May 2015 Newest Reversal Additions

Here are this month’s reversal additions to the Reverse Speech website. Starting with the presidential candidates we have quite a few reversals on Hillary Clinton and almost as many on Jeb Bush. Then we had a few reversals submitted on President Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama. Lastly, we had one reversal submitted on Paul McCartney and one reversal on Gordon Klingenschmitt. Check back soon as there will be plenty more reversals on the presidential candidates coming up. Cheers.

April 2015 Newest Reversal Additions

Well, much to our chagrin the 2016 Presidential election is heating up already with 566 days to go at the time of this posting. So now, the candidate reversals start rolling in. We start out with reversals on Ted Cruz, and then move on to Hillary Clinton. Then we have a few on Rand Paul and a good reversal on First Lady Michelle Obama. We received a few reversals on the Bobbi Kristina Brown case this month. You can listen to Bobbi here, and then there is Nick Gordon her boyfriend. Also a reversal on Cissy Houston Bobbi’s grandmother. Next we have some reversals on people in the news lately starting with Benjamin Netanyahu then Sheriff Newell Normand and also one on Sean Hannity. Lastly, we have a couple of miscellaneous reversals including a very good example of a Lead Reversal. Check it out.

March 2015 Newest Reversal Additions

New reversal postings for March 2015. Here are the latest reversals for President Obama, and Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper. There are quite a few new reversals on Benjamin Netanyahu about his speech before Congress. To finish off the political scene is a two new reversals on Jim Condit. Moving onto the celebrity scene with new reversals on Charlie Sheen, Kim Kardashian, and Madonna. To finish off there are two new reversals on Mia Pope along with a couple of reversals on Mustapha Farrakhan and one reversal on Pat Robertson.

February 2015 Newest Reversal Additions

Here are February’s latest additions of reversals to the Reverse Speech website. To start with are President Barrack Obama’s reversals from the State of the Union address to the nation here and there are some new reversals on Sarah Palin. Then we have a few new reversals on Mitt Romney, John McCain, and Benjamin Netanyahu. Then moving to the religious scene we have a few new single reversals on John Hagee, Al Sharpton, and Reverend X.

January 2015 Newest Reversal Additions

These are the latest additions of reversals to the Reverse Speech website. Of course President Barrack Obama is a hot topic and the newest ones can be heard here. Then we have some new ones on Vice President Joe Biden and Dick Cheney. We had one reversal submitted on Benjamin Netanyahu. Next we have reversals on a couple of religious leaders Kenneth Copeland and Pastor John Hagee. And to finish up we received one reversal on Bill Cosby accuser Katherine McKee and one reversal on Charles Strange father of fallen Navy Seal Team member Michael Strange.

Newly Collected Reversals December 2014

There are quite a few new Reversals that were collected and added to the website in December 2014. We started out with some Reversals on the siege in Sydney, Australia from Man Haron Monis. We had one Reversal on Bill Cosby and a couple on Charlie Chaplan that are interesting. Then we received some on former CIA directors George Tenet and Michael Hayden. We also received Reversals on Samir Shabazz, Jonathan Bell and more on Dick Chaney. Last but not least are Reversals submitted from the Mel Gibson telephone rant with wife Oksana.