BackTalk – Volume 3, Issue 1


Volume 3, Issue 1 (February 1991)

The Official Journal Of
The Reverse Speech Education And Research Institute (USA)
Revcom – The Society For Reversed Communication Research (Australia)

“Backtalk” is an international journal that reports exclusively on the ongoing research into Reverse Speech. It is produced with the joint effort of Reverse Speech researchers in both Australia and the United States Of America.
Publisher: David J. Oates


I am sitting here at my desk at half past two in the morning wondering what on earth I’m doing up at such an ungodly hour starting to write Backtalk. Maybe I’m being melancholy. Maybe it’s inspiration – after all I had been in a real deep sleep prior to this and suddenly woke up with a burning desire to write the editorial. But if the truth be known, I guess it’s another bout of insomnia that has been plaguing me for the last few months. I’m sure that some people would love to read more into that than what meets the eye!

I’m feeling like being a little more personal in this editorial than I normally am. This still is a small publication newsletter and I have the right! After all its my magazine, my business also, come to think about it (well, on caretaker loan from God, or the Universe, or whatever other name you care to ascribe to it/she/he).

Let me see, I think I feel like writing about the trappings and downfalls of success. For years I’ve been working and struggling hard trying to get Reverse Speech off the ground – going without food, sometimes no place to sleep, often no money to pay bills, and mostly with just one person (me) endeavoring to tell the world about Reverse Speech while the many others stand on the sidelines cheering me on, sometimes with suggestions but mostly with just criticisms.

I can remember a time only a few weeks ago when I was getting ready for a lecture. I had arrived late and was endeavoring to make it up the stairs struggling with one very large and very heavy suitcase, two small suitcases, three cassette boxes and some other miscellaneous items – in just one trip! Several people (not carrying anything) joined me in my walk and began talking about Reverse Speech, saying what a wonderful job I was doing and how hard I must have worked and how much they also wanted to be involved in this new technology. I’m not too sure what I said, but I guess it must not have been very polite because they walked on past me real quick and headed straight to the lecture hall.

Quite frankly I really wasn’t in the mood to be polite. I was struggling and sweating with at least 150 pounds of luggage (oh why, oh why, did I pick a career that needs so much equipment!!) and they didn’t even bother to offer me help!! And thus ends an excellent lesson on human behavior and one of the main reasons why Reverse Speech remains, and will probably always remain, such a specialized and exclusive career to follow.

It’s bloody hard work, mate! Not much glory and a helluva lot of sweat.

I’ve been told that I’m blocking success – mind you these criticisms have been getting more intense the more successful it becomes, and just last weekend, which was one of the best weekends we’ve ever had, the criticisms were the worst. My wife just laughed as I gave her the application forms for training plus other miscellaneous non-successful items (checks!), saying: “Just keep on blocking it, David!”

Then there’s my stutter. No-one with a stutter like mine should be making a career in public speaking. I know, I’m told every time I lecture! In fact the more my stutter vanishes, the greater the criticisms fly (sound familiar?) I’ve been doing a lot of work on my stutter – self control, knowing my vocal patterns, hypnosis etc. etc. and I’m proud to report that it is almost under control. In fact, last lecture I don’t even remember stuttering. It’s been one of my greatest personal victories the last few months.

So to all those wonderful people out there who mean very well, please don’t come up to me with the latest “you beaut” cure for stuttering and expect me to drop everything to make a personal appointment with just you to have it magically cured. I’m sick of it! ! ! Every lecture, every seminar, every training, someone has the magic answer. Now if it just stopped there I wouldn’t mind so much, but it doesn’t! Some of these people don’t take no for an answer and get very offended and look with disbelief when I stand firm and inform them that I am working on it, thank you very much, I don’t want to change my current program that is working very well, if you think I’m bad now you should have heard me a year ago, and please don’t bother me with your latest cure.

Try this one on for a lesson in human nature. One person I work with has the belief that my stutter is part of my pattern for blocking success (groan!) and that the pills I take for reducing stutter before each lecture actually make it worse. Now really, if they made it worse do you think I would still be taking them? Anyway, during the break this person was so excited I wasn’t stuttering, that he/she ran up to an assistant exclaiming: “He’s not stuttering, he’s not stuttering. That’s because he didn’t take his pills.” The assistant promptly informed them that I had taken my pills an hour before the lecture started. This person did an immediate back flip and said, in virtually the same breath, “Oh. That’s why he’s stuttering so much!” Need I comment? We all hang onto our own belief systems so strongly that if they are dare threatened, our whole behavior can become erratic and irrational.

It’s often been said to me by those who know me well, that I’m a well balanced and congruent person – a comment I do like because I’m working on that one very hard with speech reversals. But one must wonder how true it really is as the success I’m blocking fights me all the time, and I lecture more and more frequently. With each lecture the criticisms increase. In fact we recently made up a list of all my faults as reported to me by well wishers – ego centric, attitude to women, deep seated anger, money hungry (???), martyr complex, prophet complex, very impatient, massive incongruency, stopping people from hearing reversals, low self esteem, too selective in the people I work with (now that one is rapidly becoming true!), too nice, too naive (the FBI is going to get me!?) etc. etc. etc.

With problems like all of these, it’s a wonder I even functionl! Maybe it just means I’m a Scorpio? Who knows? Actually my birthday is October 30, 1955, and I was born at 10:30 pm in a small Australian town called Booleroo Center about 250 miles north of Adelaide, the capital city of South Australia. (Mother’s maiden name supplied on request.) Boy! I’m glad I’ve finally gotten that published – now I won’t have to answer the question again for the dozens of people who want to get deep insight into my being by doing my charts (and yes, I’ve had my numerology done before).

Finally, here’s an incident that, without knowing it, actually touched a sore point. Apparantly some of my hand movements had been disturbing some people. I rub my nose and touch the corners of my eyes in a peculiar motion – a sure sign of Iying and incongruency so I was told. I watched a video of an offending lecture and to my shock, the suspect hand movements were actually quick, unconscious signals, wiping tears away from my eyes. They occurred as I lectured on reversals found on my children (I miss them terribly, they live in Australia), and also as I spoke of key elements of Reverse Speech history. Some of these occurred in a painful period in the past. The “suspect” signals did not occur as I discussed current events.

So, it sometimes hurts. But generally, I’m learning to laugh at it and I’m puzzled that my real issues are rarely mentioned. I wonder, do other seminar leaders have the same trouble or is it an attitude that only rears its ugly head with Reverse Speech? Personally, I suspect it’s a bit of both. People are great at pulling others down at the best of times and Reverse Speech only seems to make it worse. Sometimes even the very mention of the name “Reverse Speech” sparks off startling reactions.

So much for all mv woes. On the main front, it looks like a great year for Reverse Speech. So far, four training classes have been scheduled. One in Dallas, Houston, Louisiana and Montreal, Canada. I’ve been swamped with requests for tape analysis, so much so that I’ve started to contract the work out to other analysts.

We have two publishers interested in the book and expect to start contract negotiations soon with one of them. So, the book is just around the corner. Stay tuned to this column for further developments.

Reverse Speech analyst, Becky Thompson, is blazing the road by getting her Provisional Trainer Certificate and Developer certificate all in one month! And congratulations to Kathleen Hawkins who was also awarded a Developer certificate. The current training classes are about to finish with nine students in the final graduation class. Most of those have indicated that they want to go onto Master Analyst training in the fall. Watch out America, potential trainers are on the move.

So that’s about all for my column but there is a lot more inside.

Till next issue,


David's Signature

Research Information


Some work has been done over the last few months in improving reversal prompting techniques. While reversals can always be located in any given section of tape, it has long be known that the type, frequency and clarity of reversals can be directly influenced by the type of conversation. Only a few unclear reversals occur in public speaking, whereas in normal, relaxed conversations they will be quite frequent and of varying clarity.

The task in conducting Reverse Speech sessions has always been, therefore, to keep the conversation flowing smoothly, with little pre-thought. Now this margin has been narrowed even further. An extra “control” factor has recently been observed. That is, rapport between the individuals speaking.

In situations of high rapport between two people, speech reversals are extremely clear and precise, no matter what the emotional situation. High emotions will increase the frequency of reversal occurrence but not necessarily their clarity. Reversal clarity has now been shown to be directly related to the amount of rapport existing in the conversation. This rapport MUST be genuine – not manufactured. Merely matching sensory systems etc. will not necessarily create the genuine rapport needed for reversal clarity.

Rapport appears the most when people are no longer worrying about it. It just is or is not. It does not necessarily mean agreement. It can exist in situations of intense disagreement where both parties are flowing together in the midst of their disagreement. The secret is in free flowing conversation and becoming one with the speaker.

Having now isolated this common denominator for high reversal clarity, the research will now concern itself with establishing precise methods to create this high rapport in all situations necessary.


In the last issue we reported on different reversals being located by different people. Much progress has since been made on this problem. It all revolves around the tonal nature of the reversal and the beat or rhythm of the reversal. Backwards run speech is literally riddled with speech reversals of varying clarity, tonal construction and coincidental sounds. The hard thing is to recognize the TONALITY and BEAT of the reversal. Reversals that have a distinct melody and constant beat are the clearest and most pleasant to the ear ONCE located and isolated. They also contain the most information and are considered to be the most powerful. BUT they are also the most difficult of all reversals for the newcomer to locate, since their sound is totally foreign to anything we are used to. Commonalities of transcript increase in direct proportion to these reversals being documented.

Students who document differing reversals are locating disjointed reversals with inconsistent beat which can vary considerably depending on the section of tape and conversation being checked at the time. Any one student chosen at random will often be documenting reversals of a similar beat that may vary from reversals documented by another student who may document Students who have been actively studying transcripts and learning to recognize reversals with a constant beat and smooth tonality have the greatest success and learning rate, turning in homework that is more consistent with a greater degree of commonality. The skill to master, therefore, is in recognizing the tonality and this is the task that the Reverse Speech trainer now faces.

Letter From A Satisfied Client

I am constantly amazed by the success stories that filter back to me as a result of someone having a Reverse Speech session. In fact I cannot remember an incident where at least some positive results were obtained and in many cases major brealk-throughs in therapeutic treatment made. It is very common to see someone completely released from an issue that had been plaguing them for years after just one or two Reverse Speech sessions. Some of these people report that even after years of therapy they were no closer to solving the problem and Reverse Speech lifted the lid after a mere half an hour. Such is the case with a woman I recently conducted two sessions with. Her letter to me speaks for itself.

Dear David,

Thought I would take a few minutes to fulfill my promise to you and to let you know some of the experiences I have encountered since our reverse speech work. The effects have been many and marvellous.

From the moment I left your place, after the hypnosis session using the reverse speech metaphors, I began noticing differences within myself. There was more acceptance and peace within me and less fear. I felt free of much of the heaviness and pain within myself by the following day. I had to work daily to hold onto the new feelings for there seemed to be a conflict going on within me between the old and the new and basically I managed to hold onto and expand the new. I now know that the conflict involved the wolf and my struggle to understand it. The resolution came to me during a conversation with a friend just a couple of days ago. I can now see the wolf beside me and sometimes will either talk to the wolf or stroke its head. Sounds funny yet it helps.

One of the nice things I have encountered is that friends noticed a change within me. A couple, who knew I was working with you, stated to me on my visit with them only three days after our hypnosis session that my entire analog had changed. They were amazed and I was greatly pleased. Another friend stated that I was different and there no longer was fear in my eyes. My doctor confirmed this observation and was extremely interested to learn more about this reverse speech technology. Another bit of feedback that I received was from my boss. He stated that my work had improved and that it seemed like all of a sudden a light bulb went on. He and I are communicating better, which pleases me.

Other observations that have been passed along to me or I have noticed follow. I smile more. I appear and feel more at ease with myself and others. I cry almost never now. I seem to be able to think more clearly, be more creative and process data faster. I feel more grown up. I find myself calibrating others with objectivity and clarity. I feel less fearful. I spend much more time in my visual channel instead of getting stuck in Kinesthetic which is a great improvement. I feel strong, energetic and powerful. I am less critical of myself. I find people are reacting differently with me than in the past. I seem to be able to be more objective thereby gaining the ability to stay out of other peoples stuff and gaining a new and more productive outlook for myself. And finally, my time line changed almost immediately, to the point that I put the past behind me and begin living almost totally in the immediate present.

I must add that I have experienced a slight setback during and after my visit with my family at Christmas. I came home feeling off balance and disassociated … upon reflection I contacted Becky Thompson. She and I did two sessions together in which we worked to get me back to feeling centered. We also modified my new time line to make it more workable for me. I want to take this time to thank you for recommending Becky to me. I believe you are right about my having never worked with a really good NLP practitioner. Becky is the best I have encountered to date. She is very smooth and innovative in her approach.

Due to my success with reverse speech I am very much interested in learning more. I believe that it is a very powerful and valuable tool. I also believe that this tool should be used with extreme care and precision. Recognizing these facts and being such a person who would treat the knowledge with the utmost of care and respect I would like to receive training in Reverse Speech technology.

I conclude with my heart felt thanks to you, to Reverse Speech and to me for my courage to experiment with Reverse Speech. I now have the answers I so fervently needed to move forward.

Thank you,

Linda Gooding 2/8/91

Thanks so very much Linda. It’s letters and comments like these that give me a tremendous feeling of satisfaction in my work. You are welcomed to receive training with open arms. You display all the skills, respect and insight that makes good Analysts. All the best,

David Oates

David's Signature


By David John Oates


There has been much controversy and mis-information floating around over the last few months about “Simone” and President Bush’s speeches. Just to set the record straight here is an article that accurately documents the series of events that led to this story breaking national press.

In the September 1990 issue of Backtalk we published a series of session transcripts from key players in the Persian Gulf crisis recorded during the first two weeks of Operation Desert Shield. Among these transcripts a mysterious word was heard that had never been heard before in Reverse Speech. The word was Simone. In fact this word appeared not once, but many times on key American speakers, in each instance as they were talking forwards about the Iraqi war machine or U.S. operations in the Persian Gulf. President Bush had a reversal that said: “Simone, Simone in the sands” *; Secretary Baker had a reversal that said “Simone won’t shine“*; Defense Secretary Cheney had a reversal that said “Simone goes in“.* (*** See notes at end of article.)

It seemed apparent to many Reverse Speech researchers that there may be some special significance to this word for it to suddenly appear in Reverse Speech only during the Persian Gulf crisis. It had never been documented before. Was it a code word? Or perhaps a personal metaphor, doing the rounds with Oral Tradition, that described the current situation in the Persian Gulf?

Curious to know an answer to this, I made some discrete inquiries with an acquaintance of mine in Washington DC – Special assistant, Scott Jones, who worked for Rhode Island Senator Claibourne Pell, the chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Scott Jones is a former naval Intelligence officer who works for Senator Pell in the role of an adviser, investigating new technologies and paranormal phenomenon. Jones had visited me in Dallas in July 1990 to look into Reverse Speech. He had been sufficiently impressed with the technology to travel back to Washington DC and arrange private briefings for me with the FBI and key politicians on Capitol Hill. These briefings were due to take place in November 1990 and he had already sent me my airplane ticket. The “Simone” incident was just a little sideline in an already developing relationship.

Scott Jones then wrote a confidential letter to his long time friend, Dick Cheney, telling him of Reverse Speech and “Simone.” One line in his letter sparked attention: “I mention this situation in case it is a code word that it would not be in the national interests to reveal.”

Obviously someone down the line thought that it was in the national interests because a copy of the letter found its way to the press and almost overnight “Simone” made it to national news desks across the country.

CNN cable news ran the story implying that Reverse Speech was some new secret technology that the Pentagon was being very tight lipped about. Of course if the truth be known they probably had no idea what Reverse Speech was. Other newspapers across the country ran the story with headlines like: “Is The President Hiding Secret Code Words Backwards In His Speech”, and “What is Reverse Speech?”

From a political point of view, the story could not have broken at a worse time. Senator Pell was up for re-election and with the story for the most part being ridiculed, Scott Jones’ assertions seemed to portray a credibility gap. One reporter said to me: “The man’s crazy. Playing tapes backwards to hear voices. Now if that don’t beat all.” No-one ever bothered to state that it wasn’t Scott Jones’ analysis. He hadn’t played the tapes backwards and found the reversals. I had. He was merely doing exactly what his job called him to do. Look into new technologies and report back.

As a result of the incident, my trip to Washington DC was cancelled indefinitely. Reverse Speech was now a political mine field. Scott Jones requested that I drop tbe incident and keep a low profile until it all blew over. I reluctantly agreed but privately I was still curious. What did Simone mean?

Then, in a radio interview I conducted shortly afterwards, someone informed me that “Simone” was actually an Arabic word, spelled “Simoon, that meant a “Dust Storm In The Desert.” Further research revealed that it was an Arabic word that had since been adopted in English. The official Contemporary dictionary definition is: “A hot, dry, dust laden, exhausting wind of the African and Arabian deserts.” The Oxford dictionary goes one step further and calls it “violent. ”

I found this translation, and its significance with the current operations in the Persian Gulf to be more than fascinating, especially considering that it was both an Arabic AND English word. My original thinking was that it described the way the Iraqis had stormed Kuwait in a violent fashion in the sands of the Arabian deserts. I theorized that it may have been adopted as a personal metaphor for the Gulf operations. I subsequently wrote an article on Simone for the November issue of Backtalk but was requested that I not print it. Not wishing to cause unnecessary complications I agreed, and just before Backtalk went to print in November, I pulled the article. Now, in light of recent events I wish I had not. The article was actually quite prophetic in its implications. Here are a few selected short lines from it…

“While we may never know what Simone actually means, there are some interesting possibilities. It may be a code word for an operation in the gulf or a personal metaphor of some description … on a recent radio talk show a caller told me that it is the Arabic word for Dust Storm. The caller cited as his source The Dictionary Of Geographical Terms. Other possible translations are “Desert Wind” or “DESERT STORM.” (my emphasis in this reprint) … ultimately Simone is just another mystery in this new technology of Reverse Speech that may one day be explained.”

Other than that one radio interview and an article in The Rhode Island Providence Journal, I was never mentioned in any of the press reports. I mentioned it briefly in some public lectures for the next two or three weeks and then slowly forgot about it until … The war broke. Chills traveled up and down my spine as it was announced that operation Desert Storm had begun. “Simone!” I exclaimed out loud. I rang some of my students and they had seen it as well. Suddenly excitement in the Reverse Speech community was intense.

Here we had the code name for the current operation in the Gulf being announced in national press THREE months prior to its official announcement. What better proof could we have for the existence and profound importance of Reverse Speech?

During the following week, as watched with interest all the press reports coming out of the Gulf, it slowly dawned on me that not only was Simone a cryptic Reverse Speech code name for Operation Desert Storm but it was also a metaphor that graphically described the way the operations in the Gulf were being conducted. Around the clock, relentless, fast and effective. (Dictionary definitions: exhausting wind, hot, dry, dust laden.)

Then, when the first American POW’s were interviewed, I heard Simone in reverse for the very first time on an Iraqi (see transcript elsewhere in this issue). Shortly afterwards, during Iraq’s short occupation of the Saudi Arabian border town of Kafji, Iraq made an announcement calling Kafji: ” The beginning of a thunderous storm rolling across the desert.” Simone was to be seen everywhere.

Thus we have Simone, a profound lesson in the true nature of Reverse Speech. Simone, the code name for the U.S. operations in the Gulf relayed in national press three months prior to its official announcement. Simone, a metaphor that graphically depicts the whole spirit and feel of the war in the Gulf, both from the American and Iraqi viewpoint. And finally – Simone, the name of my first born twin daughter on whom the first reversal on children was found at four months of age – “Mummy”.

May it live forever in Reverse Speech history!

stiB dna seceiP


Did you know that some ancient Mayan words were designed to be read or spoken both forwards and backwards? This information was passed on to us by a student in the Houston Analyst training class, Anna Gault. She cites as her source “Secrets Of Mayan Science/Religion” by Hunbatz Men (Bear & Company, Santa Fe, 1990). On page 134 of the book some common Mayan words for speech are quoted: Than – to speak, common or popular speech; pach than – to speak in reverse; ca pach than – to speak twice in reverse. The book then states that new revelations can be uncovered by studying Mayan through pach than, or in reverse.


Speaking of Houston, an excellent example of the Oral Tradition process in action was discovered in a weekend seminar that was recently held there. Two participants (who had never met before) were talking to each other while recording their conversation. Five minutes into the conversation one of them delivered a reversal that said “New York“. The other person immediately followed with a forward comment of, “I come from Brooklyn.

Here we see two processes in action. First, an example of unconscious knowledge. The first person had no conscious knowledge that the other came from Brooklyn, yet she delivered a speech reversal that acknowledged this. How did she know that? The answer probably is that the woman from Brooklyn had said it in reverse sometime during the weekend. It has been passed on through Oral Tradition and released by the unconscious mind at the appropriate time. Second, we see a lead reversal that communicates and prompts conversation. New York is delivered in reverse, the other person receives it and immediately responds. Note the actual process.

1st person: “Are you a gypsy?” REVERSE New York (information transmitted)

2nd person: “I come from Brooklyn.” (information received and response)


David Oates always seems to get away with publishing other people’s reversals. But what about his? It is said he has an attitude to women. Do his reversals confirm this? Not run now. Man giving the fig; Hey woman! Are you sourced?; I am man. I feel a woman. Interesting. David claims it is his Australian and religious upbringing. Man is the provider, etc. Oh really?!

On the same theme. Here’s some we found in old transcripts back in his single days. Apparently he used to tape some of his dates. I am Lancelot. I’ll be your sweat; Sex is war. Serve this wolf. The wolf thrusts; I will never buy, little one. David claims that the first two are the result of a reversal control experiment that went haywire. But we want to know what was he doing trying to control reversals on a date? Did the woman know what he was doing and what controls did he put in?

Here’s some that his students should be warned about! These were found in the current training classes. You’re not my friends, not in my surf; You are an asshole; I curse this, your busted whirlwind. David claims that he was concerned about these so he worked on them. You went too far David! ! These are some of the latest. I am an asshole; I am a fool. Mmmm!


Things have been very quiet in Australia lately. No news from Brisbane, no articles, no phone calls. So what’s happened to the Reverse Speechers down under? Greg Albrecht from South Australia still reverses hard away with some great stuff (liked your article, Greg) but what about John Suess and Paul Von Stroheim and the rest of the gang. Maybe the recent visit to Texas by Australian institute member, Glenys McKay, scared them all off. What did you tell them, Glenys?

However, there is hope on the horizon. We have one Australian who is going to take the Texas training in April. So we’ll just have to bring all the Aussies over to cowboy land, won’t we!

Aboriginal Reverse Speech And The
Process Of Oral Tradition

Part One of a Three Part Series
By: Gregory James Albrecht

Greg Albrecht, 36 years of age and a bachelor, is one of the pioneering fathers of Reverse Speech. In 1987 he co-founded its first official research project, developed the initial principal of complementarity, co-authored “Beyond Backward Masking” and developed the initial theories for Archtypes and Oral Tradition. He currently works as an English and Aboriginal studies teacher for the High School district of Berri in South Australia.

For the past two years he has spent all his spare time researching Oral Tradition and reversals in Australian Aborigines. As a result he has written a book on the topic and is now preparing a tape series. The first article of a three part series is an extensively edited version of his script for the tape series. All reversals have been verified to be correct.


In this series of articles I will report on findings I have documented during my previous two years of research into the Reverse Speech patterns, metaphors and archetypes of Australian Aboriginal people. I believe some of the evidence gathered gives additional support to the theory of Oral Tradition, which I originally postulated in early 1988. To commence this discussion it will be useful to give a brief history of Aboriginal migration to Australia.


Many white fellas assume that Aboriginal people are all the same. This is not true. When Captain Cook first came to this country, there were many and varied groups of Aboriginal people across Australia much like the Europe of Cook’s day. I use the word group rather than tribe because traditional Aboriginal society had a clan rather than a tribal structure. Leadership was through elders rather than chiefs. Each Aboriginal group had its own language. To appreciate this distinctiveness, the Aboriginal group that lived where the present day Sydney Opera house is located, on the shore of Sydney Harbour, did not have the same language as the group that lived on the opposite shore.

Many thousands of years ago there were land bridges which were formed by the last ice age. One connected America to Asia, another did likewise for Australia. The first Indians to enter America walked over a land bridge over 20,000 years ago and filtered down North America as the glaciers thawed. Aboriginal people were in Australia long before this. Archaeological evidence suggests that they were here over 60,000 years ago. Today it is believed that the first people came to Australia from Indonesia or Java and East Asia. Others later migrated from Northern Asia and India.

As a broad overview, two distinctive types of prehistoric people lived in Australia. One was robust in appearance, the other was gracile or delicate and slim in appearance. It has been theorised that these two somehow fused into one to form a human being with modern characteristics. The present day Aboriginal person. T his theory is relatively recent and is based upon the discoveries of skeletal remains found in several ancient burial sites since 1967. As the respected Australian Archaeologist, Josephine Flood, says: “In Australia, pre history is still in its infancy.”

The picture that seems to be emerging from Archaeological evidence is that Australia was settled by two main migrations of people. Some theories state that one migration of Aborigines may have also had some roots in the ancient North Indian Dravidian culture. Josephine Flood, for example, notes links with the Dravidian languages and some Aboriginal dialects. In the 1910 edition Encyclopaedia of Britannica an article noted that Dravidians and Australian Aborigines both used boomerangs and bark canoes. In 1965 Anthropologist, Roland Roberston claimed that Australian Aborigines and Dravidian people had similar themes in their mythologies. After living with Australian Aborigines in the North of Australia, he said…

“How, in this continent which has been isolated for thousands of years, did their Aborigines come to have in their mythologies basic themes which we fnd in the oldest known sources of Central Asia?”


In Aboriginal Reverse Speech we find similar themes. This is evident, in part, by a complex metaphor and archetypal structure that is vastly different from those found in normal Westem culture. It contains, in part, many Archetypes that have their roots in Indian culture. One of the main words that we hear is “Shiva.” Shiva is one of the gods of the Hindu Trinity along with Brahma and Vishnu. He is also portrayed as the creator and destroyer. Shiva is also portrayed in Hindu culture as a cosmic dancer with multiple arms and legs, moving in clockwise in a whirling motion. This motion symbolises the eternal energy that flows through the world and universe. Some examples of Shiva are:

(1) I worship you, Lord Shiva. (From an Australian Aboriginal band.)

(2) Shiva is our Lord. (An Aboriginal boy from the “Daro People” talking during his initiation into manhood.)

(3) I’m Shiva’s nigger. (A chairperson from a South Australian Aboriginal community talking about how his community uses the River Murray for fishing. “Nigger” is a neutral word in Aboriginal reversals, used as a metaphor for themselves. It can be positive or negative depending on the context.)

(4) I love Shiva. (A group of Aborigines having a discussion.)

(5) They’re with Shiva. (A white radio announcer covering the early 1950s first contact with civilization of the isolated Pitjantjatjara people.)

(6) Need him Shiva. (An Aboriginal protesting against mining being conducted on sacred Aboriginal sites.)

The constant appearance of this archetype in its many situations would seem to suggest that it is as basic to Aboriginal reversals as is “The Wolf” and “Whirlwind” in Western Reverse Speech archetypes. In a tape recording of singing I analyzed from an Aboriginal gospel rally, I found an interesting reversal that illustrates the power of this reversal in the Aboriginal mind. Forwards they were singing about the blood saving power of Christ. The reversal said: “He who is Shiva.” (Expansive reversal, third level, connecting “He” and Christ.)

To take this one step further, here are some reversals found on Australian Archaeologist, Josephine Flood. She is talking about how she has been working with elderly Aboriginal people in an Archaeological dig. She expressed her concern that as these people die, vital elements of Aboriginal history and culture may be lost. The reversals, “Poor people. Shiva ill” and “Most frail people, Shiva“, suggests that Shiva is basic to the whole psychology of Aboriginal culture. Here it is used as a direct reference to Aborigines.

Of a similar nature are these reversals. First, one on a white woman, describing how she is helping an Aboriginal community develop a vegetable garden. “Its all for Shiva“. Second, a female reporter questioning a public official about the controversy of substantial Aboriginal deaths in police custody. “I used to shit on Shiva.” (Note use of past tense.)


The word Krishna, a Hindu God, also a common archetype found on Australian Aborigines. Here are some examples…

(1) I was in love with you, Krishna. (A abused aboriginal woman discussing her experience.)

(2) Get fucked Krishna. (An Aboriginal man in an argument.)

(3) Hail Krishna (Myself teaching a Aborigine class.)

(4) Krishna’s a good fella. (An Aboriginal person speaking forwards in his native dialect.)

(5) You will find me with no respect. You fancy Krishna? He will die. (A white man aggressively speaking out against rights for Aborigines. Forwards he is saying: “They (Aborigines) contribute nothing! Absolutely nothing! The white man has built this country!”)

Hindu legend states that Vishnu, one of the deities of the Hindu Trinity, plucked out two of Shiva’s hairs. One was black, the other white. He placed these hairs respectively in the wombs of two women. The white hair became a God called “Balamar” and the black hair became “Krishna”. Krishna in Sanskrit literally means “The Dark One”.


In this first article I have documented two of the key Aboriginal archetypes and discussed some of their connections with Asian culture. In the next issue of Backtalk I will further explore other metaphors and archetypes of the Australian Aborigines and offer some possible explanations for their significance and existence.

Reverse Speech Archetypes
The Building Blocks Of The Mind


Here are selected portions of a Reverse Speech session conducted with a Father and Daughter talking about their relationship. Emotions were running rampant during the interaction as each person wrestled with the other. In the midst of the turmoil, Daughter was calling out for Father’s love and Father was wrestling with conflicts of his own concerning his current life’s direction and what he used to do as a teenager.

Ultimately, the session was of tremendous help to them, in particular to the Father. It allowed them to understand the exact nature of dynamics between them and take appropriate action to improve their relationship. It is an excellent transcript to study in detail, as it graphically displays many aspects of Reverse Speech; unconscious dialogue, behavioral prompters,internal strategies etc.

Reversed dialogue, in bold type, is printed exactly as it occurred. Some sections of the forward dialogue have been altered to preserve the general spirit of the conversation. It is documented in the following manner to facilitate its understanding. . .

(1) The precise words of forward dialogue where the reversals occurred is shown by brackets: [ ] Examine the reversed dialogue with the forward dialogue and note the ebbs and flows of conscious and unconscious processes.

(2) All reversals have been rated with their respective clarity from 1 to 5. (Marked in text as “R”. 5 is the clearest and 1 is the least clear.) The strength of their clarity is an indication of the strength of the expression.

(3) The Levels of reversal are shown (marked in text as “L”.) Level 1 reversals are conscious thoughts or perceptions. Level 2 reversals are unconscious perceptions, not recognized on a conscious level, that have a direct influence on attitude and emotional response. Level 1-2 reversals have elements of both – the unconscious filtering down to be detectable on a conscious level, usually as a flash of thought or sensation of “vibes.” Level 3 reversals are archetypes, or base behavior motivators and strategy drivers from the deepest part of “Self” or “The Collective Unconscious”.


Daughter: “Oh no. I don’t want people to be like me, [then we’d all] be like me and we’d be [messed up] .” I need you (R 3. L 2). We felt fear. (R 4. L 2.)

She is emotional forwards. Backwards she calls for Father.
Father: “Life works in certain ways. [You don’t believe it now but you will believe it someday. That’s what good manners are for]. That’s why we have certain customs and laws … [You have to have a certain amount of privacy] …” Need your sin closer. I must reveal who you are. Reveal Daddy. (R 4. L2-) I’m a go slow Daddy. (R 2. L 2.)

Father talks to Daughter forwards. Backwards there is internal chatter. He recognizes his need to know Daughter and even connect with her “weaknesses”. He pleads for this and, at the same time, calls to know himself. “Self” answers. Note “need” on both Daughter and Father.
Daughter: “Here I was, hurt at school. And you go like, it’s like, [Oh it’s no big deal], you’re not bleeding that bad…” You shit! I need you. (R 2. L 1.)

Daughter is angry forwards at Father. Backwards she repeats previous demands.
Father: “I got there as fast as I could. I’m never going [to be any better either], you know, you expect me, oh yeah, [if you get hurt or anything], you’ll just have to lie there and bleed to death”. Do you love me. (R 3. L 1-2.) I feel her love. I grieve it. (R 2. L I -2.)

In the midst of heated exchanges forwards, backwards Father reaches for Daughter.
Daughter: “I used to like it when we went away. Its like now, [but I mean], we don’t really do anything … like the camp ground, we went to that place and you found that big turtle … [mumbles] … that was fun … Then there was the time I got sea sick [on that thing], on that boat [we were on].” I need that love. (R 4. L 1-2.) I miss that love. (R 5. L 1-2.) I know with love. (R 3. L 1-2.) I want that love. (R 3. L 1-2.)

Forwards Daughter remembers good times they had together. Backwards she continues pleas and begins to connect.
Father: “[It’d be fun to do it again].” I grow to love you. (R 5. L 1.)

Daughter: “I don’t want [to be alive by the time I’m twenty].” He knows I must love. (R 3. L 1-2.)

Daughter knows she has been heard.
Father: “I know I used to do all that (peace demonstrations etc.) as a teenager but I’ve decided I want to be different now. [I want to accumulate things] … [I want to be comfortable]. I want to have a retirement some day.” Will we make the power. (R 3. L 2.) Whirl will fuck the power. (R 2. L 2.)

Forwards Father discusses his teenage years noting how his current life direction is different. Backwards, he questions if this is the way to go. His unconscious mind gives a warning. “Whirl” in this instance is connection to the desire to accumulate etc.

Father: “You say you don’t want to conform but you are conforming with your own peer group. [I mean, you listen to the same kind of music].” You see my cousin. Serving him. (R 3. L 2.)

A complex and powerful metaphor connecting similar emotions to a time in the past. Forwards Father is struggling with his daughter. Backwards, he flashes back to his teenage years, remembers and connects. “Cousin” is a personal metaphor for this man. As a teenager, he used to spend a lot of time with his cousin doing similar things to what his daughter now is. An unconscious reminder – he used to be the same.
Daughter: “We do good things. Someone’s got to say something about where the world is heading. You can’t understand. [You don’t have to], I guess. [I don’t expect you to understand it] … We do it for the good of mankind [and other people but] its not like we’re violent or anything.” You’re holding it, law. (R 2. L 2.) You’re nicer. Now it helps the wine. (R 3. L 2.) There will be love. (R 2. L 2.)

Forwards Daughter talks about her views. Backwards she works through the relationship. Father is rigid (law) but the connection made and it will work.

Father: “I don’t believe that you think everything is bad in the world. [I think you’re Iying] … I think you’re not showing your [emotion, shutting off ].. I just want to know [you’re going to find something] and say this is neat.” I would never hurt. (R 4. L 1-2.) I will get my youth. (R 4. L 2.) Now for the magician. (R 4. L 3.)

Father reassures daughter, decides his course of action and accesses a behavioral changing archetype.

Daughter: “I don’t know whether that can happen but I didn’t say [you said I couldn’t. I said I cannot do that].” I’m a Goddess. I’m the Goddess. (R4. L3.)

Daughter responds to the third level reversal with her own archetype, acknowledging she has the resources. Thus the progression finishes. From pleas for love, to self questioning by Father, to a connection being made and ultimately accessing archetypes for change.


Dear Mr. Oates,

Recently, I had the opportunity to read your Backtalk journal of November 1990. I was very impressed by your work. It appeared to me that this is the beginning of a new era.

I am a chiropractor and NLP consultant. I did get interested by NLP because I do believe that you cannot disassociate mind and body and that many sorts of interference can affect the body state of health, from what chiropractors call a vertebral subluxation to an improper congruency between to subconscious mind and the conscious one. I really believe that the reverse speech is the missing link between the left and right brain congruency.

From what I understand, the reverse talk will probably appear in the mother tongue and I don’t know if you speak French but over here in Quebec most of my patients mother tongue is French. If I am wrong and the mother tongue has nothing to do with reverse talk analysis then fine. But, if I am right, tell me how we could work this out. Because I honestly believe that this technique of yours is too valuable to keep it from those whose mother tongue isn’t English. I would be interested in establishing a working relationship with you and perhaps we could help each other.

M. Belanger (Montreal, Canada.)

Eds Note: Reverse Speech does appear primarily in the mother tongue. We have not as yet trained anyone who is bi-lingual so this is still a largely untapped area. At this stage, though, it would appear that reversals will be in English if the person is “thinking” in English rather than translating. Perhaps we could start some training up in Canada? I will contact you separately.

For David Oates

I attended one of your lectures in Houston last month and I was very impressed with your work. It was one of the most interesting presentations I have ever attended. However, if I may, let me make a suggestion for you. I could not help but notice that you have a speech stutter. I did not find it disturbing but others might. Have you ever considered having someone fix it for you? There are many wonderful ways that this can cured. I can put you in touch with a person I know who teaches deep breathing exercises. This has helped many people in the past.

C. Trapp (Houston, Texas)

Working With Reverse Speech Archetypes
To Change Behavior

By: David J. Oates

One of the original challenges to arise, as I became increasingly confident with using Reverse Speech in therapeutic situations, was: “OK. What now? We know the problem, the source and the cause. What do we now do with it?” Herein lies what has often been a perplexing question for me in my work with Reverse Speech.

There is no discipline more exciting, thorough and direct in revealing behavioral strategies than Reverse Speech. It is all too painfully effective and there have been many occasions when I am left with a client, who has just had the rug pulled out from underneath them, wondering what on earth they can do to fix it. Simply knowing the source of the problem is, in many cases, insufficient to effect change. Unfortunately we were not issued with blueprints for the mind when we were born and the webs and connecting patterns are complex to say the least.

Behavioral strategies can be deeply ingrained and very hard to shake. Many times, people’s operational Metaphors and Archetypes have been carefully etched into the psyche from early childhood. As the child adopts the parents’ Archetypes and creates ones of their own, the building blocks of the mind can become so complex that sometimes it seems that the only solution is to destroy the house and start all over again.

Take for example someone who has difficulties with relationships (based on a compilation of case studies). They may run a sabotage program whereby they fall rapidly in love and then suddenly become scared. Before too long, arguments begin, emotions are electric and the developing relationship collapses with an intensity that is frightening. The person may have run pattern for years.

Reverse Speech analysis may reveal that they have a highly active “Wolf (the part of the mind that is the primordial and instinctive hunter and protector.) At some time in the past the person may have been deeply hurt by a close relationship (albeit parents, friends or lovers). The Wolf, whose job it is to protect the psyche, then becomes constantly on the hunt for similar situations that would also hurt. Recognizing a developing relationship situation, the Wolf may then switch off deep emotions and replace them with surface ones thus causing the person to fall rapidly into a surface love. The person would not know that it is only surface because the wolf has switched off deeper emotions as a protection measure. The Wolf may then begin to test the new partner (remember all of this is most likely on an unconscious level) to see whether the person is worthy, through a variety of subtle (sometimes not so subtle) methods. In the process of testing, the other person’s Wolf is activated (for what ever reasons and patterns of its own) and a self protection game begins between the two parties. War has begun. The Wolf gets hurt. Warning bells ring and the relationship is terminated. But the Wolf knows that the person needs love because other operational Archetypes are also crying out for attention so it begins the process again. Thus the cycle is set.

This is a very simple example. In practice it is never that easy as operational Archetypes and Metaphors become deeply entwined with each other. Behavior becomes extremely complex as each part of the being attempts to be satisfied.

Unraveling it can become a major task. The first step is in understanding what each Archetype is endeavoring to communicate.

There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that Reverse Speech Metaphors and Archetypes are a verbal description of some mental function or part of the mind. (*** see notes at end of this article.) Nor is there any doubt over the Universal significance, or meaning, of each Archetype. I see them occurring time and time again in Reverse Speech in identical situations. While the methods and strategies they each use may be different, their basic purpose is the same.

Take for example, The Wolf. We know that it is the hunter. Individual patterns that each Wolf uses may be different but its basic purpose is still the same. The Archetype “Garden Of Eden” (sometimes appearing in the shortened version of “garden “) refers to our spiritual center, or source of knowledge and wisdom. The Archetype “Satan” refers to the part of us that delivers intense, over bearing emotions that can be destructive. The “Goddess” is the healer, the part of beauty, the part that can be great. Each part works together to create the whole. The Goddess without the Wolf lacks strength and becomes weak and insipid. T he Garden without Satan becomes unprotected – with too much Satan it becomes warped and perverted. And so the list goes on.

So far, more than 50 operational Archetypes and 300 operational Metaphors have been documented in Reverse Speech. And this is just the tip of the iceberg. Every part of the being, with its own unique purpose, has an Archetype or Metaphor in Reverse Speech which is a descriptor, or reflection, of its function. The web of interconnecting parts within the mind becomes even greater still.

So knowing all of this, what can be done to instigate change?

Over the years I have experimented with several different methods, including traditional counseling, NLP, hypnosis, alternative therapies, etc. All the time I was searching for something unique. Something that was tailor made for everything that Reverse Speech was all about. It was a constant and endless search, yet this is the way I have developed the entire Reverse Speech technology. Trial and Error. Scratch and see. Being open to recognizing mistakes and moving on to the next possibility.

Throughout this process a very exciting method of instigating behavioral change has slowly been emerging. To call it unique is not correct because it is a combination of everything. What is unique is the way the information is obtained, coupled with a differing approach to its significance and meaning.

I call the technique “Metaphor Restructuring.” Its basic premise states that the Metaphors and Archetypes of Reverse Speech are constant universal parameters. They have been adopted through the process of Oral Tradition as verbal descriptors of complex images within the unconscious mind. These images come together in a variety of differing ways to create, or reflect, the whole individual.

To explain this further, let us suppose that in the previous example of the person sabotaging relationships, a reversal occurred describing her pattern that said: “My wolf works with Satan.” (Satan being the strong, destructive emotion that the wolf uses to protect her.) The basic principal of Metaphor Restructuring states that if the picture is inappropriate to achieve desired outcomes, then let us change the picture that the Metaphor is describing. Maybe in the process of changing the picture the unwanted behavioral pattern may also change.

This may seem to be a wide and sweeping statement but it was the premise that I followed in developing this technique. We are, in effect, going in the back door. Rather than attempting to change the pattern and monitoring the effectiveness of the change through the changing pictures (speech reversals), we are changing the pictures and watching the patterns change as a result. Amazingly, it works – and it works VERY rapidly and effectively. In fact, the success rate has been far beyond my wildest expectations.

It is a simple and highly effective method. The way I achieve it is simple. First, I conduct a Reverse Speech session with the person and locate the patterns with speech reversals. Then I place the person under a light hypnotic trance and quite literally tell them to create a picture of the reversal. Thus the person whose “Wolf works with Satan,” might create an imaginary picture of a wolf working with an image of Satan. I then change the picture using other reversals. Suppose, for example, the person had stated elsewhere in the session that the “Wolf has no sword to find the garden” (sword meaning personal strength), then I would tell the person to create a picture of a sword, give the sword to the wolf, and let the wolf go on “walkabout” (Aussie slang) to find the garden. Satan would be dealt with in some other manner, depending what had transpired in the speech reversals.

The technique sounds simple enough but the steps needed to reach this final outcome are immense. The reversals located must be accurate (you don’t want to work with pictures that don’t exist), the reversal interpretation must be accurate and the patterns must be recognized precisely. It is not a technique for the Reverse Speech novice to use because by doing this, you are accessing the basic building blocks of the unconscious mind. In point of fact, I go into the process with great care and precision. I build into my trance inductions many safety commands. I would rather nothing happen than have the wrong thing happen.

However all the work is worth it. I have people report back to me that they have had Shamanic experiences whilst doing the process. Others have said that it is the most powerful trance they have ever experienced (logical enough if we are indeed working with the basic building blocks of the mind). Many people report immediate and powerful changes in their life (see letter on page 4) and I have seen some people set completely free from burdens they have been carrying around for years.

Thus we have a new and exciting process that I have entitled “Metaphor Restructuring.” It is the latest new arm of research with Reverse Speech still in its early developmental stages but evolved sufficiently enough for me to write this article. It uses people’s own reversals and Archetypes to effect change. The technique is powerful and effective yet still riddled with potential dangers. Nevertheless the possibilities are exciting.

I have not intended to describe it in detail in this article, just give a broad overview. However for those people who don’t know what to do with their reversals, or those who have been working on an issue for years – there is light at the end of tunnel. Change can be effected.

This is the continually evolving world of Reverse Speech.

*** (It is important to note that the approach taken to understand the purpose and significance of Reverse Speech Archetypes is vastly different to the approach traditonally adopted by society’s general perception of Archetypes. Do not get the two confused!


We had planned to present many significant reversals from operation Desert storm in this issue, but due to a heavy work load it was not possible to prepare the transcripts. We have, however, published a collection of reversals from the first thirty minutes of the war with CNN reporters, and another section where the first American POWs were seen on Iraqi television. All reversals have been reprinted as they occurred without comment.

The research institute has just begun a major research project into Operation Desert storm (for details see page 7) and the initial results of this will be published in the next issue of BackTalk.


Peter: “Now we’re seeing a lot of activity in the area of .this refinery. One thing after another. [One bomb, apparantly], coming down in the area…” You must alert the bomb

Peter: “Oops! Now there’s [something on fire]. That was an explosion fairly near our location at, er, [near a mosk in downtown]. We could sort of feel the report [from that].” I’ve known it. I’m lonely. I’m worried. Damn them!

John: “Tonight, [every bomb we have seen] land [seems to have hit something]. They hit the refinery correctly…” Now nuclear war. They are not visible.

John: “They seem to, they have [these, er, laser directed], they, the, the, the guided [bombs systems] now.” They kill with hardly a word. Is this Simone?

Peter: “[Well the anti air craft] fire has died down and it seems to me that there’s been [at least three waves] of aircraft here so far.” Fucking Arab. We fucked Arab.

Peter: “[But as I said, further out] in the city, on the outskirts of the city there seems to be [more explosions taking place, multiple explosions]! ” Hey listen! Fire love. Shell with the bomb. Help me get results.

Peter: ” [Indeed. Its quiet over] there too. But I think its probably just a lull as President Bush follows] through his threat in an attempt to prove to Saddam Hussein that he should leave Kuwait.” They ousted Eden. Don’t shoot them. Nuke them.

Charles Jaco: “[The war With Iraq] began early Tuesday morning as a squadron of U.S. [fighter bombers took off from] the largest U.S. air base in central Saudi Arabia.” Now with the whirlwind. Don’t want to fuck with you.

Charles Jaco: “Colonel Ray Davies said, This is history in the making. [He said, er watched a group of sombre] pilots board their aircrafts, [taxy down the runway] and takeoff.” You must remove the soul. We are at mercy. You all know of my disgust.

Charles Jaco: “The military here in Saudi Arabia has [no further information]. They say all briefings will probably come from Riyadh.” War is here. Ashamed of me.

CNN Front Desk: “The liberation of Kuwait, in the words of the White House, has begun with operation [Desert Storm].” I know you monsters.

Peter: “We have yet to see the bombs fall but its the same pattern of the previous, [at least three raids], that we have witnessed.” We’re stupid. Get used to it.

John: “The anti aircraft [fire is now going toward the South]. We’re looking [out to the west] and we [see the tracer bullets going].” To hell with it. The bastards don’t know Fonzi. Don’t tell ’em it’s yesterday.

John: “The flames might be high [but the tracer bullets are still going] up into the sky.” I know I’d waste it. Bomb Jerusalem.

John: ” [We’ve seen these bombs come down before].” Bomb them often. I must love in Hebrew.

John: “We don’t have any indication [at all that these] anti-aircraft guns are much success.” They use the Lord.

John: “I’ll give another moment to [catch your breath].” I’ll respect it.


POW: “..leutenant [Jefferey Morton Zaun], United States Navy… Want my home. You hurt.

POW: ” . . . [I am from attack squadron 35] in the U.S. Saratoga…” They don’t have love there.

POW: “…my mission was to attack H3 airfield in [south western Iraq]…” Error, you still trust me.

POW: “…[I think our leaders] and our people have wrongly attacked the peaceful people of Iraq…” Do you know this hell?

POW: “…I would like to [tell my mother and my father] and my sister that [I am well treated]…” You know now my trouble. Hurts to done it.

POW: “…and that [they should pray] for peace…” Ashamed in it.

Iraq: ” ?????? ” Simone ?????

POW: “…[for the children, please study hard at school]…” Bush robbed your faith, Bush did.



Backtalk – Volume 2, Issue 3


Volume 2, Issue 3 (November 1990)

The Official Journal Of
The Reverse Speech Education And Research Institute (USA)
Revcom – The Society For Reversed Communication Research (Australia)

“Backtalk” is an international journal that reports exclusively on the ongoing research into Reverse Speech. It is produced with the joint effort of Reverse Speech researchers in both Australia and the United States Of America.
Publisher: David J. Oates


Gidday to everyone once again. Here we are with another issue of Backtalk out almost on time for a change. There are a few layout and editorial changes again, in keeping with my long term goal of turning this publication into a large international journal as Reverse Speech continues to become more widely known.

For those readers who have been with me since the journal’s inception, back in 1988 as a few photocopied sheets of paper, I would like to thank you for your continued support and trust you approve of the gradua! growth and improvement in quality. And for the new readers who have joined us this year, I would like to welcome you to the world of Reverse Speech and invite your contribution and participation in the form of articles, letters and general ideas. The only way I can know what you want and what you don’t want is if you tell me.

Most of you will be pleased to know that I have scrapped the ” Gossip Column” this issue and replaced it with “Bits and Pieces”. The Gossip Column was an idea that really didn’t take off. I did have a cryptic purpose behind it, but unless you were close to the situation, it would have been lost as it was. It was actually meant to be a “mirror” for a large and destructive gossip mill that was flourishing at the beginning of the year. Between the lines I was actually saying look how silly this is and, I guess, I must have struck a core because the intense backlash of anger that it caused was almost overwhelming.

Oh well, we live and learn. Mirrors can be hard to look into. Most people say they are most willing on the surface to peer within until they actually begin to see. I am still constantly amazed at the personal attacks that continue as people look into the mirror of Reverse Speech and then turn the fright they experience onto the source of Reverse Speech (seen to be me) as a way to escape responsibility for their own actions and inadequacies.

I realize more and more how confronting Reverse Speech actually is. I can remember vividly when Greg (my first research partner) and I first went public with Reverse Speech back in 1987. We expected the world to beat a path to our door. Perhaps we should have invented a better mouse trap. At least that would kill defensive little creatures and keep ourselves out of it. Technology has wonderful way of making our llves easier and causing us to look within ourselves less and less. Reverse Speech reverses the technological trend of complacency and self denial. It is a technology that most people would care to do without. I wonder what the reaction would be if people thought that one could actually hear reversals consciously!

There have been many enquiries lately about the status of the book. I originally wrote the main text back in 1988 and sold the manuscript almost immediately only to discover that the publishing house who bought the contract did not have the capabilities to fulfill the many elaborate promises they made. Then in 1989 two publishers expressed interest in the manuscript, only to later return it saying it was too intellectual and complex for their market. Back to the drawing board.

I subsequently rewrote the manuscript in the middle of this year and have been working with local writer and seminar presenter, Kathleen Hawkins, who is acting as my book agent. So far the book has been rejected by four publishers. The puzzling thing about it, though, is that it is not rejected with the standard rejection slips. One top publishing house in New York expressed great regret that they could not publish it and other publishers have returned the manuscript saying that it is well written, superbly researched and fascinating material. The reason for rejection is always that it does not fit into their lists. My question is whose lists does it fit into? Reverse Speech is a totally new science and there are no categories anywhere for it to fit into. It stands in a class of its own. So, the search continues. If all else fails, we will self publish early next year. Be patient. It will come!

In the meantime, book or no book, Reverse Speech is out there making its mark felt. Media reports surface periodically including one extensive nationwide coverage early in October as a result of a column written in the last issue of Backtalk. We reported on reversals found during Bush’s speeches concerning the Persian Gulf crisis. One reversal in particular, that contained the mysterious word “Sirnone”, made its way to the press and almost overnight newspapers around the country carried the story with headlines like, “What is Reverse Speech”, and “Is The President Hiding Secret Code Words Backwards In His Speeches.” CNN cable news ran it as their top story for two nights. Whilst most of this was just a wave of media interest caused mainly by Associated Press carrying the story on their fax networks, some genuine results were achieved. I was interviewed on a few occasions including one nationally syndicated radio network out of Washington DC.

Locally, I have been doing many lectures around Dallas and another training class has started with 15 fired up students all ready to learn about Reverse Speech. Another class is scheduled for mid November.

Reverse Speech Analyst, Becky Thompson, is only an assignment away from becoming the first Provisional Trainer in the world. She is assisting me in the current class and doing a great job. Becky’s dedication to Reverse Speech is one to be looked up to and modelled. I see great things in store for her as Reverse Speech makes it way further and further into society.

On the academic scene interest is constantly growing and I had a visit from New York psychiatrist, Dr. Rima Laibow, last month who is taking this into the circles that have always been my main goal. Due to her efforts, the Department of Psychology of Kansas City University is planning the first official study into the validity of Reverse Speech commencing sometime in December of this year.

I also had a visit from Reverse Speech Developer Paul Von Stroheim this month on his way back to Australia from Germany. We spent several hours chatting about weird and wonderful topics and, as a result of our talks, Paul has written an article that is printed in this issue. I’m not too sure what to make of it and on Paul’s confession, neither does he, but maybe someone out there will.

I would like to finish this column with an expression of my deepest and sincerest thanks to Dr. Virgil Chrane, founder of the Dallas Alphabiotic Center, who has been a tremendous support for me over the last two months. Rarely have I seen someone grasp the significance and implications of Reverse Speech so profoundly and quickly. Virgil’s feelings concerning Reverse Speech can best be summarized in a prepared statement he made that he has sent out to many of his colleagues across the United States.

“David John Oates has made one of the great discoveries of all time. He has proven that man’s true Self speaks in reverse. He has documented and developed the art, science and philosophy of Reverse Speech. He is a class with Thomas Edison, Nicola Telsa, Albert Einstein and Alexander Graham Bell. David John Oates, like Bell, shortly after he invented the telephone, is confronted by many who are excited about his great discovery but are still asking, “What practical use is it?” I am amazed that anyone would ask such a queshon. My prediction is that Reverse Speech will revolutionize all aspects of human life. Most importantly, it will help us become truly congruent – saying what we mean, and meaning what we say. This is the basis of integrity and real mental health. If anyone deserves world-wide recognition, it’s David John Oates. We owe him an enormous debt of gratitude. ”
(Dr. Virgil Chrane, President, Alphabiotics International, 1990.)

What can I say? Thanks Virgil. Till next issue. Keep the flag flying.


David's Signature

“Life can only be understood backwards, but it must be lived forwards.”
Soren Kierkergaard

Research Information


The first piece of research information to be reported in this column is some initial results analyzed from further Electroencephalograph testing. The results were obtained from a machine entitled “The Mind Mirror” which is a small EEG machine that measures left/right brain hemispheric functions as well the frequency of mental operation ranging from Beta Waves (19-38 cycles) to Delta Waves (.75 to 2.75 cycles). It should be pointed out, though, that these results cannot be used on an official level as there are some doubts in academic circles concerning the reliability of readings obtained from this machine, but they do give us some interesting food for thought.

For the tests various people were wired up to the machine and played several audio soundtracks forwards. In every instance that a speech reversal occurred it was noted that in the 6 cycle Theta range, left brain hemispheric activity significantly decreased and right brain hemispheric activity noticably increased throughout the time period that a speech reversal was occurring. This reading was also observed as the person being tested was speaking and delivering a speech reversal. This 6 cycle activity is indicative of mental activity below the level of consciousness.

Another interesting observation was made when an incongruent reversal was delivered (a reversal that contradicted the message of the forward dialogue). Right brain hemispheric activity in the 24-38 cycle Beta range (consciousness) increased remarkably during the time period of reversal delivery. Could this explain why some people can often sense consciously when someone is telling an untruth?

Then. an unexpected result. Significant, constant and pronounced right brain hemisphere activity in the Beta area was observed when people being tested were merely listening to tapes run backwards. The results still need to be collated more and this will be reported upon in another issue.


David Oates has been developing a rather stunning skill over the last few months that has now been verified on a significant enough number of times to be commented on. Simply by working with a person’s reversals, having no knowledge of the forward dialogue and never having met the person, he has been able to accurately identify precise personality traits and behavioral patterns of the individual. In some cases (only a small number) he has even been able to describe the person’s physical appearance wlth amazing accuracy – once again, simply by looking at the speech reversals. David states that there is nothing “psychic” or”clairvoyant” about this. In point of fact he goes to great lengths to explain that this is an acquired skill that anyone can learn by understanding Reverse Speech Archetypes.

David reports that he simply isolates the common metaphors that people are using (everyone has their own peculiar metaphoric pattern) and correlates them with other sessions that he has conducted. For example, a person who uses the word “Whirlwind” frequently in their reversals will tend to operate at a high energy level. Someone who uses the word “Wolf” frequently will tend to have a highly protective nature, and so on. So, by recognizing the common metaphors and comparing them with other sessions he has conducted, he “types” the person.

He uses the same method in describing physical appearance. He flashes back to other people he has known who have exhibited similar Reverse Speech patterns, believing that personality types can be distinguished by certain facial structures. David is currently attempting to teach this skill in the Master Analyst course and is working on ways to simplify the method by devising concise analytical steps.


It has long been known that people will find different reversals on the same tape. That is, two or three people will independently analyze the same section of tape and find a variety of differing reversals that other people have missed. The difference will decrease, however, the more proficient a person becomes in location skills. In other words, there will always be common core reversals that all people locate. The percentage of common reversals, however, will rarely be greater than 30 percent. That is, in any given 100 reversals found by two trained and proficient Analysts, only about 30 will be identical (or close to identical). However, when the independent Analysts subsequently draw conclusions from their results, the conclusions will always be identical.

Several theories have been put forward for this. The most plausible seems to be that Analysts will simply miss reversals that others locate either due to their own mental filters or differing criteria for determining reversal validity. What one Analyst may decide as being a “dicey’ reversal, another Analyst may decide is it valid enough to document. The explanation for why the overall conclusions drawn are still identical is simple. All reversals that were delivered by any one person will be indicative of the same facts or personality traits being explored. Just because some reversals were missed or decided to be too imprecise by some, yet found by others does not alter the general spirit of the speech reversals being delivered or the personality type being exhibited by the speech reversals.

Adding further complexity to this issue is the fact that if the same tape is listened to by a group of people over loudspeakers, rather than independent analysis, the percentage of common reversals will increase remarkably. Often all people will simultaneously hear exactly the same reversal with no prompting by others, thereby increasing the common factor to in excess of sixty percent. Why is there a higher percentage of common reversals located by people in group dynamics than by people analyzing independently and on their own? It is known that the emotional state of the Analyst at the time of analyzing will influence reversals found compared to those missed. Maybe it has something to do with group dynamics?

Another mystery is now confronting us and the problem to be solved is how do we increase the overall reliability, commonality and quantity of reversal location? Of course, computer speech recognition and analysis will obviously remove all of this problem but that is several million dollars and probably many years away.

David Oates and Becky Thompson are now attempting to find ways to rectify this prob!em as they train the current intake of students. Over the next three months they plan to carefully monitor all students and the reversals they locate. It is hoped that some common factors may be isolated in the students reversal location methods, emotional state and personality structure that may give some clues as to why certain reversals are missed, and thus provide some clues that will help improve the overall number of reversals located by any given Analyst. This will be an involved and extensive process. We will keep you posted.

Reverse Speech


The Third Dimension of Language

The Oral Tradition Theory

In previous issues of BackTalk we have often referred to the Oral Tradition theory of Reverse Speech. Oral Tradition is currently being explored in great detail by Reverse Speech Developer Greg Albrecht. Greg’s work will be featured in the next issue of BackTalk. This article will give a brief overview as a prelude of things to come.

In Carl Jung’s theory of “The Collective Unconscious” (see last issue of BackTalk) he proposes that there exists inside Man a storehouse that contains the entire heritage of mankind. He suggests that this knowledge has been born anew with each individual. In Reverse Speech many words have been noted whose appearance cannot be explained by normal sociological environments but rather stem from a time in humanity’s deep past. In an attempt to explain this, a theory has been formulated entitled “THE ORAL TRADITION PROCESS OF REVERSE SPEECH.”

This theory states that reversed language is handed down from generation to generation. While people are constantly interacting with each other on an unconscious level they are collecting and storing information from family, peer groups and associates. This information is then incorporated into a storage bank deep within, as overall collective knowledge. Then, like a large communications link, it is unconsciously relayed to others. Legends that were once stories told around the campfires of ancestors become a permanent part of the deep self. Reverse Speech continues the handing down process long after conscious knowledge of them has ceased.

Oral Tradition has the potential to explain many of the metaphoric imagery in use today. Here are some observations made that support the theory.

(1) The research into Reverse Speech has documented cases of new metaphors from modern figures. For example the word “Elvis” (Elvis Presley) is a Metaphor that has not been found in any recordings predating the 1980s. It is representative in reverse for a Superstar. It was recently found on United States President, George Bush, as he announced that General Noriega had been captured (Backtalk – April 1990). The reversal said, Made me an Elvis, which indeed it did. His popularity soared after Noriega’s capture. Likewise is the metaphor “Luther” (Martin Luther King). It has been found in instances that refer to racial prejudice.

(2) Groups of friends and peer groups will tend to use similar metaphors. A few months after David Oates had arrived in the United States to live, his friends and associates began to occasionally use Aussie slang in their reversals (mate, bloke, she’ll be right, etc.) In a family with a strong Methodist background reversals were found spanning three generations that used the word “Methodist“.

(3) Isolated incidents have been found in reverse where unconscious knowledge has been passed on. For example in a television interview David once conducted, the reporter challenged him to prove Reverse Speech. He then deliberately lied about his age saying, “I am 32 years of age. I am 32 years of age. I am 32 years of age.” When the recording was analyzed a reversal was found in that section of speech that said, “37, it came up” which was indeed his correct age, having recently had a birthday. Shortly afterwards a reversal was found on David that said, “Now you’re 37.” Yet at the time the recording was made he had no conscious knowledge of this. How did he know? The answer is, he had received it from the reporter’s previous reversal. Note the actual process:

The reporter lies about his age and at the same time he delivers a reversal that reveals his true age. David receives the reversal and unconsciously stores the information. He then releases this information in the form of another speech reversal.

This is the process of Oral Tradition. Many people have experienced occasions when they seemed to know something but had no idea how they got that knowledge. How does this occur? Oral Tradition may explain why.


Dear David,

Thank you for the informational package on Reverse Speech. I found it interesting and I enjoyed listening to tape one of your tape series. I often have problems explaining Reverse Speech to the skeptical. Even after they hear clear examples they dismiss it as coincidence saying that you can hear anything you like when you play it backwards. How do you explain to people who simply claim that we’re only hearing what we want to hear?

I would like to wish you all the best in what you are doing and all the best from us down under. I trust you have made more discoveries and will make more important discoveries in the future.

Yours Faithfully, M. Marysej (Melbourne, Australia)

Eds note: The questions of coincidence and imagination are often raised. My answer is usually to agree with them. It is possible to see anything you like in backward run Iyrics if no guidelines or research criterion are followed. New researchers will often “project” into gibberish their own belief and value systems. Strict guidelines have been established to ensure the accuracy of reversed Iyrics. These include determining the precise syllable structure of the reversed phrase and ensuring that individual letters, vowels and consonants actually exist. Likewise, there are certain key words and phonetic sounds that will always reverse to say the same thing. The word “another one”, for example, will always reverse to say marijuana. The greatest proof to the skeptic is for a trained analyst to simply record a conversation and run it back on the spot. The reversals located have never yet failed to convince someone.

Dear Mr. Oates

I am an NLP Master Practitioner who has recently been introduced to the technology of Reverse Speech. You may be aware of the fact that an integral part of the “NLP Phobia Cure” is where the client, in a disassociated state, is asked to run backwards an internal “film” of the situation that sets off their phobic reaction. This technique most often leads to a fast cure of their phobia.

Speech, to my mind, is an auditory phenomena, and is therefore only a singular part of any experience and a person’s internal visual representation of an experience is also only another singular part of the complete experience. A complete or whole experience, however, is of course a synesthesia of all of a person’s representational systems. These two particular systems however, when run backwards seem to impact very powerfully on any person re experienclng an experience.

My question to you is, Has your organization done any research at all to establish any interconnections between the various individual parts of a “whole” experience or have you been concentrating running only the auditory portion of experience backwards?

I am particularly fascinated by what you have already established with your research because I have also been experimenting with the phobia cure, running not only the visuals but also the other submodalities of my clients phobic reactions backwards. I have even asked clients to run feelings backwards. Some clients have even been able to do that. But my experiments have had varying success.

Sincerely D. Timm (Laurel Canyon, Califomia).

Eds note: Currently the only research we are doing is in running human speech backwards in a diagnostic fashion. Our research is centered primarily around locating the hidden codes of language that are imbedded backwards in speech. These findings are then used to gain a greater insight into the behavioral prompters of the client. Perhaps we could get together some time when I am out in California and discuss this further. Your work has some interesting possibilities.

To the Editor.

I recently saw a copy of your publication at a friend’s house and this is the first time I have ever heard of Reverse Speech except for backwards messages in music. Is there any connection between what you are doing and what right wing groups are saying about subliminal backward messages in Rock and Roll? Do you have a book about the topic that I could read? If what you are saying is true then I don’t think anyone would ever speak in public again. Is the CIA doing any work with this?

Sincerely Yours,

C. Turner (Chicago, Illinois)

Eds. note: I have written a book on Reverse Speech but it is still doing the rounds of publishers. With regards to your question about backward messages in rock and roll, most of these messages are simply speech reversals in musical form. By the very nature of Reverse Speech, whenever speech is sung or spoken, speech reversals will occur. To call them subliminal is an incorrect term. Subliminal implies intentional insertion and speech reversals are a natural function of the human mind. Subliminal also irnplies some form of “brain washing” and speech reversals are not behavioral manipulative. The same freedom of choice that applies to forward speech also applies to Reverse Speech. To the best of my knowledge, no government agency is doing any work at all with Reverse Speech. Although research work has been going on in Australia for the last six years, it has only been introduced to the United States this year. You are looking at a completely new technology in its very first labor pains of birth.

“The conscious mind is, at best, merely a shadowy reflection of the true self. If Reverse Speech has any role to play in society, it is in letting the shadow see its true self and, if possible, achieve a sense of recognition, acceptance and integration. Mankind will never reach integrity and balance until this happens.”
David Oates – taken from a lecture given in Dallas, October 1990

Stairway To Heaven

By: David Oates

For the last three years, I have tried to avoid any mention of reversals in music, or “Backward Masking”, in any of my official publications or media appearances. This is because I have not wanted to confuse the phenomenon of Reverse Speech with the superstitions currently reigning over backward messages in Rock and Roll. However, over the last few months I have been forced to address the issue due to an increase in media interest with reversals in music. This became particularly obvious in a recent radio interview, where both the radio announcer and telephone callers asked me questions about the song “Stairway To Heaven”. Questions about this song have also been asked of me often in recent lectures I have conducted. I have therefore decided to reprint a section of my book manuscript that deals with this issue.

If there was a Top 40 of backmasked songs, then “Stairway To Heaven” by Led Zeppelin would have to be at the top of the chart. It has been quoted, misquoted, and dissected repeatedly by fundamentalist proponents of backward masking for years as being one of the most occultic or satanic songs to have ever been released.

According to Stephen Davis, author of the Zeppelin Saga, “Hammer Of The Gods”, the controversy began in 1982 when a prominent Baptist from the South used his radio pulpit to preach that Stairway To Heaven carried subliminal backward messages. Then in April 1982 the California state assembly played a backward tape of the song in public session. Some members of the committee claimed they heard the words, “I live for Satan”. Led Zeppelin members were duly denounced as agents of Satan, luring millions of teenagers into damnation as unwitting disciples of the Antichrist. Eddie Kramer, the producer and engineer who worked on four Led Zeppelin albums, says that these charges are “totally and utterly ridiculous. Why would they want to spend so much studio time doing something so dumb.” 1

Stairway To Heaven was written in one afternoon by Jimmy Page, lead guitarist of Led Zeppelin and avid devotee of early twentieth century occultist, Aleister Crowley. It (the song) has been reported to employ a technique of encoded words and double meanings similar to that used in Negro Spirituals where some songs were used as maps, and other lyrics served to alert plantation slaves of an impending break for freedom. 2

Up until approximately 1985 Page owned and lived in Crowley’s former house, “Boleskine”, sometimes called the “Toolhouse”, a sprawling farmhouse on the shores of Loch Ness. Boleskine was originally purchased in 1900 by Crowley, for almost twice its normal value, because it met with certain requirements of the “Books Of Sacred Magic” of “Abra-Melin the Mage”. These requirements included windows and a door opening northwards to a secluded structure that was to serve as an oratory. It is commonly assumed that a small outbuilding at the back of Boleskine was the oratory. 3

Crowley stated in his diary that “shadowy shapes” used to escape the oratory and enter the house. It has been reported that during subsequent rituals these “shadowy shapes” were unleashed with dire effects on visitors, staff and a few hapless visitors from nearby Foyers. 4 In the rock magazine “Roadrunner”, Jimmy Page cites further cases of madness and mayhem adding that on the Boleskine site was once “a church that burned to the ground with the congregation in it.

This small historical background gives tremendous insights into the profoundly significant metaphors contained in both the forward and reversed lyrics of “Stairway To Heaven.” Sung forward, the song is basically a story of a woman who is searching for the path to heaven. Here are some portions of the forward lyrics….

“There’s a sign on the wall but she wants to be sure cos you know sometimes [words have two meanings] / In the tree by the brook there ‘s a song bird who sings sometimes all of [our thoughts are misgiven] / In my thoughts I have [seen] brings a smoke through the trees and the voices of those who stand looking.”

Note the references to words having two meanings, thoughts that are misgiven and the use of visual predicates (seen, looking). All of these symbolisms describe with great accuracy the nature and function of Reverse Speech. The visual nature of Reverse Speech has been explored in previous issues of Backtalk. The “voices of those who stand looking” appears to have connection with another verse that says: “And a new day will dawn for those who stand long and the forests will echo with laughter.”

Many meanings have been given to these lyrics by other writers. In my opinion, greater significance can be obtained when they are viewed from the perspective of Reverse Speech. When the complementary nature of the song is considered to its fullest extent it appears to be, partially, a song of hope for those who once suffered at Boleskine. It also appears to be a message from the unconscious mind detailing its own communicative process. In the very process of writing the song the way he did, Jimmy Page unknowingly established the complementary criteria for speech reversals to occur that spoke of their own existence.

“Words have two meanings, and “thoughts are misgiven” appear at the start of the song. Note the complementarity with the last reversal on the song. It says as soon as the song is reversed, “Pl-a-a-a-a-a-y backward. Hear words sung.” This is not an intentional backmasked message but rather a genuine speech reversal. It almost seems the unconscious mind is calling out and saying “Hey listen to me. I can communicate.”

The forward Iyrics of “If there’s a bustle in your hedgerow don’t be alone there”, contains a reversal that says: “There was a little toolshed where he made us suffer, sad Satan.” An interesting hypothesis to consider is that unconsciously Page used the word “toolshed” to refer to the small outbuilding that was the oratory (Boleskine itself was the Toolhouse). The reported “shadowy figures” may be the “voices of those who stand looking.” Yet: “a new day will dawn for those who stand long,” because “There are two paths you can go by but in the long run there’s still time to change the road you’re on.” This last quoted stanza contains the reversal, “It’s my sweet Satan, the one whose little path would make me sad, whose power is fake.

Considering that Boleskine is a typical Scottish mansion, the references to path, forest, hedgerow are intriguing. The word Satan may be a metaphor for the suffering and pain that occurred in and around Boleskine. The parallels of these imageries and the legends surrounding Boleskine are compelling. I find it amazing that the sadness of Satan’s path and the “fakeness” of his power could be considered as Satanic glorification by the many fundamentalists who have damned and burned copies of nStairway To Heaven” and thus actually increased the sales of this product which they were telling people not to listen to.

As a final note, a reversal appears on a live version of the song sung in 1976 that says: “Forgive rne Lord, forgive me Lord, forgive rne Lord.” 5 How this could be considered as Satanic is beyond me. Who is asking for forgiveness and why? Since when does the reported nature of Satan, metaphoric or factual, include forgiveness?

Is the song a Stairway To Heaven or a Stairway To Hell or maybe something totally different? Stephen Davis writes a good description.

“It expressed an ineffable yearning for spiritual transformation deep in the heart of the generation for which it was intended.” 6


(1) Stephen Davis, “The Hammer Of The Gods” (New York, William Morrow And Company Inc., 1985), p.335

(2) Private letter; Raymond B. MacPherson, Melbourne, Vic.

(3) C.R. Cammell, “Aleister Crowleyn, (London, New English Library, 1969)

(4) Ibid.

(5) Led Zeppelin, “The Song Remains The Same ” (Recorded Live At Madison Square Garden, Swan Song, 1976)

(6) Stephen Davis. op.cit. p. 146


A Healing Message From
The Unconscious Mind

By: David Oates

Every now and then when I am conducting Reverse Speech sessions with people, I come across a real gem. Such is the case with a session I recently conducted with a young woman who was concerned about a weight problem she had. She struck me as a happy, talented woman who could not be considered as being excessively overweight and I was surprised to hear her speak during our session of a low self image and her frustration over not having a regular relationship since her marriage broke up. She also spoke of a possible molestation experience (of which she had no memory) from her father as a young child which she thought may have affected her adversely in her emotional life, contributing to weight gain. Printed below are selected portions of the session we conducted.

Purpose of session: to discover psychological cause of weight and explore ways of enhancing the love relationship area of life.

Reversals are indicated in bold type at the end of each section of forward dialogue. Its “Validity Factor” (audible clarity, grammatical structure, significance) is determined using standard Reverse Speech analysis procedures, and is shown on a scale of 1-5, with “5” being the perfect reversal and ” 1 ” being vague and imprecise. The average speech reversal is rated as 3, and this constitutes most reversals found in any given example of conversational speech.

The presice section of forward dialogue responsible for the reversal is indicated with brackets – [ ]. This section, and the sentence in which it appears, should be analyzed with the speech reversal.


Woman: “There’s something about eating. [When you bring it into your body], you know, there’s comfort there.” REVERSAL The lover is me. Validity Factor 3

Woman: “I wanted to lose weight because my husband did not [want a fat wife].” REVERSAL I am second. Validity Factor 2

Woman: “I felt bad [because he had told] me that he’d rather live alone that live with a fat wife.” REVERSAL It must be second. Validity Factor 3

Woman: “[I have gotten fat] right after we got married then I lost it.” REVERSAL I have an ugly hut. Validity Factor 3

Woman: “[My father saw me one] day coming from the [bathroom] into my bedroom.” REVERSAL Now we must love him / No man loves me. Validity Factor 2,2

Woman: “If my father can’t [accept the way I am then nobody can].” REVERSAL One with my eye with him. Validity Factor 3

Woman: “I think it stems back to [father].” REVERSAL The love. Validity Factor 5

David: ” And [is that intricately related] to your acceptance of men?” REVERSAL You shall reveal with me. Validity Factor 3

Woman: ” [He’s pretty much told me] I’m not good enough physically.” REVERSAL I’m not out of him. Validity Factor 2

Woman: “I told you the [sexual abuse] that came out in (counseling) the last few months.” REVERSAL I make the sea. Validity Factor 3

Woman: “[I was told several years] ago that there was a possibility that was sexually abused.” REVERSAL I can see your mess. Validity Factor 2

Woman: “[So doing the breathing] exercises I started thinking, you know my father played with me.” REVERSAL He held me nude. Validity Factor 3

Woman: “I was living [in Houston when I] was raised and I don’t remember moving.” REVERSAL I wallow in it. Validity Factor 3

David: “[We can probe that a bit further]?” REVERSAL Must have her loving him. Validity Factor 3

Woman: “[Er, ar] [It may be an abnormal thing for a woman to want to do] it or have those feelings [towards her father ‘cos he’s the first man] in her life.” REVERSAL I need him / I wish Momma would care for my Daddy. I’m angry / I am surf with his love results. Validity Factor 3,2,3

Woman: “[The eating pushes down the emotions].” REVERSAL They show me ways to shoot. Validity Factor 4

Woman: “[They’re not] necessarily tied to Daddy. But it’s anything that happened during the day.” REVERSAL You’ll erase the sin. Validity Factor 4

Woman: “You eat to suppress them [and then you throw them up and its a cleansing process]. [After you throw up] you feel completely calm.” REVERSAL There’s milk in it. I’m waltzing in it / I won’t be your fat. Validity Factor 2

Woman: “I mean [I remember the first day] I told him I was bulimic.” REVERSAL The lost eye suffered. Validity Factor 3

Woman: “I won’t allow that deep vulnerability, [‘cos I’m afraid].” REVERSAL Feel for mother. Validity Factor 2

Woman: “I think it’d be healthy if I gave it all up and [the thought of being with anybody] just really got into me.” REVERSAL I will need, need the love. Validity Factor 3

Woman: “My mother was a very [self sacrificing woman]. [My father was not a good provider].” REVERSAL My Mum. You suffer / Her love with big answer. Validity Factor 2,3

Woman: “My mother used to stay home and provide the stability as opposed to going out to work [and providing the stability].” REVERSAL He delivered some love. Validity Factor 4

Woman: “I’m an [extremely loving and happy person].” REVERSAL The fats sin, sing the muck. Validity Factor 3

David: “If l had a magic wand to make it happen, what spell would I have to chant?” NO REVERSAL

Woman: “I know that [deep down inside], I’m good and I’m smart and I’m intelligent.” REVERSAL Nuding my love. Validity Factor 3

Woman: “I am finally [understanding that the poor man], You know. Look at his upbringing. [It had nothing to do with me].” REVERSAL I am old with him / The wisdom. The fun. Validity Factor 3.2

Woman: “[It keeps me from really] [blossoming totally]. I feel [like I’m pretty blossomed], but the real, what [l really want to express is not being expressed].” REVERSAL Heal them if you speak it / You’ll work near the soul / Involving the soul / You’ll develop real with them. Validity Factor 2,3,2

Woman: ” l know I’d be OK if I really [let myself come out].” REVERSAL I am a person. Validity Factor 4

Woman: ” I want to develop the ability [to affect people in a positive way].” REVERSAL And I will beat that fat. Validity Factor 3

Woman: “I’m [so sick of this new age fucking bullshit].” REVERSAL They showed me not invincible lover. Validity Factor 2

Woman: ” [I was a workshop junkie].” REVERSAL I need to beat this rush. Validity Factor 2

My overall conclusions after conducting this session were two fold. First, I saw no evidence in reverse that a molestation from her father had occurred. I had conducted many sessions with people who had been molested and reversals had always appeared that gave quite explicit descriptions of this. No such reversals occurred in this session. What I did see, however, was an attachment to a perceived lack of love and affection from her father which hypothesized had been transposed into a molestation so she could have something concrete to hang onto. I also saw this same attachment to negative statements that had been told to her by other people.

Second, I saw a woman who was very much together within herself and displayed many talents and abilities. I saw a desire to overcome her weight problems and I saw a woman with great talent for dealing with people and their problems. This was particularly obvious in the section that is reprinted below.

David: “If I had a magic wand to make it happen, what spell would I have to chant?”

Reversals from woman immediately following ……

Nuding my love
I am old with him.
The wisdom. The fun.
Heal them if you speak it.
You’ll work near the soul.
Involving the soul.
You’ll develop real with them.
I am a person.
And I will beat that fat.

Here is a possible normal usage English translation of the above reversals, using standard analysis procedures, and incorporating personality structure and reversal trend seen in the entire session.

A statement from Self: “The attachment to my father’s perceived actions and lack of affection is inhibiting my freedom. It is weighing me down with unnecessary baggage.”

A statement from the unconscious mind: “Remember your wisdom. Remember the fun and freedom of life. You can overcome this baggage, and heal, touch and transform others by remembering, acting out and telling them of this truth. With these tools you will work with people at a deep level, touching and healing their soul, their inner self, the real person behind the mask. By doing this, you will heal yourself, explore, discover and develop your true potential, as will those who come in contact with you.”

A conclusion from Self: “I am important, worthy and strong. By remembering this fact, the wisdom and the fun, I will overcome and gain control of my weight and everything attached to the metaphor that the weight represents.”

These reversals were a tremendous relief to the woman and she found herself coming into contact with the loving, genuine part of herself in a very real way. Although it is too early at this stage to see whether this knowledge will indeed help her weight, the woman reports to me that as a result of the session she is feeling more contented with herself than she has felt for a long time and is now approaching life in a far more positive manner.

This session, rather than show behavioral sabotages, showed the woman’s true self worth and allowed her to see that she really was an OK person with many talents and abilities. This had been told to her by many people but this time she allowed herself to see through her own reversals and finally saw it to be true.

The weight of unnecessarily carried burdens can be most destructive. Reverse Speech allowed her to let go of the load she had been carrying. Maybe this will be reflected in future weight loss and freedom in relationships.

Some Complex Legal Questions

The following article has been compiled based on a lecture given to the Reverse Speech Education And Research Institute by Dallas, attorney, Mr. Paul Stewart.

For the legal and investigative community, Reverse Speech poses many interesting questions. For example, in criminal investigations, once a person has given up the right to remain silent, can the content of their speech reversals be admissible as evidence in a court of law? The question then arises concerning the actual meaning of the reversals. Are they metaphoric references or should they be treated as fact? If they are metaphoric, then what does the metaphor mean? Who decides? These are extremely complex issues but ones which must be addressed once wide acceptance of the phenomenon is achieved.

Can they be considered as subliminal under current legislation? To outlaw its use or bring litigation would seem to be a pointless exercise, for they are beyond conscious control. What happens therefore, when someone has, what might be considered to be, an undesirable reversal? Can someone be sued for defamation because of something they said in reverse? Should rock and roll groups be brought before the courts because of reversals that their songs contain?

Law firms make major use of depositions in preparing their cases and deciding which witnesses they will use and which ones they won’t. Many of them tape these depositions. Can speech reversals help them make their decision as to whether a witness is believable or not? Or could it be considered as an invasion of privacy? The U. S . constitution makes strong provisions that protect the rights of citizens and part of these rights are privacy rights. Could the use of Reverse Speech be considered as the most ultimate invasion of privacy yet to hit society?

Who owns the speech reversals on a tape recording? Could it be considered as a derivative work and therefore protected under copyright law? Communication is an integral aspect of the law. How will the existence of Reverse Speech affect current legislation and this basic premise of the legal system?

Does the existence of Reverse Speech pose a threat to national security? If the President, for example, knows that his speech is going to be recorded and speech reversals analyzed, then might he not be a little more reluctant to make public statements concerning international events? Then if he does decide not to talk, is this then denying the citizens of their right to know? Politicians may become more reluctant to make speeches and give press conferences. What do they then do on the election campaign trail? Can their speech reversals affect their chances of re-election?

Could it lead to the increased use of wire tapping by investigative authorities and therefore jeopardize the rights of citizens? Is it the dawning of George Orwell’s “Big Brother” society? Its occurrence in speech was originally discovered in 1984.

Reverse Speech is the ultimate lie detector in the truest sense of the word. In fact it goes far above and beyond anything that has ever possibly been conceived. Police currently tape record, and in some cases video tape, many investigative sessions with suspects of crimes. Speech reversals could be reasonably expected to reveal details of past and future activities. This would provide an invaluable tool, taking much of the guess work out of investigations. Ultimately, it will lead to speedy investigative work and crime prevention.

However police are traditionally very cautious, having to work rigidly within current guidelines and legal restrictions that protect the rights of citizens. If they plan to use speech reversals, do they then have to include in their statements to a suspect that anything said, both forward and backward, can be used against them?

Once Reverse Speech gains wide acceptance and credibility then special legislations would have to be passed governing its use. The legal issues are interesting to say the least!! The next years will indeed be interesting as Reverse Speech makes major inroads into society.

“As in water face answered to face, so the heart of man to man.” Proverbs 27:9

“I want to tell you about Texas radio and the big beat. It comes out of Virginia swamps, cool and clear, with perfect precision and the back beat hard and narrow to master. Some call it heavenly in its brilliance, others fiend and rueful of the Western dream.” Jim Morrison

Guilty Or Innocent?

The following are small amended extracts of an interview investigators conducted with a man whose business partner had been shot the night before. He later died in hospital. Situational forward dialogue has been altered, but the trend and topics discussed are preserved. Reversed dialogue is printed exactly as it occurred and is printed without editorial comment. Was this man guilty? Was he telling the truth? Did he have a motive? Can Reverse Speech be helpful in investigative situations? Can the lie detector do a better job? We will leave that for you to decide.

Suspect: “We were out that night waiting for “Victim” to arrive. We went [out and had a couple of drinks], then we were going to look for women.” REVERSAL I wanna listen to murder / Woman – Validity factor 2-3

Investigator: “We need to know what he had planned to do that night. [That’d give] us something to look for.” REVERSAL He did it – Validity factor 4

Suspect: “I was buying a new computer that day. [But when he bought anything] he had his secretary organize it.” We sure argue – Validity factor 2

Police: “But the bill goes to.. ” NO REVERSAL

Suspect: ” [The bill]…. ” REVERSAL I killed him – Validity factor 4

Police: “….to “Victim’s” office.” NO REVERSAL

Suspect: “The other night he was telling me he’s making so much bloody money, [it’s just pitiful].” REVERSAL I’m just an asshole with him – Validity factor 4

Suspect: ” [Money? Do I have any problems]? Was that your question?” REVERSAL I rubbed him out, him – Validity factor 4

Suspect: “It all depends on whether you’re [talking about my books] or his books.” REVERSAL I’m gonna lose the farm – Validity factor 3

Suspect: “Anyway, [I was going to have, originally I was going to get together with all the lads from the office last night].” REVERSAL I lost a deal with eight hundred. What happened – Validity 2

Suspect: “He hadn’t turned up yet so [I talked to his wife] and, er he wasn’t there.” REVERSAL I need a gun – Validity factor 3

Suspect: “I tried calling his car phone. [He’s not in his car phone].” REVERSAL I’ll catch him that evening – Validity factor 2-3

Suspect: “This is a little after eleven o’clock. [OK].” REVERSAL Be careful – Validity factor 4-5

Suspect: “[I was on the phone with him 5 minutes]. Well you know 5 minutes [ain’t going to get you to King’s Cross].” REVERSAL I’ll phone and set him up/ I’ll phone the signal – Validity factor 2

Suspect: “He still hadn’t turned up. [The bloody fuckhead had stayed] at the pub drinking.” REVERSAL Gave them my signal – Validity factor 2

Suspect: “I called back [and I said er], is “Victim” there?” REVERSAL I did panic – Validity factor 3-4

Suspect: “I said to my mates. I can’t find him. [I said lets go] and have a couple of drinks.” REVERSAL I’ll set this up – Validity factor 1-2

Suspect: “The pub closed, [they closed] at 2, so we left [probably at 2], right after 2 o’clock or whatever.” REVERSAL It’s all bullshit / Of course I’m fed up – Validity factor 1-2

Suspect: “[You know. I left at 2] [and, um, he said] “Victim’s” not here.” REVERSAL I’m fed up / I’m nervous, money – Validity factor 4

Suspect: “[So I said, I’ve got some car problems] that need taken care of” REVERSAL Rotten fellow, that person – Validity factor 2-3

Suspect: “I can’t remember what the bloke said. Like you say, maybe something [about a bar] but I can’t tell you any more than that.” REVERSAL They shot him – Validity factor 3

Investigator: ” [I think he’ll pull through].” REVERSAL He won’t recover – Validity factor 2-3

Suspect: “He didn’t have that information. [And, um, I was shocked and sick] and, er, I said, will you answer the question.” REVERSAL I cursed, I shot, snapped, money – Validity factor 3

Suspect: “I can’t tell you because I did not communicate with him until later last night. [OK but then I say when I] communicated, I finally got him at the pub.” REVERSAL Power was the lover there. I’m sorry – Validity factor 2-3

Suspect: “I tried on his car phone. I couldn’t get him on the car phone. [And er, its my first stop once he stayed] down there drinking.” REVERSAL I now seize the lover from him – Validity factor 3

Suspect: “I [must have got to] the house before 11 o’clock.” REVERSAL It’s time to shoot – Validity factor 3

Suspect: “[I called “Victim’s” office] at ten past eleven.” REVERSAL Time to set up this fuzzy war – Validity factor 1-2

Suspect: “[He was in the office for a while] with me.” REVERSAL I worked so hard. Nothing in it – Validity factor 2- 3

Suspect: ” [I can’t tell you], I wasn’t watching my watch.” REVERSAL l left the gun – Validity factor 2-3

Suspect: “Thats why I [ended up going to Bondi]. I didn’t know that [there was an] IBM dealer there.” REVERSAL Up the coast for now from memory / The gun’s there – Validity factor 2

Suspect: “When I bought the computer the bloke who [did the paper work] was, he’s a business manager.” REVERSAL Someone saw the weapon – Validity factor 3

ytilaeR sdrawkcaB

By: Paul Von Stroheim

I magine for yourself an absolute and total sllence. Not only a silence where nothing is said, but a silence where absolutely no language exists at all!!

In a domain without language everything else would cease to exist. There would be no rocks, no grass, no trees, no people, no cities, no forests. NOTHING at all. The world would cease to exist. Our most popular belief about reality of the world is there is some “stuff” out there and we put labels on that stuff. But what is a rock where there is no language? A friend of mine, asked this question, said, “But the entity would still be there!” Well entity is just another word instead of rock. But, he said, “You can still see the rock, or feel it!”

There would be no “observations.” We don’t “see” with our eyes, we see with our minds. And an observation is an interpretation about labelling. An interpretation is the mind just making “distinctions in language.” There would be no human feelings, feelings exist as perceived differences in internal or external states. These states exist in the domain of distinctions which translate as “knowing.”

“Knowing” is a form of thinking. Thinking is one part of the mind speaking, and one part of the mind listening. Even listening is a form of language. Listening is a passive form of a conversation. There would be no feelings, because there would not be any humans. Without language AND the distinctions in language, what is a human? It would be same as a rock?

If everything would cease to exist if there were no language, it must be language (not as in speaking) which creates the reality we live in? “In the beginning there was the word” is not just a sentence at the beginning of the Bible. It is a natural law! Making distinctions in language is what creates the so called “reality” we live in. Everything we perceive, is an interpretation in our minds.

Every position we take in life automatically creates its own opposite. “UP” presupposes “DOWN”, “GOOD” presupposes “BAD”, “FORWARD” creates “BACKWARD”, and so on. We live in a constant dichotomy. “As above, so below!” If we did not have backward speaking, we could not have forward speech. And if our forward speaking, through the distinctions we make in our speaking, creates the world we live in … what function does backward speech have? For one, it completes the circle. It creates the other half of the world, the half that exists in another dimension. It also brings new distinctions into these other domains, domains that mirror our dimension. And if you are not too sure what that means, think about Black Holes in the Solar system. These turn matter into anti-matter.

Well, what is anti-matter if it’s not another distinction in language? We’ve just made it distinct from matter. If language creates the world we live in, choose your words carefully.

Sai Ram! With thanks to Werner Erhard

stiB n’ seceiP

It is said that we all create our own reality. What we think eventually comes to pass and so forth. So why is it then that since BackTalk decided to rename its gossip column to “Bits and Pieces”, there’s been very little gossip floating around. Probably because the mental attitude has changed, gossip has become irrelevant, and now there’s just the ocassional gossip from only a few!

A recent episode of “Star Trek The Next Generation” had an excellent. story that illustrates this. In an experiment to improve Warp Drive efficiency, Ensign Wesley Crusher accidently created a”warp bubble” that captured his mother, Doctor Beverly Crusher, and she was hurled into another dimension of her own created reality. At the moment she was caught, she was thinking about how sad it was that people you become close to eventually disappear from your life either through death or new life directions. Her thoughts became reality and she found herself on an Enterprise where the crew slowly disappeared and only she was left. It wasn’t until the very end that she realized this was a disaster of her own making. She was then able to return to her own dimension and everything was as it was before. An excellent lesson for new researchers.

It is possible to project your own thoughts into gibberish, and hear reversals that aren’t there. The more pronounced, fixed and inflexible the belief system, the greater will be the projection. This is particularly noticeable with Fundamentalist Christians who will “hear” reversals from Satan everywhere. We hear what we want to hear. Did President Bush say “No new taxes” or “No nude Texans?” One of the hardest lessons for new students to learn is to get their own “stuff” out of research and approach it from a purely objective perspective. The quality of reversals documented. improve as students slowly learn to do this. Follow strict research guidelines, question yourself constantly and you will begin to locate what is there and NOT what you want to be there. There is no doubt over genuine reversals. Everyone can hear them! Projected interpretations will create arguments in class, because others will not be able to hear them. They do not exist, simply because you want them to exist. That is one of the reasons why researchers are instructed NOT to listen to their tapes forwards. Find the reversals first, so the forward dialogue does not cloud your objectivity. Make sure the vowels, consonants and syllable structure are correct and try and ignore emotional sensations!

A student in the current class, when a reversal he found was questioned, exclaimed: “But its complementary! It relates to the forward dialogue.” Ensure that the reversal is there first. Then, and only then, look at the forward dialogue. Follow the research guidelines and listen to the advice of years of experience. New students frequently make the same mistakes. The research rules have been established because they work! They are designed to correct mistakes that are common ones. When you have been through the whole course and have your Analyst Certificate, then question methods. Wait until you have the research experience.

On the topic of the current training class. Many students have reported weird and wonderful things happening to them since they started listening to tapes backwards. This is a phenomenon that has been noticed before with new training and, thankfully, passes in a short period of time. Some students have reported disorientation and strange dreams. One student even reports that she has begun sleep walking. Backward run tapes certainly do strange things to people.

Moving right along. Mr. Reversing Machine Man, Brian Vickery, has finally taken the plunge and gotten married. Congratulations to Brian and Shelley. May your thoughts create the reality of your life. Keep your thoughts on success and happiness and it will be so. May your children be born forwards and the reversing machines you create continue to be backwards!

The backwards man himself, David Oates, is frustrated. In last issue’s gossip column he printed a telegram from John Suess, congratulating him on his recent marriage, that contained a backward message. David cannot find it nor can anyone else in America. John says that David has been in the states too long and has forgotten his Australian heritage. Australians can find it, he says. Living backwards, down under, makes you smarter, John says. John won’t tell him what the message is. Comes on, American researchers, we have a point to prove here. Check last issue again and find this message.

And for Mr. John Suess. Find the message in this issue’s Bits and Pieces column. We wish you complementary luck with this one.


1/ How many Reverse Speech categones have currently been documented? At the time of writing this, there were thirteen different categories. For example: Congruent reversals, Contradictory reversals, Expansive reversals etc. since this time however, it has been decided that some categories were confusing and the list has been shortened to eight categories with the surplus being re named as structural formations. For example: Sentence Building reversals (those reversals that will combine with the forward dialogue to form a complete sentence), Mirror Image reversals (those reversals that will use the same words as the forward dialogue) plus six more structural observations.

2/ Who was the Australian psychologist who conducted the first EEG tests with Reverse Speech? It was Doctor Marcus Tomlian of Adelaide, South Australia. Doctor Tomlian had personally developed a computer program that analyzed EEG results, isolating precise areas of the brain that were being stimulated. He used this program extensively with advertising agencies to measure the effectiveness of their advertisements per milli second, that is the precise mental stimuli caused by the advertisement on the listener. In the EEG tests he conducted for Reverse Speech, independant subjects were played forwards ten, thirty second sections of soundtracks, six of which were known to contain speech reversals. His analysis showed activity between the left and brain hemispheres and mental stimulation in individual areas of the mind during the delivery of a speech reversal. For example, if the reversals were about sex, there would be sexual stimulation and so forth.

3/ Which Beatles’ song contained the hldden message, “I buried Paul?” It was Strawberry Fields. It was a faint forwards message located at the very end of the song. It was this message that sparked the “Is Paul Dead?” controversy in the late sixties.

4/ Who said in reverse “My mum will love her. I love Beatrice?” It was Prince Andrew as he walked from the hospital after his baby daughter was born. The reversal occurred a week before he officially announced the baby’s name. Gambling was rife amongst British Commonwealth countries at the time, with avid punters betting on the name of the child. It has been reported that the odds on the child being named Beatrice were set at 500 to 1 by some bookies.

5/ What is a personal metaphor? A personal metaphor is a reversed word that has been drawn from.a person’s own life experience to explain current emotions being felt at the time. For example, an Australian Reverse Speech student once used the word “Hilda” to describe his conscience or a sense of guilt. “Hilda” was a woman who lived next door to him when he was a young child. She used to watch him, from her house, playing in the back yard and when he did something wrong she would go and tell his parents. The man’s unconscious mind had therefore adopted this word as a description for similar emotions.

6/ Who was the publisher for “Beyond Backward Masklng?” This book, written by David Oates and Greg Albrecht, was the first book ever to be released on Reverse Speech. It was self published in Australia in 1987 by David Oates, after being rejected by several publishers. David named the publishing company “Jovamhaz Publishers.” Jovamhaz was a derivation of his immediate family’s initials and, when read backwards, was a cryptic phrase meaning “Ethiopians are starving” derived from a unique conmbination of words in the Contemporary Dictionary. It took him three days to come up with the correct combination. “Beyond Backward Masking” sold over 2,500 copies in less than six months in Australia, most of which were in David’s home state of South Australia. Considering best sellers will sell anywhere between 5,000-10,000 copies in Australia through major distribution chains, this was an excellent sales figure. The book has since sold out and there are now less than 50 copies left which David stores for posterity’s sake.

7/ What are fourth level speech reversals? It has long been known that Reverse Speech is just one of many layers of hidden communication imbedded into the sounds of speech. Fourth Level speech reversals is the tentative name given to another one of these layers. They are high speed speech messages, occurring both forwards and backwards, of anywhere up to ten words in any given second of speech. They can only be heard consciously if speech is slowed right down to a virtual crawl. Conventional playback equipment is most inadequate in locating fourth level reversals and they can only be effectively analyzed using digital samplers and other forms of computer processing. Very little research has been conducted into fourth level reversals.

8/ What is the last reversal to occur in “Stairway To Heaven?” The last reversal is “Play backward. Hear words sung.” See article earlier in this issue.

9/ How old were David Oates’ twins when their first reversal was found? They were four months old. The reversal was the single word “Mummy” and it occurred as the Twins were crying for their mother’s attention.




BackTalk – Volume 2, Issue 2


Volume 2, Issue 2 (September 1990)

The Official Journal Of The Reverse Speech Education And Research Institute (USA) Revcom – The Society For Reversed Communication Research (Australia)

“Backtalk” is an international journal that reports exclusively on the ongoing research into Reverse Speech. It is produced with the joint effort of Reverse Speech researchers in both Australia and the United States Of America. Publisher: David J. Oates


Late, late, late again. No matter how hard I try, Backtalk always seems to come out late. There’s just so much to do and so little time to do it all in. The journal is meant to be bi-monthly. I think I achieved that goal in 1988/89 but went downhill from there. For those readers who have paid yearly subscriptions, don’t worry. If you don’t get your six issues in a year, you won’t get your next invoice until you have received six issues.

Well, it has been an exciting and action packed few months in the world of Reverse Speech, but there is some sad news to report.

One of the original founders and pioneers of Reverse Speech has passed away. It is with deep regret that I report the death of Mr. Peter Thomas after a bout of bowel cancer. Peter was involved at the very beginning of research with Greg Albrecht and myself. He supplied Greg and me with technical back-up and taped recordings from his vast collection of radio broadcasts collected over 40 years. He also made valuable inputs to the initial theoretical development of Reverse Speech. I can remember many occasions when I had electrical problems with research equipment and jumped in the car, tearing over to Peter’s home for help. He will be sadly missed and remembered always with fond memories. Peter has been awarded posthumously with a Developer Certificate for his initial contributions to Reverse Speech. Thanks, Peter, for everything. Your pioneering spirit and vision is such that makes history and new breakthroughs in the development of humanity.

Also awarded a Developer certificate is Paul Von Stroheim. Paul was the past President of the Australian NLP Society and has contributed many valuable ideas for the use of Reverse Speech in NLP and Ericksonian hypnosis. He has been, and still is, a valuable support and personal mentor for me. Some of Paul’s ideas with Reverse Speech are featured in this issue.

The month of August, 1990 saw backward messages being fought in the legal system for the first time with an historic case. The case centered around the heavy metal rock group, Judas Priest, and their album “Stained Class”. A lawsuit lodged in Reno, Nevada, in 1986 was seeking unspecified damages against CBS records and Judas Priest, claiming that two youths, James Vance and Ray Belknap, were driven to shoot themselves in a suicide pact after repeated listening to tbis album while smoking marijuana and drinking alcohol. Belknap died, and Vance severely disfigured himself in the attempt and died three years later. Lawyers for Vance and Belknap’s relatives told Nevada Judge, Jerry Whitehead, that the band’s music had a “hypnotic” quality and its records contained subliminal messages. They particularly focused on the words “Do it” which they claimed was subliminally inserted in the song “Better By You, Better By Me”, and also the phrase “Fuck The Lord“, which they claimed promoted anti-Christian mentality.

The court hearing took one month and on August 24, 1990, Judge Jerry Wbitehead handed down his verdict. He concluded that the backward phrases did exist but no evidence had been put forward to suggest that they were caused by anything other than coincidence of sound, and that no convincing evidence was put forward to indicate that they could be subliminally suggestive. The 6.2 million dollar law suit was rejected, but Judge Whitehead wrote that after hearing all the evidence he believed “that the position taken by the plaintiffs in this action was an arguable one.”

I originally contacted the Judge as the trial commenced and he referred me to the respective attorneys. After deliberations, both attorneys decided not to use Reverse Speech as they believed it to be of no benefit to either side. The plaintiff claimed that Judas Priest had intentionally placed them on the album whereas the defense claimed they did not exist. Reverse Speech states, of course, that the backward messages were the result of naturally occurring speech reversals. Personally, I was amazed that the plaintiff decided not to use Reverse Speech as we have quite clear evidence that speech reversals can be decoded by the mind. Plus, some of the reversals found by Reverse Speech Analyst, Becky Thompson, could have been quite damaging: God is evil / Give us the truth / You silly fuck / I took my life / Take me out / We died for glory / We died sad.

Nevertheless, Reverse Speech has become a little more known to the American public as a result of the case. I traveled to Washington D.C. and appeared on CNN’s “The Larry King Show” as an independent expert. The decision is to beappealed. Therefore, the legal debate concerning hidden messages is far from over. Similar cases are currently pending, including one in Georgia against the rock singer, Ozzy Ozborne.

Well, that’s about all from the Editor’s desk. ‘Til next issue,



David's Signature

“Life can only be understood backwards, but it must be lived forwards.”
Soren Kierkergaard

“Why is it, that everything on this Earth we do not understand, we are pushed onto our knees to worship or to damn? Those are the rules of Religion. Those are the laws of the land. That’s how the forces of darkness have suppressed the spirit of man.”
The The. “Mind Bomb” (1989 CBS Records)



There is only a small research section this issue. Most of the work over the last few months has been in public relations rather than research; but there are, as always, some interesting pieces of information.


Reverse Speech developer, Paul Von Stroheim, comments on the section in last issue’s Research Information regarding reversals in other languages. He reports that he has found many German phrases on tapes exclusively spoken in English AND spoken by people who do not know German. This is an observation that other researchers have also noted. In previous letters, Paul has even proposed the hypothesis that with the process of Oral Tradition transpiring, one might even find other languages in Reverse Speech, all the way back to Sanskrit. Any takers on researching this hypothesis?


Paul also reports on experimentation with different methods of listening for reversals. He has found that by using stereo headphones and only listening with the left ear he is having slightly better results than with listening with both ears. Paul has likewise noted that people listening for reversals will tend to set themselves up (bodily) in such a way as to present a dominant ear to the loudspeakers. He points out that if we use our usual way of listening, we will hear the usual things. With Reverse Speech, we need to listen for the unusual and Paul may develop a new technology of listening!!


Many years back, when research into Reverse Speech first cornmenced, reversals were noted about once every 2 to 3 rninutes of normal conversation. As time went on and listening skills improved, this observation has gradually increased to about one reversal every 15 seconds of conversation. This has remained fairly constant over the last year.

Another alteration needs to be made with regards to reversal occurrence in media interactions. It has been stated that reversal occurrence in this medium has been about one reversal every 2 to 3 minutes. Now it appears to be about once every 30 to 45 seconds. This is, of course, due to improved listening and reversal detection skills. Who knows? Maybe they’re occurring all the time, everywhere, and we just have not learned to recognize them yet. Time and experience will tell.

“Whoever looks into the mirror of the water will see first of all his own face. Whoever goes to himself risks a confrontation with himself. The mirror does not flatter; it faithfully shows whatever looks into it; namely the face we never show to the world because we cover it with the persona, the mask of the actor. But the mirror lies behind the mask and shows the true face. This confrontation is the first test of courage on the inner way, a test sufficient to frighten off most people. ”
Carl Jung – “The Archetypes and The Collective Unconscious”


I was recently approached by the parents of a fourteen-year-old teenager desperate to do something about their child. For the previous six weeks, he had been experiencing intense chest pains, so severe, in fact, that at times he could barely walk. The teenager had become extremely despondent and, at times, suicidal. Heart troubles were suspected, yet despite extensive medical tests, no cause for the pains could be located. At the time he saw me, the latest theory was that he may have a cyst on his kidney.

At the time, I was somewhat perplexed concerning the help I could offer. I dealt with the mind, not the body. However, the parents were hoping that some psychological reason may be causing these pains and that Reverse Speech may help uncover this. The teenager seemed normal for his age, yet was somewhat withdrawn. I decided to conduct the session in my normal manner, focusing on the times that the pains first occurred and his general life circumstances. Printed below are selected portions of that session conducted.

The transcript is written exactly as it was found on the original tape recording. All reversals are quoted EXACTLY as they appeared during the interview. All reversed dialogue is found in bold print. Some reversals may be spasmodic in context. In these cases, I’ve separated them in the text with a slash mark (/). The forward dialogue that is responsible for the reversals is indicated by backets [ ].

David: “Tell me initially about what your reaction is to the cyst on the kidney. How, [how do, do you feel about]?” REVERSAL I will look in there. (First Level, Internal Dialogue.)

Youth: “I guess confused. Not knowing what to think. It’s kinda scary and kinda neat having something [wrong with you] and stuff like that.” REVERSAL It hurts me. (First Level, Expansive.)

David: “When did you first start noticing all these pains and stuff?”

Youth: “It was the [the second] of April.” REVERSAL Like acid. (Second Level, Internal Dialogue.)

David (following long discussion about family relationships): “How do you feel about your half-brother?”

Youth: “Well, he lives with his mum and dad, and I kinda wish I could [live with my mum and my dad] at the same time.” REVERSAL Mess with Dad and my Mum. (Second Level, Internal Dialogue.)

David (asking about his feelings of wanting to be with both of his natural parents at the same time.) “So, is this feeling getting better or worse as you’re getting older?”

Youth: “[Ah, er, worse.” REVERSAL Show me love. (First Level, External Dialogue.)

David: “And what, er, is there a tension inside in it?”

Youth: “[Well, in a way], yeah.” REVERSAL Hell. Want a home. (Second Level, Expansive.)

David: “Do you look forward to the visits with your real father?”

Youth: “[A whole lot].” REVERSAL A war. (Third Level, expansive.)

David (questioning troubles Youth was receiving at school): “Like what? Picking, [fighting, teasing]?” REVERSAL Diseased love. (Second Level, Expansive.)

Youth: “[Yeah. All of it].” REVERSAL Feel a war. (Third Level, Internal Dialogue.)

David: “Now what? [You first noticed the pain] when you were swinging a stick around. Any sign of it beforehand?” REVERSAL I’m surfing over it. (Second Level, Internal Dialogue.)

Youth: “Let’s see. [It had always] been there when I ran real hard,but [that Sunday night I’d taken] a hard run.” REVERSALS I wanted it / I will get that hurt/ I need this bad. (Second Level, Internal Dialogue.)

Youth: “I didn’t know if it was something to be really scared about [or just blow it off].” REVERSAL My father would. (First Level, Internal Dialogue.)

David: “What have they done to you?”

Youth: “[Well, they’ve done an Electrocardiogram], [a CAT-scan], a bone scan.” REVERSAL We love worse telling/ They love real war / They expect it. (Third Level, Expansive.)

Youth: (after asking him to picture colors that described his feelings and then being questioned about his choices): “[I think that one was the first one] that popped into my mind.” REVERSAL Will suffer, so I give up. (Third Level, Expansive.)

David: “Talk to me in general. Tell me what you like to do.”

Youth: “I like to play some board games. [I like to play Nintendo].” REVERSAL I miss Nanny. (First Level, Expansive.)

David: “Have you talked to him (the natural father) much about what’s been going on with you?”

Youth: “Well, I’ve called my grandmother, but [I haven’t got ahold of him yet.]” They made the war and I never have. (Third level expansive.)

David: “Does your Dad want to see you?”

Youth: “Mmmmmm.”

David: “So, what’s the problem?”

Youth: “[What do you mean?]” REVERSAL Me evil. (Second Level, Expansive. Note how the reversal answers my previous question.)

David: “How come you don’t see him more often?”

Youth: “[Well, ‘cause,] the main reason is he lives in Brisbane. [I live in Sydney.]” REVERSAL Suck Mum. (Second Level, Internal Dialogue.)

David: “Do you get resentful that he doesn’t drive up and see you more often?”

Youth: “No. ‘Cause I know it would be a whole [lot just to come all the way] from there to here. REVERSALS Feel I want it. That cyst. (Third Level, Expansive.)

David: (discussing areas where possible improvements could be made) Would you like to change schools? Would that solve part of the problem?”

Youth: “If [nobody knew me at all]. I could start off with a whole new beginning.” REVERSALS Father. He ruined me. (First Level, Comparative.)

David: “Why do you think the pain’s there?”

Youth: “[I can’t think] of any, [I don’t know why.] REVERSALS Evil get the helm./ Where’s the cyst? (Second Level, Expansive and Strategic.)

David: (at the end of long session of visualization exercises) “Close your eyes and [in your head, merge the two colors] together. [The black and the] light blue.” REVERSALS Assault this scum in there. / I will help, look. (First Level, External Communicative Dialogue, Command.)

The reversals indicated that the boy had low self-esteem and an intense desire to be helped. The youth felt immense pain, emotional and physical. He resented the fact that he couldn’t live with both his biological parents and he acted out his resentment in the family setting (Mess with Dad and Mum.) He desperately wanted love and a feeling of belonging (Show me love. Want a home.) This conflict created a metaphoric war inside him and produced his unconscious pain physically (I wanted it. I will get that hurt. I need this bad.) This was the only way he could get the attention he needed. (They love real war. They expect it.) His internal war had become tangible.

I concluded that the reversal, cyst, had become a personal metaphor for the physical manifestation of the internal conflict. Armed with this hypothesis, I called a family meeting that included the youth, the mother and the step-father.

The youth relished the transcript. All the reversals described exactly what he’d been feeling, in particular the unsatisfactory relationship with his natural father. The reversal, I miss Nanny, was intensely significant to him, because he used to go to his grandmother’s, whom he called “Nanny,” to play Nintendo. Only a month before our session, his mother, thinking that he’d been spending too much time at his grandmother’s house, had limited his visits. The complementarity was astounding. “I like to play Nintendo.” I miss Nanny.

Results Achieved

The discussion achieved many positive results. First, it was the first time the youth had ever been able to talk about his feelings and it was a great relief for him. Second, his parents allowed him to go to his Nanny’s house more often again. Third, his parents resolved to make a serious effort to help him re-establish contact with his biological father.

Within two days of discussing this session, the youth’s chest pains completely disappeared and haven’t returned. The doctors did confirm a cyst on his kidney. It was very small and couldn’t have caused all the pain he’d been experiencing. The pain was a physical manifestation of a larger, emotional problem. When that problem was handled, the pain disappeared.

The Differing Reactions To Reverse Speech












Backtalk – Volume 2, Issue 1


Volume 2, Issue 1 (April 1990)
An International Journal Reporting On Reverse Speech Communication And Research

“Backtalk” is an international journal that reports exclusively on the ongoing research into Reverse Speech. It is produced with the joint effort of Reverse Speech researchers in both Australia and the United States Of America.

Publisher: David J. Oates



So I bet you thought you would never see another issue of “RevNews”, did you? Well, you were all wrong. Here it is again, fancied up a bit more (as promised in last issue), with a new title and format.

Welcome back to the world of Reverse Speech.

Now, for all those readers who have been calling me at unearthly hours of the morning requesting their next copy of “RevNews” (Aussies just don’t seem to know that there is somewhat of a time difference between the two countries) – here it is!! Just a little bit late, but in fine form. So don’t call me after midnight again or you’ll get loud, annoying fax tones.

Right! Down to business. The last news you all had was that I was moving to the United States to get Reverse Speech up and running over here. As usual, there have been a few hitch ups in both my business and personal life (hence the delay in this issue) but I am pleased to report that everything is right back on track again and Reverse Speech is stronger than it ever has been before.

I have just completed two Analyst training courses in Dallas, Texas, producing a Reverse Speech Training Manual and a series of training and homework tapes in the process. Congratulations to Becky Thompson who has the honor of becoming the first Reverse Speech Analyst to be certified in the United States under the new improved course structure and tougher examination requirements (equivalent to the old Master Analyst Class B). Twelve other students have qualified for the old styled Analyst certifications and several of those are expected to be issued with the new Analyst certification as soon as they hand in their homework assignments. Where are they, guys?

Meanwhile, several Reverse Speech enthusiasts have been pooling resources and ideas together getting Reverse Speech all ready for national launch. This has included the refinement of theories and research procedures, the redesigning of the book, obtaining endorsements from academics, conducting lectures and seminars and keeping the media at bay until we were all ready.

Currently, the status is; 1/ A research institute is in the process of being formed with several suitably qualified and prominent people on the board: 2/ A major international TV program has commenced to prepare a story on Reverse Speech to be aired in the next couple of months (more on this next issue): 3/ Production has commenced on a 30 minute video documentary on Reverse Speech – Martin Stiles (President of REVCOM in Australia) will be joining me in Dallas shortly to finish this production: 4/ More professional groups are beginning to show interest and I will be lecturing in several states in March to some of these groups. Plus a whole lot more!

Reverse Speech keeps moving forward as additional facts about it are discovered and further applications are found. Several participants in the first classes held in the United States have already used Reverse Speech successfully in their own fields. Dr. Merle McElroy and Ken Solberg have each reported amazing results in therapy situations and Janis Baber has been using it frequently in Police investigations, solving at least one case as a direct result of speech reversals found on the suspect.

Well-known American author and lecturer, Dr. Larry Dossey (Diplomate, American Board Of Internal Medicine) has stated –

“…If it is validated – as I suspect it will be, after examining the evidence thus far – this discovery may prove to be of Nobe1 caliber. It is rare that a truly creative and profoundly important discovery is made in the field of human communication. These events are unusual, only a few in any century… ” (Extract from personal reference)

So, that’s about it from the editor’s desk. Life is hectic in the United States and I’ve learned over the last six months to appreciate the simple things about Australia that most Aussies take for granted – things like Vegemite, “She’ll be right” attitudes, single lane highways, Fosters down the pub with the mates and reversal slip ups from Bob Hawke. I went back to Australia in January for three weeks and actually counted the number of times I heard “Mate” in conversations. I gave up after 23 times in five minutes.

‘Til next issue which will be right on time in the first week of June. See ya later, Mate.


David's Signature

“……….Reverse Speech has the task of restoring integrity to people. I believe this is the right work at the right time, considering the need for wholeness, wellness and completeness. Dr. Buckminster Fuller, a modern day thinker, has challenged us with his insights. He saw history as coming in waves. The first wave was agriculture. The second wave was industry. The third wave we are still experiencing. It is the age of information. The fourth has arrived and is in its early stages. It is the age of integrity. It is time to connect. It is time for Reverse Speech. We are the right people at the right time in the right place with the right skills. We come with a fresh approach to facilitate connectedness and integrity to a fragmented society.”
Extract from Analyst essay – Ken Solberg, Pottsboro, Texas.


This section is a regular feature in every issue of “Backtalk” and reports on all the latest research news and information as it comes to us from Reverse Speech enthusiasts in both Australia and the United States. In this issue, there is much to report. Six months have gone by since the last issue and six months in Reverse Speech research is like a life time. The body of knowledge and information surrounding Reverse Speech has increased so much that it is difficult to know where to start. So let’s look at the latest in Australia and move on from there.


Greg Albrecht, David Oates’ original research partner and co-discoverer of the very first speech reversals ever documented (some of you have already seen Greg in the promo video currently being used) has been coming up with some excellent research material lately. Greg has a fascination for the Australian Aborigines. He speaks a little of the native dialect and is currently the aboriginal resource teacher for a large section of the Australian near-outback. This puts him in contact with many aborigines and with his trusty tape recorder and reversing machine in hand, he has come up with some amazing tapes and new theories concerning “Oral Tradition” and the nature of “Archetypes.” In brief, Greg has found numerous extremely clear reversals (4-5’s) on aborigines that use their own native dialect. He has found these reversals when they have been speaking in both English and their native tongue. In addition, he has found many new archetypal images that stem back to the legends of “The Dreamtime”. In fact, Greg firmly believes that by a detailed analysis of these archetypes, it may be possible to trace back to the roots of the “Dreamtime” and to uncover some of the many mysteries that surround the aborigines’ appearance in the land of the Hot Sun. Greg is currently preparing a research paper on the subject and it will be printed in another issue. For those of you who want to meet Greg and discuss this with him further, he can be contacted via “Backtalk” and is also planning to come to the United States in June or July this year. Details of his trip and public appearances will be documented in later issues. Incidentally, Australian Reverse Speech Analyst, Paul Von Stroheim, who speaks fluent German, has already documented German reversals on German-speaking people. Greg’s work adds even more information to this new and, as yet, virtually unexplored area – reversals in languages other than English. Maybe, we should get Greg to look at the American Indians when he comes over. It has been suggested by a couple of enthusiasts that we should lock him up on an Indian reservation somewhere when he comes over with several cases of Fosters and let him out a few months later. That way he will stay out of trouble and produce some excellent material. What do ya reckon about that, Greg?


David Oates has been doing more work with his twin girls who are now almost three years old. On his latest trip back to Australia, he collected several hours of tapes from these young girls, who are rapidly becoming famous for their reversals. They are now speaking reasonably fluently forwards and their reversals have become extremely complicated, using complex archetypes and displaying vast amounts of unconscious knowledge and insight that cannot be explained by their environmental and psychological development. David is currently preparing a major paper on the topic and this will be reported upon in a later issue.


MAJOR breakthroughs have been made in the last six months in the methods of training that work the best in teaching new students the art of locating and documenting speech reversals. It has always been known that some people learn far more quickly than others and by observation, several key points have been noted. Firstly, it is essential that the new student be completely relaxed and open before commencing tape analysis. Listening to classical music before doing a tape has improved results, but the biggest breakthrough has been made in documenting a clear learning path that all new Reverse Speech students go through.

This has been broken down into three clear learning stages. The secret lies in recognizing the tonality flow of backwards tapes. The difference between imagination and coincidence can be easily recognizable by a change in the tonality of the reversed dialogue. Those students who are now listening for tonal alterations in their research rather than struggling with locating clear words, have so far proven to be the fastest learners. The new “Staging” and “Tonal” methods were taught in David’s second U.S. class with much success. In fact, Becky Thompson who graduated to become the first U.S. Analyst, used these methods very successfully to change from a moderate student when she first commenced, to becoming a real star and pro in only three short months. Her progress was nothing short of amazing. These detailed techniques will be taught at the next Analyst intake (details of this are contained elsewhere in this issue).


A fascinating new field of study of the potential future applications of Reverse Speech has only recently been started. These are “Future Tense” reversals. For many years, it has been noted that speech reversals using future tense will occasionally appear in Reverse Speech. These speak of events or emotions that are yet to occur. Going back over old session transcripts, it has been noticed that every time a future tense reversal occurred, the event that it predicted subsequently occurred, if no corrective actions had been undertaken to alter the outcome.

Is this an example of human intuition at play or maybe just the incredible computing power of the mind predicting future events based upon the personality makeup of people as received and processed through speech reversals? Either way, the implications of Future Tense reversals are vast in the extreme. Using the knowledge of Future Tense reversals, some Analysts have been able to alter the outcome as predicted by the Future Tense. David recently experimented with Future Tense reversals in a tape he analyzed for two people contemplating going into business together. In the discussion forwards, they talked about their business plans. Future Tense reversals occurred that predicted the future of the business and the interpersonal relationships between the two people. Using this knowledge, the potential business partners are now taking appropriate action to correct negative outcomes that were predicted. More on this in other issues.


Tremendous progress has been made in isolating and classifying the common metaphors used in Reverse Speech. A “Reverse Speech” dictionary has been compiled containing over 250 common metaphoric words.

More than 150 extra metaphors have been found in American society so far. By far the most common additional metaphor found in the U.S. is the word “Sex”. Its appearance in American reversals is prolific -appearing in almost every tape analyzed so far compared to its appearance in less than 10% of all sessions conducted in Australia.

So are Americans really sex hungry – or is there something deeper to the reversed metaphor of “Sex”? As with all metaphors, there is something far deeper behind its occurrence. In reverse, it appears in connection with power, drive, personal fulfillment and empathy with others. Simply, “Sex” in reverse appears to refer to union or connection – either physical, emotional or spiritual, depending on the level of speech reversal in which it appears.

Most people are looking for “Sex”. Sex gives us personal power and energy. It gives us purpose. It gives us that unique connection with others. Someone crying out for sex in reverse is not seeking physical sexual gratification, but is rather seeking for a connection or Union and rapport with someone -or some strong purpose and drive in life.

So why so many more references to Sex in the United States compared to Australia? Any clues from anyone?

Incidentally, how do you know when one finds a genuine sexual reversal in reverse speech as opposed to the metaphoric reference? They are pretty obvious. Genuine sexual reversals are very phallic in nature using words like “shaft, box, wet” – plus others that cannot be printed. They get pretty explicit!. A sexual reversal was found only recently as a Reverse Speech enthusiast taped a conversation with his girlfriend. It said: “I am the Lord of cum”. How’s that for a third level phallic reversal?


In previous issues, we have reported on experimental hypnotherapy work that Martin Stiles and David Oates had been doing. Unfortunately, due to David’s move to the United States, ongoing research in this area has been limited over the last six months. However, we do have some progress to report. David has been doing some private experimentation with “reversal control”. Current thinking revolves around the fact that since Reverse Speech reflects the state of the inner mind, then it should be possible to alter the state of the inner mind so that direct and conscious control over reversal occurrence can be achieved. Initial experimentation has centered around using NLP anchoring techniques under trance whilst directly accessing that part of the mind responsible for the formation of speech reversals using a unique trance process developed by Martin and David. Change techniques are performed and the unconscious mind is requested to alter the speech reversals accordingly. Only minimal success has so far been achieved. The major problem occurs in the very nature of Reverse Speech itself. Reverse Speech is a reflection of the unconscious mind. So to change speech reversals, the unconscious mind must also be changed. This is not an easy task. It is doubtful whether this technique can be developed to the extent of altering the reporting via reversals of actual events that have occurred to the individual. But some hope is held out for an alteration of reversal reporting of the general emotional state. On one occasion, we managed to “turn reversals off” – in other words, the rate of reversal delivery was extremely low. On another occasion the reversals being delivered after the procedure was performed were so strong, the initial anchors had to be reset. However, so far the “reversal control” effect appears to be temporary, lasting only 1 or 2 days. We’ll keep you posted.

On the subject of trance work, experimentation has also been undertaken with “reversal feedback” under trance – using trance inductions that use the client’s actual reversals as found in previous sessions. This has so far proven to be an extremely powerful and effective method of trance induction. Also experimented with under trance is “parts work”. Which directly addresses those parts of the mind that have exhibited themselves in Archetypal reversals (“Wolf”, “Garden Of Eden”, Lancelot” etc.) Once access has been gained, negotiations have been undertaken with that “part” in an attempt to achieve outcome that is more desirable to the client.

It is too early at this stage to make any great assessments, but by monitoring the ongoing progress of speech reversals, certain attitudinal changes have been noticed, as well as a change in the general spirit of reversals.


That’s about all the research news for this issue. If you have developed a new procedure or have additional ideas, please contact us and we will include it in this section.


The following article is an edited version of an essay submitted by Becky Thompson as a partial consideration for her Analyst certificate. Becky is 38 years of age, a certified NLP Practitioner and registered Hypnotist. She holds two Masters degrees, one in Education and one in Counseling. She is a partner in “Change work” and works at a private alternative school in the role of student counselor and teacher. Becky also serves on the Board of the Reverse Speech Institute and has the great honor of becoming the first certified Reverse Speech Analyst in the United States. This essay was one of the finest submitted.

In 1984 David Oates, armed with a walkman rigged to play backwards, began a project to study Backward Masking, a term used to describe the insertion of backward messages on musical recordings. His intent was to discover how pervasive the use of Backward Masking was, as well as to quiet the religious leaders who were calling Rock and Roll with its hidden backward messages “Satanic”. The research began with the Beatles music from the late sixties; specifically when The Beatles hid several clues on album covers and in backward messages hinting that Paul McCartney had died, as part of a gimmick to sell albums. The backward masking CD caught on with many groups following The Beatles’ lead and experimenting with Backward Masking.

David was later joined by Greg Albrecht and together they discovered that not only were there backward messages on rock and roll tunes but also in rhythm and blues songs, children songs and commercials. Apparently these were not placed intentionally. From there it was not too long before tapes of conversations were found to have reversals that directly related to the forward speech, and it was determined that reversals stemmed from the process of speech itself. So the theory of Reverse Speech was born.

The theory of Reverse Speech is based on the premise that as people speak, at least two complementary messages are simultaneously being delivered; one message is presented forward and the other in reverse. The forward message, the words heard and reacted to, are constructed by the analytical brain where language skill is developed. The reverse speech is constructed by the gestalt brain, usually in the right hemisphere, where emotional and creative tendencies are present. The forward speech conveys conscious level communication, while the reversals simultaneously convey communications from the unconscious mind, which includes the storehouse of memories from birth. Together the dual levels are each dependent upon the other to express the exact meaning of the speaker. Through the study of his own twin daughters, David Oates found that they were speaking one-word reversals as early as four months of age. This complexity increased to 2-3 word reversals at seven months of age and entire reversed sentences at 13 months of age. This suggests that Reverse Speech is learned first before forward speech. Also, studies of tests of individual EEGs showed that the brain not only constructs but also receives and processes both messages. Thus, while the conscious mind is processing the forward language, the unconscious mind is processing the reverse.

Together, both modes of speech attempt to communicate the total psyche of the person by correcting the shortcomings of forward speech. The conscious mind chooses words that maintain the limited focus and awareness of consciousness. These words are spoken to express the individual’s perception of reality at a given moment in time. The words spoken are half truths and misperceptions, but are understood and processed by the listener as direct, logical ana1ysis of that individual’s reality. Reverse Speech attempts to correct these half truths and misperceptions.

Because Reverse Speech is constructed in the gestalt brain and from the unconscious mind, the language of Reverse Speech is different from ordinary forward speech. The language is similar to the images of dreams and imagination, with its use of metaphors and archetypes to convey messages of the unconscious mind. Metaphors, although present in forward speech as well, are words that have specific meanings to an individual, a group, a nation, or humans in general.

The language of a reversal denotes which level of consciousness is communicating at any given moment. Using psychiatrist Carl Jung’s levels of consciousness as a guide, a first level reversal using normal language is a conscious expression. A second level reversal, using metaphors is from the personal unconscious which consists of thoughts, emotions and experiences below the level of awareness. The third level of consciousness as defined by Carl Jung is the collective unconscious which is referred to as the core or soul-or higher self. Reversals from this area of the mind, or third level reversals, include metaphoric or archetypal words that have specific spiritual and cultural meanings related to the individual’s national and cultural heritage.

The unconscious mind communicates in exact concise words which it chooses for specific reasons. The words may show hidden thoughts, emotions, motives or hidden agendas of the speaker. In an attempt to convey the thoughts of the unconscious, the reversal may actually contradict the forward dialogue. In a case where the conscious mind is blocking some aspect of a personality and the forward speech is a defense mechanism that protects the self image, a reversal could contradict the forward words and express the exact truth of the matter. On the other hand, a reversal could also reinforce the forward speech when there is conscious and unconscious agreement.

Many reversals are expansive reversals that allow the unconscious to add more in-depth information to the forward words. There are also reversals that express conversations with different parts of the personality. Communicative reversals are also common. They are usually directed to another person and can be instructive in nature or transmit information of some description.

The fact that information is passed from one unconscious to another unconscious through the medium of speech reversals could also explain other phenomena as well. First of all, as people are talking to each other, the listener may perceive that what is said is not the truth. This may be one of the ways people receive intuition.

The fact that groups of peers or friends tend to use similar reversed metaphors and that children will use the reversed metaphors of the parents, helps to illustrate the fact that reversed language is handed down from individual to individual, group to group and down from generation to generation. This is called the “Oral Tradition” theory of Reverse Speech and may give further insights into Carl Jung’s theory of the collective unconscious. As people interact on a conscious level, they collect and store information and then later pass the information on to the next person with whom they interact through the medium of speech reversals.

So as people communicate with each other, they are not just talking about their own personal experiences, but they are also expressing the metaphors of their ancestors stored in the core of their being. This includes the knowledge and experiences of mankind from the beginning of time.

The discovery of the Reverse Speech phenomena is a major contribution that will change the way people think about the ways in which they relate to one another. Anticipating the effects of Reverse Speech on society at its present embryonic phase of study could be compared to predicting the patterns of ripples in a pond caused by dropping a pebble into it. There is no doubt that Reverse Speech, like the pebble, will create monumental ripples, but the exact nature of the ripples is hard to predict.

Some interesting possibilities that cross my mind at this time include the study of hearing impaired to determine if they have reversals, since they have been taught the conscious mind forward speech and are unable to hear the unconscious levels (Eds. note: Maybe they do it through reversed lip reading. We already know that backward lip movements mirror the reversed dialogue.) It would also be quite interesting to record people with epilepsy who have had their corpus callosum severed to control their seizures. If the hemispheres of the brain are severed, are the reversals different or are they similar?

Also, as people become aware of the dual nature of communication, it could become very important to groups of people, such as clergy, educators and people in sales to have their forward speech analyzed in order to determine if they are delivering congruent reversals. Politicians and diplomats would also want to have their words analyzed, and soon a movement to learn to control reversals in certain situations might begin.

Reverse speech could have a major impact on police work, as has been demonstrated by its use in cases in Australia. The therapeutic applications of relating directly to the unconscious are countless and may move the field into the twenty-first century. Now, having a clue to the dark recesses of the unconscious could lead the world one step closer to using the vast power of the unconscious mind, bringing down barriers between individuals, groups, nations and the human race as a whole. Once harnessed, this power could lead to the spiritual evolution of our species.

“Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free” (St. John).

By: Becky Thompson (Copyright 1990)


In every issue of this journal, we feature a section that details speech reversals found on famous public figures. As a well known Australian politician once said, “Keep the bastards honest.” (Senator Don Chipp -Founder and former leader of “The Australian Democrats”). This journal follows the same philosophy. It has been said by many that Reverse Speech could be used by the government in the form of “Big Brother” monitoring and that it may lead to the most ultimate invasion of privacy that we have ever seen. We see it the other way round. We see Reverse Speech to be the first real tool that the general public has at its disposal to monitor the real intentions and motivation of our leaders.

So, in the spirit of “Keep the bastards honest” here is a listing of reversals found on President Bush as he announced that General Noriega had surrendered himself to U.S. authorities.

(Reversed dialogue is listed in bold type. Those reversals separated by the marks ” / / ” occurred together in a cluster and are related to each other. This transcript does not give interpretations concerning the meaning of reversals, except for the explanation of Reverse Speech theory and possible meanings of archetypal and metaphoric language. When reading this transcript, the reader should bear in mind that reversals usually relate directly to the forward dialogue and may contradict, confirm or add additional information to the content of the forward either in the form of information or emotional motivations behind what was said forwards. All reversed dialogue has been determined by following the commonly accepted research procedures as detailed in “The Reverse Speech Process”. However, accuracy cannot be guaranteed and this publication accepts no responsibility for incorrect transcriptions.)


Bush: “We went to Panama with four objectives …. to protect the integrity of the Panama canal treaties and to bring General Noriega to justice. ” See this man come.

Bush: “General Noriega turned himself in to U.S. authorities in Panama with the full knowledge of the Panamanian government.” They forced me (“They” in this instance is a non-specified reference – it is not clear who “they” are.)

Bush: “I want to thank the Vatican and the Papal Nuncio in Panama.” Nicaragua’s mouth

Bush: “This should send a clear signal that the United States is serious in its determination that those charged with the distribution of drugs cannot escape.” The Sandanista’s in it.

Bush: “The return of General Noriega marks a significant milestone in operation Just Cause.” Noriega / This is scum / A slime

Bush: “The U.S. used its resources in manner consistent with political, diplomatic and moral principals.” And I’m not good

Bush: “The first U.S. combat troops have already been withdrawn from Panama. Others will follow as quickly as the local situation will permit.” Made me an Elvis / the show’s in this (“Elvis” in this instance is most likely a personal Metaphor, representing “Superstar“)

Bush: “Deputy Secretary Treasurer Robson is just returning from Panama. A team of experts has remained on hand.” You must look sexy / Disturb Sandanista (“Sexy” in this instance most likely means appealing or likable. “You” is most likely a reference to himself, or an “Internal Dialogue” reversal.)

Bush: “The armed forces of the United States have performed their mission courageously and effectively.” Deal with mission

Bush: “A free and prosperous Panama will be an enduring tribute.” Listen, we owed them evil


For those readers who are new to this entire Reverse Speech phenomenon, here is a brief history of its discovery and growth over the years.

Like all new discoveries in the history of humanity, the growth and realization of Reverse Speech has been a gradual process. It first began back in the late sixties when The Beatles placed hidden backward messages onto some of their albums hinting that Paul McCartney had died, and teenagers around the world began to play records backwards to find these messages. Before too long, other backward messages were found that had not been placed deliberately, but occurred as a result of a reversal of the sounds of speech.

The scene was set. A fad started and it wasn’t too long before many other people claimed to be finding reversed messages (or Backward Masking) in recordings. These included TV technicians, sound men AND religious fundamentalists. With no explanation for these messages, most wrote it off as either imagination or too “weird” to spend any time on it. But not the fundamentalists. They claimed it was the work of the devil possessing the musicians and manipulating their voices so that subliminal messages could be placed onto rock and roll records. Then youth of our society would be “programmed” into the devil’s way of thinking.

They had a field day for a while, conducting crusades against the devil’s music together with record burning parties and hate books against the entire rock and roll industry. In 1982, their cries reached the US Senate and The United States House Of Representatives. The House passed “House Resolution 6363”, a bill introduced by Robert K. Dornan that called for all records suspected of containing Backward Masking to have a warning placed on the front cover of the album.

Then in November, 1983, some bloke from Australia dropped a tape player in a toilet bowl. This useless piece of machinery, which now played only backwards was promptly thrown in a junk box and forgotten about.

A few months later this bloke (David Oates) was running a halfway house for street kids when one of the youth asked him what he thought about “all these Satanic messages” on rock and roll. Being somewhat of an electronics buff with a keen interest in the unknown, David retrieved his broken down tape player and began experimenting. It wasn’t too long that he realized that there really was something there. He ran numerous electronic tests and discovered that the messages did actually exist and it could be proven electronically that they did. His curiosity was aroused and over the next two years playing tape recordings backwards became intense activity for him. He found numerous reversed messages across a wide cross section of recordings, ranging from songs to advertisements to political speeches to normal conversations.

In 1987, he was joined by his life long-friend Greg Albrecht and for the first few months of ’87 they worked furiously to try and unravel this mystery. They came up with the theory of “Reverse Speech” and isolated many common patterns to this strange new phenomenon, at the same time compiling a book “Beyond Backward Masking”. Then in November, ’87, their book all ready, they officially announced to the Australian public that they had discovered another form of human communication or “The Seventh Sense. Media interest was intense and their work was featured on numerous current affair TV programs, magazines and radio broadcasts.

But it was not all an easy road. They were either met with ridicule or “Who cares?” attitudes. It became obvious to both of them that if Reverse Speech were ever going to be accepted, then a lot of hard work was in front of them. At that stage, Greg Albrecht pulled out of the research, his own career beginning to suffer, and David continued alone with a fervent zeal to understand Reverse Speech more and to have their findings accepted and recognized.

Things moved fairly rapidly from there. EEG testing indicated that the brain responded to, and understood, reversed messages. Reverse Speech was used successfully by the Australian police force to solve a crime. Well-known American linguist and co-founder of the Neuro-Linguistic-Programming techniques, Dr. John Grinder, endorsed the findings at a conference in Sydney. Afterwards, David was offered a job in Brisbane to use Reverse Speech in a therapeutic situation. He accepted this and began to experiment with Reverse Speech even more, refining procedures and theories, and collecting massive amounts of information that supported the hypothesis of Reverse Speech.

In 1989, the first official research institute for Reverse Speech was formed in association with Martin Stiles and John Suess. David was approved for a research grant and the train kept on moving. He began to lecture on the topic extensively across Australia, conducting training and instigating further research programs.

In June 1989, he applied for trademarks, patents and intellectual property rights for Reverse Speech and traveled to the United States to lecture on Reverse Speech. The reception he received was overwhelming and, as a result, he moved to Dallas, Texas in August, 1989 to conduct training, lectures and prepare Reverse Speech for its launch onto the world scene. Now, in March, 1990, after many frustrating months, Reverse Speech is prepared and all ready to go. David has established an international organization for the public dissemination of information and has set strict research standards for its location and analysis.

Reverse Speech is on the launching pad, the countdown has started, the spectators are in position and the world waits. What will happen? History will tell the tale.

Reverse speech is about to see life!