October 2015 Interesting Reversals This Month

Welcome all. We start this months reversals with what has been found on the first Democratic Debate held this month. You can find that page here. Then we had a whole bunch of reversals on John McCain talking about the U.S. attacking Russia here. Then we received some very interesting reversals on President Obama talking about the Oregon UCC shooting that you may hear here. There was one reversal on Jeb Bush and two reversals on Donald Trump added to the US 2016 Election page here. Then a very interesting reversal on Zbigniew Brzezinski, former National Security Advisor, was added at the bottom of the page here. Enjoy!

Crowd Funding For Reverse Speech Documentary

Check this out!! Finally, a Reverse Speech documentary is being born. We have waited more than 2 decades for this to happen and it is finally to come to fruition. A Reverse Speech documentary to show to the world in a unbiased view will be coming to the screen towards the end of 2016. Although we at Reverse Speech have no influence on what the content will be, we have every confidence that it will be an unbiased presentation of Reverse Speech. We have every faith that Reverse Speech will prove out. We ask all of our followers, students, and practitioners to contribute what you can so that the whole world can learn about Reverse Speech. Follow this link to the funding page here. Thank you.