Reverse Speech Pro Video Software Is Here!!!


I am very excited to announce the release of the Reverse Speech Video Software. I knew about video reversals way back in 1989 and in the 1990s I used to run around with a reversing VCR. This latest software by Reverse Speech puts those early days in the palms of your hands! Explore the amazing world of video reversals. Watch the connections with body language and the backward lip movements. I know you will have as much fun with this as I am.

David John Oates


You can learn about the New Reverse Speech Pro Video Software here.


You can purchase the New Reverse Speech Pro Video Software here.

In Loving Remembrance of…


RIP Greg Albrecht, Author, co-Author of Beyond Backward Masking
RIP Greg Albrecht 1954-2019

I have some very sad news to report to the whole Reverse Speech community. Greg Albrecht, co-author of Beyond Backward Masking, the first book on Reverse Speech, and my very good mate, was found dead on the banks of the River Murray last night. His body is being taken to Adelaide for an autopsy. He had been travelling up river on his house boat enjoying his retirement and finishing off his latest book on Reverse Speech. I will keep you all posted on the latest news. RIP Greg – till we meet again.

Hear Greg in David’s last personal radio show here November 9, 2018:

First Hour of the Show

David John Oates

Remembering Greg Albrecht

New Reverse Speech Radio Show

David & Christian New Reverse Speech Radio Show

New Reverse Speech Radio Show

Announcing a New Reverse Speech Radio Show – On the last Tuesday of every month, Christian D. Cadieux and I will be doing an hour long segment on the Jeff Rense program entitled, “The Crime and Trauma Report” profiling criminal activity – for the first time ever Reverse Speech will be used to dive into the inner minds of serial killers, mobsters, hit men, and other nefarious characters – the first show will be Tuesday, October the 30th, next week (my birthday) and will profile Jeffrey Dahmer – go to to listen to the show.