David On Coast to Coast AM This Wednesday

George Noory - Coast2Coast AM Radio Show

David On Coast to Coast AM This Wednesday

David On Coast to Coast AM This Wednesday – David will be appearing on Coast to Coast AM again with host Goerge Noory. Coast to Coast is the largest overnight talk show in the United States going to over 600 stations, so this is great exposure for Reverse Speech. My appearance will be on Wednesday night, July the 12th from 10:00 PM – Midnight Standard Pacific Time. The shows website is Coast to Coast AM



Performing Metawalk Three Practitioner Course Essay

Performing Metawalk Three Practitioner Course Essay

Performing Metawalk Three Practitioner Course Essay

By Debbie Fitzgerald

Performing Metawalk Three Practitioner Course Essay – A full round of Reverse Speech Session Work consists of eight sessions over eight weeks. The final session, week eight is when Metawalk Three is conducted with a client. This Metawalk is done to solidify the positives changes that have been created throughout the weekly sessions and is mapped out from the reversals found in the Post-walk recording session.

I have completed a full round of Session Work with my client Margaret whose intention with this session work was to be successful in her business and to remove any blocks and behavioural patterns that were hindering her from having success and financial freedom in her business. She also wanted to attract the right clients to her after having a quite an arduous time with the wrong type of clients coming to her over many years now.

Marg has felt pretty great since the first Metawalk and this has continued on following her second Metawalk. She has definitely had changes occur and she has had more confidence, felt more grounded and has felt much more calm, settled and at peace with everything in her business.

I performed the Post-Walk recording on Marg and the reversals showed she’d definitely had had some changes occur but the reversals also showed there were further issues that needed to be worked on.

Marg’s Post-walk recording fell into the scenario of –

yielding reversals that show changes have taken place for the original reasons in doing
session work, however a whole other layer of dysfunctional metaphors
have also appeared.

The reversals showing positive change were –

now surf – surf, life energy, movement, the process of moving through life. Congruent with forwards dialogue, felt there were changes with the Metawalk one, now has movement and moving through life and continuing to do so. Positive reversal.

the way, us okay – a positive reversal, the way she is currently approaching changes and is taking steps towards healing. Confirmation of forwards is positive. us, the many parts of the psyche will be okay.

yeah within us life – another positive reversal, reclaiming life again, life is within her being, her us, all parts of the psyche. A congruency is occurring as changes are being made, again as per forwards dialogue.

the sky cannot nick – sky, to be free, to look beyond. Nick, to take away, steal. In reference to forwards dialogue that she now feels relaxed and worry free since doing the Metawalk’s, this feeling and the freedom it gives cannot be taken away. A positive reversal that a great change has occurred.


so we health – talking of her wolf in Metawalk one, in forwards dialogue. Wolf metaphor is healthy as seen in a future reversal. Also could tie in with previous two reversals although this is a reversal that starts the next cluster. It is a cluster of two and includes the next reversal, still on.

still on – confirmation that wolf metaphor is still healthy and will be ongoing. A positive reversal that indicates that change has occurred.

wolf happy – a positive reversal showing there has been change with the wolf metaphor that was dysfunctional in first session recording and also pre-walk recording.

there’s now Luke status – Luke, light giving (greek meaning), the beloved physician (bible), status, relative social or professional position; standing. There is now a new status within the client’s being.

me love you – talking of wolf in forwards dialogue, a positive reversal showing there has been change with the wolf metaphor that was dysfunctional in first session recording and also pre-walk recording.

I nearly fine – continuing on from the forwards dialogue, feeling that client is nearly fine. Making progress on her healing journey.

The reversals which showed further issues had arisen and showed dysfunctional metaphors were –

I am a shasu – shasu, means to wander. Wander metaphor, to roam aimlessly, explore with no plan, to look and see. Client displaying this behaviour, taking each day as it comes. This meaning of this reversal is also evident in the client’s post-walk reversals, showing they are all over the place.

fears not fierce – maybe some fear still there but it is not as strong as previously as worked on this in Metawalk two.

more fear – here is evidence of more fear, the fear relating to being free and living life to the full without restriction as per forward dialogue.

he whirl with the pus – confirmation of the forwards dialogue – Yes daddy’s pus was taken away with the whirlwind collapse image. Or is it an instruction for Metawalk three?? Would you take it as an instruction to cover this metaphor – pus completely?

without Earl – not feeling successful, grand or great. Incongruent with forwards that said her business was ready to sour to new heights


why fuck all is – fuck, hurt, harm. From forwards dialogue, feeling hurt and having been harmed.

sin, the zoo – sin, personal shortcoming, fall short of expectations, achieving less than capable of achieving. zoo, chaos, personal or organizational system in chaos. Unable to achieve at a high level due to being disorganized and/or personally in a chaotic state.

hear their war, Rocelin – classic Rocelin behaviour – a succession of relationships that go sour, war is with someone or something else in her life. Displaying delusions of grandeur .Negative energy draining and destructive behaviour. (taken from your interpretation David)

heart-ache is – taken literally, heart is aching, feeling strong emotions.

I need a whirl of sham – sham, bogus; false. whirl, interacting in the physical world. Either instruction for metawalk and/or needing to have a false physical world energetically as it may be serving her.

my hearts still mad – still feeling emotions, still feeling mad and angry emotionally.

all wooden – wood, fuels the fire and fuels the emotions. This seems to be related to the heart as previous reversal directly before this one and in the same cluster. Definitely being fuelled by her emotions, anger and feeling of being mad fuelling actions and behaviour.

I’m the baby’s muck – baby, part of the psyche that is still the baby. muck, bad habits, mess to clean up, shit, negative emotional garbage. Client has mess and bad habits, negative emotional garbage that have been there since a baby through experiences, parental influences and ii is ingrained into the psyche.

no more scams and the foul – scam, a dishonest scheme, a fraud, swindle. foul, severely unpleasant, dysfunctional. Instruction for changing unpleasant experiences and dishonesty from client’s life on her behalf and others allowing her to stay on task as per forwards dialogue.

I have a sick Earl – Earl, success is hindered as dysfunctional Earl metaphor. Incongruent reversal. Especially in reference to the boy foul, younger male aspect dysfunctional within self.

I bunk in a reef – reef, an obstacle in life’s journey, sabotage patterns, to be stuck. bunk, to sleep in a “bunk bed”, bunk down in. Getting caught in the obstacles of life and sabotage patterns.


Ordinarily, when there has been some change shown in the reversals from the Post-walk recording and then a whole other layer of dysfunctional metaphors also appear the way to proceed in these situations is starting again with an entirely new round of session work. The Post-Walk session is then used as the First Session of the new round, the reversals from the Post-walk session are still given to the client as the results one session. Then session work will continue with the next session being the Pre-Walk recording session and so forth.

Due to the fact that Marg was running a Rocelin metaphor and this is really the most destructive and nastiest metaphors a person can have in Reverse Speech, it was extremely important to address this metaphor of Rocelin. So we went ahead and performed Metawalk three.

Metawalk three is mapped out working in accordance with the metaphor map. We also had the assistance from David in class with this Metawalk. When writing the Metawalk the reversals are grouped into the order of the journey to be undertaken in the Metawalk.

Starting at the beach
there’s now Luke status
now surf
fish had assist
hail ships
I bunk in a reef

Then to the meadow
wolf happy
hear their war, rocelin
without Earl
I have a sick Earl
we know what healthy
me love you
the wish I cherish

Then to the desert
he whirl with the pus
I need a whirl of sham
more fear
I’m the baby’s muck
has he ever scam
no more scams and the foul

The reversals here in the desert could be sorted out with the whirlwind when reaching the desert on the journey but as we are accessing the whirlwind metaphor known as the Two Whirlwinds in the Garden of Eden we are going to deal with these negative reversals altogether in the whirlwind there so I have moved them to the Garden of Eden group.


Then the Garden of Eden
heart-ache is
my hearts still mad,
all wooden
he whirl with the pus
I need a whirl of sham
more fear
I’m the baby’s muck
has he ever scam
no more scams and the foul


Metawalk Three was written using the above reversal Metawalk instructions and Metawalk images and is as follows –

Starting with the Standard Induction Script One ………. followed by…

I’m now going to give you a series of images…. that will allow the conscious mind… the opportunity to… begin.. to shift… and alter…. As you see these images… so too… do we access… the structures.. of the deep… unconscious mind. As the pictures change.. so too… do the structures… of the unconscious mind change… and this allows.. corresponding change.. in.. the.. physical.. world… in which.. you.. live….
….and to begin this process today Marg, — I would like you to imagine the image of you standing on the shores of a beautiful beach. It is a beautiful sunny day. The sun is warming your face and there is a gentle sea breeze. The surf is crashing on the shore. You look out to sea and there ahead in the ocean you see the wreckage of your ship off the reef. That was your current situation. The ship is wrecked on the reef. Now though you are standing safely on the shore.

You then see Luke walking towards you, he is one of Jesus’s disciples , he is light giving, the beloved physician and healer. Luke takes your hand and takes you along the beach to a path up ahead. This is the way to the meadow, you walk along the path with Luke and as you enter the meadow you see a war raging in the meadow just ahead of you. Beyond the war you see the castle of Camelot and as we access this metaphor now the unconscious mind continues to shift and alter … each breath that you take, — each sound that I make — allowing you to sink deeper — and deeper — and even deeper still into trance…..

Your happy wolf runs up to greet you. And as the war is raging in front of Camelot, you, Luke and your wolf walk around the war and up to the gates of Camelot. Before going through the gates of Camelot you have an important task to perform., leaving Luke at the gates of Camelot to wait for you, and with your wolf by your side you begin to walk around to the back of Camelot where there is a forest which lies behind Camelot…


You walk into the forest with your wolf by your side. As you walk through the forest you come across a clearing and you see Merlin the magician is tied to a pole in the middle of the clearing. There is a dark fairy running around and around Merlin seducing him and robbing him of his magic. Your wolf runs and chases the dark fairy away, out of the forest. You go and untie Merlin and free him from the pole. Your wolf now comes running back to you and you, Merlin and your wolf walk out of the forest, back to the gates of Camelot. You open the gates of Camelot and walk into the castle. Once you walk into the castle the war outside completely stops all by itself.

Once you’re in the castle of Camelot with Luke, Merlin and your wolf you see a sick Earl. You take him to a bed and soothe him. You know what’s healthy so you now heal the Earl with your healing abilities, using your magic to fix the earl. You then cherish him and love him, embracing him. The earl is now completely healed. You all go out the castle to the meadow Luke, Merlin, the earl and your wolf where you walk to the Garden of Eden. It is beautiful, full of wonder and beauty… you can smell the flowers and see vibrant green trees, and hear the birds singing, and see the rolling meadows and fields.

Your wolf runs off to play. Luke, Merlin and the Earl enjoy a walk through the Garden of Eden. You walk to the sparkling beautiful waterfall that feeds the River of Life that flows through the centre of the Garden of Eden. You now walk up to the top off the waterfall. There are branches, bits of wood, some rubbish blocking the flow of the waterfall. Clear them all away until there is nothing blocking the waterfall’s flow and you see it flowing beautifully now into the river of life.

You walk back down from the waterfall into the centre of the Garden of Eden…… now I want you to visualize there are two Whirlwinds spinning in front of you.

The Whirlwind on the left represents the old pattern that existed before we began our work together. Look at the left whirlwind you see there is still pus, muck, scams and shams and any remnants of fear in it. It is foul and it smells unpleasant. The Whirlwind on the right represents the new pattern that has been created. Look at the left Whirlwind. Imagine the left Whirlwind spinning slower and slower and, at the same time, is shrinking in size. Meanwhile, you see the Whirlwind on the right increasing in size, getting larger and larger. Finally you now see that the left Whirlwind is so small that it is collapsing into nothing and is now completely blown away by the wind.

……. now walk up and stand in front of the right whirlwind, as you stand there I want you to cup your hands and raise them towards the sun … you are now going to imagine that you are collecting a ball of light in the palms of your cupped hands, as you collect the energy and life force of the sun so too does the unconscious mind open this area of light that resides in the deep self, allowing its energy and power to be transferred to all parts of consciousness.


And now, carefully cradling the ball of light in your hand, I want you to walk into the right whirlwind itself … you will find that you can walk into the twirling winds with perfect ease, through its powerful currents right into centre of the whirlwind where it is still and calm …. Now I want you release the ball of light out of your hands … it rises into the air and fills the whirlwind with its power and light … watch this light as it travels higher and higher in the wind, filling it completely with its light, so that the entire whirlwind glows and shines … feel its power for a few minutes……and now, I want you to imagine that the whirlwind begins to spin around you faster and faster and as it spins you begin to merge into the whirlwind, becoming one with the whirlwind, as the unconscious mind continues to shift and alter and process all these images very powerfully and succinctly over the next few days and weeks.

Now as you and the whirlwind are one, we have to come to the end of this journey and I’m going to bring you back to full awareness very shortly now, and the unconscious mind is going to process all these images that you have seen over the next few days and weeks, and make changes accordingly, and these changes will gradually filter out from the deepest part of your being eventually affecting your conscious behaviour and manifesting in your physical world…..

I am now going to slowly count from 1 to 5 and gradually bring you back from this relaxed state to full awareness again. On the count of one, the pictures gradually begin to fade now – and two, the unconscious mind gradually returns to where it was – and three, breathing and heart rate gradually return to normal, and four, conscious mind returns to full awareness, and five, you can gradually begin to open your eyes now and return to the room wide awake and fully refreshed.


I was pleased with the Metawalk and felt the session went well. I asked Marg how she went with the Metawalk and particularly the rocelin imagery when we had finished. She told me this Metawalk was a lot different to the first two Metawalk’s and a lot shorter. In the rocelin imagery she loved rescuing Merlin and was surprised at its simplicity. This made her ask would it keep rocelin away permanently to which I answered yes.

She said the fairy didn’t look as scary as she had imagined and when her wolf took off and chased the fairy away she ran really quickly to Merlin and freed him. She said he was really happy to be free and when the wolf ran back to them they left the forest almost running. When Marg was healing the Earl she felt her magic was back and she laid her hands on the Earl and he healed instantly.

In the Garden of Eden Marg went to the top of the waterfall and she said when she was there was loads of wood, branches, twigs and rubbish in the waterfall that she had to clear out. It cleared nicely and the waterfall flowed much better after that which is what we were after with this imagery to heal the heartache and anger.


In the days following Metawalk Three Marg felt very lost and it seemed that something was missing. I explained to her she had lost a huge part of her, so to speak, with clearing the rocelin metaphor and she would feel a bit empty for a few days. By the end of Marg’s 6 days of listening to the Metawalk she had started to feel a little better and happy to be moving forward in her business.

I feel the session work was a success and Marg definitely felt changes in her life around her business. She was happy to allow her business to take on a new form and has felt at ease in doing this. Out of the blue she was approached by someone who wanted to work with her and have Marg as a mentor and healing coach. This has led to Marg developing her own method and modality of healing using all the tools and knowledge she has acquired over time. Since this first client approach she has offered her programme to others and has another two signed up ready to go with another one interested. Pretty brilliant stuff and this has also taken Marg from the thoughts and wondering stage of would this work, could it be done mode to developing and delivering her new healing modality helping woman reconnect with themselves, to love themselves, feel empowered and fully confident in following their purpose and passion in business and in life.

She has had thoughts of changing her business name to reflect who she is today and felt her old business name needed to go as a lot of stuff had happened to her in the business under that name, not all of it positive.

Having known Marg for over 12 years, she has a calmer disposition, seems more at peace and is following her intuition and guidance more so now than ever before. One comment she made was in week three of session work whilst she was listening to the first Metawalk journey was Reverse Speech has saved her life. Can’t get better than that!!!



CIA Library Entry – Reverse Speech

NEW UPDATED!! 06-24-2017

CIA Seal - CIA Library Entry - Reverse Speech

CIA Library Entry – Reverse Speech

CIA Library Entry – Reverse Speech – Check out this link to the CIA Library Reading Room where David’s book, Reverse Speech: Hidden Messages In Human Communication is listed for reading. CIA Library Reading Room

David’s Historical Writing Regarding The CIA

Extracts from “It’s Only a Metaphor” – due to be released by the end of 2017



A storm was about to come blowing into my life and it initially came in the form of a hot desert wind. Operation Desert Shield had begun in the Persian Gulf and I was doing reversals on all the news broadcasts to be included in my second book. There was one word in particular that I was finding frequently on many of the key players, primarily Bush, Baker, and Cheney. The word was Simone. I had never heard it in reverse before and I was very curious. Was it a metaphor for the war? A code word maybe? I contacted Scott Jones who sent a confidential memo about the matter to the Secretary of Defense, Dick Cheney.

The memo read in part: “Dear Dick, by a technology known as Reverse Speech therapy, several of us have been following statements made by principal actors involved in the current Persian Gulf crisis. In statements made about Iraq by President Bush, Secretary of State Baker and yourself, a word that we have never heard before has appeared. The word is Simone. I mention this situation in case it is a code word that would not be in the national interest to be known.”

Somehow, the memo found its way into the hands of the press and Reverse Speech immediately hit the headlines. The story ran for two nights in a row on CNN who theorized that Reverse Speech was some new secret government technology. Other papers ran the story with headlines like: “Is the President hiding secret code words backwards in his speech?”

Government officials were silent and Scott Jones implored me not to speak to the press. I obeyed his wishes. Within two weeks my pending lectures in both Washington, D.C. and Michigan were mysteriously cancelled and I became concerned that I was under surveillance.

Still obsessed with the meaning of Simone I conducted by own research and eventually theorized that it was a metaphor for the war. I discovered that it came from the Arabic word Simoon, meaning a desert storm. I wrote an article for Backtalk putting this theory forward and was later stunned when the war itself broke out and it was called Operation Desert Storm. I was a little worried at that point and wondered if I had accidentally stumbled across something I should not have.

I continued to follow speech reversals on the war as soon as the news broadcasts occurred. I always managed to find hints of pending events in reverse, only to then see them subsequently occur in the immediate future. True to my word, I never contacted the press but privately my phone used to ring hot all the time with clients, students and friends wanting to know the latest information on the war before it hit the press. It was an interesting period and I still do speech reversals on news broadcasts today when I have the time. I am always amazed to see events I heard in reverse unfolding in the next few hours, days and sometimes weeks.



Just as I had lost control of the images in my trance, so too did I begin to lose control of other directions I was pursuing at that time. The first of these was my attempts to obtain official recognition for the technology in the area of law enforcement and government involvement.

My Washington DC trip was eventually scheduled for later that year and I flew in for a five day conference with various government psychologists, mid-level representatives from the FBI, and Naval Intelligence plus other attendees who never identified themselves. To my amazement I managed to tape record all these meetings and I still have the recordings today. The lectures went well, the acceptance level was remarkably high and research funding was discussed. I was greatly encouraged, expecting this to be the first of many more visits to Washington. However, events of a different nature were about to occur.

After the conference I was approached by a senior agent for the FBI. He was extremely interested in my research, particularly any work I had done with the authorities and seemed to be quite genuine in taking Reverse Speech further. He asked me to prepare him a written report saying that it would receive urgent consideration. We parted company on good terms and he said other agents would be in contact with me shortly.

With democratic patriotism and outback Aussie naiveté I faithfully wrote a comprehensive report and sent it to the FBI in Washington, D.C. together with books, copies of a few research notes and a small selection of tapes. As I write these words now, I am chilled by the blatant stupidity of what I did because I suspect that single act marked the turning point of my direction with Reverse Speech. Meanwhile, I patiently waited for the return contact that never came and proudly announced to my loyal Reverse Speech crew back in Dallas that our worries would soon be over and official recognition of the technology would shortly follow.

A few days later I had a drive by shooting at the house. Without thinking, I rushed straight outside to see only the tail end of an old black Cadillac tearing down the street. I immediately called the Texas police expecting justice to swiftly follow, but they basically told me to “shoot back”.

That night my heart rate increased substantially when I got a phone call that said, “Leave JFK alone.”

I thought about calling the police back but finally decided there wasn’t much point. The phone call had told me what I needed to know. It had been Backtalk. I had just published an article in Backtalk about the JFK assassination including the results of reversal analysis with Lee Harvey Oswald and Jack Ruby. The article had theorized that Oswald was involved in the plot as a willing patsy but had not fired the fatal shots. It had been an interesting article but I had hardly expected a drive by shooting to come from it.

That incident was merely the start of many other strange events to follow. These included Vans parked down the street and unusual phone calls. Some of these calls were masked with voice scramblers. An anonymous person would say, “hullo” and remind me of the tremendous dangers I faced with Reverse Speech. He would then hang up.

It was all very unsettling and I wished I had never lectured in Washington if this is what it led to. It didn’t seem to make any sense. I wasn’t here to hurt anyone or create political intrigue. I was simply a researcher, an Aussie chasing a dream. The world of espionage was foreign to me and certainly not anything I wanted to be remotely connected with. Not to mention a family I now had to think about.

I moved house out of Dallas to the country hoping for some peace but there was none. The strange activities only increased. There were unusual noises on all my phones. The main line would automatically dial 911 frequently and the police would be on my front door step yet again. Sometimes the phone would be dead for no obvious reason. The strange Vans were parked down the street for days on end and I am sure I was followed occasionally. It was a bit like a Hollywood movie sometimes and if it wasn’t so serious I would have laughed at the stupidity of it all, certainly how blatantly obvious it was.

“I hope this isn’t America’s elite secret security forces at work here,” I would joke at the time. “We were all in big trouble if it was.”

The source of all these somewhat annoying events remained a mystery. They continued for a few months and gradually subsided. Well, they became less obvious anyway. I ultimately replaced my entire phone system and the 911 calls stopped. Yet the damage was done and I became increasingly disillusioned with the government, police and officialdom in general.



Then in April 1997, we were hit with a tragic event.

My office received two unusual phones calls on April second, telling us that a message would be delivered to us the next day and to make sure we were home to receive it. The following morning I took my first client at 9 am as I usually did and she said, “There’s a strong odor of honey suckle outside your house.” We went outside and checked and sure enough, all around the front perimeter of the house we could all smell honey suckle. Another odor. What did this one mean? I thought.

Then at 10:15 am, while I was session with my second client, my secretary came running into my office shouting words that would change things forever, “David, the house is on fire!”

I rushed out of the office to the source of the blaze which was the spare bedroom. We were using it as shipping room at the time. I tried to open the door but it was jammed tight.

We got out of the house as fast as we could. The fire spread rapidly engulfing the entire house within minutes. We watched helplessly waiting for the fire department that did not come for 45 minutes, even though there were two fire stations within minutes of us. We later discovered that both fire departments had their engines out being serviced on the same day.

The house was totaled, and what the flames didn’t get, the smoke did. We lost all personal effects, but amazingly all the Reverse Speech office equipment and my many years of tapes, research notes and client files survived. Just as well, because I had no insurance and some of the material was irreplaceable.

Once we recovered from the shock and gathered our thoughts, we started to ask questions. There were suspicious circumstances surrounding the fire. For a start a neighbor had seen a car leaving the scene just before the blaze broke out. Secondly, one of the many people who used to congregate around our house, had seen someone carrying two jugs of liquid up to the house ten minutes or so before the fire started. They thought it had been the pool men, but they had been an hour earlier.

Then the fire department could not determine the exact cause of the fire. They suspected a candle burning but could not be sure. We demanded an arson investigation but they steadfastly refused to do this. We hired security guards to protect the house until we could get the Reverse Speech equipment and files out of the wreck. There were two attempted break-ins into the wreck for two nights in a row that were both thwarted by the guards. After the second break-in, the culprit had left a fire department ladder behind after he had been interrupted by the security guard.

Four days later, my girlfriend, Karen, arrived at the house in the early hours of the morning to collect more material. She saw smoke coming from the house, and two men walking out of the driveway who seemed surprised to see her. She went to a neighbor’s house, immediately rang the fire department and by the time she returned the men had vanished. The fire department arrived on scene within minutes this time, and immediately put out the blaze which had begun near the remaining Reverse Speech office material. It was officially ruled as a reignite, and they still refused to conduct an arson investigation.

We were so frustrated that we finally hired our own independent arson investigators, three altogether, all of whom confirmed a possible chemical fire with multiple ignition sources. Then a month later, while I was going through what electronic equipment remained, I came across a blackened tape recorder that had been running while I was in session with my client when the fire broke out. Amazingly, the tape recording had survived and it had been recording for a full 15 minutes into the blaze before the power had finally gone out. I had captured the voice of my secretary running into the office, as well the voices of two men in the house, after everyone had left, rummaging through filing cabinets!

I was chilled. I tried to get the police and fire officials to listen to the tape but they would not. I tried to play it on the air during my next appearance on the Art Bell show, but we ran out of time. Then we requested copies of the 911 tapes. They had been altered. We requested copies of the fire departments logs. They had also been altered. We tried for months to get someone to listen to us, but no one would. A year later, I was sued by the insurance company for the owners of the house. I presented our case and it was finally settled out of court with minimal cost to me. To this day, no one has ever listened to us about this fire. The tape and all our investigation reports still exist including reports from a private investigator we hired to look into the blaze. All of these reports confirm arson by persons unknown.

The TV show Strange Universe subsequently did an investigative report on the house fire and they too concluded probable arson. Who did it and why they did it remain mysteries to this day but the odors, dreams, and reversals had warned of this. It was all too Twilight zone-ish yet again.

A very good friend of mine, Santa Anna School District Police Officer, Jerry Hirsch subsequently analyzed the tape recording I had found of the fire and he said the following.

“David sent a copy of the found tape for me to listen to. I spent over a week listening and reversing as much of it as could be heard over the fire alarm and other sounds. What was clear to hear was that after the secretary ran in yelling “David, the house is on fire”, everyone ran out of the room. Within 30 seconds you began to hear sounds of cabinets being opened, footsteps and papers being shuffled. Meanwhile you can hear everyone else shouting from another part of the house until the fire alarm begins sounding you can clearly hear this activity continue. At one point you can even hear that the recorder mike was bumped or pushed. Someone was definitely ransacking the office area. Also, at one point whispered voices could be heard. Seems like there was a voice about getting out but I’d have to re-listen to the clips. Bottom line is that something was going on in that office while everyone else was busy with the fire.”


Life went on after the fire but not smoothly. We rented a small house in the closest town and opened up new offices in the main shopping center of Bonsall. My son came to stay with us again but this time it was going to be for at least a year. It was good to have Michael with me again but drama still plagued me in my business life. My training classes continued in the new offices but Larry Ay was strangely missing. We never saw or heard from him again.

At the same time, we had numerous break-ins into the new Reverse Speech offices. Our computers were hacked and files stolen. We were watched and followed. The stress got to me and my personal life began to deteriorate, including my relationship with Karen. Then one day we discovered a program on my personal computer that was downloading data every night at 3 am in the morning to a server in Virginia. Virginia, I thought, right where the CIA headquarters were. Is this whole nightmare starting again? Was I under surveillance? Was the warning the FBI gave me coming true? I had no idea.



I arrived back in Australia to somewhat of a surprise. One of my students informed me that Reverse Speech had been added to the CIA’s website. It has? My mind raced back to the lectures I gave them back in 1991. I went to the CIA listing and there it was quoting my 1991 book, “Reverse Speech Hidden Messages in Human Communication,” by David John Oates. The listing had a PDF file which had a copy of the title page, a list of contents and footnotes. The body of the book was not there.

I dug a bit deeper and discovered it had been released on November 4, 2016 as a CREST document. I googled crest (I love google!) and discovered it was a CIA directive that automatically declassifies material after 25 years. It all fit. It was released exactly 25 years after I gave my lectures to them. This proved 2 things. Firstly to the naysayers who claimed these lectures never took place, well, here is proof that they did, and secondly, it shows that they took Reverse Speech seriously enough to do something with it.

The release had also claimed it was part of the STARGATE project. I googled stargate and discovered it was program established to research the military potential of psychic phenomenon, particularly Remote Viewing. The program ended in 1996, but what have they done with Reverse Speech? What will future releases show over the next few years? Was I really under surveillance after I gave my lectures to them in 1991? And the house fire and the people we heard in the office? Then there was the automatic download of data from my computer at 3:00 AM every morning to a server in Virginia, coincidentally where the CIA is based. Suddenly all the pieces seemed to fall into place.

I received numerous emails following the news of this release. One from Scott Jones who informed me I had shaken the CIA up and one agent had said to him “If this is true then there are no more secrets.” I also received an email from a former FBI agent who told me they had regularly used Reverse Speech in the field with outstanding results.

I shook my head in amazement. 34 years of my life’s work vindicated. I HAD been taken seriously and they were using my technology.

Furthermore, I also received emails from a small handful of academics and linguists who said privately they endorsed my theories but they could never go public with it. The academic community just doesn’t work that way. I guess I was saying the world is round. Language is bi level – forwards and backwards.



Ashland Oregon Reverse Speech Lecture

Ashland Oregon Reverse Speech Lecture David John Oates Reverse Speech

Ashland Oregon Reverse Speech Lecture

Ashland Oregon Reverse Speech Lecture – May 27th, 2017 – Watch this video of David’s new updated lecture he presented on the 27th of May in the meeting room of the Ashland, Oregon Library. Great lecture to an audience of 50 people while the Reverse Speech Documentary crew filmed the lecture, the audience, and individuals who came to learn about Reverse Speech.




Metawalks Interactive Program Available

Metawalks Interactive Program Available

Metawalks Interactive Program Available

Metawalks Interactive Program Available – A MetaWalk® is the process of taking a metaphorical [meta] walk through the unconscious mind for the purpose of creating significant and lasting change.

For over 30­ years David Oates researched and practised two powerful techniques called ReverseSpeech® and Metaphor Restructuring. David has worked directly with 1,000’s of people, from all walks of life, helping them break­free from the outdated unconscious programming that currently controls their lives, dictates their actions and holds them back from living the life they desire.

Over time David created MetaWalks® as a way to install the restructured metaphors directly into his client’s subconscious.

Now, for the first time, David has created a series of MetaWalks® that anybody can use to create the unconscious changes needed to truly break free and live their life free from outdated programming. Available across a wide range of problem areas, these incredible audio programs are available to be downloaded and used immediately.

Visit Metawalks.com For Much More Information On The Subject