The House Fire at Reverse Speech Enterprises

Excerpts from first report dated 4/4/97

Fallbrook/Bonsall North County Times

FALLBROOK – A mid-morning fire in a well-to-do Bonsall neighborhood heavily damaged a home and left a family and their friends sifting through the ashes Thursday.

A preliminary investigation affixed the blame for the fire, which caused an estimated $600,000 in damage, on a candle left burning in a spare bedroom.

None of the six occupants in the $1.2 million, 5,000-square-foot home was injured in the fire, but a cat belonging to one of the tenants was taken to a veterinarian after being rescued from the blaze.

Capt. Russ Bush of the North County Fire Protection District said one of the tenants renting the home apparently left the candle burning to help air out a spare bedroom after a dog got sick in the room.

Bush said North County fire units responded to a fire call on Via de la Reina in the posh Hiahlea neighborhood in Bonsall’s hills at 10:24 a.m.

NCFPD Chief Ron Parkinson, the incident commander at the scene, said fire crews could see a “good black column of smoke rising high in the sky long before arriving” at the scene. Although they arrived in thirteen minutes, Parkinson said approximately one-third of the house was engulfed in flames when firefighters arrived.

Parkinson said it took 30 minutes for fire crews from Fallbrook, Vista and Deer Springs to get the fire under control.

Bush said one of the home’s occupants noticed smoke coming out of a vent and immediately called for help upon finding the fire.

One of the tenants, Terese Johnson, said it seemed as though it took forever for the fire crews to arrive, although she said she noted Bonsall was a rural area and she knew firefighters “responded as quickly as they could.” She said it was probably not unusual to be anxious “when you’re watching a house burn and you’re praying somebody gets there with a big hose any second.”

Ironically, Johnson was celebrating her 39th birthday when the blaze broke out.

Johnson said she had been staying at the home since the first of the year with two other people, Karen Boone and David Oates, and Oates’ two children.

Another friend, Patricia Ann Hepinstall, was visiting the home at the time of the fire, helping Johnson celebrate.

“We had just finished the cake,” Hepinstall said, “and I brought her presents. She never got to wear them.”

The home’s owner, Albert Dureau, was also at the scene helping to clean up and assess the damage later in the day. He said his insurance would cover the damage, but that the fire was still devastating.

By 4 p.m., Boone, Johnson, Hepinstall assorted neighbors and fire investigators were hiding from the afternoon thunderstorm that would have been appreciated earlier in the day.

Johnson said Boone’s cat Molly was rescued by firefighters, who along with Boone administered oxygen to the cat after it succumbed to smoke inhalation.

Hepinstall said the animal ran back into the burning home in confusion, and had to be pulled out.

An additional message from David John Oates….

The above article appeared in the local paper and affixes a preliminary cause for the fire. We don’t necessarily “buy” this explanation. There were many mysterious circumstances surrounding the fire which lead us to wonder whether the fire was arson in an attempt to silence Reverse Speech (the offices were located in the front of the home and escaped serious fire damage although suffered intense smoke damage). We received two strange phone calls the day before, requesting the residential address. The doors to the room where the fire began were braced shut whereas they were wide opened just five minutes before the blaze was discovered. The arson investigators found the remain of the candle and the glass jar in which it sat fused to the top of a table. It had not fallen over and had not been surrounded with papers. We cannot see how a simple candle left standing could send an entire room into a blazing inferno within only a few minutes. Additionally an unknown car was seen leaving the house just prior to the fire, there was a second fire three days later which was quickly extinguished, and there were two attempts to break-in on the nights following the fire. These attempts were stopped by security guards who we had hired to monitor the premises until we could remove the Reverse Speech records from the debris. The investigation continues…..

Tape Recordings & Reversals of the Fire!

[Play Stream][Download File] I was in session with a client when the fire broke out and the tape player was going. My secretary rushed into my office shouting, “The house is on fire, the house is on fire.” When this is reversed she says almost exactly the same thing, “The house is on fire. Our house is on
fire.” This is an amazing example of reverse speech, communicating exactly the same message. Obviously she was not lying and her entire being was filled with urgency. She had to communicate her point as quickly and as effectively as possible. Hence the reversal used the same words.

[Play Stream][Download File] David was in session with a client at the time the fire broke out in the Reverse Speech offices/home. The session was being recorded and the tape player was left running the entire time. The recording begins with David talking to his client, someone runs into the room and shouts, “The house is on fire.” Then the tape continues to run. You will hear people running and shouting, the roar of the fire slowly rising, and finally the smoke detector beginning to sound as the smoke slowly rises. (The fire began down at the other end of this 5,000 square foot home.)

[Play Stream][Download File] There were a lot of suspicious circumstances surrounding our house fire. Three independent arson investigators we had up at the scene all confirmed arson with multiple ignition points and typical chemical burn patterns. Despite this, and witnesses who saw someone walking up to the house carrying two jugs of liquid just prior to the fire, the fire department and police force would not investigate arson. The San Diego DA even forbad all police officers and fire fighters from speaking to us. There was also a second fire at the remains of the house three days later, and two people were seen leaving the scene as smoke rose in the air. We also believe there were people in the house during the fire. They had to have been wearing breathing masks to survive the smoke. What they were doing in the house at the time is anybody’s guess, but the tape recorder that was still running captured the voices of one of them calling out to a companion, “Better get out.” This occurred ten minutes into the fire when all people were outside and accounted for. the fire department did not arrive for 45 minutes, so it was not a fire fighter calling out. Who was it?? Whose voice is this?? You will have to listen carefully because it is hidden under the noise of the smoke detector.

[Download File] Here is a WAV file for those wishing to do some analysis.



The Ultimate Lie Detector

By Mary-Louise Small
Copyright © 1997

Reverse Speech is called the ‘Seventh Sense’ as well as the ‘Ultimate Lie Detector’. It reveals exactly what you and others really think and feel, no matter what is said aloud. It is hidden in the sounds of normal human speech and has already been used by police, therapists and those who want to know what people are really thinking. The man who discovered it, Australian researcher David John Oates spoke to Marie-Louise Small.

Ever since the Beatles’ famous “White” album was released with the hidden backward message “Paul is dead”, the world has been fascinated with subliminal messages. There’s been talk of Satanic messages in popular music and of subliminal messages on our television and film screens. Yet new findings reveal we all have subliminal conversations most of the time – backwards – and because we don’t have conscious control over those messages, they are far more revealing than we could ever imagine!

The founder of Reverse Speech®, David John Oates says the human brain constructs the sounds that form intelligible language in such a way that at least two verbal messages are committed at the same time: one forward, which is constructed and heard consciously and one in reverse, which is constructed and heard unconsciously and which stems from deeper realms of the human psyche. Reverse speech can only be heard aloud if human speech is recorded and played backwards. Oates, who sells the backward playing machines, has produced video and audio cassettes of the backward conversations and the Reverse Speech® words and phrases are quite clear albeit different from ‘normal’ speech.

“Imbedded in the sounds of human speech, once every five, 10, 15 seconds, occurs a very clear, precise grammatically correct phrase that is communicating our real thoughts and feelings,” he says. Those words or phrases are called ‘speech reversals’ and they occur backwards. “As emotions increase, so do reversals, so that in an intense argument, they can occur once every three or four seconds. And they aren’t formed by the actual words we use in our speech: they are formed by the sounds of our speech. It’s got nothing to do with reversing the letters of the words or the actual words. So for example, you can find reversals in laughter or cries or deep breaths. It normally occurs around the stutterings and stammerings of speech.” Even if two people say the same phrase aloud, the speech reversals will be different.

Reverse speech complements forward speech so that if you are talking aloud about the weather, for instance, your Reverse Speech® will also be about the weather. While forward speech is under our conscious control and can be manipulated and altered, Reverse Speech® is not under conscious control and always communicates the truth of any situation.

“It’s so logical that Reverse Speech® should be there. Unconsciously, we have a need to communicate. The way it works is that the subconscious mind creates a picture as you talk and Reverse Speech® is the audible expression of this unconscious picture.”

Over 90% of all Reverse Speech® language is metaphoric. Metaphors, words that are symbolic or pictorial, increase in frequency the more emotional dialogue becomes. They represent emotions and thought processes from deeper regions of the mind. Oates has already documented over 1,000 common words or phrases that appear in Reverse Speech® . Among them are archetypes and metaphors such as Odin, Goddess, Naked, Ocean, Wolf and Whirlwind. He believes that Odin means to succeed with struggle and hardship; Goddess is hope about the future; Naked is a willingness to be exposed or freedom; Ocean is the waters of life or circumstances; the Wolf is the protector-hunter; and Whirlwind is energy or power.

“The implication of this discovery should be obvious. It essentially means that the human mind is no longer private. Reverse speech gives us a reliable and easily accessible means to look inside the mind and listen to the thoughts of others, including thoughts that are not conscious.

“Reverse speech is an extra sense of the human brain that has previously been undiscovered and undocumented. It is a learned function from birth and its existence explains many forms of human intuition and previously unexplained paranormal phenomena. In its simplest form, Reverse Speech® functions as an audible truth detector. If a lie is spoken forwards, Reverse Speech® will correct that lie and communicate the truth. If someone leaves facts and details out of forward speech, Reverse Speech® may communicate those facts. Speech reversals will speak about any topic on the person’s mind. These can include the names of friends and lovers, events of the week or month, plans for the future or any other real thoughts and real feelings.”

Humans learn to speak in reverse many months before they learn to speak forwards. From about the age of four months, children begin to utter simple, single words like ‘Mummy’, ‘Daddy’, ‘hungry’ and ‘help’ in reverse. From six to seven months of age, they begin to put two or three words together in a sentence and from 12 months, they begin to adopt metaphors, based on interaction with parents, extended families and other people.

“If we were to play a tape recording of ‘baby talk’ backward, we would find words and simple forward phrases in the gibberish – as early as four months – before the baby has ‘officially’ learned how to talk forward,” he says.

Discovering Reverse Speech

Oates was the Director of a privately-funded halfway house for teenagers in the small South Australian town of Berri. In 1984, some of the teenagers were upset because of what an American evangelist had said about rock ‘n’ roll. The evangelist had visited the nearby city of Adelaide, and claimed that not only was rock ‘n’ roll the Devil’s music but much of it contained backward Satanic messages. Oates was both intrigued and annoyed by the evangelist’s message for the teenagers in his care were obviously scared by the assertions.

“I calmed the kids down and went home that night to investigate and debunk the whole thing,” he admits. An active amateur radio operator and electronics enthusiast, Oates found it easy to rewire some stereo equipment and listen to the music. He found one of the suspect tracks and played it backwards.

“To my complete surprise, an intelligible phrase appeared to be there.” Oates spent much of his spare time in the following months playing audio tracks forward and backward to find the hidden messages. He soon realised that while some of the messages had been deliberately placed on the records through a process called back-masking, there were identifiable words and even phrases among the gibberish that had obviously not. Back-masking is a recording technique where the studio superimposes a soundtrack backwards over the forward soundtrack.

“My initial concern was that it was all in my imagination, like the pictures you see in inkblots,” he recalls. “I was wondering whether I was going insane or whether this was truly a unique discovery. It took me two years to be convinced that it was real. I found that the reversals occur regularly and that they were always related to forward speech, either adding to it or contradicting it. After recording different people, I found that their reverses revealed what they were actually thinking or feeling. How can that be a coincidence? I picked up names of family members and friends, things they had done in the past. Things I couldn’t have known otherwise.”

He continued to investigate backward speech through recorded music and speech. “With overwhelming and irrefutable evidence of numerous backward messages in both music and speech, I became convinced that we had discovered another form of communication.”

In 1987, Oates and Greg Albrecht published a book on their remarkable findings called “Beyond Backward Masking: Reverse Speech® and the Voice of the Inner Mind”. A year later, the Australian Government awarded Oates a research grant. He had some articles published on the subject in America and followed them up with a lecture tour and later moved there to live. He now operates a Reverse Speech® therapy and training centre in San Diego and correspondence training courses. In 1991, he published his second book, “Reverse Speech – Hidden Messages In Human Communication”. Since then, he has written another book, “Reverse Speech: Voices From The Unconscious”, and recorded audio and video cassettes.

Reverse Speech In Action

What we consider to be evidence of psychic or paranormal ability may really be Reverse Speech® in action, Oates says. “I think Reverse Speech® will provide a scientific explanation for many things that we now consider to be paranormal or psychic. They are only ‘paranormal’ because we have not yet seen what it is that causes them and my whole approach with Reverse Speech® is that it is a natural function of the mind. We can prove this and validate this. It will show us how a lot of these things take place. Like ESP for example.”

He believes that Reverse Speech® is conducted on high frequency sound waves which we hear on a subconscious level. Therefore, what we called ESP might just be our ability to subconsciously hear high frequency sound waves.

“When it comes to one-on-one conversations, people are continuously communicating in both reverse and forward speech. Entire conversations can be carried out in reverse,” Oates says. “We are recognising those audible unconscious messages as ‘intuition’. How do you know when you meet someone that they are lying about something? You are receiving their speech reversals which tell a different story from what they are saying forwards. How many times have you been in a conversation with someone and before you say something, they chip in and say it first? You already told them in reverse, one or two minutes earlier.”

Reverse speech could also be used to check the validity and accuracy of Remote Viewing, he adds. “As Remote Viewers speak their results, let’s tape them and the speech reversals will show us whether the results are pure or are tainted by their belief systems. Reverse speech provide a checkpoint. It will enable the viewers to check themselves to see what belief patterns they have.”

Moreover, Oates believes Reverse Speech® is a latent ability that all humans have and that Reverse Speech® could be used to access and trigger the parts or functions of the brain that could carry out Remote Viewing.

Talking Of The Future

Speech reversals can predict future events up to six months in advance, says Oates. He calls them ‘future tense reversals’ and says they are almost always accurate unless the person concerned changes their behaviour in a profound way. “They predict future outcomes in our current physical life. They are very accurate up to six months in advance, chillingly accurate. I have learned over the years to take note of future tense reversals. I would say without exception they always come true. I don’t believe they are a psychic prediction as such but it is the unconscious mind that knows all and that understands the person and the state of the world and can look at all likely scenarios and predict an accurate outcome based on current information.”

Prophecy for the Millennium

Oates believes many End of the World prophecies have been misinterpreted and in fact, refer to the end of our current ways of behaving.

“A lot of the prophecies are metaphoric but they have been taken literally. A lot of the prophecies I believe refer to the things in the unconscious mind rising to the surface and the traumatic events that will come about as individuals and nations are forced to look at themselves truthfully. People are predicting earthquakes and that California, for example, will drop into the ocean. What that really refers to is the awakening of consciousness will happen in California and that will be a major shock.

“There will be a nuclear war of self. An explosion within ourselves. Far from being our damnation, it will be our salvation. It’s like a teenager goes through puberty to become an adult – it’s a hell of a stage to go through with thought patterns and emotions going chaotic. What’s going to happen the human race will have to grow up. It will be traumatic.”

Reverse Speech & UFOs/ETs

Oates has conducted numerous interviews with alien abductees and has found a few who he believes are telling the truth.

“There are those who are deliberately lying and some who are relaying a fantasy that is the manifestation of a psychological trauma that they are putting into a UFO experience. But then there are those who are telling the truth.

“There’s no doubt that these ETs exist however I don’t think we fully understand what they are. We are trying to interpret them with our current level of human understanding. Reverse speech refers to them as being more of an energetic rather than a physical presence. There is an energetic telepathic connection. There is no doubt that the people who are being abducted … call them in. They want to have it happen. We are misinterpreting what they are and what they are here for.”

Unlike False Memory Syndrome (where patients recall fictitious events as if they were real), it is not possible for patients to lie in Reverse Speech® , says Oates. Even if a person believed vehemently that they had been abducted and they hadn’t, that would show up on speech reversals as conscious misperceptions.

“You can tell the difference between what is a conscious belief that is nonetheless a fantasy and what is a real event.”

Everything You Say Will Be Taken Down In Evidence…

Its ability to weed out fact and fiction is what makes Reverse Speech® so attractive to the police. Oates has worked with both the Australian and American police forces on a few cases but believes more research is necessary before law enforcement agencies accept it as a valuable crime-fighting tool.

“I would like a police department to put Reverse Speech® through a trial. Its potential as a law enforcement tool is just monumental. It needs to be tested. If you are a criminal, the more you lie, the more the truth is going to come out in reverse.”

A bad experience with the Dallas police force a few years ago put him off pursuing the matter further. “I did some work with the Dallas police and I was warned in no uncertain terms not to tell anyone about my involvement with them,” he recalls.

However, three years ago, during the Waco siege in Texas, the FBI asked him to do a Reverse Speech® analysis of religious sect leader David Koresh.

“They gave me some tapes and I submitted a report. It basically said that he (Koresh) would not come out. The reversals I did on Koresh predicted great disaster if the FBI stayed there. I said the only way to get him out was to send in his mother or grandmother. I submitted that report to them through separate channels – one in Dallas and one through a friend of mine in Washington. No action was taken.

“Koresh was a man who wanted to be believed and listened to.”

Unfortunately, his advice was not heeded. The 51-day siege ended tragically: there was a gun battle between Koresh’s Branch Davidians and the FBI, the Mount Carmel compound, in which Koresh and his followers were holed-up, was burnt down, and four FBI agents and 80 sect members died.

“If someone had negotiated with him on what he was saying the disaster wouldn’t have happened. They (the FBI) just got so pigheaded about it that I blame them totally for what happened. I saw the compound burn down on TV and I was horrified. His reversals were very plain.”

He had previously helped the New South Wales police force locate a murder weapon and the Dallas police to help locate the body of a murder victim.

“The speech reversals said it (the body) was in a creek bed under a tree. The police went there and the body had been there but then subsequently moved.”

After taping much of the broadcast trial of O.J. Simpson in the US, Oates’ interest in using Reverse Speech® to help law enforcement officers has been revived.

The Future Of Reverse Speech

Reverse Speech has been accepted in Australia and America by many, particularly in the field of therapy, but Oates has come under fire from some quarters. Three years ago, he even received a death threat.

“Some people have called me crazy and I have people who are violently against it. I have been surprised at the level of hostility against it. That puzzles me a bit.

“I haven’t had a threat against my life this year or last year but I’ve had violent attacks through letters and so on. I’ve been called a charlatan, conman, or snake-oil salesman. I’ve had some guys on the Internet threaten to start an Email campaign against me and say that they will do all they can to shut me down. They are very angry. I say to these people, ‘If this is not real, what is there to lose? Either it’s real or not real. Just write me off as a nut. If it’s not real, it can’t do any harm.’ I can’t understand the extent of the intensity of their hostility.”

Despite a death threat and being accused of charlatanism, Oates passionately believes Reverse Speech® is an earth-shattering discovery that will change the face of the planet. If it becomes common practice, it will force everyone – politicians, friends, employers, employees, religious leaders – to tell the truth out loud. No wonder some people are running scared!

Famous Examples Of Reverse Speech

In his new book, “Reverse Speech: Voices From the Unconscious”, David John Oates gives many more examples of Reverse Speech® , particularly in music. Here is a small selection of famous speeches. The speech reversals are in italics.

O.J. Simpson
Talking about taping arguments with your partner.
“The worse thing you can have, that you can ever have, is have your argument taped. I would say anyone out there that’s married and in a relationship, just turn a tape recorder on the next time I skinned (fooled) them all you have an argument and play it back. You will not believe that was you. ”

Astronaut Neil Armstrong
When Neil Armstrong fluffed his lines during his famous Moonwalk in 1969, a speech reversal could be heard. Instead of saying, “That’s one small step for a man”, he said, “That’s one small step for man.” At the point where he missed the word ‘a’, a speech reversal occurred.
“That’s one small step for … Man will space walk man…one giant step for mankind….”

President John F. Kennedy’s Assassination Coverage
A radio announcer was doing a live-to-air broadcast of President John F. Kennedy’s visit to Dallas, Texas on the day of his assassination in 1963. The broadcaster’s voice grew more excited as he became aware something had happened to the President. A speech reversal occurred at the precise moment he realised the President had been shot.
“Standby please. Parkland hospital, there has been a shooting He’s shot bad. Hold it. Try and look up. Parkland hospital has been advised to stand by for a severe gun shot wound.”

Lee Harvey Oswald
Being interviewed prior to Kennedy’s assassination
“The fact that I did live for a time in the Soviet Union gives me excellent qualifications to repudiate charges that Cuba and The Fair Play For Cuba Committee is communist controlled. Oswald angry/ Hear them. Wish to kill President.”

British Royal Family
Prince Andrew following the birth of his baby daughter, before he publicly announced her name.
“It’s very difficult to tell who she looks like but probably after her father and mother like most. My mum will love her. I love Beatrice.”

The Beatles
John Lennon being interviewed following the death of the Beatles’ manager, Brian Epstein.
“The Maharishi told us not to get overwhelmed by grief and whatever thoughts we have of Brian to keep them happy. Must not fear./ We can’t be Beatles now.”

Comedian Steve Martin
Comedian Steven Martin being interviewed on America’s “Larry King Show”.
Martin was told a joke and asked something to which he replied. His Reverse Speech® said, “Get f**ked. I’ve had enough.” Later on, he said, “I don’t want to be funny. I’m sick of this. ”

Comedienne Whoopi Goldberg
Interviewer: “How much fun was this movie then to do?”
Whoopi Goldberg: “Well it was a lot of fun cause I got to play with all these guys. See all the wealth that I got. I suck the money.”

Extract From “Reverse Speech: Voices From The Unconscious“, David John Oates (Promotion Publishing 1996).

BackTalk – Volume 3, Issue 4


Volume 3, Issue 4 (October 1991)

The Official Journal Of
The Reverse Speech Education And Research Institute (USA)
Revcom – The Society For Reversed Communication Research (Australia)

“Backtalk” is an international journal that reports exclusively on the ongoing research into Reverse Speech. It is produced with the joint effort of Reverse Speech researchers in both Australia and the United States Of America.
Publisher: David J. Oates


As I sit here at my desk, two weeks away from the official release of my book, I am, surprisingly, troubled. This issue of BackTalk is three weeks late due mainly to my own failure to get down to it and get it done. My mind has been filled with Reverse Speech. Where it has been, where it is now and where it is going in the future and I have been unable to decide on a theme for this issue.

Do I talk about the promises that Reverse Speech holds for the sociological growth of our planet, the possibilities of personal psychological repair, disease prevention or even a new breakthrough in investigative work or the streamlining of the corporate field? Or do I talk about the problems created by my increased growth and understanding of the power of Reverse Speech – reversal denial, transference, a deeper regression into psychosis, copy merchants who will only pervert the technology that I have striven so hard to protect? Or maybe I should even consider discussing the increasing occurrence of internal corporate politics and power plays.

Have I discovered an exciting new path into the unconscious mind or have I opened Pandora’s box and unleashed demons that should have never been released? Who chose me for this job anyway? I don’t ever remember filling out an employment application form.

I have always tried to be open and honest in my research and the reporting of my results. I have always tried to be open about myself, my own struggles and who I am. Yet this openness seems to be creating problems of its own. Only recently my own personal religious beliefs have come under attack. Not because I talk about them but because I don’t talk about them!

A little less than two years ago, I would have been elated to be in the position that I am now in. My book finally out. Three training classes starting in November, some official interest from police departments and investigative agencies, and even some mainstream academics are peeping through the woodwork, being very careful not to let their colleagues see them. My wife has stopped working and Reverse Speech has finally become self sufficient, supporting my family, my business and, in the great American tradition, my lawyers.

I was asked recently why I don’t chase media. I don’t know. A new student registered for the Dallas training just last night. I felt his excitement as I felt it years ago as I realized what Reverse Speech was all about. Yet I did not share his excitement. Have I been doing it too long? Is it becoming old hat to me or am I just going through a transition from the old to the new? I don’t know.

I look at the training class that has just finished and I see eight students moving on to become Advanced Analysts and Trainers. The largest Advanced class yet assembled. Yet I also see those who didn’t make it. Those who struggled hard, put up with my stringent guidelines, made it all the way through the course yet did not turn in their final graduation assignments. Surely it is not that hard. I mean if I, an Australian Insurance salesman from the bush with no academic qualifications, can do it why can’t others who are far more qualified than me?

What is this block that people experience? Why is there an initial surge of excitement followed by lack of interest shortly afterwards? Why do I still feel alone, as though it is only me forging ahead? I know that is not true, yet this feeling still lingers.

Reverse Speech Developer, Paul Von Stroheim, wrote a powerful challenging letter that was published in last issue’s “Letters To The Editor”. Yet the response to that letter has been no response.

Since I have lived in the United States, more than two years now, I have come to appreciate its roots, its pioneering spirit, its values of democracy and freedom in a way that I never have before. My last trip to Washington DC was awe inspiring as I walked through Capitol Hill and saw Reverse Speech metaphors painted on the walls and ceilings. I read the words of Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Jefferson and the other founding fathers of this great nation called the United States Of America. I see the power, strength and comradeship of the union. Yet it all seems to be empty words and forgotten values for most of its citizens. A dream hidden behind bureaucracy, red tape and volumes of law books.

Where is that pioneering spirit today as we rapidly head towards the 21st century? Have we become Complacent? Is that what it is that I am experiencing? Or is it fear of what lies ahead of me?

Sometimes I feel as though I cannot carry this work by myself. I know that I have the skills and the stamina to introduce to America and the world the scientifically proven phenomena of Reverse Speech. But …. Ah! I don’t know.

So I guess you could call this editorial a battle cry, or to use a Reverse Speech metaphor, “My wolf is howling for a pack”

Does anyone listen?

David Oates

David's Signature


By: David J. Oates

Subliminal messages. They have been around for years. Flashing pictures on movie screens too fast for the eye to see. Audio tracks, forwards and backwards – fast and slow, superimposed onto tape recordings below conscious perception. Self growth, stop smoking, buy soft drinks, become a super salesman etc. etc. Do they work? Some say they do, others say they don’t. Volumes of books can be found in any library on subliminal messages. Court cases have been won and lost by people claiming mind control, the ultimate in big brother.

Recently disturbing comparisons have been drawn between Reverse Speech and subliminal messages, claiming that Reverse Speech provides the ultimate proof that subliminals really do work. Well, I am sorry to disappoint those who make these claims, with little knowledge of what Reverse Speech is all about, but the two are totally different.

For a start, subliminal messages are a man made insertion, a technical process. And I would even go so far as to say, according to my research into Reverse Speech, they simply don’t work as effectively as their proponents would claim that they do. You cannot change someone who does not want to be changed and you cannot force someone to do something that they do not want to do.

Reverse Speech on the other hand, is a natural function of the human mind. There are no tricks, there are no insertions. It is simply the mind doing what it has always done. To compare the two is like comparing a televised picture of the Grand Canyon to the sight of your own eyes, standing on its edge, gazing at the wonders. I have seen pictures and documentaries of the Grand Canyon many times, but it was not until I had seen it with my own eyes that I grasped the majesty of this phenomenal sight.

One of the most significant things I have discovered with Reverse Speech, is the unconscious mind has a free will. The same free will that the conscious mind has, maybe even more so. It has the freedom to accept or reject a message given with speech reversals, whether it be a command, an invitation for conversation or even a warning from the person speaking not to associate with him. This is evidenced by many factors.

First, Electroencephalograph testing we have undertaken, clearly indicate either a marked increase in concentration levels or a marked decrease in concentration levels by the person listening, depending on whether that person’s belief systems line up with the reversal being delivered at the time. This would seem to suggest the unconscious mind will not listen to, or process, a reversed message that is contrary to its own individual patterns or beliefs.

Second, I have seen commands in reverse that have not been responded to. On the same token I have seen commands given in reverse that have been responded to. I have documented entire reversed conversations on many occasions with people in good rapport and I have seen reversed conversations suddenly terminated by another party for no apparent reason. I have documented reversals that have said things like “Get my car keys”, only to see a response of “Get fucked.”

So my question is this. If speech reversals, which are a natural function of the human mind, can be rejected – how much more can man made subliminal messages be rejected, if the person does not want to receive them? Will the unconscious mind be more find the comparison of the artificial heart project, which has since been discontinued and used for temporary measures only, to be an appropriate example of man made attempts to duplicate the bodily functions. A patient has a far greater chance of surviving with a real transplanted heart. A real kidney is a far more effective alternate to a dialysis machine.

However, I am not denying that in some cases subliminal messages may work but it would seem to be logical to me that the key element to their acceptance lies not in the message itself, but rather lies in the belief of the person listening to the message.

I can remember many years ago, when my fire and passion for insurance (my former career) suddenly died almost overnight. I was desperate to get it back and I purchased, at great expense, a set of ten subliminal tapes that were guaranteed to make anyone into a great salesman. I listened to them in the morning, in the evening and even had them playing while I was sleeping. Guess what, my career is no longer insurance and for someone to even mention to me the possibility of myself marketing and packaging Reverse Speech into a salable commodity sends shivers down my spine. I do not want to sell! You do it, but don’t ask me. Just put me in front of a group of people and let me do what I do best – lecture and teach others about the technology.

The latest criticism to arise is reversal control. This is nothing short of mind control, the critics say. Well, maybe that criticism I deserve to receive because in my zeal and excitement over a new process that has been added to the technology, I have forgotten to say that it does not always work. By work, I mean that the controlled reversals do not always prompt the behavior they are “programmed” to prompt.

Put simply, reversal control is a meditation technique whereby a person will get in contact with that part of their mind responsible for the formulation and delivery of speech reversals and instruct it to deliver specific reversals. I will sometimes use reversal control in my classes to try and emphasize a particular point. My purpose is to achieve congruity with what my conscious mind is saying compared to what my unconscious mind is saying. In the last issue of Backtalk I talked about a reversal control experiment that worked particularly well. But, I forgot to mention that it worked well because that is what the person I was talking to really wanted to have happen anyway.

The extra emphasis of directed reversals only helped facilitate the outcome I was seeking. However, there have been times when it has not worked. For example, a time when I was seeking investment funds for Reverse Speech. I built in as many reversal control commands as I possibly could and was convinced that the funds were assured. Well, guess what, the investor pulled out.

I now see the advantages of reversal control differently to what I first saw them to be. Without discussing the moral implications of this technique, for a person who knows their reversals are going to be analyzed and there are certain pieces of information they do not want to have revealed, then reversal control is a must! For a person who wants to ensure his conscious verbal messages are in line with his unconscious verbal messages, then reversal control is also a must!

However complications arise for if the person is NOT congruent with his intent on all levels, whilst his reversals may appear to indicate congruity, his body signals of incongruity will tend to increase. Thus, there are complications. [It should be noted, however, that whilst reversal control may delete information, reversals cannot lie.]

But, for a person who wants to convince another person to do something specific, then reversal control will only add strength to his position if the other person wants what is being suggested but needs a little extra push. I re-emphasize, however, that if there is not unconscious consent, no amount of reversal control will have any effect. Even more so, I believe, in the case of artificially created subliminal messages.

The real advantage of Reverse Speech, at this current stage of research lies in its analytical skills – in its ability to locate causes of incongruity and therefore tackle and hopefully alter those causes, thus creating genuine congruity rather than artificially created congruity.

For our regular readers, I want to re-state that whilst we endeavor to report all aspects of this technology and new areas of research, currently the only aspect that we can be sure of is its powerful and effective analytical methods.

In conclusion, I want to state that I am not an expert of subliminal messages and will never claim to be. I am, however, an expert on Reverse Speech and what it has taught me in regards to the nature of the unconscious mind is, in part, its great ability of free choice and logical, literal rational.

I find very little comparisons with subliminal messages and Reverse Speech and that is the position that both myself and the Reverse Speech Education and Research Institute will take.


By Jenine Alexander

Reverse Speech has clearly demonstrated to us that we operate our lives based on structures rooted deeply in our unconscious. The language of Reverse Speech is often in metaphors; operational (how we run our lives) and structural (why we run our lives). There is strong evidence behind the language of Reverse Speech structural metaphors to suggest that WE ALL access a universal collective unconscious

But for the skeptics who want visual scientific evidence, do we have proof that the growth of information moves by way of a universal collective unconscious? John Keyes, Jr., did not use those exact words when he wrote about the HUNDREDTH MONKEY phenomenon in his book by the same name, but here is that story:

Japanese scientists had had the monkey, “Macaca Fuscata”, under observation in the wild for over 30 years when in 1952, the scientists started providing the monkeys with sweet potatoes for food. On the island of Koshima, an 18-month old female, named “IMO”, found the dirt on her sweet potato unpleasant, so she solved the problem by washing the potato in the ocean. The scientists were impressed.

Next, Imo’s mother imitated her. Then Imo taught this trick to her playmates, and some of their mothers also learned the new way. The cultural innovation was gradually picked up by various monkeys, before the eyes of the scientists. Between 1952 and 1958 all the young monkeys learned to wash the sandy sweet potatoes and make them more palatable. Only the adults which imitated their children learned this social improvement; other adults continued to eat the dirty sweet potatoes.

By the autumn of 1958, a sizable number of monkeys on Koshima Island were washing their sweet potatoes, the exact number is unknown, but let us say that as the sun rose that autumn morning, the number of monkeys washing their sweet potatoes was 99. As the sun moved a little higher, one more monkey, the hundredth, learned to wash his potato.

Then something startling took place. By that evening, almost everyone in the tribe was washing sweet potatoes before eating them. The added energy of that hundredth monkey somehow created an ideological breakthrough!

More surprising still to the watching scientists, after six years since Imo first washed her potato, and no monkeys on other islands washed theirs, the habit of washing sweet potatoes then spontaneously jumped across the sea! Colonies of monkeys on other islands, and the mainland troop of monkeys at Takasakiyama, all began washing their sweet potatoes! Thus came a proposed hypothesis that when a certain critical number achieves an awareness, this new awareness may then be communicated from mind to mind. (The method of this communication is unknown.)

The HUNDREDTH MONKEY phenomenon indicates that where only a limited number of people know a new awareness, that knowledge may remain the consciousness property of only these people, but there is a point at which if only one more person tunes in to the new awareness, the field is strengthened so much that this new awareness spontaneously reaches almost everyone!

The newly Certified Reverse Speech Analysts understand how the Universal Collective Unconscious communicates with us. Our job now and the goal of Reverse Speech Founder and Developer, David Oates,- is to bring this awareness to the general public in the interest of the common good. We are charged with the job to keep expanding knowledge of the field into areas where it is needed until that certain number will be met where the HUNDREDTH MONKEY will come aboard. It may not be that far away.



TRAINING Much has been reported in this column on training techniques. This is because it is a constant learning process for the trainers. They are the first people to ever teach Reverse Speech. How do you teach it?

In the classes held in 1990, students wanted to have more information on 2nd and 3rd level reversals, and their interpretations. So the 1991 classes were restructured to give a greater emphasis on the higher levels. This was a mistake, and it caused some students to “go off the deep end” with analysis that included none of the first basic building blocks.

With all the varying factors of training discussed over the years (including tonality, staging, right brain stimulation, trance work, modeling etc. etc.), one factor stands out so obviously, that it has been totally forgotten. It happens gradually.

Babies first learn to crawl, before they can walk, before they can run, before they can compete in multi-event games. Before the gold medals. And to get to games and medals requires shear brute force sweat and tears.

The 1992 classes just beginning will have a different emphasis again. First level reversals first. Complementary relationships, a total understanding of these relationships (congruent, expansive, lead etc). The “magic” tricks that have been tried to accelerate the learning curve have not been as effective as we would have liked.

Learning Reverse Speech is learning the nature of the unconscious mind. We will no longer be throwing beginning computer operators, who haven’t even learned yet how to punch the keys, into major computer programming, let alone understanding all the circuitry or redesigning.

KISS. (Keep it simple stupid.) Stayed tuned for further updates in this column.


Metaphor Restructuring, an experimental technique for behavioral change, has been a constant theme over the last few issues. We have reported the means by which it is accomplished, some of its phenomenal successes and some of its dangers that have already been seen. Here are some more observations.

It does not always work! Research into the cause of this has uncovered some interesting facts. The most common being that in those people who have had great success, the reversals in their original sessions have indicated a desire for change and detailed some techniques to follow. those people with whom this technique has not worked, it has been noticed that while their reversals gave a detailed description of the behavioral pattern running (and, in some cases gave some methods for changing them) they did NOT indicate any desire to change.

So that while on a conscious level, the person honestly wants to change their behavior, on an unconscious level they want to keep it, for whatever reasons of their own. In order for change to be effected there must be “Unconscious Consent” for this change. The unconscious mind must also want to change. One thing that research into Reverse Speech has revealed is that it is the unconscious mind that dictates behavior, makes decisions etc.

Conscious control is only an illusion created by unconscious processes. BUT, the conscious mind can instruct the unconscious mind to “change its mind”.

Several conventional methods have been successful in achieving this. Certain forms of counseling, hypnosis, NLP, metaphor work etc. However, the key lies in achieving unconscious consent for change.

In order to communicate with the unconscious mind, one must first understand its language. Reverse Speech is its verbal language. Reverse Speech metaphors are the pictorial descriptors (or movies) it uses to describe its mental functions.

So, we are now beginning to analyze reversals for unconscious consent. If that unconscious consent is not there, we are trying to find out why it is not there and what would the unconscious mind be willing to accept. This is being experimented with using a new prompting technique (far too detailed to go into in this article).

In one case, the unconscious mind gave some parameters under which it would accept change. These were followed rigidly in the metaphor restructuring technique, and the subject reported immediate and powerful changes with one, somewhat annoying, side effect. He had a severe “pain in the ass” for several days afterwards. What’s the metaphor behind that?? It was a “Rocelin” pattern that was being worked on. Interesting!


On that point, it has been observed that definite physical symptoms or manifestations will often occur with both the metaphor restructuring technique and also with student training. New students will frequently report vivid dreams, or high emotions in their first few weeks of training. One student even began to walk in her sleep. Fortunately, these symptoms do not last long, but their occurrence does raise a major question that is currently being addressed by the Research Institute.

It has also been noted that, even with veteran analysts, when analyzing a tape that has a strong emotional attachment to the analyst, the analyst will begin to experience the same symptoms that were expressed in reverse on the tape being analyzed.

Could it be something to do with the power of reversals? We are dealing with the unconscious mind and factors that have never been experienced before.

This problem, and the ability to remain separate from the tape, or to analyze from a third person position rather than a first person position, will be addressed in the Advanced course just beginning.


Much work has been done on updating the Reverse Speech Dictionary over the last two months. This dictionary now lists in excess of 350 metaphors, detailing some of their possible meanings in Reverse Speech. In addition, key structural and operational metaphors have been divided into “Metaphor Groups”. That is: several metaphors that all relate to each other have been categorized together. Hopefully this will make reversal interpretation easier and more accurate as the analyst can determine with greater ease what are the main behavioral metaphors functioning in any one session transcript. This dictionary is in a constant state of refinement and updates will be sent to all Backtalk subscribers Bi-annually.


By David Oates and Greg Albrecht

In the tradition of Halloween, we I have decided to include this article on Satanic messages in Rock and Roll in this October issue. All of this research material was compiled in 1987 by David Oates and Greg Albrecht. This article combines selected portions from Oates and Albrecht’s book “Beyond Backward Masking” (published Nov. 1987) and Oates’ book “Reverse Speech: Hidden Messages in Human Communication” (release 11/91).


Melody, rhythm, harmony, tempo, and pitch. Entire societies throughout the ages have expressed themselves with music. Like poetry and literature, music allows us to express our defeats and pain, triumphs, Joys and deep inner struggles. Music chronicles our history, it entertains, excites or soothes us. It expresses the texture, the trends, and the dynamics of our lives.

It’s no wonder, then, that some people were initially alarmed, even indignant, to discover “Satan” lurking in the lyrics of certain songs. But, as Greg and I soon discovered, “Satan” was only one tiny aspect of a far greater theme.


In the late 1960’s, famed Beatle, the late John Lennon, created a new recording technique when he accidentally spliced in the last part of the song “Rain” backward and liked the effect. 1 It was the first of a series of bold experiments in the attempt to be original and to create special effects in The Beatles’ music.

Shortly after, an American disk jockey, after receiving an anonymous tip, claimed to have discovered eerie backward messages on some of The Beatle’s albums, which hinted that bass guitarist, Paul McCartney had been killed in an automobile accident. It sparked imagination and, for a time, caused a great deal of attention to be focused on the Beatle’s album. Were there hidden messages? Was Paul McCartney really dead? If he was, who was impersonating him? Probably the most well-known case of this can be found on the song, “Revolution 9,” from The White Album. The eight-minute track is a surrealistic collection of disjointed sounds played both forward and backward – radio broadcasts, sirens, applause, screams, laughter, a baby gurgling etc. There are also concealed messages. One of these can be heard under the pandemonium of loud screams and someone calling out “R-a-a-a-pe”. When reversed, the words, Let me out, let me out, can be heard. When this was discovered, some people claimed that it represented Paul McCartney calling out from his smashed up Aston Martin, which is where he supposedly “died.”

Another backward message on this song, which added fuel to the fire, can be found when the phrase “number nine,” repeated throughout the song, is played backward. The words become, turn me on dead man, turn me on dead man. This phrase is not an engineered backward message, but rather the result of a phonetic oddity. It could be said to he coincidence, but, to our minds, this was hard to believe given the inventive mind of John Lennon and the theme of the track.

Yet again, toward the end of “Revolution 9, ” there appears to be another deliberate word reversal that’s not as innocent as other hidden messages that the track contains. John Lennon calls out (forward) the meaningless sound, “Oom~ha!” Played backward this says, Satan.

Also on The White Album, at the end of the song, “I’m So Tired,” there’s gibberish that, when played backward, says, Paul is a dead man. Miss him, miss him, miss him.

The Magical Mystery Tour album by the Beatles also contains hidden messages. One can be found at the end of the song, “Strawberry Fields. ” A faint voice seems to say (forward): I buried Paul. When questioned about this message, John Lennon told Rolling Stone Magazine that the words were “Cranberry sauce.” 2

The message is so faint that it’s difficult to decide what was actually said. Nevertheless, a controversy erupted when this and other messages were uncovered. Paul had died, or so many believed, and the Beatles’ record sales skyrocketed as avid fans searched for these messages.

Further evidence that supported this rumor were tantalizing clues such as a photograph on the cover of Abbey Road that shows Paul walking barefoot across a road with the other Beatles. Why was he barefoot? Because that’s how he was buried, or so the story goes. A white Volkswagon in the background of the album cover has on its number plate 28 IF — the age Paul McCartney would have been “IF” he had not “died.” On the cover of the “Sergeant Pepper’s” album, a floral design that represents a guitar was believed by many to really resemble — Paul?

An aftermath to this incident can be found in an album, Cloud Nine, released many years later by George Harrison. It contains a hidden message at the end of his song, “When We Were Fab,” which sings about the old Beatles’ days. It is forward, quite faint, and says: Paul isn’t dead. The Beatles died.

Of course, Paul McCartney hadn’t died and, although the Beatles have never openly admitted to inserting these messages on their albums, in our opinion the entire exercise was a carefully orchestrated marketing strategy designed to boost their failing career at the time. John Lennon had only recently created a massive backlash and the desertion of fans when he said publicly that the Beatles were more popular than Jesus Christ.


Whatever the truth, a new hobby emerged among teenagers across the world: playing records backward. Unknowingly, the Beatles had opened quite a can of worms. In addition to these hidden messages having been discovered, other messages of an unplanned, “eerie” nature were found as well on the recordings of many other artists.

On April 28, 1982, CBS Evening News ran a story stating that 30 teenagers in Huntersville, North Carolina, had organized a mass rock record burning through their church led by a reformed rock-musician-turned minister. The devil was doing it, so they claimed — possessing the singers and manipulating their voices so that subliminally implanted backward messages could be placed on the record to destroy the youth of America. 3

Since that time, these hidden backward messages, and others subsequently found in different recordings by various musicians, have captured the media’s attention and led people to speculate on the effects they have on people’s behavior. For example, Charles Manson supposedly was driven to a crazed frenzy after allegedly hearing voices in Beatles’ music that told him to kill. Mark Chapman murdered Lennon in 1980, after also claiming to hear voices in the Double Fantasy album that told him to kill Lennon.

In a five year legal process that concluded in 1990, Heavy Metal music was placed on trial in Reno, Nevada, following the death of two youths who killed themselves after listening repeatedly to a Judas Priest album. Attorneys for the boys’ parents claimed that the album, Stained Class, was “backmasked” with subliminally implanted backward messages.

So what’s backmasking really all about? Is it all the product of overactive imaginations? Are rock musicians inserting subliminal messages into their music? Is the devil involved? Or, is there something deeper and much more profound to this whole concept.


There are two types of backward masking that are often confused: intentional and unintentional.

A] Intentional Backward Masking in which a recording studio or artist has spliced an additional recording backward onto the main, master track. This is a fairly easy practice that some bands use for special effects or publicity gimmicks.

Intentional Backward Masking was the type that John Lennon accidentally created with the Beatles’ song, “Rain.” It’s easy to recognize. When listening to the recording forward it can be heard as gibberish. When the record is played backward, the gibberish, or superimposed backward, becomes clearly understandable English. In the case of the song “Rain,” strange sounding vocals at the end of the song become an intelligible reprise beginning with the drawn out word Sunshine.

Since these initial experiments by the Beatles with backward masking, other groups have had fun with engineered backmasked messages. For the most part, they appear to be nothing more that a simple marketing exercise and the creation of special effects for recording. A few examples are:

1) Face the Music, by Electric Light Orchestra. The message can be found at the start of the album right at the beginning of the song “Fire on High.” Played forward, it sounds like gibberish or a strange language. When reversed, a deep male voice booms out the words: The music is reversible but Time (is not). Turn back, turn back, turn back. (the phrase “is not” is very faint).

2) The Wall, by Pink Floyd. The message can be found at the end of the song “Good-bye Blue Sky” in a small section of the album entitled Empty Spaces. It’s on the right track and reverses to say: Congratulations. You have just discovered the secret message. Please send your answer to old pink, care of the funny farm.

3) Coup d’Etat, by the Plasmastics. There’s a message on this album that says:
Consensus programming is dangerous to your health. The brainwashed do not know they are brainwashed.

4) Piece of Mind, by Iron Maiden. The backmasked message can be found just before the song “Still Life,” and it says: Messin’ with things you don’t understand.

B] Unintentional Backward Masking in which the message has not been placed by recording techniques, but instead appears among the gibberish, without explanation. The messages are not planned by the artist or by recording studio. Yet, they appear randomly throughout many songs and make complete, intelligible and grammatically correct sentences.

The lyrics and tune of the song are formed in such a way that they say two messages at the same time. One message can be heard forward and the other backward. It’s these unintentional backward messages that have caused much of the controversy. Here are some examples:

SATAN> > > “Hotel California,” by The Eagles supposedly tells about the 1969 opening of the first Satanic church on California Street in San Francisco. 4 The reversal is: Satan organized his own religion.

SEX> > > “Hi, Hi, Hi,” by Paul McCartney. Suggestive lyrics forwards. Here are the reversals. Its warm and juicy inside / Who is this woman? If it feels to fuck, I’ll fuck you.

DRUGS> > > “Help,” by the Beatles: Now he uses marijuana, marijuana. I kissed you once.

LUCIFER SPEAKS> > > “Razzle Dazzle, ” by Bill Haley: Satan’s power we all respect / Is it Lucifer, the man who speaks.


After the Beatles, religious fundamentalists continued the controversy in their zeal to prove that rock ‘n’ roll was the work of the devil. Some of their books into the subject and the sermons that they preached during their crusades, however, were so limited in scope, it’s no wonder that the idea of Reverse Speech was avoided by society in general.

Jacob Aranza, for example, in his books Backward Masking Unmasked and More Rock, Country, and Backward Masking, quotes fewer than a dozen songs that contain backward messages as partial support for his claims. Most of these were intentionally placed as recording gimmicks. He bases his main argument on an obscure passage found in Magick, a book written by early 20th Century occultist, Aleister Crowley. Aranza states:

“In Aleister Crowley’s book, Magick, one of his occultic teachings is that you should learn to talk backwards, write backwards and play phonograph records backwards. This inspired and encouraged the use of backward masking in the record industry and directly tied it to the occult. This was to become a channel for Satanically infiltrating the minds of unsuspecting people… the evil he began continues with us to this day.” 5

The passage can be found in Appendix VII, sections (a-f) of Crowley’s 500 page book. It says: 6

a) Let him (The Adept) learn to write backwards, with either hand.
b) Let him learn to walk backwards.
c) Let him constantly watch, if convenient, cinematograph films, and listen to phonograph records, reversed, and let him so accustom him self to these that they appear natural and appreciable as whole.
d) Let him practice speaking backwards: thus for “I am He” let him say, “Eh ma I.”
e) Let him learn to read backwards. In this it is difficult to avoid cheating one’s self, as an expert reader sees a sentence at a glance. Let his disciple read aloud to him backwards, slowly at first, then more quickly.
f) Of his own ingenium, let him devise other methods.

This passage is one small part of a much larger section that teaches several techniques of mind regression that are similar to regressive hypnosis. If one follows Aranza’s logic to its ultimate conclusion, one must pity dyslexics for they’re obviously demon possessed.

We should also be careful not to put our cars into reverse gear for we may be worshipping Satan in the process. An exaggerated analogy for exaggerated arguments that are based more on prejudice than on fact.

In addition, one must wonder why some Fundamentalists are playing records backward and teaching others to do the same, if it’s an occult practice.

To further quote Aranza:

“Rock music is laced with lyrics exalting drugs, immorality, homosexuality, violence, and rebellion. As if this wouldn’t be enough, there is now a more sinister danger. It’s called backward masking … a technique that rock groups are using to convey Satanic and drug related messages to the subconscious.” 7

“Some groups that have backward masking on their albums or songs don’t realize that though they have not intentionally placed backward Satanic messages in their music, they are simply ‘pawns’ in hands of Satan. Serving Satan, we must remember, is not falling on our knees and worshipping him only. It can be simply serving ourselves.” 8

Religious writer, Jeff Godwin, in his book, The Devil’s Disciples, which contains a more comprehensive analysis of backward masking, says:

“A debate has been started which will probably out last us all about exactly who or what these voices and messages are and how and where they came from.” 9

Godwin gets even closer to the truth when he discusses where these backward messages may appear on the album:

“It’s usually that verse or line that strikes you as odd when you first hear it, or perhaps has a weird double meaning to it as well, that almost always is the backmask.” 10

Without knowing it, he touched on the core principal of Reverse Speech: Complementarity.


In our initial research, Greg and I intended to trace a theme in reversals over the decades. We documented more than 2,000 reversals in songs and the theme we uncovered was similar to the general spirit and growth of developing musical trends. The reversals found were mostly complementary with the song and the message that it projected. 11

In the mid-1920’s, as the world was introduced to a new and strange thing called “radio,” the BBC put together a nifty little jungle, “Auntie Aggie and the BBC”. . .

“[Put on your headphones, tune in your set]. Listen in at half past three. Sit right back, we’re gonna have a crack from Auntie Aggie and the BBC. ” This is not a noose, no it’s bleeding not. The reversal probably addresses fears that people had concerning this new medium of radio.

In World War II, the Andrew sisters released their song, “Rum and Coca Cola.” It was a carefree, easy-going song that sang about the oldest pastime known to man, wine and women. The reversals reflected this and the spirit of the times, “Eat, drink and be merry for tomorrow we may die.” The reversals are: I look out for women / I like it my lovely girl /God, I’ll lose you my Lord / And I died the next morning.

“Love Sick Blues,” by Patsy Cline contains a reversal that says: Lucifer Fuck off / It was the Lord who saved me / Jesus, he’s the one. This is not surprising because it reflects her Christian belief and the general spirit of society and music in the l950’s. Likewise, the song “Johnny be Good,” by Chuck Berry. Its reversal also reflects his Christian belief and society’s state in general during the l950’s: I would die for Jesus.

In Buddy Holly’s song, “It’s Too Late,” a combination of both exists as he continues humanity’s constant struggle between the positive and negative aspects of its nature told in metaphoric terms: Worship is nowhere. God is dead / Now look Satan, now hear me. You have no hope / I’m dead and thee worship, Lord Jesus. Now look Satan, now hear more. I’m sorry for I despise you.

“This Train,” by Peter, Paul, and Mary captures the spirit of the 1960’s with its reversal: Lucifer. We rode with madness. As society became more confused with this new movement of radicalism, music became more aggressive, and structural metaphors became more harsh, evident with songs like, “Satisfaction,” by the Rolling Stones: Worship Satan. Worship Satan’s son and “Tell Mama,” by Janis Joplin: Lucifer now. He’s in us. He’s in all of us.

Then, in 1968, the rock opera Hair opened on Broadway and signaled the end of an era with reversals like: I’m the next Nazi and The Whirlwind / Satan is Master, on the song, “The Dawning of the Age of Aquarius. ”

A new structural metaphor began to appear that we hadn’t located in any of my research that pre-dated the 1960’s. This metaphor was Nazi.

It continued to appear throughout the 1970’s, and the Vietnam era in songs like, “Peace Train,” by Cat Stevens: Nazis will now take their revenge / Lucifer is dangerous / Hebrew, he’s a marked man. Now the Whirlwind. And in the song, “The Monster,” by Steppenwolf: There’s Nazis in the Whirlwind.

However, Creedence Clearwater Revival’s song, “I Heard It I Through the Grapevine,” appears to typify the mood: Ah Jesus, no one wants him.

As the 1970’s turned into the 1980’s, the spirit of reversals in music turned again with songs like: “Patch It Up, ” by Elvis Presley: Gotta warn ’em. Evil is happening. Evil is here, and “1984,” by David Bowie: Please hear me, man. Don’t hear Satan.

The general trend in the 1980’s, remained the same with songs like, “Miss Me Blind,” by Boy George, Hebrews! Satan smashed their faith. Oh Shame Hebrew man, and, “I Want to Make the World Turn Around, ” by Steve Miller, It’s an evil world we live / Sad Satan’s world we live in.

The metaphors found in the songs of Bob Marley seemed to be caught between the two with his songs “Trench Town,” Master. I’ll fuck you bad, you’re a Nazi, and “Give Thanks, ” Christ is the way.

“What’s My Scene” by the Hoodoo Gurus tells it all: The Earth is damned, Armageddon / You must receive his power. I makest war. Christ must come.

What the future will bring is anyone’s guess, but with the current dramatic turn around in the world’s political system maybe there will be something totally different.


So, are there satanic messages in rock ‘n’ roll? Yes, there are. Do they come from Satan? No, they don’t. Are the rock artists putting them in their songs? Not intentionally. The unexplained backward messages found in music are simply another facet of Reverse Speech and contain metaphors that depict humanity’s struggle to come to terms with itself and with the world in which we live.

Satanic messages. The very name is sinister. But, they’re not satanic messages, unless one considers the unconscious mind to be satanic. Rather, they’re metaphors from the unconscious that describe emotions, concepts, and behavioral patterns. And thus we come to the real source and purpose of “Satanic Messages” in music.

The conclusions that we subsequently drew were that these messages in music were merely one aspect of a far greater phenomena that occurred in all human speech. We called this new phenomena Reverse Speech.

At the end of 1987 our research into music ceased.

Reverse Speech has helped us to exorcise the “demons” previously thought to be haunting our melodies. It has helped us to shed some light on the fact that Satan, Lucifer, devils, and demons are primarily metaphors that express only a small part of the vast human experience.


1) William Poundstone, Big Secrets (London, Corgi Books, 1985), page 228.

2) Poundstone, op.cit., page 237.

3) Jeff Godwin, The Devil’s Disciples (Chino, Chick Publications, 1985), page 147.

4) Godwin. op.cit. page 152.

5) Jacob Aranza, Backward Masking Unmasked (Shreveport, Huntington House, Inc., 1983)

6) Aleister Crowley, Magick (York Beach, Samuel Weiser Inc., 1973), page 482.

7) Aranza, op.cit., page 4.

8) Jacob Aranza, More Rock, Country and Backward Masking Unmasked (Shreveport, Huntington House, Inc., 1985) page 1.

9) Godwin. op.cit., page 1.

10) Ibid., page 158.

11) Much of the following section was researched jointly with Greg Albrecht and myself and is documented extensively in our book, Beyond Backward Masking.


A Mythology
Third transcription by


C>\ And it came to pass that summer fell upon the land in the North where Setao and Ceb and Fej (1 + 1 + 1 = 3) labored at the temple construction site. Setao, not one to partake of the sunshine, returned to his homeland in the South where, strangely, the weather was cold and wet. Setao rejoiced and, after the great Southern ritual of rejuvenation called ” Mates, Rellies, Barbies and Boozing” he returned once again to the North with his two offspring who were named “The Opposite Ones ” . (1 + 2 = 3)

New workers began to arrive at the construction site anxious to participate and Setao and Ceb began to teach them lessons that the Great Wizard had relayed to them. Some screamed in fright as they saw the face of the temple, others lusted for power whilst some simply could not understand. But a small group saw and joined the workers. And the word began to spread throughout the entire Land of Setao and the golden temple of enlightenment.

Time passed and Ceb the dwarf became weary of the labor and sought solace once again at the abode of her friend Nylorac for an extended period of time. Setao grieved her absence but soon noticed that another worker labored silently in the shadows of the pillars. (3.1 + 1 = 3) Setao befriended this quiet worker named Nad The Elusive One and soon realized that Nad had a unique gift for working m the right side of temple. As he watched Nad working, Setao noticed that Nad seemed to be exceptionally skilled working in shadows of the great pillars. Setao asked Nad how he had learned this skill and Nad responded…

“0011011 1100101 0101011″

Setao’s delight at this elusive character grew even more and he was pleased that he took ” Adds With A Calculator And Understands Computers” as a wife, for she knew the hidden mysteries of Binary Code and was able to offer translations for Nad’s elusive tongue.

“snoitamrofsnarT cimanyD” she said. Setao smiled. Then Nad spoke to the two Opposite Ones and they liked Nad the Elusive One. Setao was pleased and began to spend much time with Nad working in the shadows of the right side examining the blueprints of the great temple. After time, Setao even showed Nad his own chronicle of the work that he sealed deep within the inner sanctum.

Nad chuckled as he read Setao’s chronicle. He understood. In the meantime Fej The Lanky had been busy with extra-curricular activities of his own and arrived at the construction site one day hand in hand with one of the new workers who had come from the wastelands of the North. And Fej announced to Setao and the workers gathered that they were to be wed. Setao laughed with a gigantic sound that shook the temple and he gave them his blessing, calling Fej’s new mate “Ennyl The Studious”.

So Setao and Fej and Nad and Ceb (in seclusion) assembled the apprentice workers and began to teach the Class Of Higher Instruction.

(1 + 1 + 1 + 9+ 9999 = ” cannot compute”)

And the temple grew.

CD\ C>\


Dear David,

I just wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed the Analyst course and how valuable a tool I feel this information has been for me … My interest in Reverse Speech is still strong, particularly what the Advanced classes might contain … Again thanks for Reverse Speech.


Steve Bullion (Baton Rouge, LA)

Ed: You’re most welcome. Reverse Speech is an amazing tool.

Dear Dave,

Metaphor Restructuring is somewhat scary to one who reads the journal and knows nothing really, except that which is printed … Mate, the reversal control idea is nothing short of mind control and I believe it needs to be dropped … And Reverse Speech analysts do it backwards. Come on fella!! That’s pretty tacky and not at all Christ like. Please take my rebukes in love as they are meant to be.

God bless,

Steve Martin (Qld. Aust.)

Ed: I am surprised to see comments like this from you, Steve. I talk about reversal control in the lead article in this issue and regarding the other? My philosophy with Reverse Speech has been one of open research, and the publication of those results, without bias. I’m sorry you found the sex article tacky. Perhaps you need to look at something in your own life that this article has sparked off.

Hi Dave,

On German TV two nights ago, a local program called “DAS” presented a German man who could speak backwards. I’m not just talking about pseudo-backwards talking where people speak sentences backwards, but he actually spoke like we hear it on tapes!! (Phonetically.) … He reported further that whole groups of Journeymen working in Hamburg Harbor have used backward speaking as a form of “secret language” for many years. That means they have trained themselves not only to understand reversed speech but to speak it as well, in a form of conversation … The business is starting to get crowded. Huh! … My (German) wife tells me that when she was going to school the school kids also used backward speaking as a form of secret language … When I first started listening to tapes backwards she could hear. The reversals quicker than I could, even though she was in the kitchen at the time.

I’ll be in touch,

Paul Von Stroheim (NSW. Aust.)

Ed: Interesting. Looking forward to hearing more from you.

Dear David,

I’ve been thinking about the last six months (of the analyst course) and have come up with a good analogy of Studying Reverse Speech. It is like being sealed up in a bathyscape and lowered to the floor of the ocean. In my case, the lowering was fine, but I think I came up too fast and suffered a bad case of the “bends” … I’ve come up with a insights about why I projected such a final analyst assignment on you … It struck me as an actor, I have many times heard the director scream at me or other actors: “Project! Project! The last row has got to hear you as well as the front row.” … Not only have I learned the art of projecting as an actor but I also have a great ability to tune into those projected reversals and tune out all others… When I got to know you and the Reverse Speech class, I made the students into my siblings and you, David, into a conglomerate of my older brothers and my father … I felt that finally I could unload the burden of 38 years onto you and so I dumped it all on you through that final analyst assignment.

Thanks for everything and I hope to see you soon.

Tom Mellett (Austin, Texas)

Ed: Thanks for the letter, Tom. It was a rough ride but we made it. Your letter has heightened one of the many challenges of teaching that we, on the board, are currently overcoming. Projection is one of them. I’m glad you have worked through it. Many don’t. May God be with you.


I am interested in your work … I work with spirit guides who are working hard with me to find the truth within undiscovered emotions, (hidden in speech) which they are working hard to have ME discover. I am destined to decipher babies cries etc… I would like to share this with you.

J. Brown (Colorado)

Ed: An interesting letter but I think that your “spirit guides” are just a little too late!


By: Ralph Thomas

Ralph Thomas heads the “Investigative Division” of the Research Institute. He is also Director of “The National Association Of Investigative Specialists Inc.” He publishes their BI-monthly journal “Connections” The following two articles were submitted as partial consideration for his “Reverse Speech Investigative” certificate which he received. The first article on Jack Ruby continues the theme for an article he wrote in the June 1991 issue of BackTalk.


The following dialogue is the last press conference of Jack Ruby. The press conference was very short and recorded on the spot by a local television station. The quality was not good. This interview took place directly following Ruby’s sentence. I have placed brackets around the forward dialogue where the reversals I found occurred – [ ]. The reversals are listed below the forward and are in bold type.

Ruby: “[Everything pertaining to what’s happening has never come to surface.]” You dust him forever. Christ wasn’t finished. You killed him.

Ruby: “[The world will never know the true facts] of what occurred, my motives, oh in other words, [I’m the only person] in the background [that knows the truth] pertaining to everything relating to my sentence.” I pushed on my roll. Certainly not. Wish I wouldn’t have.

Reporter: “Do you think it will ever come out?”

Ruby: “[No because, unfortunately], thank God they have so much to gain and have such an ulterior motive [to put me in the position I’m in, we’ll never know the true facts].” He is the first, let’s get one. I’m pushed to the limit. They asked me name ’em.

Reporter: “Are these people high places.”

Ruby: “[Yes].” Hate them.

The forward dialogue certainly shows that the true facts concerning the assassination of Kennedy and the killing of Oswald is not now known and may never come to the surface. It is interesting that Ruby uses the word “everything” in his forward statement. He didn’t use the words, “some facts”, but implies that the whole story given to the American people is not true. Ruby is saying forward that he never revealed his true motive for the murder of Oswald. He .also indicates that he was forced to kill Oswald. Ruby also indicates forward that those who were involved would never permit the truth to come out.

I located seven reversals from the Ruby press conference…

You dust him forever.
Christ wasn’t finished.
You killed ’em.
Wish I wouldn’t have.
Certainly not.
I pushed on my roll.
He is the first.
Let’s get one.
I’m pushed to the limit.
They asked me to name ’em.
Hate them..

The first reversal is a three sentence reversal, “You dust him forever. Christ wasn’t finished. You killed him.” The forward dialogue where this occurs is: “Everything pertaining to what’s happened has never come to the surface.” This is an expansive reversal in which Ruby says that he murdered Oswald. The word “dust” is slang in the underworld. The sentence, “Christ wasn’t finished“, implies a mission that Ruby carried out. He later implies that he was forced into the mission to kill Oswald. This whole thing certainly implies that Ruby killed Oswald in order to silence him. My research and investigation set out in my book “Missing links” shows that the Dallas police and Captain Will Fritz thought they had Oswald at a point where he was about ready to break before he was taken down into the basement to be transferred to the county jail. It was at that time that Oswald was murdered by Ruby.

It is my opinion that Ruby’s reversal, “Wish I wouldn’t have“, shows remorse for his killing of Oswald. This is an expansive reversal where Ruby says forward, “The world will never know the true facts.” He is referring to his murder of Oswald which I conclude was a mission given him by unknown parties. This reversal is congruent with his forward statement that implies that he was forced into the mission which he never wanted to perform. His reversal, “I’m pushed to the limit. They asked me to name ’em”, confirms this. In this reversal, I assume that Ruby is referring to law enforcement and government officials who interrogated him. They asked Ruby to name the other conspirators and Ruby implies in his reversal that he didn’t name any names. From these reversals, my conclusion is that people within the government knew the assassination was a conspiracy but didn’t know who the conspirators were.

The next reversal, “certainly not“, is a contradictory reversal which negates Ruby’s forward statement that he’s the only one who knows the true facts. Ruby knew, therefore, that there were other people who knew the real story.

Ruby’s reversal, “I pushed on my roll“, is a first level reversal that picks up slang again from the underworld. “Push my roll”, is slang that has to do with paying someone off. Roll refers to a roll of money. My research shows that Ruby always had a large roll of cash in his pocket. Push refers to pushing someone by giving them cash in return for a favor. It’s a payoff. This reversal is corroborated with the ransom reversals found in the reversal analysis of police officials previously published. (Backtalk, June 1991)

Jack Ruby’s reversal, “He is the first. Let’s get one“, is another first level reversal which is expansive as to his thoughts. It’s my opinion that the first sentence, “He is the first“, is referring to Oswald. Ruby is saying Oswald was the first person known to be involved in the assassination and that Ruby would like to see at least one of them caught. since he says, “Let’s get one“, there had to be at least two more persons involved.

Ruby’s final reversal, “Hate them“, is expansive. The reporter asked Ruby if the people involved were in high places. Ruby replies that they are. In reverse he says that he hates them. It’s relevant to note that Ruby was found guilty and given the death penalty. His attorneys had appealed the sentence. It is not clear who the reporter or Ruby were referring to when the reporter asked the question about high officials.

Ruby later got sick and was transferred to a hospital. He has stated while in jail that he was being given injections he thought would kill him. Ruby died of cancer while in the hospital.


During the late evening hours in May of 1983 Diane Downs rushed into Springfield Oregon hospital with her three children all of whom had been shot. Diane Downs herself was shot in the arm. Two of the children died as a result of the incident and the third child was crippled for life. Diane Downs stated that they were shot by an unidentified male on a country road just outside of town. At first, the police took Downs’ story at face value. The night of the incident they combed the area for a suspect. A few months after the incident Diane Downs was interviewed on a local television news program. Months later the police investigation pointed to Diane Downs as the prime suspect. She was finally charged with the murder of her children. Downs was tried and convicted of murdering her two children and shooting the other. The famous true mystery writer Ann Rule wrote a book about this crime called “Small Sacrifices”.

Due to the fact that Diane Downs was interviewed on a local television before the police suspected her, I thought it would be interesting to obtain the sound track of this brief interview and make a reversal analysis of it. If it could be shown that Downs committed the crime before she became a prime suspect, the value of Reverse Speech as an investigative science could be shown. My contention was that a reversal analysis would show that Diane Downs was guilty beyond a reasonable doubt and could have saved the police department many man hours of investigation that finally lead to Downs as the prime suspect. I located a video of the interview and made this analysis with reversal validity factors…

Diane: “[Everybody says] you sure where lucky. Well [I don’t feel very lucky], I couldn’t tie my damn shoes for about two months. [It is very] painful, it is still painful. I have a steel plate in my arm, I will for a year and a half. The, [the scar is going to be there] for ever. I’m going to remember that night for the [rest of my life whether I want] to or not. I don’t think I was very lucky. I think my kids were lucky. [If I would have been shot the way they were] we all would have died. ”

That’s the end of it. V 4
I’m no good. V 5
I did it. V 5
Yeah, you did it. I like sin. V 4
I know, you tell them. V 4
You were there with them, I shot to help me. V 3

The first and second reversal (“That’s the end of it / I’m no good“) is internal dialogue of Diane Downs talking to herself It is very common in such a situation. That’s the end of it, may have something to do with the end of the children’s lives. “I’m no good” is Down’s unconscious denoting feelings of guilt. The next two reversals (I did it / Yeah, you did it. I like sin) indicate beyond a reasonable doubt that she shot herself and very likely shot her children. She was not telling the truth in the forward dialogue. The next reversal (I know, you tell them) is internal dialogue indicating her unconscious desire to tell someone. This reversal is congruent with the first reversal. The last reversal, (You were with them, I shot to help me), adds further weight.

SeceiP N’ stiB



This column has gone through a lot of changes over the last two years, probably struggling to find its identity. It was originally called “The Gossip Column”, but most of our readers didn’t like it, so we changed. Its main purpose is to talk about (and inject humor into) all the little tid bits of information that has been gathered, or is going on, in the world of Reverse Speech. So in the spirit of “gossip”, we would like to congratulate Reverse Speech Analyst, Jeff Smiley and Trainee Lynne Neville, who announced their intention to get married at the final 1991 graduation analyst class. They shocked us all! Why didn’t any of you budding analysts find that one in reverse? And Lynne – Is that why we haven’t seen your final assignment yet? The young lovers have just moved about three blocks away from David Oates, halfway in between the Institute’s main meeting and training center (The Holiday Inn at Jupiter). Sounds like a lot of reversing going on here, folks.



David Oates and Reverse Speech Trainee, Kay Hayden, had a minor disagreement at the fifth analyst class over the significance of some future tense reversals. Final as the light hearted interchange reached a climax, Kay jokingly said to David: “OK Do you want to bet on it?” David replied: “Yeah. I do. Ten Dollars!” He pulled a ten dollar note out of his wallet and gave it to Jeff Smiley. Kay pulled out ten one dollar notes and counted them out, one by one. At this point, Reverse Speech Trainee, Tom Mellet suddenly interjected. “Excuse me. Excuse me. Do you want to know a reversal I found on this transcript in contention?” Everyone stopped. “What!?” Tom replied, “Push ten. Count them all. Push is a betting word. We just saw it take place, down to the counting all the ones.” Disbelief “Lets hear it.” PUSH TEN. COUNT THEM ALL. OK. Was that a prediction of a future tense event on Kay’s tape, or maybe an unconscious request for resolution of a situation that will take place in December? “No way”, David says. Time will tell.

We pushed ten on it.


The New York Times published an article on Friday, July 5, 1991 entitled “Experts Find Deaf Can Hear At High Ultrasonic Ranges.” The article detailed experiments conducted at The New York University Medical Center in Manhattan, with the hearing impaired. Through a unit designed to deliver frequencies at a range of 30,000 cycles a second (normal speech range falls between 300 and 3,000 cycles a second), the team of researchers have succeeded in making the deaf hear! At ultrasonic speeds! The researchers also used the equipment and Dr. Martin L. Lenhardt of the Medical College of Virginia stated: “Clearly there is a system that will respond to sound even in deaf people whose cochleas have been badly destroyed … What amazed me is that when I first heard it, it sounded like speech. It was a high pitched squeaky kind of sound like old time voice synthesizers.”

The study continues to say that an organ in the ear called “The Saccule” may be responding to ultrasound. Although this organ is better known for its role in balance and the perception of movement, the saccule, a tiny gel-filled structure, could also act as a tuning fork, picking up ultra-sound vibrations and transmit them along the same pathway as signals travel from the cochlea to the brain.

Could this be another form of communication yet again? One step up from fourth level speech reversals (ultra high speed).


There has been many political controversies over the past year, but never before has the research Institute received as many inquiries for reversal analysis as it has on this current one. The Thomas confirmation hearings.’ In fact, our phone has been ringing hot with people wanting to know the real truth behind the Anita Hill / Clarence Thomas sexual harassment allegations. Now, some thought the article on sex in last issue’s Backtalk was tacky. But this one is REALLY tacky.

Why are people interested in the dirt in politics, with the secret dealings behind closed doors? We have never received any requests for analysis on some of the important stuff. With great reluctance, we do intend to publish some of the reversals found in the Thomas Hearings in this issue. Most of the transcripts are still being complied but we have already found these on Anita Hill as she was describing in detail some of the remarks Thomas allegedly made: “We had sex in the work / There was no refusal / We had sex at midnight.

For some initial observations, the word “sex” in speech reversals rarely refers to physical sex (those reversals always appear in a very phallic form), but rather refers to energy or stimulation on some level. So, one thing is for sure, what ever happened, Anita Hill sure seemed to be getting “something” from it. Read the article in the next couple of pages for more details.


Reverse Speech Developer, Greg Albrecht, who hails from the bush in South Australia, has been doing a lot of research lately with Oral Tradition, Metaphors and the principal of complementarity. Some of the students in the past analyst class found out the hard way how important complementarity is to the analysis of any session transcript. Anna Gault, does this ring any bells? Greg writes this small section in a manuscript he is currently preparing…

“… The complementarity of Reverse Speech and forward speech (where each relates to the other and is an extension of each other), should be considered in the light of other examples of complementarity that has been observed by science. The famous physicist, Niels Bohr, introduced the notion of complementarity to explain certain paradoxical phenomena of sub-atomic particles, namely the particle/wave paradox. Scientists were perplexed by the fact that sub-atomic particles behave simultaneously as particles, entities confined to a small space, and waves which are spread out over a large space. An electron or any other atomic object will display particle or wave characteristics depending on the experimental situation. Reverse Speech and forward speech likewise can only be audibly observed separately. Like the particle wave phenomena both paradoxically make up a two-faced single inextricable reality. Bohr suggested that the principle of complementarity would be a useful concept outside of physics, meaning that it would be useful to better understand other phenomena studied by scientists, and he was proven correct. Watson and Crick were able to better understand the structure of DNA through the principal of complementarity. They discovered that DNA is a double helix made up of two intertwined, complementary chains…”



By: David J. Oates

My four year old twin daughters, Jaye (on the left) and Symone (on the right) have been living with me in the United States for almost four months now. In that time, I have compiled a wealth of transcripts that have given me immense insight into who they are, their desires and needs, how they interact, their games and strategies etc. Structural metaphors are prolific in their speech, therefore very accurate personality profiles of them can be drawn. I intend to publish some of these in the next few issues of Backtalk, but will be leaving much of the material for my next book that is currently in the drafting process. In the meantime, here are some teasers.


Within five minutes of their birth July 7, 1987) I delivered a reversal whilst looking at them that said: “Hey, they’re opposite.” Little did I realize how true that statement was, for these girls have grown up to be completely opposite in both appearance and personality. Yet, in their reversals they have a bond and link that is inseparable. They communicate with each other constantly. They tell each other what to do and their reversals contain a strikingly high proportion of Link Reversals (usually very rare) as they come to a common decision or share a common experience.


On one occasion, Jaye did not want to eat some of her food. For several minutes she argued back and forth until finally beginning to cry. Look at this reversed conversation that transpired before she started to cry.

Jaye: My head spins
Symone: You have no answer
Jaye: My Goddess has some fun
Jaye: I will perform like mummy
Jaye: I must salt mum’s look
Symone: Jaye. Cry!
Jaye: I must make me cry
Jaye: You will soon see me cry
Jaye: I’ll now cry. Get the devil
–Jaye starts crying–
Jaye: Cast the devil
Jaye: I know when I test
Symone: Rave on. Goddess you

Note the progression. Her Goddess (or charmer) is going to have some fun. She accesses past experiences (ie: her mother in Australia) and copies her (salt mum’s look). Symone realizes what is going on and she commands Jaye (Jaye. Cry!). As Jaye gets ready she accesses her devil (the mischievous part) and begins to cry. She is testing (probably her boundaries). Symone thinks Jaye went just a little too far (Rave on).


Printed below are a selection of reversals from various session transcripts. They are typical of the general spirit of the twin’s personalities. Note the metaphors used. Note that Jaye is more defensive, angry and aggressive than Symone, needing support from many sources. Symone, on the other hand is more self confident and has a greater sense of herself. She is aware that she was born first (I know my little sister) and has great capacity for helping others.

I wolf everyone up
Wolfing I know
Need Daddy’s wolf
Wolf now hold me
Feed my devil
I’m angry
I feel lost in this loving
I’m so flat
Worship me

I need more wisdom
Can I let the wolf go
I’m nervous, lonely
Wolf friend
Now we’re loving you
I want to help
I know my little sister
Would you heal
God runs this band


In this small interaction, Jaye takes an opposite role and offers Symone support for some issue she is working through. This conversation was recorded as the twins were falling asleep, talking to each other.

Symone: My evil friend has come
Jaye: Let me hold your hand
Symone: My mind was fucked
Symone: Sad. There’s no breeze
Jaye: Your wolf knows you
Symone: Answer all my garden

With this issue resolved the two girls drifted off to sleep. It was a Sunday night and the last reversal to occur was on Symone. It said: “Monday come.” …[END]…

The Clarence Thomas Hearings


The Clarence Thomas Senate confirmation hearings should have, been a normal procedure, where Judge Thomas’ ability to serve as a Justice on the Supreme court was assessed and voted on by the Senate. But, allegations of sexual harassment arose and the hearings were turned into a tabloid circus. We made some of our editorial comments on this issue in the “Bits and Pieces” column and we have wrestled with ourselves since then, as the reversals were found, as to what we should publish and what we shouldn’t. Our final decision was to publish some of those reversals that give an indication of the trend, and in the process make a statement about these hearings.

We find it inconceivable that an unproven charge, such as the one made, can be presented to the Senate with no recourse available on Thomas’ part to defend these charges. We also feel that it is impossible to assess someone’s character and the truth of their testimonies when one only has a small part of the picture. (Only 7% of the signals we communicate are verbal. Non verbal communication, of which Reverse Speech is one part, comprises 93% of all communicative signals). If the Senate considered using Reverse Speech (of which some Senators have knowledge of it) much of this charade could have been avoided.

We would also like to state that whilst all the reversals quoted in this section do exist and can be heard by anyone who has access to these tapes, the conclusions that we offer are based only upon our limited understanding of Reverse Speech at this current time, and we will accept no responsibility for any of the statements made in this section.

Anita Hill Testimony

The first observation that we made in Anita Hill’s testimony is that there were virtually no reversals present that indicated whether she was telling the truth or not. Her reversals rather deal with strong emotions she has about “getting” Thomas. It is our belief that she “set it up” for her to testify, and she is thoroughly enjoying the experience, obtaining satisfaction over the damage that her testimony is causing. There are some reversals that indicate she is not telling the whole story, but is withholding some rather relevant facts.

Hill: “…[after approximately] three months of working there, he asked me to go out socially with him..”. Give them the stuff (She is ready for battle)

Hill: “…at the time I considered (it) to be a [very good working] relationship. I had a normal social life with other men…” We both know (Both Thomas and Hill know the real truth?)

Hill: “…(I hoped) my employer would abandon his [social suggestion], however [to my regret] in the following few weeks he continued to ask me out. . . ” The sex was so saucy / Played around (She enjoyed the alleged advances”)

Hill: “…my working relationship [became even more strained] when Judge Thomas began to use [work situations to discuss sex], his conversations [were very vivid]…” Have sex with it. Show this girl / They let me rave (Once again she enjoys it and enjoys talking about it- “rave”)

Hill: “…woman having sex with animals and films showing group sex or [rape scenes]…” This hero (Definite enjoyment)

Hill: “…I was extremely uncomfortable [talking about sex with him] at all.. . ” I’m being careful (She is careful with what she says.)

Hill: “…[I told him that I did not want to talk] about these subjects…” I will fuck. No one can doubt it (Do we have a loose woman here or someone out to destroy?)

Hill: “…I remember him saying that some day I would [have to tell him] the real reason I would not go out with him.” My heart is black (What does this mean? Racial loyalty conflicts? Some interesting complementarity)

Hill: “…he asked [if he could take me] to dinner…” Just forgive me

Hill: “…He said that if I ever told anyone of his behavior it would ruin his career. This was not an apology [nor was it an explanation]. That was his last remark about the possibility of [our going out], or reference to his behavior. Telling the world is the [most difficult experience] of my life…” The shame of standard is the wound / Why no loving / You won’t repeat some (Did she “shame” Thomas’ public standard? What is it that she won’t repeat?)

Hill: ” . . . [It took no initiative to inform anyone]. I took no initiative to inform anyone but when I was asked by a representative of this committee to report my experience…” Now we make night news. Raise the sin. No one forced it (She likes the publicity and was not forced into it.)

Hill: “…one [instance in his office at the EOC where he discussed] some [pornographic] material where he brought up the substance or the contents [of pornographic] material.” Sex in the whirl. He’ll see there’s a pause in my answer / You paid me off thus far / He paid me off (Who paid her off?)

Hill: “…[the name that (Thomas) referred to was long Dong Silver].” It was not long. There was no refusal. I made them up (Certainly no reluctance here. What was not long?)

Hill: “…[Yes, they were very ugly]. They were very dirty and [they were disgusting].” I rival my sin / We had sex in the work (She enjoyed it and she was definitely up for it.)

Senator: “[Can you tell us what he said]?” I see your sword in (Good observation)

Hill: “Well, I can tell you that [and he compared] his penis size. [He measured his] penis in terms of length. Those kinds of comments.” The rave must be heavy / You shame here (She is strongly internally motivated to cause harm in the hearings.)

Senator: ” . . . [well do you recall anything] at all about anything related to that.” I have a warning. I feel a lot of evil (He knows what’s going on)

Hill: “…[I did discuss it with] Sue Hershner. [She was a friend of mine] and someone I confided in… Sue, we had sex at midnight / I’m in love with her. (She likes her friend)

Hill: ” . . . [I was really upset]. I felt like my job could be taken away…” Goddess squealings, the rat hole (Is she squealing on Thomas? And Rat hole? We have never heard this word in reverse before but it doesn’t sound nice. Who’s the rat? Who’s in the hole?)

Senator: “Do you have a martyr complex?”

Hill (reply): “[No. I don’t].” Boy, I warn you (she doesn’t like that question – an aggressive woman)

Hill: “…I do not have that kind of complex. I don’t like [all the attention that I’m getting]. I would not, even if I liked the [attention]. I would not [lie to get] attention.” You like man in the sexy war They’re sniffing / Fagot

Thomas Testimony

Thomas is definitely not an innocent party in this entire business, but then neither is Anita Hill. His reversals are phallic and disturbing. It is our opinion, based on Thomas’ and Hill’s reversals, that the two had a brief affair. Thomas wanted just sex, Hill wanted more. She sees sex as a means to obtain power and position and maybe she got just that out of it. But, sexual harassment? No way! Whatever happened, advances, teasing or an actual affair (the reversals are not specific), these were two willing and consenting adults in a situation that ultimately did not work. Hill is out to destroy, Thomas just wants to forget it happened.

Thomas: “…but either myself or [the chief of staff would have] to honor it. . . ” Her pants, the feasting was somebody (Phallic flashback)

Thomas: “…I don’t [know Senator. If I knew] I would not have been as perplexed as I am (why she is bringing these charges)…” We love her but it slowed (He does know, reversal indicates the relationship began to wind down)

Thomas: “…during the time that [she worked with me], she was [not perfect but] there would seem to be that there was nothing that would suggest she would do this to me. . . ” Him with no wisdom / Love get rough (He did not do this very carefully)

Thomas: “…(There was not) as I have [indicated, any] discussion or [pornographic material] or any attempt to ever date Anita…” Meet your dick / Don’t wear wisdom (His sex drive overpowers his common sense)

Thomas: “…[again, I’m not a psychologist or a psychiatrist]…” Now sourcing the luck lass that I made (He helped her with her career as a result???)

Thomas: “…take care of your assignment and would [be more involved] with the special assistants. [My suggestion] to you would be that the committee spent some time with the people who worked there. . ” There was no need / Search the scum

Thomas: “…I have people who worked with me who [had not seen any such activity] who did not corroborate these activities…” Feel a bit cursed. I seem to be stung (Yes, we think he was stung, very effectively by a vicious woman)

Thomas: “…I believe this may be a quote on my enemy [and I refuse to believe that] and argue with him. . . ” I feel the disease running (What disease is he referring to?)


There was no sexual harassment. Something happened between the two people that was consented to by both parties. Hill is after blood. The sense we get is that of a woman scorned. Both parties were not telling the whole truth. Personal details that should have never been brought before the Senate, has disgraced and degraded the entire process. However, they did come out and the information is now public domain, including the reversals. Based on these reversals we would have doubts over Judge Thomas’ credibility and we certainly wouldn’t let our college kids anywhere near Anita Hill.

This publication will continue to monitor and publish reversals on political events and seek to obtain extra publicity concerning our results. We hope that eventually, public figures will decide to be more honest in their testimonies. Reverse Speech is the ultimate Truth Detector. There is just one thing we are puzzled about. The Gates confirmation hearings to determine whether he will be the next head of the CIA were transpiring at the same time. Why did we get no requests for analysis of this most important position? [END]

BackTalk – Volume 3, Issue 3


Volume 3, Issue 3 (August 1991)

The Official Journal Of
The Reverse Speech Education And Research Institute (USA)
Revcom – The Society For Reversed Communication Research (Australia)

“Backtalk” is an international journal that reports exclusively on the ongoing research into Reverse Speech. It is produced with the joint effort of Reverse Speech researchers in both Australia and the United States Of America.
Publisher: David J. Oates


Well, here we are at volume three, issue three of BackTalk. Quite a milestone in the short period of Reverse Speech history to date. “Three” has always been a very significant number in my life for some reason. So its interesting to note that Kathy, my third wife, who I first dated when I was 33 (the day before I turned 34), turns 33 herself next month, during this current bi-monthly issue of BackTalk I had one child in my first marriage, twins in my second marriage and people are currently predicting triplets for my first children with Kathy! It follows the trend, well that’s what I’ve been told. But I don’t believe any of that rubbish, do I?

So, where has Reverse Speech been over the last two months? That’s a question I am still trying to ponder as my brain is gradually returning to normality after a VERY hectic time. I used to think that flying was fun, now I’m beginning to dread stepping onto another plane. Planes, planes, planes. That’s all I’ve seen, and as I look at my calendar for the rest of the year there’s just even more of them. Someone do some metaphor restructuring on me please! !

Planes, planes go away. Leave me alone for another day.

Four weeks ago, or was it three (I don’t know anymore – my brain’s forgotten time), three hours after I had arrived back from a seminar in Baton Rouge (there’s those threes again), I had a phone call from Australia. Come back now! There are family problems. Come and take your kids back to the states.

Bring my kids back to the States!! That’s all I needed to hear! Phone calls, credit cards, check book transfers, high finances and 48 hours later I was on a flight to Australia. Dallas to Denver, Denver to Salt Lake City, Salt Lake City to Los Angeles, Los Angeles to Aukland, Aukland to Melbourne. Quick hire car in Melbourne. Rush to my lawyer to finalize last minute documents, then to the American consulate for visas, back to the lawyer. Then another plane to Darwin. Hire a car in Darwin, drive down to get the twins. They live in the outback. Fine! Back to Darwin. Darwin to Adelaide.

REST! ! Well almost. Birthday parties, seeing relatives, a sick Grandfather, last minute hitches, long phone calls back and forth to the states, fax paper flying everywhere. I do NOT want to see my next phone bill!

Then it starts all over again. Adelaide to Melbourne, Melbourne to Aukland, Aukland to Los Angeles with hyperactive twins. 30 minutes to clear customs and catch my connecting flight to Dallas. Chaos, pandemonium! ! I want a nervous breakdown! ! Dragging screaming, disoriented, jet lagged twins through customs, finding baggage, rushing to the next terminal. Catch the flight with three minutes to spare. Phone call from the plane to Kathy. HELP! ! ! !

Next morning. Radio interview with the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. You’ve got to be joking! Next week. More planes, more seminars. What time is it? For that matter, what bloody day is it? It is 1991, isn’t it?. My internal time clock is going to self destruct. I know it is!

By the way. What do you do for a living, people ask on my travels. Don’t ask. You don’t want to know! I couldn’t be bothered talking about it. REVERSE SPEECH. Welcome to the world of… It kinda falls a little flat right now.

I finally stopped yesterday and have two weeks before I’m off again out into the wild blue yonder to talk about hearing voices backwards in tapes. I’m sure I lost it somewhere along the line.

However, life returns to normal as always. The twins have settled in fine. I’m a Dad again and suddenly our whole life style changes. So what else is new?

Welcome to America girls. Telephones, faxes, computers, freeways, Cable TV, The Disney Channel, skyscrapers, shopping centers (BIG ONES!!). Look at all those toys. Why do they talk funny Dad? You just came from the outback, I’ll tell you later!

But in the midst of all of this, Reverse Speech is pumping away all on its own. What? You don’t need me? “Here’s Backtalk. David”, Becky said yesterday as she handed me the disk. It’s done? Yep! Thank you Becky!! You’ve got a few problems to sort out David, say my board. Oh really? Why doesn’t that surprise me? Let’s see them. That many! Groan. Two weeks to relax and I’ve got to work. There’s a conspiracy somewhere. I just know it.

So, we keep on moving. Deep breath in. Head clearing out process. Body clearing out process as well. What a time to give up smoking! But I’m doing it. It’s actually working this time. Maybe I have to live in chaos to get things done. Nah! That can’t be true!

See y’all next issue. Hopefully I’ll be a little more sane.

David John Oates

David's Signature

Who is Speaking When I am Listening?

By: Paul Von Stroheim

While I was thinking about the subject I wanted to write about, I began to wonder how I could make my ideas “understandable”, after all I am limited by the words I have to work with, I have no control over your, the readers’, “understanding” of these words.

If you read this article using your ordinary everyday way of understanding articles, chances are good, the ideas in the article will translate into your ordinary everyday meanings. I therefore invite you now to bring something extra to the way you understand this article. I invite you to bring your extra-ordinary understanding to it.

You have most probably often heard people use phrases like “Look at this from another perspective”, “See things my way”, or “Let’s look at this from a different angle”, or “try imagining it this way”, and so on.

All invitations to see things differently than you normally would. There are lots of phrases in our everyday language that we use to entice others to try this, but where, in our everyday use of language, are the equivalent phrases when we speak about “listening”?

The truth is, of course, no matter how hard we try to “see things from a different angle”, our eyes will tend to wander with the rest of our body, and so no matter how often we change our viewpoint, it seems as though we will always be “stuck” with our own viewpoint, our own perspective, . . . or are we? Have you ever had the experience of seeing some thing or some person “newly” or differently than you did in the past?

Those of you that have had that experience, will already be aware that no matter where your eyes are, you do already have the ability to experience a “shift” in your visual senses. Those that have fallen in and out of love will notice they were able to “feel” newly about another person, so those are, at least two areas of our senses where we can experience this ability.

Of course we know that different Hi-Fi systems supposedly “sound” different, but imagine for a moment, the state you might go into, if you were told by a salesman in a Hi-Fi store, “Don’t upgrade your old loudspeakers, just listen differently to the ones you’ve already got!” Whoa! instant trance!!

Ever since I started studying the phenomena of Reverse Speech, I knew this stuff is very different, it’s new, it offers new possibilities, so I have been opening myself up to the possibility of “listening newly”, newly that is, to the usual “already/always” form of listening that I now am.

“But why?” You ask! “listen newly”, Wow, I love it, when you ask good questions! ! And my answers are, firstly, because I know that if I keep listening for/to Reverse Speech the way I have always listened to everything else in my world, I will try and make Reverse Speech SOUND like everything else in the world. And for most of us, it already does, does it not?!

Secondly, for most of us there is a point to listening to tapes backwards, usually this point has to do with gathering information to use in therapy or crime detection, etc. Hands up those of you who have already noticed that this backwards speech is of unusual syntax and form! This is totally lllm811al 8b.1ff, and, yet, here we are still trying to use our usual ways of listening?

At this point I’d like to break up any notions you may still have, that Reverse Speech is the same as forward speech, only different! ! Reverse Speech only appears to be the same as forward speech, because we are using the same set of ears, the same set of beliefs, the same set of pre-conceived notions, and the same “already/always” listening to listen to Reverse Speech, as we have always used, when listening to forward speech. PLUS, there is always a tendency to believe, that because we recognize the words being spoken backwards that we know the meaning of the message. This keeps us listening for sameness

I’d like to open up in your mind now, another sort of curiosity about Reverse Speech, a curiosity that may result in you delving into, inquiring into the following type of question: “As well as the way I listen now, how many other ways are there for me, to listen newly to Reverse Speech, that will allow me to gain a new understanding for it, and myself?” You will notice that I have been writing only about listening and not about hearing? Two different happenings, you know as well as I do that we do not always listen to everything we hear! Often music or conversations run in the background of our hearing, but we do not listen to them. “Listening” happens somewhere in the mind, hearing happens in the ears!

Have you ever considered the idea, that “listening” is a form of speaking? Have you ever noticed that this form of speaking, (that we normally call listening), is in perfect dance with another person’s talking? Yet, we do not really listen to their talking, we listen only to our own listening? (which is in perfect dance with their talking). Listening, is a form of conversation we have in our heads about somebody else’s talking, or something we are hearing. If you have been really observant with yourself, you will have noticed that what you call “reading this article” is not reading at all, but “listening” to it. You may even, now begin to notice that you are actually listening to yourself speaking it, and that your speaking and listening to this article (also called reading it) are “in dance” with each other, AND also “in perfect dance” with the words on this page!

I invite you to pretend for a while, that reading, listening and speaking are all the same thing!!! You may also find it curious to observe how much of a filter the “I” (The “I” as in, I am listening) is!

Filters have observable functions; they will keep certain things out, for example, a coffee filter will keep the lumpy grounds out of your coffee. A second observable function is that a filter will only allow certain things through. In b/w photography, for example, a blue filter will only allow red, orange, yellow, green, indigo, violet light waves through. Blue stays out – quite a selective process.

In our human form this “I” filter works in both these ways; it firstly keeps certain things totally out of consciousness, and only allows certain information through, I call this function “filtering”. This selection process is ongoing. Then from the information or stimuli allowed through, a secondary selection process occurs. The “I” filter selects certain specific things, from those available, for us “to act upon” and because this is all we have left, we inevitably, act upon it! This secondary and follow-on process, used for “acting upon” I call “sorting for” the difference between those two filtering processes is a subtle and yet important distinction.

This “I” (as in, “I” am listening) is very effective in its function as a filter, and as a sorter, because the selection process happens mainly sub our consciousness. We are usually unaware of any selection taking place!

Unfortunately the effectiveness reduces the usefulness. The selection process is determined by the “I” using rigid guidelines, and as useful as the information is, that it lets through, a lot lot more good stuff is kept out! I say, this “I” filter was being formed, as we were being formed in our mothers’ wombs, months before we even took our first breath on this planet. The rigid guidelines it uses are made up of bits of everything we ever experienced in the first few years of our life, (and for those reincarnationists among us, maybe bits of our previous lives as well) experiences like: the conversations and feelings our parents were experiencing while we were in the womb, the society we were born into, the family we live with, the color of our mother’s eyes, the physical state of health of the being, the sports our father wanted us to play, the music on the radio, the church we believe in, the school we graduated from, etc, etc, ad infinitum.

As I said (*see below), we are for the most part unaware we are this filter, and yet it is this “unaware” selective functioning of the “I” filter that causes, HOW and WHAT we listen to.

The “I” filters and sorts, from all the sounds that we are “hearing”, and allows to pass into “listening”, only that information that the “I” considers is important for its own survival.

By the way, the “I” filter works the same way with what we see, and feel (**see below), and smell, and taste. The way this “I” filter is put together, determines the way we experience the world. It is this filter that I refer to when I say “already / always” listening, because it is already with me, always ready and always, always listening! It is the “I” in the phrase “I am listening!” It is the “I” in the phrase “I am speaking!” it is the “I” in the phrase “I understand” it is the “I” in the phrase “I see! ” “I know! ” .

It is also the “I” in the belief, “I AM”.

What most of us call reality, is not the way the world really is, but what is left for us to experience, after our “I” filter has done its job. This filtering is quite difficult to observe in oneself, because it is like the tail chasing the dog. It is much easier to observe it working in other people, for example, I have a lady friend who is listening for insults, if I say something like “Hey, that outfit you’re wearing looks great!” She is liable to answer, “What was wrong with what I wore yesterday!” Another friend of mine filters out the word “No”, he only allows “Yes” or “maybe” through. If he offers me a drink, even if I say quite clearly “No, thank you!” he gives me the drink anyway!

When listening for reversals, if you ever work together with the same people often, you may notice that every person “hears” certain words or phrases faster or more often than others in the group, this is an indication of the sort of information they normally filter and sort for, in all other areas of their life as well.

Have you ever noticed how a good mechanic will listen to your car’s engine for a few minutes and be able to tell you exactly where and what the trouble is? Or, how the doctor taps his fingers on your chest a few times and listens in such a way so that he knows whether or not you are healthy! I have not learned to do that. I have not yet learned to listen in such a way that I can distinguish between healthy chest tapping sounds and unhealthy tapping sounds. Those two people make certain distinctions in the way they listen, that brings forth certain realities for them, realities which do not exist for me at this time, because I do not make the same distinctions in my own listening / speaking, that they make.

If I expand this model out into the world, this ability to make “distinctions in listening” is the only difference between the realities of the various occupations in our society. A lawyer listens and makes different distinctions in words, than a chemist or engineer does. Which means that if you could listen to the language of chemistry in the same way as a chemist listens to it, you could also be a chemist, and so on, this must also be true for all occupations. So maybe this ability to “listen newly” sounds a bit more useful, than it did at the beginning of this article.

It seems like the first major barrier we need to overcome when opening ourselves up to the possibilities of “listening newly” is our self-filtering system, and like most other personal barriers we put up for ourselves, when we first put them up, we had very good reasons for doing so, so we usually equip each barrier with a fail-safe system, forcing it, ain’t gonna work, so leave force out!

Bringing this mostly subconscious process forward into awareness is the first step in dismantling some of the effects of the filter. Allow yourself to become aware of it, learn how it works with you and what it is you constantly filter out, or what you are sorting for.

You may also wish to begin to listen carefully for “what is missing” in what you are registering in your conversations. Are there certain topics of conversation, where you always “tune out”? People that bore you so much you don’t listen to them? Does the TV news ALWAYS sound depressing to you, OR is it ALWAYS good news? Basically notice What you “are” listening for . . . because you do not have a filter, you “are” the filter.

I know this is not true for you, but for the rest of us, when it comes to listening, we are just as selective as we are when buying clothes, or a car, or where we go to, when we go out to eat.

For the purposes of this article I am not talkng about those people who have actual physical damage to their internal or external ears, and take into account only those with very good hearing.

Tests done in Sydney by myself and a group of NLP practitioners on people with very good listening abilities have shown that these people do not generally have better hearing than other people, but they do listen in a way different to other people, eg: People who listen well, report more accurately on what was actually said in a conversation. People with good hearing but poor listening ability, more often report on “what was meant!” in a conversation, than on what was said, this ability seems to have a lot to do with the way they distinguish between “hearing” and listening”.

Many people with good “listening” are also more aware of the disturbing effects of their own internal dialogues and although they always have their own internal dialogue running, they have it in a way that does not interfere with their listening.

Some of these people have learned how to reduce this interference, others do it without being aware of doing anything special.

If this is not the case with you, you may wish to work at transforming the submodalities of your internal dialogue for example, by turning down the volume, or by relegating your internal dialogue to a less dominant area, (like way into the background) or by changing the rhythm or tone of your internal voice, by altering maybe the color, the sex of the voice, in other words, do anything that works, and is ecologically appropriate for you.

A few people are not aware of any internal dialogue at all (***see below) and are therefore not aware that it could be causing interference to their listening abilities. If you are not sure that you are causing yourself any interference, chances are, you are. All interpretations that you make in your mind, about what you are hearing, IS already interference.

John Suess writes in Backtalk #2, June 1991 about the “physiology of listening”. This means that when a person is listening intently to something, they most often hold their body in a certain way. Milton Erickson used his body positioning in many ways, ie to induce and deepen trance states, or as an anchor to remind patients of previous trance states, AND he used his physiology to alter his own internal states.

You may wish to spend some time discovering your own best listening position. When really listening intently, do you have your eyes open or closed, does your breathing change, does your pulse rate change, what do you FEEL, what Visuals does intense listening create for you, what internal CONVERSATION do you have with yourself when you are listening intently, what are its TASTES and SMELLS? (****see below), which ear is forwards and so on?

When you find your own optimal listening position, allow yourself to feel absolutely wonderful about it, and you may want to anchor it in and use it more often. THEN TRY AGAIN! While I was experimenting with my own physiology of listening, I noticed that my normal listening position worked well, but I also found that by taking up different body positions, I could influence how I was listening. My bodily position not only changed my faculty to listen differently it seemed to also influence my filter system, so after I had found my optimal “normal” listening position, I began to move around again to find out if I could find a NON-usual way of holding myself that would allow “NON-usual” information to filter through, and because I did not know what I was searching for I needed to have a way of recognizing any unusual happenings in my listening. I did this using my “internal watchdog system” (*****see below) I have long since been aware of my filter systems, I have spent sufficient time on my internal “voice over” for me to be aware of its effect, and so therefore when something unusual arrived in my listening, my ‘watchdog’ made me aware of it. Because the ‘watchdog’ needed to listen to the unusual incoming sound right through to the end and then warn me about its presence, there was always a slight time lag, but I had picked it up, so all that meant was, run the tape again, and Bang! There it was! ! ! There was WHAT? Well, do you want me to do ALL the work for you?

* Notice how “As I said” is more comfortable to read than “As I wrote” The latter is accurate and yet the former is probably closer to the way you experienced the sentence!

** For purposes only known to their “I” some people filter their feelings quite powerfully, sometimes illnesses as dangerous as cancers, may go “unfelt” for many years.

*** Also called Thinking, Judging and Evaluating, Voice over, Internal Meta Commenting, conscious.

**** Notice carefully the tastes and smells of good listening, the question is not asking for a comparison, as in “what does it taste or smell LIKE” Be also aware that visuals that may occur when listening, are your creations and may interfere with listening. ***** I have an “internal watchdog” part, set up in my mind to protect me from metaphors or statements made to me during trance states AND/OR background songs or sounds, that are ecologically dangerous to me.

“Who is speaking, when I am listening?”

yalP s’dniM

Ah! But why call it Reverse Speech? Perhaps it is to do our concept of time. We perceive time as linear, flowing. But if you consider it flowing from the future to the past? After all we say, “His time came and went” or “The life of the car has passed. ” Come from where – passed from where?

Clearly it makes no sense to us to speak of the past moving the present and then to the future. That tree existed in the past but now its gone. When the tree exists then “its going” is in the future, so that the activity of the tree going can only make sense if time flows from the future to the past.

However we may get confused since out clocks move towards the future increasing the hours and years as it collects future time so the activity of the tree going can only make sense if time flows from the future to the past. We may also get confused since our clocks move towards the future increasing the years as it collects future time. It may seem that our clocks run backwards relative to the forward passing of time from the future towards the past.

To complete the confusion when we speak of time passing – what actually is doing the passing? It is my observation, and the observation of some others, that I notice time is a perception of change indicated by difference that gives me an impression of time passing and that time passing is JUST my illusion for noticing irreversible change.

What is more, it is only my conscious mind that has this illusion of time passing. At least my unconscious mind has no concept of past or future, it is all just now when I experience some time frame other than now from my unconscious perception it is all happening “NOW”.

I have experimented, using hypnosis, with time. I have succeeded in creating the experience of time as backwards, forwards, slowly, quickly, stopped and absent. All of these experiences are only relative to the unstated comparison. That is experience can only occur when it is compared to something. Essentially the brain presented the experience in a different order. So the ordering of the events was changed by the brain to accommodate some aspect of the ongoing experience. That is time appeared to flow in one direction, while the observable reality was in the opposite direction.

So it is with communication. All speech is a figment of our imagination in that our experiences teaches the brain the skill of a particular way to order the available information to arrive at an agreed meaning. The direction or sequence is only relevant for comparison against stored previous similar information. So long as the intended meaning is attained, the form of the information is of no importance. It is our perception of ourselves as creatures that cause us to find difficulty in accepting that one brain is capable of sorting meaningful information from various forms and sequences of available information. For the same reason that we choose to find it inconceivable that the brain is capable of generating complex and multiple forms of information.

Reverse Speech, as such, is an illusion just as speech is an illusion. Reverse speech is an emohonal expression communicated unconsciously as an attached to, but separate from, our usual speech. The emotional characteristic can be brought to conscious awareness by either playing a recording of the speech backwards at reduced speed, or by training the brain to recognize, process and present the information directly into awareness.

Reverse Speech Analysts Do It sdrawkcaB

By David John Oates

Reverse Speech contains many themes that refer to the sexual nature of humans. In nearly every case, however, these sexual themes do not refer to physical sex but rather appear in situations that speak of our drive and need for fulfillment, strength, stimulation and energy – our strong desire for well being on every level of existence. Sometimes this “sexual energy” (as defined in The Reverse Speech Process) is beneficial and appropriate to achieve our conscious outcomes, other times it is not. We have discussed this theme in other issues of Backtalk (Sept. 1990), it is covered extensively in training courses and is expanded upon in my book, “Reverse Speech: Hidden Messages In Human Communication.

The approach of this article is somewhat simpler, basic and more graphic in its dealing of the topic of sexual reversals, than most others published to date. Can you possibly imagine that we may actually “get the hots” for each other? That sometimes we might even let our eyes stray in areas that they shouldn’t. Some of us would never, ever dare discuss some of our secret sexual feelings in inappropriate situations. But, unfortunately, now there is Reverse Speech. Watch out! You might get caught. I certainly did.

It was supposed to be a simple training session with Reverse Speech student, Liz Treigle, in Baton Rouge. Now, Liz is pretty good, let me tell you – and I’m not just talking about her Reverse Speech abilities. She drives a hot little Mustang sports coupe, got this real cute figure, redish-blonde hair, dreamy eyes, bubbly, bright, intelligent, outgoing, active etc. etc… And most of all, for all the hot blooded men out there, she’s single! Now if I wasn’t married…….

Anyway, here we were in Baton Rouge talking about this and that, happily making our recording. Then we played the tape backwards. I must confess I began to get a little squeamish when reversals like “wolf your sweat” and “surf the semen” began to appear, but when we finally heard “Lady, oh Lady fall and love me“, there was no denying it any longer. Liz and I liked each other and our unconscious minds had been having a wonderful time chatting away in reverse, telling each other just that.

So, for all those who like to think naughty little things are going on, and for those who are hopelessly scared to admit it, I hope this transcript helps you. Sexual attraction does take place all the time, married or single, hetero or otherwise. There is nothing we can do to stop it because that is a part of our nature. Indeed, I don’t think we should stop it, for to stop it is to suppress part of ourself and that will lead to self destruction of some description. It is what we do with it that is important.

Sexual energy is powerful. If used inappropriately and without care, it can destroy. If used and nurtured positively, it can be a most powerful force and source of personal power and healing.

Here are selected portions of that reverse transcript printed in order of their occurrence.

David: Lady, oh Iady. Fall and love me.
Liz: Show me love. Love, love war.
Liz: Sucking the ass. Don’t laugh, I sweat.
Liz: Your little wife lusting it.
David: I like it.
Liz: You’re sexy.
David: I’ll rape you.
Liz: I sniff again. I’ll make you.
David: Feel it. Surf the semen.
Liz: I’m awful. You’re another one.
David: See war with this.
David: I will get first power.
Liz: Why did you wolf me.
David: I’m Superman. Feed the wolf.
Liz: Wolf your sweat.
David: I promise. Cut the fire.
Liz: I sin. Sees your sign.
David: Fuck off.
Liz: We love fellow bullshit.
David: Skill wolf.
Liz: I better get weird.
Liz: Goddess see. Feel whirlwind.
Liz: Love you showed me.
David: I share person.

Actually, when the reversals are viewed in order, a very interesting scenario unfolds. First, there is obvious sexual attraction mutually asked for and given. (D: Lady, oh Lady. Fall and love me. L: Show me love / Don’t laugh. I sweat.) Then, things get a little out of hand and both Liz and I back off. (D: I promise. Cut the fire. L: I sin. Sees your sign.) Then a recognition of the dance or game that was being played transpires (We love fellow bullshit.) Finally, there is an acceptance and self recognition from both of us and a genuine bond is formed. (L: Love you showed me. D: I share person.)

Liz and I are still good friends and she is working hard with Reverse Speech as both a student and a promoter. But I must confess, I had this strong desire for a cold shower for at least one or two hours after our session! [END]

The Rules For Being Human

During a recent interstate seminar I was handed a sheet of paper entitled “The Rules For Being Human”. Its source was stated as being unknown. So I hope I am not plagerising, or taking any liberties, in my edited, and slightly reworded, version below. I personally think it’s brilliant and I congratulate whoever put this together. (David John Oates)

1. You will receive a body. You may like it or you may not like it and it will be yours for the entire period of this llfe.

2. You will learn many lessons. You are enrolled in a full-time informal school called life. Each day in this school you will have the opportunity to learn lessons. You may like the lessons or not think them to be important or brilliant.

3. There are no mistakes; only lessons. Growth is a process of trial and error experimentation. The not passed experiments are as much a part of the process as the experiment that ultimately “works”.

4. A lesson is repeated until learned. A lesson will be presented to you in various forms until you have learned it. When you have learned it, you can then go on to the next lesson.

5. Learning lessons keeps on continuing There is no part of life that does not contain its lessons. As long as you live there are lessons to be learned.

6. “There” is not more or less superior than “here”, you will simply obtain another “there” that will again appear better than “here”.

7. Others are merely mirrors of you. You cannot love or not love something about another person unless it reflects something you love or not love about yourself.

8. What you make of your life is up to you. You have all the tools and resources you need. What you do with them is up to you. The choice is yours.

9. You will not remember all this.

10. You can remember it whenever you want.

Research Information


David Oates has been working on clearer definitions for the stages of reversals that students go through in locating reversals. First stage reversals are the type that beginning students document most often. Thus, this is the first stage of learning, and even though there is a greater tendency to interpret gibberish, there are some reversals that can be found. These reversals have a nasal tonality. The second stage reversals are robotic and blunted, although they are well constructed. These reversals may contain some metaphors and archetypes, but not as many as stage three reversals. Stage three reversals have a distinct melodious full sound and although they are the clearest once found they are the hardest for students to find. There is an echo effect to them, and they contain the most information about the deepest levels of consciousness.


David Oates and Becky Thompson have been working with trance to see if they can affect reversal location ability. In an initial experiment, David put Becky into a trance and then talked directly with the part of her that hears, understands and responds to reversals unconsciously. Becky’s documenting ability seems to have improved. This can be seen in her transcripts which now contain clearer information. The current training class was excited when they heard of this work, and immediately volunteered to be “guinea pigs”. Several students who had Becky for private session work did the process individually, and a more generic trance was used on the whole class.


In the last two issues of Backtalk we have been reporting on a new technique for behavioral change entitled “Metaphor Restructuring”. Subsequent use of the technique has proved to be powerful in the extreme, with some inherent dangers still existing. During David Oates’ recent trip to Australia, he experimented with metaphor restructuring on himself. He was under intense pressure at the time from many areas, with many tasks needed to be done simultaneously. In the meantime, he had twin daughters on his hands who he was most concerned about. David decided that the best way he could deal with this situation was to strengthen one of his metaphors. He chose the wolf. Using his own techniques on himself, he quite effectively turned his normal wolf into a “She Wolf”, the strongest of all Wolf metaphors, and created a scenario of the “She Wolf” protecting the pack. This worked effectively, enabling him to take care of business without collapsing under the pressure. He also wanted to have some time alone with his son from his first marriage, access that was denied to him during his March trip. He set up “reversal control” and instructed his unconscious mind to deliver reversals during his meeting with the child’s mother that stated “Let me have him alone for three hours”. Would you be surprised to hear that is exactly what happened?

However, when David found himself back in the United States, he was still left with an ultra active “She Wolf”, who was still protecting “the pack” and David. She needed to be turned off. David also wanted to give up smoking. He had found some rather disturbing reversals on himself recently that contained “death symbols” whenever he talked about smoking. One reversal in particular occurred during the class introductions in the current training course, Leave you skull on.

David enlisted the help of Becky Thompson and she did some very detailed trance and metaphor work with David. The “She Wolf” was reluctant to go, and after some negotiations, the final outcome was that two separate wolves were created. One, the wolf that had always been part of David’s psyche, and the other the “She Wolf” who refused to leave. The “normal” wolf was placed by David’s side and the “She Wolf” finally agreed to go and sit behind an imaginary hill somewhere in David’s unconscious, to be called upon whenever needed.

Regarding the smoking, Becky used the “Skull” metaphor to create some very powerful and immediate results. Two days after the trance David woke up one morning very sick, coughing and spluttering with black saliva constantly streaming out of his mouth. (Becky had made the skull grow under trance. This was the first manifestation of it.) The experience was intense and David knew that action had to be taken. He gradually transferred to occasional cigars, until cigarettes became repulsive to him. (Becky had then shrunk the skull. This was the shrinking process.) Then cigars became repulsive to him and he gradually transferred to a pipe. All the time his intake of nicotine was decreasing. As at the time of writing, he is smoking his new pipe and believes that his unconscious mind is working through a process (the skull finally disappeared during the metaphor restructuring session) and soon, even that will be a thing of the past.

French-Canadian Insights

By Michel Belanger

Michel Belanger is a French-Canadian Chiroprator, who is currently acting as regional co-ordinator for Reverse Speech in Canada. This article is the result of some initial experiments he has undertaken with bi-lingual people. It should be pointed out, however, that Michel has had no formal training with Reverse Speech and this article should be viewed in that light. Michel does, however, appear to have a natural talent with Reverse Speech and David Oates, who has worked with him, says that, based on his previous work with Michel, he has little doubt that the reversals quoted are accurate.

In the previous issue of Backtalk, David told you about his trip to Montreal and the experiments that we conducted. But the most interesting facts are the results that came out of these little chats when he analyzed it in reverse. since then I have taped quite a few conversations and listened for reversals. I have not yet found any conversations that don’t carry some valuable information in the reversals. I would like to share with you some of my findings so far. In one case, I dealt with an elderly person who spoke only French, and I got a French reversal. The reversal was about satisfaction with the quality of the food she was served.

French: Pour diner c’etait du pate chinois: en avez-vous:
English: For lunch I had sheppard pie; did you have; I did not have much of it.

What’s funny is that one month later I was informed through a member of the family that the person never liked the food where she lived.

We know more than we think we know. I have listened so far to at least two different people who claim to know absolutely no English. However, they came up with perfect English reversals from a French sentence.

French: Je demande du temps (pour me reposer)
English: I am asking for some time (to rest)

This last case is from a person that at the time was very tired, and the same person claimed to have poor English. The more I am listening to some tapes the more I realize that reversals seem to come out the way you are thinking at the time. It really shows what the speaker was thinking at the split second. I have many examples of reversals in English that you get from a French sentence. It even goes to the extent of having mixed French/English reversals from a single French sentence.

I have collected some examples of myself speaking French and getting English reversals or even mixed reversals. From those results I am very tempted to offer the following theory: since I am bilingual it occurs very often that while my external dialogue is in French, I might be recalling events or having an English internal dialogue. It really appears that the reversal would come out in the actual language used in the intemal dialogue at the exact moment where it is spoken. Here are some reversals obtained in English from a French sentence:

French: [Regard la comme il faut]
English [Look at it carefully]

French: Moi je viens bebe [qu’est-ce que tu fais?]
English: I am here baby [what are you doing?]

In that particular case my wife was talking to my son about getting ready and dressing up. Because we were going out to meet David for dinner and as she recalled she was nervous about meeting him and having to speak English since she had not spoken English fluently for the last three years. So, her mind was puzzled repeating and scanning her English vocabulary.

I still have to do many experiments with regards to all the linguistic possibilities offered here in Quebec. The different possibilities include: a person who speaks only French conversing with another person who only speaks French; a person who is bilingual speaking with a second person who only speaks French; two bilingual people speaking; a person who only speaks English conversing with a person who only speaks French; English bilingual with a French bilingual; English bilingual with an English bilingual; English who only speaks English with English bilingual.

So, I would conclude by saying that over the last few months, I have only touched the tip of the tip of the tip of the iceberg. I am quite convinced that the seminar and training class in Canada in August and September will be an incredible building up of knowledge regarding the way the unconscious mind works. [END]

The Continuing Saga Of Setao And The Temple

A Myth by Ceb and Nylorac


Setao the Bearded and Ceb the Red continued on in their work of building the Golden Temple of Enlightenment. On most days they worked amiably side by side. But on certain days, Ceb arrived at the sight of construction looking unusually fervent and quietly singing to herself. Setao who was from the southernmost tip of the known world where women seldom sang, found this extraordinary and listened closely to the words Ceb’s anthem which went:

I am WOMAN, hear me roar,
In numbers too big to ignore,
And I know too much
To go back and pretend……

When questioned, Ceb admitted that she sometimes sang the great feminist battle hymn originated by Saint Helen of Reddy during the glorious early days of the Women’s Movement for Freedom and Equality.

Setao found that it was not wise to ask Ceb the Red to make coffee on those days when she came to the site of enlightenment singing the feminist hymn. And, with this lesson learned, the enlightenment continued at an accelerated pace.

Setao and Ceb were soon joined by a tall worker who was known as FEJ THE LANKY. And they rejoiced greatly, for Fej was talented in the work and committed to the cause of enlightenment.

As time passed Setao observed that Fej worked diligently in the left side of the temple, but seemed reluctant to cross the great dividing hallway into the less explored right regions. Setao consulted with the Great Wizard about this matter, and soon Fej could be seen working in the right regions of the temple wearing a large silver streamer around his waist which was firmly attached to one of the large pillars supporting the left wall of the temple. When questioned, Fej stated he was afraid of straying too far to the right and the streamer made him feel secure.

Time passed and life happened, and soon Fej began to work so comfortably on the right side that he often forgot to attach himself to his streamer. And Setao and Ceb rejoiced for there was much valuable work to be done in the right regions of the temple.

As in any worthwhile endeavor, disputes and frustrations arose during the work of enlightment, and Ceb sought solace from her friend whose humble abode she passed every day on her way to and from the temple. And her friend began to document the events in the life of Setao the Bearded and the Golden Temple of Enlightment.

One day Ceb the Redhaired Dwarf presented her friend’s manuscript to Setao. Setao was fascinated, and, after he added some editorial touches and deletions, ordered the manuscript carved on the very wall of the temple itself so the world could read the history of Setao and Golden Temple of Enlightenment.

castle2Ceb’s friend agreed to carve the manuscript on the wall, but unbeknownst to Setao, she carved it as she had originally written it, because she felt that she could not compromise her literary integrity even for such a one as Setao. When he read the manuscript on the temple wall, Setao chuckled indulgently and began to refer to Ceb’s friend as NYLORAC THE SCISSORTONGUED.


Dear David,

I enjoyed the last edition of BackTalk very much. However, I have a suggestion. The journal has come so far by now that you probably need an editor to run over some of the articles. Weaknesses in writing are undermining the messages … I suspect you have a good editor at hand. Becky Thompson seems to write clearly and concisely. She also has a good creative style. Would she do it for you?

I apologise for being so blunt particularly since I am no grammarian myself … Best wishes for continuing success.

Timothy Pascoe, Sydney, Aust.

Eds note: Thank you for the compliment, and your comments will be taken to heart, but we also received a letter from another frequent contributer to Backtalk who wanted to mention that we had “edited” his article incorrectly! We hope to find some middle ground on this to hopefully please everyone!(Becky)

Dear David,

Reverse Speech … will very likely usher in a new era of scientific study regarding man and his world. And as you realize, the understanding and adaptations of the Reverse Speech process can be utilized in many different areas. I will attempt to interest other individuals with your brochures, with an eye to getting a training program started here in New York city, which should be an ideal place where your theories ought to be embraced and investigated. Also, I have an idea for a book that could incorporate your studies on Reverse Speech, and if it sounds appealing, I would be most happy to have you as my co-author … a book of this nature would greatly arouse interest in the Reverse Speech theory …

John Baretta, Staten Island, NY

Eds note: I like your enthusiasm, John and enjoyed meeting you on the East Coast last week. I got your materials for the book and will look into it. Can’t guarantee anything though. The idea excites me but time right now is a MAJOR problem. (David)

Dear Mr. Oates,

A friend of mine, Scott Jones, told me about you and your work. If I understand the implications correctly, Reverse Speech therapy is important on many levels, with far reaching repercussions. I would also like to know how I might be able to coordinate a workshop in Hawaii.

By the way, I have always sensed that we always “know” when we are being lied to. Even though I am a normally gullible person, and have been successfully lied to on more than two occasions, I have caught myself pronouncing that nonetheless, we always know on some level when another person was lying to us. When I would hear myself say this, a skeptic in me would wonder what I was talking about. Now, with your work, I feel confirmed.

Anne Kahn, Keaau, Hawaii

Eds note: Lets get something going! You seem to have grasped the concept well. (David)

Dear David,

Thanks so much for the subscription to BackTalk. I’m very excited! It will be wonderful to keep up with your progress. This is all still very fascinating to me. Thanks again, and good luck.

Chris Oliver, Houston, TX

Eds note: You’re most welcome.

Dear BackTalk Readers,

For three years I was the President of the Australian Society of NLP and during that period, for the benefit of our members I brought out a NEWSLETTER that appeared every 6 weeks. I noticed that very very few people in the world are actively involved in researching and creating new techniques and processes for NLP. The rest of the NLP “interested” just spent a lot of their time and money as onlookers, visiting seminars put on by these active few, actually paying these few, to be creative for the rest.

Therefore it was my intention to motivate and solicit some form of active participation from our members towards the Newsletter, after all how many members will stay interested in reading just my view of NLP month after month, year after year?

This turned out to be an interesting lesson for me . . . I had dozens of people and firms wanting to use the Newsletter to advertise products or seminars in . . . but in three years, during which time I wrote dozens of articles, only ONE other member submitted a manuscript for print. It is my firm belief that our inherent human ability to create, will only expand and develop, if continually used by each one of us! How much more quickly will Reverse Speech develop if every reader takes responsibility for researching it? I ask the question of YOU as a reader of BackTalk. Are you going to sit back as an onlooker with BackTalk each month and read about the research and efforts and the creativity of a few? Is it going to be . . . for you? “Let David and Co. do all the work and I’ll read about it later in the magazine!”

There is hardly a more subtle form of self deception than that … if you are not creating, you are not participating .. reading ain’t participating, reading is just another form of talking to yourself … and for the most part, just reaffirming what you already know!

Every human is creative, each one of us creates his/her own way of impacting upon the world … it’s real easy to be a follower, one does not even have to have a brain to be a follower, I’ve seen kids with little plastic toys on a string, following them around… that toy is a victim of where the kid decides to go.

Leaders do it from the front! ! (Please don’t put that on your *%#!~#^*# car bumper because you’ll be a follower again) … but I call on all BackTalk readers … find out how to utilize YOUR own creative gifts, bring these gifts to Reverse Speech and share your observations with the rest of us.

Paul Von Stroheim, Sydney, Aust.

Eds note: I couldn’t have said it better myself Paul. But I like my bumper stickers! In fact I wrote an entire article based on one of them in this issue! (David)


By: Dennis Badong

Dennis Badong is a private investigator who lives in San Francisco. He is a student in the current analyst course. This essay, that he wrote for his Trainee Certificate, was one of the finest received.

While trying to disprove claims about hidden satanic messages on rock n’ roll records, David John Oates, an Australian amateur radio operator made what may well be, the discovery of this century.

It was April of 1984 when David discovered this new phenomenon by making modifications to his recording equipment to play backwards. With their aid and good ears, David not only detected and located the intentionally recorded and reversed messages which he originally set out to disprove, he also discovered unintentional backward messages. In 1987, David Oates was joined by his associate Greg Albrecht, who assisted him in the further research and development of what David Oates now calls Reverse Speech – a name that came to David’s mind early one morning, and is now his registered trademark.

While working together, David and Greg devised the theory of Reverse Speech and Speech Complementarity. They utilized EEG testing to verify the brain’s response to reversed messages. They also discovered that Reverse Speech is a function of the right brain hemisphere, and forward speech is the function of the left brain hemisphere. Currently we know that speech reversals occur approximately every 2-3 seconds during highly charged states, 10-20 seconds during casual conversation and 3-20 seconds during monologue.

The three areas of the human mind, as defined by Carl Jung, is used as the basis for establishing the, main three levels of Reverse Speech. The first level, Consciousness, reveals the conscious thoughts of the speaker in normal everyday English. The second level, Personal Unconscious, are the thoughts and emotions of the unconscious mind in the form of metaphors. The third level, The Collective Unconscious, reveal patterns from the core of our being; reversals may use Structural Metaphors (or Archetypes) and archaic language on occasions.

Just as in forward dialogue, speech reversals also use many symbolic words or analogies known as metaphors. In order to understand the language of the unconscious mind, we must first learn the language of the unconscious mind.

The most fascinating discovery within the Reverse Speech phenomena is speech reversals in children. David Oates has documented speech reversals in children as young as four months. During his research with children’s reversals, David has discovered that children who are approximately four months old usually start communicating their needs and desires with single word reversals. At approximately seven months of age, children start using two word reversals while exploring and questioning their environment. At one year, speech reversals become more complex. At eighteen months, operational metaphors start showing up in speech reversals. At two years of age Structural Metaphors begin to be used in speech reversals and full Speech Complementarity becomes apparent.

In order to verify speech reversals David Oates has devised Reversal Check Points. There are seven of these check points, and they aid both trainees and analysts of Reverse Speech in assigning what is known as Validity Factors. Validity Factors range between one and six; Validity six being the clearest and intelligible of all factors. Anything under Validity three is open to interpretation, as the quality of reversal decreases.

Since forward speech also contains subtle intricacies, pauses, tone alterations, fumbles, and so on … by learning to pay attention to these speech discrepancies, we learn to detect where speech reversals may occur. Even in laughter, sighs and very faint speech – reversals occur. Other clues include, change of spontaneity, dialogue alterations and conversational inserts.

To understand the significance of a speech reversal, an analyst must examine speech reversals individually and determine their category. The categories of speech reversals are:
1. Congruent Reversals – this confirms the content of the forward dialogue.
2. Expansive Reversals additional information is added to the forward dialogue.
3. Contradictory Reversals contradicts what is said forward.
4. External Dialogue – contains signal to another person.
5. Internal Dialogue – reflects internal thought processes.
6. Trail and Lead Reversals appears before or after a topic has been discussed forward.
7. Comparative Reversals contains no complementarity with the forward; Complementarity will be on the emotional level.
8. Link Reversals – they occur in fast exchange situations by two people in high rapport. This is when the communicated concept is suddenly understood by the other.

In addition to the foregoing categories of speech reversals, an analyst must take into consideration, Reversal Structures and Reversal Tense. All of these things are very important and critical for proper analysis of genuine speech reversals.

Once the art and science of Reverse Speech is mastered, a trained and certified Reverse Speech analyst can be of service to practically anyone. Because of the fact that speech reversals do not lie, this new technology is a valuable tool for psychotherapists, counselors, attorneys, criminal justice agencies, private investigators, pediatricians, businesses etc. etc. The applications are endless.

With this technology one can verify verbal statements, claims and testimonies. It is also valuable in assisting one to recall past events in one’s life in excess of twenty years. Although a lot is known about Reverse Speech, there is still a lot not known. Research must go on, more discoveries must be made and quantum leaps achieved.

As with just about anything really, Reverse Speech can also be used in a most harmful and destructive manner. Because it is able to expose one’s deepest, darkest and most guarded secrets, Reverse Speech must continue to be taught in an ethical and responsible manner, to ethical and responsible people. Its continued growth and development depends on this. But just as important is the quality of the Institute’s graduates, for they will reflect the quality of this technology and institution. With the conti,nued instruction of the original founder and developer of Reverse Speech, the Institute will be able to fulfill this criteria nicely.

The Source Of Reverse Speech

By: David Oates

This is an excerpt from a chapter in the forthcoming book on Reverse Speech which is due out in October – “Reverse Speech: Hidden Messages In Human Communication”. Due to space limitations, the section has been edited and only part of it is presented here.

Language is an outward projection of internal, mental processes that we use to frame and express our experiences. We’ve always known this to be true of our conscious, forward language, but what about Reverse Speech?

I’ve found that it reflects to a greater extent both right and left brain functions and, as it does so, it seems to reveal a deeper part of the mind. It shows us the “other side” of language, so to speak, the previously hidden side. By studying the different levels of consciousness, with their many facets and rich images, as they reveal themselves through Reverse Speech, it’s possible to unravel the mysteries of the human psyche — a monumental breakthrough in the exploration of the Self

The human speech process is complicated and involves many variables. Educational theorist, Don Holdaway, states in his book, “The Foundations of Literacy”:

“The whole concert of speech activity proceeds at such a startling pace that only a fraction is under conscious control. The greatest burden of work is carried out in a delicately structured automatic performance by little understood processes in the nervous system.” 1

Spoken language is formed by a series of rapidly fluctuating sounds that the brain recognizes as intelligible information. Thoughts, conscious and unconscious, are converted into a form that can be understood by other people. This involves the construction of grammar, the development of progressive content, and the expression of emotion and many other subtle units of information.

The process of communication is primarily automatic and involves little understood mental functions, many of which are beyond conscious control and have never been explored by linguists. The construction of simultaneously delivered speech reversals adds even more complexity to this process. This gave the developing research into Reverse Speech a mighty task to figure out: how does the brain construct forward and backward speech — at the same time?

The Human Brain is Virtually Limitless: The task of constructing forward and backward speech simultaneously is well within the capabilities of the human brain. Dr. David Samuels of the Weizmann Institute estimated that there are between 100,000 – 1,000,000 different chemical reactions occurring every minute within the brain. The brain has approximately 10,000,000,000 individual nerve cells and each nerve cell can interact with each other in a multitude of ways. This gives the number of possible combinations of their usage conservatively at a figure of 10 followed by 800 zeros!

Also, Dr. Pryotra Anokin of Moscow University has estimated that the functional capacity of the brain is “so great that writing it would take a line of figures in normal manuscript characters, more than 10.5 million kilometers in length! With such a number of possibilities, the brain has been described as a keyboard on which hundreds of millions of different melodies — acts of behavior or intelligence — can be played.” 2

The Brain has Always Been Capable of Reverse Functions: It’s already known that the brain is capable of reversible functions. Light, for example, is reversed through the lens of the eyes before it is interpreted by the brain. Dyslexia, another reversed function, is a condition associated with people who, during the process of reading, may reverse letters of words or even whole words themselves.

None of these reversed functions alter the information that’s being communicated. People simply interpret information, or deliver it, from another perspective — unconsciously, in reverse. By playing speech backwards it’s possible to consciously hear information that was always there, but which was delivered and received unconsciously.

The Left and Right Brain Hemispheres: The physical construction of the human brain consists of two main lobes or hemispheres, separated in the middle by a thick tissue called the corpus callolsum. It’s commonly assumed that each hemisphere of the brain is responsible for different mental functions. The left hemisphere is primarily logical in nature and is responsible for logic, analysis and sequential tasks. It’s also thought to be responsible for conscious language formation processes or the actual words used in speech. The right hemisphere, on the other hand, is emotional, imaginative,, and creative in nature. It’s thought to be responsible for unconscious mental activity and the emotional emphasis placed in speech. In the process of thought and mental activity, both brain hemispheres work together to perform their respective tasks.

Thus, Reverse Speech is primarily a function of the right brain hemisphere, a hemisphere previously thought by many to be dormant in active verbal communication. An article in the November 1987 issue of Psychology Today gives further insights concerning this. Research linguist, Dianne Van Lancker, notes the importance of the right brain hemisphere in the non-verbal information contained in speech. She maintains that the recognition of familiar voices involves complex pattern processing and that the right brain hemisphere appears to be primarily responsible for this pattern processing and recognition.

Part of her tests involved examining an average listener’s ability to identify familiar voices played backwards at varying speeds She noted that people recognize familiar voices holistically, as overall pictures, not on the basis of individual features. She concluded that while the left hemisphere determines what’s to be said, the right hemisphere appears to be responsible for factors such as pitch, vocal quality, rate, and emotional tone. 3

Adding support to this theory is a quote from speech therapist Alex Bannatyne who in 1972, proposed an explanation for dyslexia that entailed the left and right hemispheres of the brain. Bannatyne’s thesis may be summed up in the following way:

The distinction is made between mirror-images of letters and reversing words. It’s explained that language functions (dialogue formation) are largely controlled in the left cerebral hemisphere of the brain. Mirror-image language problems are explained in terms of incomplete suppression of the right hemisphere during language activities.” 4

This is in direct keeping with the phenomenon of Reverse Speech. Speech reversals are not formed by the actual words themselves, but rather by the speech sounds. The way a sound is pronounced directly influences both the syllable structure and the phonetic sounds of the reversed phrase.

The Deeper Parts of the Mind. Early 20th Century psychiatrist, Carl Jung, a contemporary of Freud and scholar of comparative mythology, theorized that the human mind was divided into three distinct levels. 5

1) Consciousness: Those portions of the mind that are under conscious control and awareness.

2) Personal Unconscious: Those portions of the mind that have become unconscious either because they lost their intensity and were forgotten, or because consciousness was withdrawn from them (repression). Also, those portions, some of them sense-impressions, which never had sufficient intensity to reach consciousness but have somehow entered the psyche. 6

3) Collective Unconscious: The deepest part of the mind, which Jung claimed “as timeless and universal psyche,” or the true basis of the individual psyche. He believed this area to be the ancestral heritage, consisting of an inherent storehouse, varying in depth from person to person, of mythological motives, or primordial images, which the conscious mind had no knowledge of whatsoever. Jung claimed that the Collective Unconscious contained the entire spiritual and cultural heritage of humanity’s development born anew in the mind of each individual. 7

Reverse Speech has profound similarities to the above model.

1) First Level reversals are literal and tend to reflect the Conscious Level of mind.

2) Second Level reversals are operational — they often use metaphors to express behavioral actions, effects and/or emotions -and reflect the Personal Unconscious Level of mind.

3) Third Level reversals are structural. — they often use metaphors to express deeper, root causes of behavior — and reflect the Collective Unconscious, archetypal mind.

Everything contained within the unconscious mind — what is now and what has been in the past -has the potential to appear in Reverse Speech. Reverse Speech, using its metaphors, and primordial images, exposes the total Self and the three areas of the mind as defined by Carl Jung.


When we accept the fact that the human brain is virtually limitless, has always been capable of reverse functions, naturally uses metaphors to express itself, and consists of three distinct levels, one of which we seem to share with the rest of humanity, we begin to realize that we indeed may be part of something much greater than ourselves. We are linked inexorably, and forever, with each other in the deeper levels of mind. This truly makes us family.

As human beings, we share a Collective Unconscious, which we all express through speech reversals. We can feel a little less lonely now, and feel more a part of things. We can come home again — and discover that we never really left.


1) Don Holdaway, The Foundations of Literacy (Sydney, Ashton Scholastic, 1975), page 13.

2) Tony Buzan, Use Both Sides of Your Brain (New York, E.P. Dutton, Inc., 1979), pages 16-20.

3) Article, Dianne Van Lancker, Old Familiar Voices (Washington D.C., Psychology Today, November 1987), pages 12-14.

4) Martha M. Evans, Dyslexia, An Annotated Bibliography (London, Greenwood Press, 1982) page 84.

S) This is explicit in many of Carl Jung’s writing. Further recommended reading: E.A. Bennett, What Jung Really Said (New York, Schoken Books, 1983); C.G. Jung, The Archetypes of the Collective Unconscious, (New York, Princeton University Press, 190), particularly pages 275-354; C.G. Jung, The Structure and Dynamics of the Psyche (New York, Princeton University Press, 1969), pages 151-152.

6) The Structure and Dynamics of the Psyche, op. cit. page 151. Also on page 185, Jung says: “The unconscious depicts an extremely fluid states of affairs: everything of which I know, but of which I am not at the moment thinking; everything perceived by my senses, but not noted by my conscious mind; everything which, involuntarily and without paying attention to it, I feel, think, remember, want, and do; all the future things that are taking shape in me and will sometime come to consciousness: all this is the content of the unconscious mind … Thus far the unconscious is a fringe of consciousness.”

7) rbid., page 151. Also on page 148, Carl Jung says…

“Underneath (the unconscious) is an absolute unconscious which has nothing to do with our personal experience. This absolute unconscious would then be a psychic activity which goes on independently of the conscious mind and is not dependent even on the upper layers of the unconscious, untouched – and perhaps untouchable – by personal expenence. It would be a kind of supra-individual psychic activity, a collective unconscious, as I have called it, as distinct from a superficial, relative, or personal unconscious.”


stiB dna seceiP

By: David Oates

During a recent seminar and Reverse Speech presentation that was being recorded live, an interesting reversal occurred. There were some dynamic interplays between some of the participants and David Oates decided to stop the tape and find some reversals on that section live on the spot. Just as he was about to suggest it to the others, a woman said: “Quick! Stop the tape. I want to hear the reversal on that.”

I don’t suppose anyone would be surprised to hear that the first reversal heard was on the woman and it said: Reverse it! An obvious Lead Reversal for all you Reverse Speech students. But the question is, did my thoughts cue her and prompt the reversal, or did her thoughts cue me? Who prompted who? Who reversed the reversing? It’s enough to make your mind spin. w-h-i-r-l-w-i-n-d


Performing under pressure is a required skill for any student training for the Advanced Analyst course, but I think this one’s going just a bit too far. In the editorial of this issue, David told you about his radio interview with the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. But he didn’t tell you the real story behind this traumatic event.

It was nine o’clock in the morning. The alarm rang.

Kathy: “Quick David! You’ve got a radio interview in an hour’s time.”

David: “I only got in at midnight. I didn’t sleep at all on the flight from Australia. Aaahh!! Got to sleep at six o’clock this morning. The kids wanted to bloody play!!!! The interview’s going right across Canada? Fine! What am I doing?”


Kathy: “Here. There’s two of them. They sent us a tape of one of their earlier radio programs. Becky and Jeff did the transcript. They have already been fed-exed the dump tape, plus they’ve got example reversals. All you’ve got to do is sit down at your desk and talk. Oh! by the way. They told me to tell you it’s a bright and breezy program. ” David: “A bright and breezy program!? A-a-a-a-h! What day is it? I want coffee. Lots of it. Where’s the shower? Why am I tripping all the time? Has my accent gotten thicker while I’ve been in Australia? What if I stutter? I’m too *&$#ed! Are the kids asleep yet?”

Phone rings…..

Man: “Tell us about Reverse Speech, Mr. Oates.”

David: “… rave, rave, rave, …” Reversal: I can’t believe I’m pulling this off

Man: “We sent you a tape of ourselves on air and you did the reversals on it. Perhaps you can tell us who we are. Do an analysis on it.

David: “Sure. I have the transcript right here. Let’s see. Ah! You two have got some interesting stuff going on here.” Reversal: They want me to do an analysis on them?! Where’s the bloody transcript?! I want a cigarette!!

Conclusion To Story: David gave a very accurate analysis of who the two people were, how they interacted with each other both on and off air. Some of their personal problems etc. etc. David did this analysis live on the spot without knowing who they were and without having seen the transcript before. In fact off air, they told David his analysis was extremely accurate.

Moral Of Story: Accurate reversal – documentation and analysis, by trained and experienced Reverse Speech analysts, will ALWAYS yield accurate results. Even jet l-a-a-a-g-e-d. [END]

An Interview With David Oates

The following are excerpts of an interview with David Oates conducted by New York journalist, Wes Thomas. Wes is currently writing articles for some magazines about the publication of David’s book.

Thomas: Let’s define some terms, a “reversed phrase” is the English phrase heard when a tape is played backwards. I have a note that it may not be actual English? What does that mean?

Oates: When I say that it may not be actual English what I am really trying to portray is that many reversals will use archetypes such as Lancelot, Goddess, Garden Of Eden, Ulysses etc, there are more than 500 of them. To the untrained person these may sound like strange “Gothic” fantasies.

Thomas: Ok, and backmasking is intentionally speaking forward reversals that are obvious to the listener?

Oates: No, actually backward masking is intentionally superimposing a backward sound track over a forward sound track. When the track is played forward, the backward track sounds like gibberish. When the track is played backwards the forward track sounds like gibberish and the backward track becomes intelligible. Many rock bands use backward masking as a gimmick or to create special effects.

Thomas: So, then is “backwardspeak” intentionally speaking forward reversals buried in ordinary language that are not obvious to the listener unless played in reverse?

Oates: Once again this is totally separate and distinct from genuine speech reversals. You are, however, in this definition, describing a technique that I call “reversal feedback.” This is not discussed in my book, and it is only taught in advanced Reverse Speech classes. The technique involves “feeding back” to a person their own speech reversals. That is, using in forward language what they have used in reverse language. It is a powerful technique for mind control, emotional stimulation and behavioral alteration. I do not teach it to people, until they have become totally proficient in Reverse Speech, and I can be sure that their integrity level is high, and they will not abuse the technique!

Thomas: Are there any specific sound patterns in normal speech that are indicative of forward phrases? Is it possible to speak in such a way to actually communicate speech reversals?

Oates: I have developed a skill over the years, due to increasing familiarity with phonetic speech patterns and phonemes, to speak a sentence forward that when played backwards says something different. This, however, is pure phonetic oddities and has nothing to do with genuine speech reversals. There are some people who do the talk show circuits in the United States who can phonetically pronounce words backwards, but once again this is an oddity rather than a reflection of genuine speech reversals which are a naturally occurring phenomenon of language.

Thomas: And the “analytical interpretation” of Reverse Speech is a trained analyst’s interpretation of the reversed phrases? How accurate are these interpretations?

Oates: Obviously, this will never be totally accurate, because we are trying to understand the unconscious mind with conscious reasoning. Over the years, however, we believe that our interpretations are becoming more and more accurate, as students begin to let go of their conscious perceptions, and we also begin to understand the reversed language more and more.

Thomas: And the “subjective interpretation” is the listener’s unconscious interpretation of the forward phrase. The analytical and subjective interpretations do not, of course, always correspond. The accuracy of the subjective interpretation will be influenced by unconscious blocks, familiarity with words and dialects, and other factors. What techniques are available to measure the accuracy of this interpretation?

Oates: Wow! What a question! My own personal belief, based upon MANY experiments, most of which are NOT discussed in this current book (maybe the next one), is that the unconscious interprets the phrase EXACTLY as it is meant. I personally believe that Reverse Speech is a universal language, handed down from generation to generation. This is discussed in the book. What is variable, however, is how the conscious mind perceives the information. The conscious mind’s perception of the reversed phrase is subject to blocks, belief systems, personal congruency etc., BUT the unconscious mind receives and perceives the phrase EXACTLY as it is meant to be received and perceived.

Thomas: Are there certain characteristic context independent forward phrase words and phrases? Are non-context sensitive forward phrases possible?

Oates: I am not totally sure what you mean by this question. If you are asking if there are certain coincidental words that will always reverse to the same thing, then the answer is yes. These words are, however, rare, approximately 50 that I have found so far, and they are only single words, not entire phrases.

Thomas: It would be reasonable to hypothesize that the world’s most effective orators would use the most frequent speech reversals. If so, it would be illuminating to analyze their speeches, especially healers (Oral Roberts), politicians (Hitler), and salesmen. Comedians might also achieve their comedy from Reverse Speech. Is anyone doing this?

Oates: Surprisingly enough, the opposite is true. In order to be an effective orator one must have great control over one’s speech. Control over speech reduces speech reversals. Speech reversals are the most frequent in free flowing, un-rehearsed speech. Speech reversals will occur in their speeches, but their frequency will be reduced to maybe one reversal every 30-60 seconds. Normal reversal occurrence is one reversal every 5-15 seconds. I have analyzed many speeches from public speakers. Some reversals are congruent, others are not. I have done some work with salesmen and have managed to improve their selling techniques by assisting them in becoming more congruent with their speech reversals.

Thomas: Is someone systematically monitoring the news for Reverse Speech?

Oates: No! There is no time. I do it occasionally, if I have time, and if the topic interests me. There is just too much other work to do.

Thomas: Is there a generic category that encompasses speech reversals, Freudian slips, and other such encodings?

Oates: Yes! There are many. These are covered in great detail in the book. A trained analyst can listen to forward speech and tell you exactly where the reversals occur. One of my students can even tell you where they are occurring by monitoring micromuscular facial movements. This is a skill that I have not even mastered yet but am trying to. There are two analysts (including myself) who can, on occasions, tell you what the reversal is, simply by listening to forward speech. This is an extremely complex and advanced skill, developed through in depth trance techniques and hypnosis.

Thomas: Does music also have reversals? Not the lyrics, but the musical sounds themselves?

Oates: I have done no work in this area. I would be extremely surprised if it does and would suspect phonetic oddities as the source, if it does. Speech reversals are formed by the unconscious mind influencing speech patterns. Interestingly enough, I have analyzed computer generated speech for speech reversals and have found none. I would suspect that music would fit into the same category.

Thomas: What evidence is there that primitive people heard in reverse? Are there any contemporary primitives we can study that make a transition when they learn written language, etc?

Oates: Australian Reverse Speech researcher, Greg Albrecht, who was my original research partner back in 1987, is currently doing an in depth study into the reversals of Australian Aborigines. Greg is a high school English teacher who coordinates aboriginal education for the South Australian outback. His project is still developing, and he has come to no firm conclusions yet. Incidentally his initial findings indicate that their speech reversals are extremely ancient containing Archetypes dating back centuries. They also have, surprisingly, a strong Oriental theme. There are some theories that the Aborigines originally migrated to Australia from Asia over 100,000 years ago. This would explain the appearance of Asian reversals. Incidentally, this question has been addressed in the book and is called “The Process Of Oral Tradition. ”

Thomas: Is subliminal speech more effective when forward reversals are used?

Oates: I have done no research into this area other than analyze some subliminal tapes for speech reversals. I have found reversals that are incongruent with the subliminal message which would indicate to me that the subliminal would be ineffective. My own personal belief about “subliminals” is that they would have nowhere near the effect of naturally occurring speech reversals. I cover this topic in my book, yet I have little experience with subliminals. My expertise is Reverse Speech.

Thomas: Has anyone analyzed supposed alien speech phrases for reversed English?

Oates: NO! Get me a tape. I would love to do it! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Thomas: We have REM dream states every 90 minutes. Is reversed speech higher in frequency during those periods?

Oates: I have done no research into this area. My intuition tells me that the frequency of reversal occurrence would be higher, but no research has be done to support this hypothesis.

Thomas: Do we ever dream reversed speech?

Oates: This is a strange question. I have taped people talking in their sleep (minimal only) and find interesting correlations with the Reverse Speech process. I, personally, often have dreams of speaking backwards and dreams running in reverse, but that is most likely a reflection of my career rather than a natural phenomenon that is across the board. Once again, this is an area in which very minimal work has been done.

Thomas: Has anyone mastered speaking in reverse? Have two or more people conversed this way?

Oates: Reversed conversations occur constantly throughout the Reverse Speech process. People are constantly having communication in reverse. It is my belief that this is partially how the process of intuition occurs. So “mastering” the technique is irrelevant. It is part of the overall phenomenon. Reversed conversation can be increased by structuring the forward dialogue in a specific fashion, for example, people in high rapport will have a far greater degree of reversed dialogue.

Thomas: Are there any examples of extended reversed speech occurring in poetry, lyrics, or other unconventional speech pattems?

Oates: Surprisingly enough, very few reversals occur in this medium. Once again, this is because the reader is usually in a dominate left brain mode and/or is reading from a script. Although, there are exceptions if the person is highly emotionally involved in the delivery. Reversals will be far more frequent in the live performance of a song by a band than they will be in the studio recorded version.

Thomas: Why does reversed speech sound like computer synthesized speech when played back?

Oates: This is an extremely complex question. Not all reversals sound like computer synthesis. The tonal nature of a reversal will vary extensively from “computer like” sounds to smooth and melodious, almost sing-song. I have many theories that need more research, before I could offer a definite opinion for the tonal changes.

Thomas: What has been discovered about the choice of language? Is it mainly Anglo-Saxon when in English? How many words in the vocabulary? What types of words?

Oates: Wow! Ask me some complex questions! This is discussed extensively in my book. The source of archetypes and metaphors in Reverse Speech will extend back centuries, but as a general rule of thumb they will be mainly Anglo-Saxon. Some cultural differences can be noted (eg: Australian and American).

Thomas: Do reversed phrases in rock music have any effect? Or are only spontaneous forward phrases effective?

Oates: I presume you are talking about subliminal, behavioral altering effects in this question. Certainly reversed phrases can be understood by the human mind. EEG testing that we have undertaken show significant activity in the brain when a reversal is delivered. And of course the fact that entire reversed conversations occur in Reverse Speech is self evident of the communicative nature of reverse speech. However, Reverse Speech is NOT subliminally suggestive as such. The mind has the freedom of choice to either accept or reject the reversed phrase depending on the belief systems of the individual. Many experiments we have undertaken have shown this. What is unknown, however, is whether the repetitive listening of a reversed phrase will affect behavior. My own personal opinion is that it will NOT, unless the person is predisposed to the suggestion. For example, a reversal that says “Smoke Marijuana” may cause someone to light up a joint, if they smoke grass. If they do not smoke grass, then I doubt the reversal would have any effect. One of the interesting results of the EEG testing showed either a marked INCREASE in concentration levels or a marked DECREASE in concentration levels when a reversal was delivered, depending on the belief system of the individual at the time.

Thomas: Are reversed phrases the normal sound of English, and is normal English therefore a distortion? Is there universal consistent reversed phrase pronunciation, or are they distorted sounds that are constrained by the limitations of English? What about the early root sounds? Are there root forward phrases?

Oates: T’here are some words in Reverse Speech that have their owin peculiar pronunciation and will always sound the same regardless of the context (for example: the word love which will always be pronounced in reverse as L-u-u-v.) Generally though, pronunciation rules will follow those of the speaker. For example accents can be recognized in reverse – Australian/American etc. “Y’all have fun y’hear” or “She’ll be right mate!

Thomas: Are there other reversals in organic functioning?

Oates: Very interesting question. I have just started research into this area. My own belief is that each organic function will have its own metaphor. If we can isolate these, the applications in disease prevention and cure are limitless.

Thomas: Have you identified speaking in tongues as Reverse Speech.

Oates: I have researched “speaking in tongues” to some level and found the same reversed patterns as I do in forward speech. Speaking in tongues contain some reversals. Their occurrence and context will depend directly on the speaker at the time. I have found reversals that “Praise God“, “Praise Satan” or talk about the meal they are eating that night. I have also found many sections that are straight gibberish in reverse.

Thomas: Also, your sample tape has a child saying “What’s that?” If the first impulse would therefore be to hear and speak in reverse, when is the perceptual reversal made and why?

Oates: This question has many possible answers. For a start, children first begin to formulate reversed language at age four months. Their initial reversals reflect straight forward needs and desires and become more and more complex as times goes on.

Thomas: It should be possible to listen to speech reversals constantly and develop an understanding of it. It may be possible to identify commonly used reversals and use them to create two new languages: one based on forward phrases and one based on the corresponding reversed phrases.

Oates: This is possible and I have done it. It is not discussed in my book, and I do not talk about it publicly. I teach it in advanced classes. It is an extremely complex skill.

Thomas: What are the emotional effects of intentionally speaking reversals forward? Does it have to be unconsciousness, or can emotions be intentionally manipulated by uttering known forward phrases?

Oates: Yes, emotions can be intentionally manipulated. This concerns me somewhat, and I will not teach it unless I am convinced of a person’s motive and integrity. It is a complex process that I teach only in my advanced classes.

Thomas: Have you looked at synchronicities?

Oates: This question touches upon the very nature of the Collective Unconscious. I won’t even attempt to answer it or offer an opinion. There have been many unexplained occurrences connected with Reverse Speech that I would prefer never be released. My primary concern is to introduce Reverse Speech to the general public. This is a major quantum shift in itself without bringing other stuff in. Much of my research material will not be released for years! ! I feel a very strong moral obligation and responsibility for the way Reverse Speech enters society. It is VERY dangerous unless handled correctly.

Thomas: Have you examined reversal and recursive forms in general? Interesting reversals: Da vinci’s mirror writing, Escher, and Bach with his symmetrical fugue phrases that are effective when played backwards, if I remember that right.

Oates: I have only done minimal research into this for the sole purpose of showing that reversals in language, art and literature are a common occurrence. So what is so strange that it can also occur in language? It is not a subject that I intend to pursue. My sole purpose and desire is to study and introduce Reverse Speech to society. I’ll let others draw comparisons and try my hardest to keep the integrity of the Reverse Speech technology untainted.

Thomas: Back to Reverse Speech and backward subliminal messages again. What is the difference and can they affect us?

Oates: I have searched for research evidence on the effects of Backward Masking and can find none. Let me re-state that the Reverse Speech is TOTALLY different to backward masking and subliminal messages. Both of these are man made insertions. Reverse Speech is a natural function of the human mind, occurring constantly in language. Please, please, do not get the two confused!!

A Cynic is a person who,
when he smells flowers,
looks around for a coffin.

Answers to Last Issue’s Trivia Questions

1. The national controversy that Reverse Speech created in November of 1990 was the Simone controversy. The word Simone, which means Desert Storm, was found in reverse on President Bush and other principles early in the Gulf crisis. The press became aware of the knowledge of this “code word” and the controversy began.

2. The name Reverse Speech was first coined in 1987.

3. “Robotic” reversals, although they contain some metaphors, do not contain the deeper level “archetypal” words or give as clear of a representation of the personality structures and behavioral, patterns as the more “melodic” reversals.

4. Metaphor Restructuring is the latest and most controversial area of research.

5. Speech reversals can be controlled to a certain extent, and the process is discussed in depth in the advanced analyst course.

6. Becky Thompson is the President of the Reverse Speech Research Institute in the U.S.

7. The Beatles’ “Paul is dead” controversy led to numerous “rock and roll” groups “backmasking” secret messages on their albums. It was this that David Oates was investigating that led to the eventual discovery of Reverse Speech.

8. Deaf people have not been researched thoroughly, except for one case with a person who was deaf from birth. His speech was somewhat difficult to understand, yet his reversals were very clear and they contained many different metaphors and archetypes. An interesting subject for research!

9. It is harder to distinguish consonant sounds.

10. A metaphor group is a group of metaphors that relate to the same idea. For instance, man as a sailor has a surf to carry him through life on his ship, and he must be aware of reefs that block his progress, etc.

11. Currently the only way to find reversals is to record the information on tape and use a reversing machine to locate the reversals contained on that tape. There is also successful research being undertaken with hearing reversals consciously, and computer voice analysis is being examined with no success to date.

12. Double layer and overlapping reversals occur because many layers of information are being communicated at any one given time. Different analysts tend to find different reversals sometimes even on the same bit of forward dialogue, because of difference in that individual’s filters, beliefs, and abilities in reversal locations. There is much research needed in this area.

13. The driving force of the psyche is the “wolf



BackTalk – Volume 3, Issue 2


Volume 3, Issue 2 (June 1991)

The Official Journal Of
The Reverse Speech Education And Research Institute (USA)
Revcom – The Society For Reversed Communication Research (Australia)

“Backtalk” is an international journal that reports exclusively on the ongoing research into Reverse Speech. It is produced with the joint effort of Reverse Speech researchers in both Australia and the United States Of America.
Publisher: David J. Oates


Welcome to our new style and format in this issue of Backtalk. I hope you like it. It is indicative of the general up beat direction of Reverse Speech at this current time, and also of my continuing plans to constantly upgrade and improve Backtalk.

We have a new member on our editorial staff – Reverse Speech Trainer and Advanced Analyst, Becky Thompson. Becky will now be making regular contributions to Backtalk both in the form of articles and general editorial comments. She will be giving Backtalk a slightly different flavor and greater versatility – a change that is anticipated with great excitement. To get a feel for Becky’s style, have a look at her comments in this issue’s “Letters To the Editor”. She will now be answering all your letters. But Beware! She has a mischievous pen. Her article on “Setao the Bearded” will show you that.

We also welcome to Backtalk as a regular writer, Reverse Speech Analyst, Jeff Smiley. Jeff is currently training for his Advanced Analyst and Trainer certificates and he has some new ideas about how people find reversals. He will be presenting these ideas in future articles. His first one is in this issue.

And …. wait for it! Australia is making its presence felt in a major way. Reverse Speech Developers, Greg Albrecht from South Australia, and Paul Von Stroheim from Sydney, have both been making regular contributions to Backtalk (see Paul’s article in this issue), however we commented in last issue’s “Bits And Pieces” column that the Queensland Research Institute has been very quiet lately. All that is about to change. In my last trip back to Australia (March 1991), I went to visit the Queenslanders and told them to shape up. So they are. The new frontier in Australia is about to forge ahead again. Reverse Speech Developer, John Suess (head of the Institute in Australia), has an article in this issue, and Australia is going to have a training class going sometime next year (see details on page 19).

Thus, the world of Reverse Speech keeps on evolving.

Talking about Australia, as fate would have it, within a few days of my arrival back onto home soil, American media decided that they wanted Reverse Speech. So I had phone calls running back and forth between the two countries as reporters hustled for information. Consequently, Reverse Speech received some excellent write ups in newspapers across the United States (see in particular Harper’s magazine, May 1991), and I’ve been conducting many radio interviews since my return. The media appearances I had planned in Australia, however, did not come about. Oh well. That’s life.

Onto some REALLY good news – the book is being published!! We have chosen an excellent publisher, Knowledge Systems Inc., in Indianapolis. The official release date is October lst., and they are fully expecting it to be a best seller. Many thanks must go to Reverse Speech Developer, Kathleen Hawkins, who has spent more than a year pulling this book together, turning my manuscript from raw research notes and semi-formed ideas into an easy to read masterpiece!

So, all you people who have been anxiously waiting for the book to come out – you don’t have to wait much longer. In fact, you can place an advance order right now!

All in all, Reverse Speech is going great. We currently have two classes going. One in Dallas, Texas, and the other in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. There are in excess of 30 students in these two classes with some of them flying in monthly from Los Angeles and San Fransisco. I’ve just returned from a trip to Montreal, Canada, and training will begin there in August. Two other possible classes are currently on the planning table for Indianapolis and Los Angeles later on this year.

On a personal note, I am just so very happy to see Reverse Speech (my little baby) starting to grow up and learning to walk. And whilst on the subject of babies, my twin daughters (who aren’t really babies anymore – they’ll be four in July) will be coming over to the states in October for a few months. So, for those of you who live in Dallas, expect to see me doddering around very paternally not too long from now.

Welcome to the MANY new subscribers. I hope you like Backtalk. See you next issue.

David Oates

David's Signature


By: Ralph Thomas

Ralph Thomas is an investigative specialist and Director of “The National Association Of Investiigative Specialists, Inc.” He publishes their bi-monthly journal, “Connections”. He is currently writing a book on the Kennedy Assassinahon and this article is an edited reprint from one of his book’s chapters. Ralph is a student in the current Analyst class in Dallas. Copyright on this article is owned by Ralph Thomas and is reprinted with his kind permission.

All reversals quoted in this article (and throughout this journal) are indicated by bold type in the line below the forward dialogue, and have been verified to be exact by the staff of Backtalk. (Anyone who has access to these tapes can play them in reverse and verify them.)The precise sechon of forward dialogue in which the reversal occurred is indicated by brackets – [ ]. All reversals have been rated on a Validity scale of 1-6 (6 being the clearest) based on its audible clarity and syntactic structure. Some editorial comments are made periodically throughout this article.


Very little comments made by Oswald have been captured on tape. Although he was interviewed by the Dallas Police Department after his arrest, the official story is that no tape recording was made during the twelve hours of interrogation by Dallas Homicide Detective, Will Fritz.

The reason given by Captain Fritz for not recording the interview is that he did not have access to a tape recorder and that he had requested the purchase of a tape recorder for quite some time. I find this hard to swallow. One of the largest and one of the best police departments in the country in the early 1960’s certainly had to have a tape recorder and I am certain that it’s use would have been considered with an interrogation with the suspect of the crime of the century.

It is a well documented fact that Captain Will Fritz was ordered by the federal government and President Johnson to stop his investigation. Sources reveal that Johnson called Captain Fritz and stated that he had his man and in the interest of national security,”stop your investigation.” Based on my research which would be too lengthy to go into in this article, I believe that Will Fritz likely had made tape recordings but they have either been suppressed or destroyed. I think that it is also important to point out that Will Fritz was known among police circles as one of the best police detectives in the country and what ever took place, Captain Fritz was following orders from his government.

There are some comments made by Oswald after his arrest and before his murder that have been captured on tape. He was permitted a very brief news conference and was recorded by newsmen as he made his way to and from the police interrogation room and his jail cell before he himself was shot down. The following is the transcript with speech reversals of the news conference.

Oswald: “I’ve be accused [of ah, of ah] murdering a policeman.” [I know nothing more than that.]” Lone Wolf. (Validity 4) I’m the lonely Camelot. (Validity 5)

Oswald: “I do request that someone [ to come forward], to give me [ah, legal assistance].” I mustn’t, I mustn’t. (Validity 6) We need more help. (Validity 5)

News Reporter: “Did you kill the President?”

Oswald: “[No I have not been charged with that in fact nobody has said that to me yet]. The first thing I heard about it was when the newspaper reporters in the hall ah [asked me that] question.” Shock Daddy. Got one problem, that’s nasty unknown. (Validity 4) I didn’t scratch. (Validity 4)

That was the end of the news conference. It is apparent from the video of this news conference that the Dallas police cut it off. Oswald appeared frustrated at this point. It’s my feeling based on additional research that the news conference was cut off by the Dallas police because they had not intended for a question and answer session to take place at all.

The news conference was held in the police lineup room. Oswald was first displayed to the news media on the other side of the glass but reporters were complaining. The Dallas officers then escorted Oswald out onto the main floor of the lineup room and the reporters were able to ask the few questions.

One reporter asked him as he was escorted away something about the cut above his eye and Oswald responded that a policeman hit him. But the sound track was of very poor quality for reversals at that point with too many reporters talking in the background.

I was able to locate a few recordings from old news reels as Oswald was moved through the hallways of the police station. Here is one of those comments along with the reversals.

News Reporter: “Did you fire that rifle?”

Oswald: “I don’t know the facts that you people have been given but I [emphatically deny these] charges.” See now I’m the give-up. (Validity 4)

Still another comment was recorded in the hallway when reporters asked Oswald’s involvement.

Oswald: “These people have given me a hearing without legal representation or anything.” That killer was gifted. (Validity 3)

Reporter: “Did you shoot the President?”

Oswald: “I didn’t shoot anybody.” Are they all going to dish it out? (Validity 4)

The only other reversals I have found on Oswald occurred during a short excerpt I have of a news conference he held in New Orleans just prior to the assassination (I am currently waiting for a tape of the entire interview). They are “Oswald angry / Hear them. Wish to kill President.”

These reversals appear to show the same trend as seen in the preceding nine reversals Oswald made after his arrest, and before he was shot down.

In summary they are:

Lone Wolf
I’m the lonely Camelot.
I mustn’t, I mustn’t.
We need more help.
Shock Daddy. Got one probiem
that’s nasty unknown.
I didn’t scratch
Help! See now I’m the give-up.
That killer was gifted.
Are they all going to dish it out?

The reversal that Oswald used where he said forward, “I request sorneone to come forward to provide legal assistance”, that said “We need more help,” is significant in that he used the word “we“. Does this indicate that Oswald was referring to some other party, or parties, other than himself?

The reversal that Oswald used when he said forward, “These people have given me a hearing without legal representation or anything” – “That killer was gifted“, suggests some connection with, and even respect of, the killer. It does, however, suggest that the killer was NOT Oswald.

The reversal that says, “Help! I’m the give-up“, would also seem to indicate that Oswald did not kill the President, but was rather a [Ed: voluntary?] “patsy”. The reversals that say, “Lonely Wolf” and “I’m the lonely Camelot“, are Structural Metaphors indicating behavioral strategies and personality patterns.

It is interesting to note, however, that Camelot is the name of a song that Kennedy listened to over and over again and that news reporters have since coined the Kennedy Presidency as Camelot.

[Ed: Structural metaphors are complex imageries that require in depth knowledge of Reverse Speech theory to understand. In broad terms, in this context they appear to indicate a “quest” of some sort. Wolf is the hunter and protector or “driving force” of behavior and Camelot is the end goal of a quest, the ultimate vision or achievement.

Overall, the general reversal trend is that of a man willingly involved in the assassination plot with an idealistlc, almost “innocent”, drive. I get the “sense” of a 60s rebel teenage character (Shock Daddy) struggling with both his own purpose and that of society. I suggest that there were events transpiring behind the scenes of which he had some knowledge, but not as much as he thought.

Based on this sampling of reversals, there is NO indication that Oswald did the actual killing, but there is STRONG indication that he was involved and willing to take the “fall” for it.]

Several additional news conferences and on the spot interviews were recorded with other officials involved in the investigation of the assassination. Henry Wade was the district attorney in charge of the Oswald case. Jessie Curry was the Dallas Police Chief at the time of the assassination. Most of these can be located on various videos in the form of short new clips. Here are transcriptions of the ones I have located and analyzed:


Reporter: “Has he told anybody he killed the President?”

Wade: “He hasn’t admitted killing the President to anyone. I don’t know what he said … he says he didn’t do it. [We’re still working on the evidence. This has] been a joint effort by the Secret Service, The Federal Bureau of Investigation, The Dallas Police Department, The Sheriff’s Office, my office and Detective Will Fritz has been in charge of it.” This is the way … you won’t believe this. (Validity 4)

I believe that it is important to point out that my research shows that Henry Wade had been asked by the federal government to cut off any comments concerning conspiracy theories. My research reveals that Wade had been contacted by high ranking federal government officials (most likely Lyndon Johnson or J. Edgar Hoover) and briefed about this.

The reversal, “This is the way … you won’t believe this“, strongly implies that Wade was attempting to follow the guidelines and instructions he had been given by the federal government. It further implies that he wanted the news reporters to believe that Oswald was the assassin. “You won’t believe this“, implies there is more to the story.

Reporter: ” How would you describe his mood during the questioning?”

Wade: “[Very arrogant]. [Has been all along].” Very ignorant. (Validity 6) More water, sir? (Validity 5)

It is hard to tell what Wade was referring to in his reversal, “Very ignorant.” Was he saying that he felt Oswald was an ignorant person or was he saying Oswald was ignorant when it came to the assassination? My research reveals that Oswald was not an ignorant person and, in fact, he was a well read individual. Maybe it was his own personal perception of the man. “More water, sir“, is a little more difficult. It could be an unconscious thought, flashing back to asking Oswald if he wanted more water during the interrogation. [Ed: Water is also an Operational metaphor indicating nourishment or emotional relief ].

Reporter: “How do you sum him up ah as a man based on you experience with criminal types?”

Wade: “I think he’s a man that ah [planned this] murder [weeks or months ago and]….” Some help (Validity 4) No boy, just had the skill. (Validity 4)

This reversal would seem to imply Wade’s thought that one person could not have had the skill to pull off the assassination of the President of the United States and his thoughts that Oswald had some help.

Wade (Cont.): “…and laid his plans carefully and carried them out [as planned at that time (and) what he was going to tell] the police that are questioning him at present. I would say that without any doubt he’s the killer, the law says [beyond a reasonable doubt] until a moral certainty which I’m, there’s no question that he was the killer of President Kennedy.” Influence make Leo mad that’s going to help you. (Validity 3) There’s a problem here (Validity 4).

The reversal, “There’s a problem here”, implies that Wade thought that the evidence that was collected up until this time had a least one major problem proving Oswald’s guilt.

Reporter: “Will you ask death in the electric chair for Lee Oswald?” Wade: “[Yes, sir]. [We’ll ask the death penalty.]” I think so. (Validity 2) I’d pay to sell him. (Validity 5)

In another news conference, I found this reversal on Wade.

Wade: “Yes, I haven’t gone into that the paraffin tests show that he had ah, recently fired a gun, it was on both hands.”

Reporter: “Both?”

Wade: “Both hands.”

Reporter: ” —(Can not hear question)—”

Wade: “[A gun]” A rifle. (Validity 5)

A paraffin test measures chemical elements on a subject’s hands and face that would be strong evidence concerning the firing of a weapon.Paint is one thing that will produce a positive result with a paraffin test and fresh paint was being used on plywood floors at the Texas School Book Depository Building the day of the assassination. Oswald’ s test results were positive for his hands and negative on his face. A negative result on the face would indicate that a rifle was not fired by the suspect. If Oswald didn’t fire a rifle, he could not have assassinated the President. Wade commented that the results revealed Oswald fired a gun in forward speech. He said, “a rifle“, in reverse. There is a big difference.


Reporter: “What was his comments?”

Chief Curry: “He doesn’t give any motive except he denies them both. ”

Reporter: “We understand that no one actually saw this man pull the trigger of the rifle that apparently killed the President. Is that correct?”

Chief Curry: “That is correct up till this time in our investigation.”

Reporter: “What about the ballistics tests, Chief?”

Chief Curry; “On the [ballistics test] we haven’t had a final [report, but] it is, I understand, will be favorable.” The throat (Validity 4) Take me to him. (Validity 5)

Curry’s reversal about the throat is interesting. I assume that Curry is referring to Kennedy’s throat wound and the reversal may indicate he would like to see it. Kennedy’s body had already been removed from Dallas to Washington, D.C. which was actually an unlawful act of itself according to Texas law. The Parkland Hospital doctors who had treated Kennedy had stated in a news conference that the throat wound was an entrance wound. If the throat wound was an entrance wound, then the shot was fired from the front. If it was fired from the front, Oswald could not have fired it as his position at the time of the shooting was behind the President.

Here are reversals from another news conference with Curry:

Reporter: “Was there any surveillance ah, was the police aware of his presence in Dallas?

Chief Curry: “We and the police department here did not know he was in Dallas. [I understand the] FBI did know he was in Dallas.” Pay ransom off. (Validity 4)

This is the first time the word ransom comes up from members of the Dallas Police. This word is documented again towards the end of this study. The specific meaning of this is not clear. Is it possible that the police chief’s thought patterns were centered on the payment of a ransom?

Reporter: “The FBI informed the police?”

Chief Curry: “[Yes]. We did not have knowledge.” Save me! (Validity 6)

The reversal, “Save me“, implies that Curry was concerned about his comment. The FBI did, in fact, know of Oswald, knew that he was in Dallas and had interviewed him several times in the months before the assassination. It is also apparent that the FBI had an ongoing investigative file on Oswald in the Dallas field office.

Reporter: “You were informed?”

Chief Curry: “We had not been informed of this man.”

Reporter: “Chief, do you have any concern for the safety of your prisoner in view of the high feeling among the people of Dallas over the assassination of the President?”

Chief Curry: “No, because his, [ah, necessary precautions will be] taken of course. ” His sentence. That’s because he’s hostage. (Validity 4) The two reversals, “His sentence“, and “That’s because he’s hostage“, are interesting. It is my opinion that Curry was referring to Oswald’s court sentence which would be death in the electric chair for the assassination. If he was referring to his sentence which was carried out by Jack Ruby, the same result of Oswald’s death and silence becomes the issue. The reversal concerning Oswald being a hostage is also interesting. Hostage is defined in the Funk & Wagnall’s International Dictionary as: “A person held as a pledge for the performance of some stipulation.” [Ed: Curry’s reversal may also imply that he knew, at least on an unconscious level, that Ruby was going to shoot Oswald.]

Reporter: “Chief, we understand you have the results of the paraffin tests which were made to determine whether or not Oswald fired a weapon. ”

Curry: “I understand it was, I understand it was positive. ” Reporter: “But what does that mean? It only means that he fired a gun.” Although I didn’t find any reversals in Curry’s response, his forward speech implies that Oswald didn’t fire a rifle, only a gun. Again, if Oswald didn’t fire a rifle, he didn’t kill the President. I also believe that it is significant to point out that neither Curry or Wade ever directly pointed out the test was negative on the face which indicates Oswald did not fire a rifle. They left that part of the test out. Here are some comments made by Curry, after Oswald was shot.

Curry: “[The suspect’s name is Jack] Rubinstein, I believe. [He goes by the name of Jack] Ruby.” That’s the man that does it. (Validity 4) That’s the man and a druggy. (Validity 4)

My research indicates that Ruby was an underworld figure and a major contact for drug traffic.

That’s the man that does it“, and “That’s the man and a druggy“, may imply that Curry knew of Ruby’s involvement both in drugs and the assassination of Oswald.


Reporter: “Did you know Ruby before this?”

Wade: “[No, sir. Saw him in this very same] room Friday night when we had the defendant up here. If some of you [will recall he asked a question] from out here, ah, it was an answer to a question … He was standing right back here and I didn’t know who he was. I thought he was a member of the press and he told me as I walked out of here that he was a night club operator.” Yes, sir! Send me Dallas night clubs. (Validity 4) Help me! Said he knew Oswald.(Validity 2)

The first reversal indicates that Wade did know Ruby. My research of Ruby’ s employees at his night club indicates that Wade had been a guest at Ruby’s club in the past. The second reversal above, “Help me! Said he knew Oswald”, indicates that Ruby had a relationship with Oswald. My research of several witnesses clearly support the fact that Oswald and Ruby did know each other before the assassination.

Reporter: “What question did he ask you?”

Wade: “[What]?” No (Validity 4)

Reporter: “What question did he ask?”

Wade: “I don’t remember but he, [he, ah maybe it was an answer, but] I don’t remember.” That’s him. Him forget about it. (Validity 3)

In my opinion, this reversal indicates that Wade wanted to get off this question.


Jim Lovell was the police officer who was handcuffed to Oswald when Oswald was shot by Ruby.

Reporter: Can you tell us what happened, ah, were you handcuffed to him?”

Lovell: “I was handcuffed to him and also had a hold of the waistband of his trousers. I saw this man come from the crowd and at the time he emerged from this crowd of these people he was not more than six [or seven feet from us], from me.” Mafia restaurant. (Validity 5)

Reporter: “Did you see the gun his hand as he came?”

Lovell: “I saw the gun in his hand as he emerged from the crowd but [being such a short distance from me] ah, I had no time to say anything. ” He’s a mobster. This bullshit. Let’s hit him. (Validity 4)

Reporter: “Ah, when Oswald fell to the ground was he unconscious at that point?”

Lovell: “[I would say if he was not he was ?????? ah nearly so.]” What’s he doing, ah, Ransom, ransom, he paid us off. (Validity 5)

Reporter: “Did you recognize him when he came through?”

Lovell: “Yes, I have known Jack Ruby for a number of years and I recognized him just as soon as he emerged from the crowd.”

The three reversals I found are:

Mafia restaurant
He’s a mobster. This bullshit.
Let’s hit him.
What’s he doing, ah, Ransom,
ransom he paid us off.

The first two reversals appear to reflect Lovell’s belief that Ruby was a member of organized crime. My research into Ruby’s background points in this direction. For the second time, I found the word ransom again by a member of the Dallas Police. When considering the forward dialogue, does it imply that Lovell is referring to the fact that Ruby paid someone off?


sseuS nhoJ :yB

Reverse Speech Developer, John Suess, heads up the Australian affiliated branch of the Reverse Speech Education And Research Institute. He is the founder and current President of the Queensland Hypnosis Society in Brisbane, Australia, as well as owner and founder of Myndslink. He is a certified hypnotist (#4), with over 16 years of clinical experience, as well as being a Trainer for Neuro Linguistic Programming.

John brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to Reverse Speech and this article is the first of many he has planned for Backtalk.

I recall that particular evening, some years ago, when the President of the Queensland Hypnosis Society brought along a presenter with a novel concept.

This chap arrived with boxes of cassette tapes and a couple of tape recorders. He had long black hair and a black beard which somehow reminded me of the lead in a movie about pirates I had recently seen. He told us about how he had spent the last few years playing tapes backward and listening to the statements that occur between the gibberish which appeared to contribute more information to the flow of communication between the people speaking on the tape. I think as the presentation continued David was surprised since the members of the QHS readily accepted and understood this remarkable discovery. David, it seemed, was usually confronted with disbelief and argument about the validity of this phenomena.

Since that meeting with David, like many others, have observed him with curiosity about how has he developed the skill to hear reversals and what is the strategy he used. To those observations, I might add a few of mine.

David presents as a person with a predominance of the Auditory sense with the general build of an Auditory, and giving out a number of accessing cues in support of that sensory preference. Further, David reports a sense of comfort in working with the auditory mediums of tapes and radio as opposed to a nervousnesses when confronted with visual media like TV. David, of course, is deceptive in that when he speaks of finding reversals, he uses visual predicates and descriptions.

It seems to me that David uses visual as a check or test of what is heard, using synesthesia. Synesthesia is suggested by David’s report, where the person tends to report the second sensory step first and with priority. Also David is strongly associated and “In Time”, which means that he puts his past behind him and focuses straight ahead to the future in front of him.

Interestingly David typically has difficulty planning immediate future, but plans medium future with relative ease. “I know what I’ll be doing 6 months from now, but I’m unsure of what I’ll be doing next week.” —- “I prefer ‘Now’ to be unplanned and spontaneous, for example while in Australia I prefer to just decide what I want to do and go and do it.” [This possibly suggests an associated now, but a dissociated future. .]

Also David has a negative motivation strategy which is evident when he is about to lecture or teach when he shows signs of stress, which is also evident when he is preparing to analyze tapes, again indicating a need to build stress before thresholding into tape analysis mode. This is of course deceptive because David shows strong positive motivation when he is about to have involvement with other people.

Additionally in my observed observations, when David is with me and talking about himself, or actually analyzing tapes in my presence, he is strongly aware of detail from which he constructs the larger picture. Also David has a self frame of reference which means he relies on his own opinion rather than the opinions of others to validate his findings.

Clearly to the trainee working to learn Reverse Speech and who may choose to model David to acquire these skills, these kinds of issues may be useful. Of course, more observation, analysis and data may be required. Just as the comments I make here may be of little use to a particular trainee.


(To be read in conjunction with John Suess article, “Mind’s Play”)

PREDOMINANCE OF THE AUDITORY SENSE -NLP categorizes people to one of the three main sensory input systems – Visual, Auditory, and Kinesthetic. This phrase means that David is exhibiting many indicators of paying primary attention to sounds. Thus David is Auditory. GENERAL BUILD OF AN AUDITORY – People who predominantly pay attention to the auditory channel have a similar body build. An auditory body build is best described as saxophone shaped.

ACCESSING CUES – These are the signals that David is mainly paying attention to the Auditory channel. Signals include tilting the head, gestures, eye movements, etc.

VISUAL PREDICATES, and DESCRIPTIONS -Most predicates (verbs and adverbs) fit into the three channels ~ Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic. Although David is auditory while listening to reversals, he speaks about it in a Visual mode – “They look like”, “I see them”, etc., instead of, “I hear them”, “They sound like”.

SYNESTHESIA – Two channels are used simultaneously and may appear to be only one. David hears reversals and then immediately sees them written in the air. It happens so quickly, and possibly out of his awareness, that David sometimes misleads by acting as if it is only one process.

IN TIME – This is part of Time Line Therapy. Another way to categorize people in NLP is “in time” and “through time”. In time people are in the moment and tend to arrive late. They become so into what they are doing right now that they don’t think about what’s next. “Through time” people tend to be more organized and arrive early to appointments.

PUTS THE PAST BEHIND HIM AND FOCUSES STRAIGHT AHEAD TO THE FUTURE IN FRONT OF HIM – Time Line Therapy also suggests that people organize the events of their life in a “line”. In time people’s time line runs through them in some direction. John is suggesting that David’s line runs from behind him – his past events, and his future is in a line in front of him.

ASSOCIATED/DISSOCIATED – A person is “associated” if he is inside of memories – seeing through his own eyes, hearing through his own ears, feeling the feelings of the event as if it were happening now. This suggests that David’s feelings are more concerned with the now, rather than being associated in the past or associated in the future.

DISSOCIATED – The feelings are more distant in these memories. It’s as if you can picture yourself experiencing the events, but you are not feeling the feelings. David sees his future in an unemotional sort of way.

NEGATIVE MOTIVATION STRATEGY – What motivates an individual. A negative motivation is that you move away from negative emotions, situations and stress. This suggests David gives off negative symptoms prior to something he wants to do.

THRESHOLDING – Going over threshold means he creates enough stress that builds up to a threshold then it motivates him to act – analyze tapes.

POSITIVE MOTIVATION STRATEGY – positive motivates him when he knows he will work with people.



In previous issues of this column we have reported on Reverse Speech and other languages. Mostly we have been speculating based on minimal research, but now we have more data upon which to propose some form of hypothesis.

Training is beginning in Montreal, Canada, (the French quarter) in August of this year. David Oates recently made his first trip to Montreal to establish the class. During this trip David made recordings with the Canadian Reverse Speech coordinator, Michel Belanger, who is bi-lingual (French and English).

In one recording, David conducted a session in the normal manner, except Michel answered his questions in both French and English. The first observation noted was that when Michel spoke in English, nearly all of his reversals were in English, irregardless of the context. When Michel spoke in French a marked difference was noted. His INTERNAL DIALOGUE reversals were all in French, that is, issues that related to him. A simulated example: “Why aren’t I working as well as I should / because my drive for money is too low.” BUT, when the reversal was EXTERNAL DIALOGUE, that is directed to David, the reversal was in English, even though he was speaking AND thinking in French at the time. A simulated example: “I didn’t hear that question / Tell me again David.” On one occasion, however, an INTERNAL DIALOGUE reversal was heard in English, while Michel spoke French, but Michel remembers that occasion well and was actually thinking in English for the split second that the English reversal was delivered.

In another experiment, David and Michel carried on a casual conversation about Reverse Speech where David spoke in English and Michel spoke solely in French. David reports it as an unusual experience. For the first 2-3 minutes, forward communication flow was very difficult but as rapport between the two built up, and Michel began to use hand signals along with his French, effective communication was established even though two different languages were being spoken.

The reversals found were amazing. Basically an entire reversed conversation transpired IN ENGLISH from both David AND Michel, that directly related to the forward discussion. For example: David, I must serve my mission. Michel, I will help your mission. David, My baby [Reverse Speech] will grow. Michel, The Whirlwind will make the baby grow. etc. etc.

Finally, Michel made a tape recording of his 18 month old son. In one part of the section analyzed, he was dressing his son and speaking to him in French. His son gave off both French and English reversals that were both internal and external dialogue. For example, “Heavy shoes” and “Je vu” (French for “I want”). The language spoken at home is French and the child is learning to speak forwards in French. So why the English reversals? The son has much contact with English. He watches Sesame Street, over hears English conversations etc. So the assumption is made that on an unconscious level he is learning both languages. It would be interesting to see how quickly he incorporates English into his forward speech.

The overall conclusions are still a little hazy but based on these initial results, it would appear that what has often been thought (if they think in English then the reversals will be in English) would indeed be true. Yet, the EXTERNAL DIALOGUE English reversals found in French spoken forwards, complicates the situation somewhat. Does the unconscious mind choose the language that is understood by the listener when delivering reversals that relate directly to them? In this case it would appear so.

No doubt the training class in Canada will yield a wealth of information about bi-lingual persons and languages other than English. Incidentally, several of the common English metaphors were found in Michel’s FRENCH reversals – “wolf, naked” etc. A can of worms? No. A wonderful opportunity to learn. Stay tuned to this column for all the updates.


In the last issue of Backtalk we published an article by David Oates that reported on a new experimental technique for changing behavior, entitled Metaphor Restructuring. For the most part this has been of tremendous success, but some complications have arisen.

In one case, David was working with a client who had a club foot as a young child (with very similar symptoms to polio). His client had successfully overcome this problem in his early teens. However, in working with this client’s metaphors to change some current behavioral difficulties, all the past symptoms of the client’s club foot returned. Over a period of 1-2 weeks, it increased in its severity until the client was barely able to walk. Rapid trance work was done by both David and Becky in an attempt to remedy the problem. In a couple of days the symptoms of the club foot disappeared again, but the symptoms of the original behavioral problem, which the Reverse Speech session was supposed to correct, remained.

Another case also caused some concern. David was working with a client on a particular problem using the Metaphor Restructuring techniques. He was unsuccessful in restructuring one particular metaphor pattern so, against his better judgement, he altered his trance technique in mid stream to bypass the client’s objections. Three weeks after the trance, the client was in hospital suffering from a major nervous collapse – one of the main problems David had been trying to prevent. The client subsequently went into an extended behavioral pattern that eventually resulted in the nervous collapse, and several other problems discussed in the Reverse Speech session, being effectively resolved. What should have been a simple procedure turned into a painful and potentially dangerous experience. It is believed that the mistake was made when David bypassed the objections raised by the metaphor group that he was working on in trance at the time.

Herein lies some of the dangers of Metaphor Restructuring. The warning is – it is a POWERFUL technique that has the potential to change both emotions and physiology. Much more work with it is needed before it can be safely used and taught.


One of the statements that David Oates makes about Reverse Speech is that if two trained analysts document accurate reversals and interpret those reversals accurately, then the session overview and overall conclusions of the two analysts will be the same even if few or none of the reversals they documented were the same. To test this theory, Becky Thompson decided to run an experiment on this contention. This is an edited version of her results. Becky’s experiment began when a student in the last class did a session about the lack of money in her life. When David discussed the results of the student’s session, the student did not agree with David’ s interpretation. So, was David’s interpretation wrong? Were the reversals he found wrong? Did David’s beliefs about money and/or this student blind him to the truth, and thus his own belief systems caused him to “taint” his analysis? OR, was the student in reversal denial and not able to face the truth??????

Reverse Speech Analyst, Jeff Smiley, had just finished the analyst training, and Becky and Jeff were discussing these questions. Jeff mentioned that he had done the reversals on the tape in question. He felt that the reversals he found were different than David’ s (a common occurrence) but wasn’t sure if the overall conclusions were the same.

This is when Becky decided to do the reversals herself and test the contention by having David do the interpretation of both Jeff and Becky’s transcripts, but without knowing who and what the session was about. Thus the test was conducted “blind” with David totally unaware of the purpose of the analysis. David had taped his original interpretation of his reversals, so Becky had a point of comparison to judge the other two transcripts. She prepared her transcript of just the reversals and disguised the analyst and woman’s name. She then had Jeff do the same. Then she presented David with the two transcripts and taped his interpretation.

By and large, David was saying the exact same thing with different words. Because the reversals were different, his description was just a difference in word choice. For instance, one of David’s original conclusions was that the woman was running a program that caused her to sabotage her own wants and desires. When he discussed Jeff’s transcript he said, she was playing games, and she was creating her own trouble. With Becky’ s transcript David said that she was living a fantasy and was short circuiting herself. Each of these “metaphors” were describing the same behavior patterning.

Thus Becky has concluded that, based on this test, David is indeed correct about the conclusions drawn from different reversals on the same transcript. If the reversals found by different Analysts on the same tape are accurately documented, even though each reversal transcript may be different, then the overall conclusions drawn will be identical and the same behavioral patterns will appear. What one analyst may decide to document, another analyst may decide to reject (or simply miss it). Hence the differing transcripts with identical conclusions.


A Myth by Becky Thompson



In October of 1989 I embarked on a course of study which was to irrevocably alter the focus of my life and which I believed had the potential to ultimately impact on the very structure of civilization as we know it. THE CITY IS DALLAS. MY NAME IS BECKY. I CARRY A REVERSING MACHINE (dum da dum dum.)

My experiences as a Reverse Speech trainee have been recounted at length by David Oates and the Reverse Speech Institute and have become part of Reverse Speech mythology which has been told and retold to each matriculating class of trainees, ad infinitum, ad nauseam. But, the TRUE UNTOLD STORY of my struggle and survival as a loyal advocate of Reverse Speech is better represented by this fairy tale detailing my training experiences. [Carolyn Rozeboom deserves to be credited with (or blamed for) the original idea and help in the creation of this fine piece of literature.]


Once upon a time in afar off land there lived a man called SETAO, THE BEARDED. And the Great Wizard appeared to SETAO and honored him by giving unto him the blueprints for constructing the Golden Temple of Enlightenment. The Great Wizard promised SETAO that upon completion of the temple the Wizard himself would reside therein and bring enlightenment to all the people of the land.

SETAO labored for many months, and his arms grew weary in trying to erect the temple alone. And so he sent out a call for other special workers for help. Many answered the call. The work was laborious, so many became discouraged, falling by the wayside.

SETAO noticed as he worked along side a man called NOTLAW, that he worked quickly and well. “I will make you my second in command,” said SETAO. But, NOTLAW was only interested in collecting bent golden nails from which to make a crown so he could become king. And when the crown was complete, he came rarely to the site of construction.

SETAO grieved at NOTLAW’s lack of vision.

A dispute arose between SETAO and the remaining chosen few over the placement of the tiles in the great hall of the temple. SETAO became enraged and cast NOTLAW and the disputers out of the temple.

And the work continued with only a handful of devoted followers. Time passed. SETAO noticed that a small red-haired dwarf continued to work diligently beside him. While the dwarf worked more slowly than NOTLAW she was very careful in placing the golden nails. SETAO and CEB, the dwarf discussed their vision for the temple, and their hopes and drearns were similar.

Having seen the fate of others CEB wasted very little time arguing with SETAO over the best method for erecting the Golden Temple of Enlightenment.

And the Great Wizard smiled on the effort of the unlikely duo. And when the temple was complete, the people came to the temple and received enlightenment. And the names of SETAO and CEB were known for good across the land.


It occurred to me if I submitted “SETAO” for publication as a children’s book that this would help David launch Reverse Speech, so I quickly sent off a copy. My manuscript was rejected by every known publisher in the free world. But, following those rejections, my head was bloody but unbowed, and I sought a new market. From the purity and innocence inherent in children’ s literature, I shifted my sights in the opposite direction toward the worldly, gold digging realm of Hollywood.

I sent off a rewritten manuscript with an outline for a wonderful movie, and received a quick rejection from Tinsel Town. But, months later I grew suspicious when a film with a similar theme won honors and high acclaim for one Kevin Costner. Was this the result of tapping into the collective unconscious or is there a black market script ring in Hollywood?????????????? Here’ s my version, you be the judge:

Once there was an Aussie by the name of David Oates who decided he wanted to experience civilization before it was completely extinct. He set out on a journey to America and although he had great difficulty learning the language, he finally broke through the communication barrier between the natives and himself by pointing to his tape recorder and saying “REVERSE MACHINE!”

After dwelling among the natives for a time, he acquired at least a few of the trappings of civilization, including a native wife called, “ADDS WITH A CALCULATOR AND UNDER-STANDS COMPUTERS” Finally after many months, he was even given a civilized name of his own and was known henceforth and forever as “HEARS VOICES BACKWARDS”.

Shattered and disillusioned by the dishonesty of Tinsel Town, I called a friend from New York City who consoled me in my times of need, and he let it slip that a remake of the classic “Wizard of Oz” was being considered. My mind raced in reverse as I mentally revised my manuscript into a musical comedy score.

This time my story would begin in Australia where a cyclone hit a toilet and sucked David Oates and his ever-present Walkman backwards into an adventure. In mid-rewrite one of the original songs (“Lions and Tigers and Bears”) was rewritten and re- choreographed when my roommate (the aforementioned Carolyn Rozeboom) attempted to wade through the Reverse Speech paraphernalia cluttering my office, and stumbled around shrieking repeatedly, “Wires and tapes and papers, oh my! Wires and tapes and papers, oh no!”

I quickly recorded her version of the tune, and later when I reversed it, I discovered a perfect rating six, stage three reversal, which clearly stated, “Gee, David I don’t think we’re in Australia, anymore!”

As I sat there anticipating the arrival of a contract from Broadway, my mind raced and my gestalt brain formulated a more grandiose idea. I decided to create a leading female-type murder mystery for a weekly TV show (preferably for Sunday nights) entitled “REVERSALS SHE HEARD”. I solved weekly murders of my closest friends by listening to tapes in reverse. Anytime I needed to go undercover my code name was “Triple 0 One“. (The number on all of my Reverse Speech certificates.) I only wrote one script, because I ran out of friends. I even toyed with ideas for “Star Trek” episodes, which included: “The Search for Metaphors, ” “The Trouble with Tape Recorders,” “Reverse Time,” and “The Wrath of Oates.” I’ve even managed to schedule an interview on “60 Minutes” with Andy Rooney. I can hear him now — “Have you ever wondered why the phrase ‘my wife’ always reverses to firearm?” …… THE END


Editorial comments by Becky Thompson

Dear Dave,

It was really nice to have spent time with you in Brisbane … I got very excited with the possibility of exploring how Gestalt methods could be a way of working out the metaphor restructuring. I do this in my groups all the time. I wish I had the reversals to tell how to be more precise … I look forward to new developments.

Yaro Starak (Queensland University, Brisbane Australia)

Eds Note: It’s good to see Australia making its presence felt again.

Dear David,

Those of us who see Reverse Speech analysis as the wonderful tool that it is for reaching into man’s mind and bringing up the truth, will be shocked at how quickly the lawyers rally to curtail its use … Worse, they will attack the Reverse Speech Analysts on all fronts. Regardless that the analysis process is so thorough as to eliminate individual bias in its interpretation, we can expect analysts to come under fire, both professionally and personally.

Jenine Alexander, Studio City, California

Eds Note: An interesting opinion about the possible impact of Reverse Speech on the legal community.

Dear David Oates,

All I can say is, Reverse Speech is absolutely remarkable and credible. I am a practicing Neuro Linguistic Programmer as well as an Ericksonian Hypnotherapist. Reverse Speech goes in a perfect path with both of them. Since I reviewed your tapes, I would like to offer an in-good-faith critique of the presentation of your system thus far.

Here goes: I feel like you need to have someone teach that is a natural teacher who teaches in a high level academic style that is also cognizant of the personal growth group teaching technology since EST. This person should be assisted at all times by monitors whose job it is to see that learning and creativity are really happening for the clients.

I think you are trying to do too much. Your speech impediment makes it difficult to take the material in smoothly and quickly. I imagine that your highest and best use is in the one-on-ones with the individuals who want you to analyze their reversals.

Your personal image could use a good make-over. You have grown out of your image! I am assuming that what you want to do is sell your workshops. I am speaking to you of administrative matters as well as about matters of PR. I think Dallas is an awkward place for you to try and get your vehicle off the ground … I guess what I am saying is, that I would love to train your material … If you have any interest in training me as a presenter for your material please let me know.

Beverly Cadbury, Eugene Oregon

Eds Note: We are always pleased when people who have impressive academic credentials show an interest in Reverse Speech. However in any endeavor of merit it is necessary to complete a rigorous and specialized course of study. As for David’s manner of speech, we have found that one’s level of frustration in dealing with David’s stutter (which is now almost nonexistent) has an almost perfect negative correlation with one’s success in Reverse Speech analyst training.

While David’s personal demeanor has always been unpretentious, he is exhibiting a somewhat more conservative appearance these days. I am a little puzzled about your comments regarding David’s presentation and teaching style. It has been constantly praised by many students. Personally, I can think of no better person to teach and train others in a new technique than the discoverer, founder and developer of that technique. Can you?

Dear David,

The more educated a person is, or let us say, the more “academically sophisticated,” then the more there will be sudden immediate dismissal of the Reverse Speech phenomenon followed by its denial into the same dust-bin oblivion as astrology, ESP, UFO’s, or whatever does not fit into the left-brain pot of intellectual knowledge …. It is only when we are willing to doubt our own left brain doubting, or become skeptical of our own skepticism that we can begin to perceive what the right brain is telling us in Reverse Speech.”

Tom Mellett, Austin, Texas

Eds Note: Yes! ! !

Dear David Oates,

About one month ago, I attended your lecture on Reverse Speech at the University of Texas … I was at first, very skeptical. One of the first things I did was contact the police department in Australia to verify that they had used Reverse Speech in one of its investigations which you revealed in your lecture. After making several telephone calls getting to the right person, I did verify that a murder weapon was located in the basement of a suspect using the Reverse Speech process.

With that verified, I obtained one of your Reverse Speech modified tape recorders to test some of your examples on my own as I thought that some of this stuff could have been some kind of technological trick. I went to a video store and obtained a documentary video tape of our space program and located the sound track on the video. I then tape recorded the sound track of, “that’s one small step for man” and then played it backwards. Sure enough I found that when I played the tape recording backwards, the sentence, “Man will space walk,” was found.

I had proved to myself that your Reverse Speech examples were not some sort of technological trick that involved doctored sounds tracks. I also did this with several other examples you presented in your lecture and all proved that your sound tracks had not been doctored.

My next thoughts ran along the lines that this thing might just be some sort of coincidence. I talked with several language experts and statistical mathematicians at the local university proposing “what if” type questions and asking them if such coincidences could occur. Their basic answer was that speech spoken forward may produce a random audible word now and then, when played in reverse, but the idea that reversed speech could make complete sentences or phrases, that related directly to what was being said forward, was a statistical improbability.

I tested the “one small step for man” further by recording these words into a tape recorder myself and having several other people do it, thinking that I might come up with the same sentence in reverse. Not only did I not hear “Man will space walk”, when I played these tracks in reverse, I heard a completely different sentence with some individuals. On my own voice I recorded over and over again, I finally heard (after several hours of listening), “Maybe this is valid.” On another person who had somewhat of an idea of what I was doing, I heard, “Ralph’s flipped out.”

Ralph Thomas, Investigative Specialist, Austin Texas

Eds Note: Welcome to the world of Reverse Speech! As President of the Reverse Speech Research Institute, I invite you to submit your study to the institute in order for it to become part of the formal record of research done on the topic of Reverse Speech.


By Jeff Smiley

As President of the Reverse Speech Research Institute, I would like to begin compiling research articles like this article submitted by Reverse Speech Analyst Jeff Smiley. This is an edited version of Jeffs article, and the original full length artlcle can be obtained from the institute (Becky Thompson)

Bring up the subject of hearing reversals to a group of Reverse Speech students, and the moaning and theorizing begins. “I can’t hear them,” says one. “Maybe I should try visualizing them through the top of my head.” “No, no,” says another. “I think you have to go into a right brain trance by listening to music,” “That’s not it,” says a third student, “NLP’s the answer. We need to precisely model David’s posture, attitude, breathing, and ancestral heritage.”

Almost everybody entering into Reverse Speech tries – almost desperately – to find the “secret” or “trick” to hearing reversals. On the surface, Reverse Speech looks pretty easy. Well, guess what! Learning to find speech reversals is hard! You are attempting to learn a technique that you have absolutely no practical training with, or experience, whatsoever.

When we listen to reversals, at least four distinct processes occur almost simultaneously. First, a “mental quieting” is needed. Clearly, when our mind is in an uproar, the subtle mental processes we need to utilize for recognizing reversals will not function properly. You need a way to take the mind from its agitated, subjective state to a calmer, more clear and objective style of functioning.

There are many techniques available that will help you turn your attention inward and achieve a deeply relaxed yet alert status. Part of David’s technique, if I may speculate, is that he listens to reversals about 20% slower than anyone else I’ve witnessed.

Next, is the ability of our nervous system to take in auditory sensory input and transmit it to more subtle processing centers. We are a society of visualizers, not listeners, but our survival in Reverse Speech training is dependent on listening.

Some simple suggestions: Close your eyes when listening to reversals. Some people keep them open and just defocus, but shutting your eyes, at least at first, is easier. Also to improve your hearing depth, stop all activity and listen to music with your eyes closed. Allow yourself to focus more on background sounds and harmony.

When you are struggling to hear reversals, you need to focus your intellect and assign a phonetic vowel or consonant sound to every single syllable that you hear, including everything you consider to be gibberish. Each time that you do this, you create a simple phonetic lock (SPL). The syllable is now heard only one way. It is “locked” into your brain as a specific “bit” of sound that is similar to the same bit locked into someone else’s brain. Because of this, SPL’s are the basic building blocks of reversal recognition.

SPL’s have four important characteristics:

1. They are smallest “bits” of speech that we can recognize.
2. They provide an initial point of focus for our intellect – they keep us from “spacing out”.
3. All forward and Reverse Speech structure is based on them.
4. They are repeatable. Almost everyone hears them exactly the same way.

If SPL’s are truly objective in nature, then everyone that can hear SPL’s should, in theory, be able to hear reversals. No exceptions. To prove this, I found a student who claimed he couldn’t hear reversals and did a test.

We started off by picking a word at the end of a forward sentence. At that point, we reversed the machine and listened to the first two or three syllables. I asked him what vowel or consonant sounds he heard, and asked him to say them out loud. He said what he thought they were, and we now had our first SPL’S. We started to add on more, thereby creating a “string”. As we continued to add more, each time going back to the confidence. Soon a reversal came up, and he got it! The whole process took about ten minutes. During the next half hour, we constructed more strings, and he found more reversals in the same manner. The results he achieved were entirely appropriate considering his learning stage.

Thus, when training students to listen for reversals, it is important to assign a phonetic component to the reverse syllables.

The process and techniques I have just described are not only applied when hunting for reversals, they also are used every time we assign validity factors to reversals. The intellect “listens” to the vowel and consonant sounds of each word, and uses a sliding scale to determine their clarity.

Short and robotic reversals are heard mostly at the level of Simple Phonetic Locks. Longer and more holistic melodious-type reversals are found when we recognize something familiar about a chain of SPL’s. If the chain sounds familiar, a combination of rhythm, tonality, and meaning are constructed. We lock this new construction into our memory much in the same manner as we did SPL’s only now it’s a Complex Phonetic Lock [CPL].

As with SPL’ s, it will now be difficult to hear the CPL/reversal any other way. We identify with it – it’s ours. It becomes part of the stable framework which we use to maintain our mental balance. It’s unsettling if someone else comes along and says that they “can’t hear it”. That causes us to briefly question our own validity.

The idea of identifying with a reversal is kind of disturbing, because it also means that something new creeps into the reversal recognition process when we reach more abstract levels: emotional response. Up to now we’ve been dealing with more or less spontaneous processes that only need activation to a greater or lesser degree, and have inherently neutral/on-off type characteristics. With the introduction of emotional responses, however, and all the subjectivity inherent within it, we can suddenly see a potentially big problem that may affect the credibility of Reverse Speech.

One such problem is familiar to everyone. A student stops hearing reversals, and can’t figure out why. A likely reason is that the student experiences emotional pain that in some way is connected to a reversal. EG: being told that the reversals you find are lousy, incorrect, or not valid, or personal issues surfacing when faced with hearing your own reversals.

The second emotional effect is more subtle and sneaky, and harder to detect. It relates to the attitude and expectations of the Analyst towards the client. When an Analyst finds exactly the type of reversals he expects to find, it seems reasonable to suspect that the tone of the reversals will tell you as much about the Analyst as it does the client. Emotional subjectivity is clearly a potentially powerful and undesirable intruder in the reversal recognition process. A goal of the Analyst should be to totally neutralize emotions – both positive and negative – that can block hearing and cloud up everything else.

The logical question to ask before panic sets in is: Can we reduce this emotional influence? The answer is, of course, we can. Emotional upsets are caused by stress. Therefore, any good stress reduction technique will help. And for emotion-related problems, like not being able to hear reversals, we have already discussed possible solutions.

Now that we’ve looked at the reversal recognition process in detail, it seems appropriate to conclude by speculating on possible “unplanned side effects” that we might experience from constantly hearing speech reversals. After all, Reverse Speech in an unusual activity. It almost seems logical that something weird MUST occur.

When we examine the mind and all of its major processes, we find a common sub-process continually at work: comparison. We learn, grow, and make sense of the world by comparing new things to things we already know. In the process of reversal recognition, we input hundreds of bits of audio information every few seconds and quickly compare each bit to all of our various memory systems, from simple to abstract.

But there is another, much slower, almost unintentional type of comparison we make when listening for reversals. Each time that we replay a section of tape when verifying a reversal, we are also listening to the forward dialogue and unconsciously comparing the two. This comparison, if done often enough over a long period of time, may result in the Analyst developing the ability to hear reversals

There is yet another unintentional benefit that may be derived by listening to reversals. It may turn out that brain synchrony is a by-product of listening to speech reversals. When we focus inward, and abstractly synthesize different audio components to recognize reversals, we use the right side of our brain. At virtually the same time, our left brain function is assigning specific phonetic bits to audio, and sequencing that information into logical, linear, patterns. The result is a rapidly fluctuation, deep interconnection of brain activity that could, if experienced often enough, create a phase transition into a new, holistic style of functioning.

Wouldn’t it be interesting if it turned out that the process of recognizing reversals was an even more powerful transformational tool than the process of analyzing them for meaning?


By Paul Von Stroheim

During his recent visit to Sydney I asked David Oates if there had been any reaction to my article in Backtalk about “Backwards Reality”. David said “Yes, I have had a few calls from people who just did not understand what the article was about!”

Last year I was in Heidelberg, Germany and discovered in one university bookshop a whole window full of books written by the German Philosopher Martin Heidegger. I am fascinated by Heidegger’ s thought model so went in and bought six books. The bookshop assistant said “Obviously you like Heidegger?” “I don’t know, I don’t understand him!” I answered. “Why do you buy his books then?” she asked. “Well! ” I answered, “If I could understand him there would be no reason for me to read his works!” That story leads me into the question, WHY METAPHORS?

There has heen a lot written in Backtalk lately about metaphors and their uses in Reverse Speech. There has also been some very good books written about metaphors. “Therapeutic Metaphors” by David Gordon, (META Publications, Cupertino, CA 95014) is worth reading if the desire grabs you. In this article I want to get off the beaten track a bit, explore other metaphors. Metaphors in the form of symbols, word symbols. In this article and in this context, I am referring to the Archetypal words picked up as reversals on tapes. [Ed: Structural metaphors]

Symbols obviously take many forms, they can be Human, eg. Martin Luther King, Superman, Einstein. Symbols can be of the inert kind such as, the Christian Cross, the swastika, any flag. They can also take the form of pictures or music or words, often smells and so on. And because I am writing this article for people researching Reverse Speech, I will write about “symbolism in words” and how to utilize them!

“Understanding” is a strange phenomenon. Some of us believe if we do not “understand” something, it can not have validity. Some NLP Trainers even teach how to understand understanding. There is also an understanding that “just evades” us. A person may know how to ride a bike well, yet not really “understand” balance so that they can talk with authority about it.

Symbols are a bit like that. We know certain things are very symbolic to us, but exactly WHY that particular object is symbolic and the object next to it is not, is elusive. That “knowing” “just evades” us. Symbols are most often “synesthesias”, that means they are an integrated mixture of sights, sounds, feelings, tastes, ideas, meanings and beliefs, with a certain magnetism thrown in. Therein lies some of the mystery of a personal symbol. We recognize the symbolism, and yet we do not fully understand the magnetism that gives the symbol so much power to affect us the way it does.

If you were given paper and time, how much could you write about the word “WHIRLWIND”? You could describe it scientifically as a natural phenomenon, you could write your thoughts, feelings, opinions, beliefs, statistics about whirlwinds, page after page. So that single word has a huge amount of general and personal meaning attached to it. And should you ever experience a whirlwind it would then mean a lot of different things to you, than someone who has only seen a whirlwind on TV.

So what is a whirlwind really? A whirlwind is anything it wants to be (goes the joke) and that’s almost true. It’s everything everybody ever thought about it, is what it is!! If someone says “A Whirlwind is a pain in the ass!” Well that’s what it is for them.

But WHY metaphors in therapy? Why not just “‘lay it on the line” “say it as it is?” With some people you can. Some people can handle the truth, but what if neither person really knows the truth?

One of my personal axioms of therapy states: “I never ever know what others really mean when they speak, others never ever know what I mean, when I speak.”

Many years of studying human behavior has shown me that humans rarely heed advice, even when it’s good advice, and most of us, don’t even follow our own good advice. Most of us have invested a lot of time and energy into becoming “individuals”, staying masters of our own minds and we are proud of our well formed and thought out opinions. We will fight against being “dominated” by someone else’s ideas or opinions, and many of us will even avoid the implied domination of being “helped” by another person.

We resist the domination of being “helped” because “help” suggests, that the person helping, has greater control over the other person’s circumstances than the person being helped. Another way we have of getting around being “dominated” by another’s suggestions, thoughts, ideas, and opinions is to just ignore or resist them!!! A lot of people think that if they’re smart enough to get themselves into trouble, they are smart enough to get themselves out of it again!!

The power of some symbols is enormous. Millions of people die in the name of a symbol. Millions of others fall on their knees five times a day and worship them. Those millions of people dying for a symbol are doing so in order for the SYMBOL to survive! ! ! !

Will you imagine for a moment how much power is associated with some of these symbols. The longer a symbol has survived on this planet, the more people who have accepted, believed supported and loved the symbol, the more power the symbol represents. How many levels of the mind are infected by a symbol that our grandparents and their grandparents have given power to for thousands of years.That’s why Metaphors!!!!

So what do we do with the word symbols we are presented with in Reverse Speech? I know David has offered a number of descriptions of what a lot of these “word-symbols” generally mean. Please remember these explanations are guidelines only and each person you are dealing with has their very own “meanings” attached to these Archetypal word-symbols.

We give power to the symbol, and by utilizing the symbol and the meanings each of us give that symbol, we can tap into that power and use it for healing. One simple method of creating a therapeutic metaphor out of word symbols, is to note down the word-symbols contained in the reversals on your tapes and then ask the client to write a creative fairy story. This fairy story should fulfill the following criteria…..

1. Have all the word-symbols that you give them, woven into it.
2. Should be about the existing problem but have a fictitious person, animal or bird suffering from their problem.
3. The story must contain the necessary steps, the fictitious hero needs to lead to a happy end.

Another alternative is to offer the client a metaphor and weave their word-symbols into a story. Offer one or two solutions to their problem as you go. You can also utilize these metaphors by showing the client a list of word-symbols from the reversals. Ask them to mark the words that best symbolizes their most powerful resource state. Then see who can come up with the best story of how the resource symbol can overcome the problem symbol. Allow the client to come up with the best story. These are useful techniques, but how about allowing your mind to come up with a few of you own. Use your own symbols of knowledge, wisdom and personal power to evoke your own creativity.

One definition Of a metaphor: “A way of speaking in which one thing is expressed in terms of another, whereby this bringing together throws new light on the character of what is being described.” Another definition of a metaphor: “Any real or fictional story, recurring therne or character type that appeals to a consciousness of a person in such a way as to assist with the obtaining of an ecologically sound solution or rnethod of behaving, in a given situation. THE END



Reverse Speech Student, Darcy Roberts, had a fast introduction to Reverse Speech late last year, when David Oates asked her if she had ever been married. She laughed and replied, “Er, ar, um, no.” Played backwards, a clear reversal was heard that said, “Well, I won the batde.” Darcy claims this reversal accurately summed up her relief that she had not succumbed to her last boyfriend’s pressure to tie the knot. She immediately enrolled for the next analyst class. Fending off marriage proposals is a battle??! ! We wonder what her reversals would say about a more recent relationship breakup.


A press release with the above headline was sent out March 28, 1991 by “Wireless Flash” (No. L108) to syndicated radio networks across the United States.

“Maybe Mr. Ed was a satanic horse and all those metal bands really are sending occult messages. That’s according to an Australian man who studies Reverse Speech and claims truth comes out in reverse … Oates says that the President slipped and talked about Operation Desert Storm last September -fve months before that code name was used. He says last September a word sounding like “simone” kept popping up in tapes of George Bush and Dick Cheney. In Arabic, the word means dust storm in the desert – or desert storm.” Mr. Ed was a Satanic horse???!!!

And on the subject of Desert Storm, the weather man on CNN, discussing conditions in Saudi Arabia, stated on February 18, 1991 at 11:54 am: “we’re about a month away from the sand storms, the real desert storms that rip through the area.”


Radio WGN, out of Chicago, has a nationally syndicated talk program (320 stations) with a rather skeptical host – Rush Leinbaum. Earlier this year, he went to great lengths to say howridiculous Reverse Speech was. Then, to prove his point, he played a recording backwards live on the air from a section of the program where he had just been talking about “LA Law” character, Michael Cusak. He, and many of his listeners, heard a very clear reversal that said “Cusak sucks.” Somewhat stunned, he replayed the tape and heard it again. His next comment was: “That’s exactly what I was thinking about Cusak. For the first time in twenty years of radio I may have to eat my words. Maybe there is something to all of this.” We had at least two students enroll for the current analyst class after listening to his program.


Australian Reverse Speech Developer, John Suess, sure has an upside down life. His new daughter, Hayley, took her first steps recently, BACKWARDS!

While we are talking about John Suess. He has cheated us all! Back in the September 1990 issue of Backtalk we reprinted a congratulatory telegram that he sent David and Kathy for their wedding in April 1990. This telegram supposedly contained a backward message. Finally, after months of frustration and torture experienced by Analysts in the United states trying to find this message, he has revealed the secret. There is no hidden backward message!! The message is forwards and it is supposed to be a pun on couples celebrating before their married life begins. It says: “…the celebration party is held before the couple begins their marriage. Sure seems backwards to me!” Boo! Hiss!


Reverse Speech Developer, Greg Albrecht, recently found a little gem concerning initial academic experiments with Thomas Edison’s “Talking Machine.” The phonograph was critically examined by a member of the French Academy Of Sciences who wrote: “I have examined Mr. Edison’s phonograph and can assure you that the effect is accomplish by ventriloquism.”



By Becky Thompson

David Oates recently returned from a four week trip to Australia. During this time he recorded many conversations with his children. The latest tapes of David’s children are one of the assignments for the current training class. While I was working with the tapes and compiling David’s reversals with mine, a few trends seemed to leap off the transcript. I am writing my thoughts and speculations knowing that they are just that, and much more research is needed to verify or disprove these ideas. I have a included a copy of just the reversals with this paper.

The twins, Jaye and Symone, are playing a make-believe game. The forward dialogue is about their naming ” sticks” and creating a “stick” family. The sticks are broken into different sizes, so they are talking about “little ones” and “big ones”. Toward the end of the session that was used for the homework assignment, Jaye is playing with her stick family and says (forwards): “We don’t have a Daddy.” David, listening and watching the game intently, interrupts and says (forwards) “But I’m your Daddy.”

Immediately, Jaye gives off three very reassuring reversals showing that she knows that he is her Daddy and that she loves her Daddy (“We love Daddy“; “I love you“; “Hark with my Daddy“).

The tape I transcribed ended shortly after that exchange, but David explained that Jaye continued to reassure her Daddy metaphorically (forward) by having her ” stick family” get a Daddy. This seems to exemplify Jaye’s sensitivity to others emotional states. In fact, Jaye refers to David eight times in reverse; four times as “Dad” or “Daddy“, and “He” and “Him” two times each. This seems to be a perfectly reasonable reaction for a child who hasn’t seen Daddy in months. Jaye wants to “please” her Dad, she “loves” him, and she “milks” him (metaphor for drawing strength or nourishment).

These are in sharp contrast to Symone’s three mentions of Dad (“I miss him“). Her emotions are much more subdued and more matter of fact, which exemplifies Symone’s characterization as independent. Also, Symone’s reversal “I missed him” is immediately responded to by Jaye in reverse, “Have fun we’ve missed“. She seems to be in some way making up for lost time, now that David’s home.

This exchange made me take a look at the pronouns that the twins were using. Jaye uses the plural pronoun four times ( “We miss him“; “Our mom’s really far“; “We love Daddy” “We milk him“). Symone uses only the singular pronouns. My inclination would be to think she means Symone and herself as the “we“. So, it’s as if Jaye is the one responsible for emotions, and she is including Symone in those emotions. Symone’s matter of fact reversals tend to make me think she is more left brained analytic compared to Jaye’s emotional right brained outlook. This is also present in the number of times Symone uses the word “know” in reverse. Symone uses “know” seven times to Jaye’s four times.

I think it would be interesting to compare this to a four year old that is raised alone. Is Symone’s left brain approach rubbing off on Jaye? And is Jaye’s right brain approach rubbing off on Symone? Symone uses the word “love” four times, as compared to Jaye’s seven times. Or is “know” and “learn” the next step in the development of all children? The last set of reversals that I was curious about was the reversals on Jaye, which included the word “live“. Jaye repeats “Will she live” twice. And then in a cluster of reversals about Dad she states “He lives“, followed by “Love. He live. Love Daddy.

I was curious about the “live” reversals immediately. I wasn’t sure, at least in the context of their mother, whether Jaye was commenting on some unknown hurt (“My mom’s hurting“). But, when the reversal also came up in the context of David, I was wondering if this has something to do with Jaye’s perception about life and death. David had been gone for over a year and now here he was with them again and alive! But, now Mum is not present. Will she live? Will she be back?

Then I started to remember some of my studies into the development of children. There is a very important stage of early development which is called “object permanence”, which is when children begin to understand that things in their world are permanent, and this stage of development is supposed to be completed by about two years old. Could this reversal be telling us that in Jaye’s development she missed an important ingredient in learning permanence? These were some of my thoughts about this session, and I would be interested in any thoughts from others on this session.

Here are the reversals found on Jaye and Symone (documented by both David and myself) in order…

Symone: I Know. I Know

Jaye: I know. Learn you. Real naked. I love. Please my Dad. Love him. Hush. Momma eat with the wolf.

Symone: No good.

Jaye: Mum.

Symone: I love you every, every

Jaye: See my Mum. My Mummy.

Syrnone: Loving must call Mum.

Jaye: My forgotten part.

Symone: Here we are. Yeah, I know. I know I’m the one.

Jaye: Will she live.

Symone: My Mum’s sent home.

Jaye: My Mum’s hurting. Will she live.I know.

Symone: Have no one. I know. I know.

Jaye: There is Mona (Symone). Needing your love.

Symone: I’ve missed Dad.

Jaye: Have fun we’ve missed.

Symone: Own the war.

Jaye: He believes it. Our Mum’s really far. He lives. He live. Love Daddy.

Symone: I know.

Jaye: Where’s your name.

Symone: Believe me. I’m easy. I’m nearly. I need good men. Lost our man. Here’s licking it. My Mum said love.

Jaye: We milk him.

David: Hey, they don’t want your child(ren). Did they know what to sell.

Jaye: We love Daddy. I love you. Run naked with hair. Hark with my Daddy. I knew. I knew.

Symone: Dad’s lost. Did I fuck. I was hurt in a nasty dream. Now we smack nasty girl.

Jaye: Mummy, look at me.

Symone: We make loving.

A General Significance Of Some Metaphors Quoted In This Issue Of Backtalk

CAMELOT – From the legend of King Arthur, a fortress, an ultimate goal of life’s quest.

LICK – To connect with someone, to explore a relationship.

MEN/MAN – Men is a general description, whereas Man is a male figure of great significance.

MILK – To nurture, receive or give emotional nourishment.

NAKED – To be open and free with no inhibitions.

NAME – The representation of the real or “deep” Self.

SELL – To persuade, to give with the expectation of return.

WAR – Inner turmoil, conflict.

WATER – nourishment.

WOLF – The prime motivator of behavior, the hunter and protector of Self.