit the genre of the Halloween spirit and are a bit spooky themselves. But first we start out with a little humour from comedian Bill Hicks talking about, ‘Backward Messages’ – A bit dated though as he references record players. (Record player?,…. What’s that?)


Here is Alex Jones speaking forwards about his anger and in reverse says – I am Satan


The Backstreet Boys singing their song called, ‘Everyone’ and in reverse they sing – They love Satan


Prime Minister James Gordon Brown speaking about Britain being on the road to recovery and says in reverse – Run Satan


Cheap Trick – Gonna Raise Hell – Satan holds the keys to the lock


Client speaks – That Satan now I sniff with his sorrow


Client speaks – Seeing the voice of Satan


Bill Clinton speaking about his organizations he supports – I am Satan


Julia Gillard was the Prime Minister of Australia and Leader of the Labor Party from 2010 to 2013 and she was the first woman to hold either position. Here she is speaking about the democratic process in Australia and says in reverse – We love Satan


John McCain speaks about the American public being fed up with the actions of politicians in Washington – Sell, Satan, sell


Metallica singing their song called, ‘Am I evil’ and they sing backwards – I am Satan I am, I am


Here is a woman talking about Christ helping people and that we can all help and backwards she says – We cast Satan out of Heaven


Here is a musical reversal from Santana that they sing in reverse – I love Satan within


Here is a client speaking about the Human spirit and he had a reversals that says – The beast got results, Satan


Last but not least, if these reversals have left you feeling kind of uneasy and just a bit fearful, you can always picture in your mind this metaphorical image to clear any residual thoughts and feelings – See the Whirlwind to shift this devil out



From the Reverse Speech Metaphor Dictionary

SATAN (Structural) see Lucifer – Satan is the fallen version; spiritual longing and loneliness; torment, lost and wandering; intense emotions; anger, temper; electric vibes; strong almost unshakeable destructive behaviour patterns; a person running a Satan metaphor can easily destroy anyone with a few, quick words or a few strong looks. Trance image; a figure of the stereotypical Satan character, frequently cartoon like; red with horns and a tail

Cartoon Satan