Most Anticipated Book Release! – The Great Spiritual Darkness


David is releasing his newest book, The Great Spiritual Darkness, to the public absolutely free as he is doing with all of his books. The Great Spiritual Darkness is derived from many years of research and is a scathing indictment of the current spiritual status of our world religious and political leaders. An absolute must read for all who wish to understand the world and to protect themselves from what is occurring in the world today. In the book you will find a link to all 337 speech reversals that are quoted in the book for you to listen to and judge for yourself. Don’t wait, this could be critical information for you. Download the The Great Spiritual Darkness here.

Another New Book Release! – The Still Small Voice


David Oates has added his latest book – The Still Small Voice, to the Reverse Speech line up of its literary library. I am very proud to announce the release of my latest book, The Still Small Voice, which is the long awaited release of the information that has been gleaned about spirituality, religion, and God over 37 years of research. No one will want to miss this book if you have ever wondered about what is right and what is wrong and how you relate to your own spirituality. Definitely a must read. You can purchase this book here – The Still Small Voice.

Also, check out this NEW VERY special book by David Oates called, The Big Con,  all about the Covid pandemic from 18 months of analysis of the main players and as you learn about the truth about the pandemic, you can click and listen to every reversal yourself that appears in the book! This is a new concept in books! We call it a, Read and Listen book.

NOTE:  This book also comes with a link to a page where every reversal I quote in the book can be heard, downloaded, and shared. Here is where you can purchase The Big Con

Good News! ALL of my books are being released at the same time from the same publisher, going right back to the very first book written in 1987 entitled “Beyond Backward Masking” where the theory of Reverse Speech was first published. Included in this release is my autobiography and comprehensive overview of Reverse Speech, “It’s Only a Metaphor” and now, “The Still Small Voice Within” which is all about the spiritual aspects of Reverse Speech.

These books can also be purchased from the same website  –

New Book Release! – The Big Con


My latest book – The Big Con, Reverse Speech, Covid and the Vaccine. I am very proud to announce the release of my latest book, The Big Con, all about Covid 19 and what Reverse Speech has to say about it. This book is the culmination of information collected from 18 months of research ever since the world first heard about the Coronavirus. You can purchase this book here – The Big Con

NOTE:  This book also comes with a link to a page where every reversal I quote in the book can be heard, downloaded, and shared.

This is a VERY special book because as you learn about the truth, you can click and listen to every reversal yourself! This is a new concept in books! We call it a, Read and Listen book.

And more good news! ALL my books are being released at the same time from the same publisher, going right back to the very first book written in 1987 entitled “Beyond Backward Masking” where the theory of Reverse Speech was first published. Included in this release is my autobiography and comprehensive overview of Reverse Speech, “It’s Only a Metaphor” as well as my yet unpublished book, “The Still Small Voice Within” which is all about the spiritual aspects of Reverse Speech.

These books can also be purchased from the same website  –

Reverse Speech Lecture May 8th 2021 – COVID Reveal

Wow! You can watch today’s Reverse Speech – COVID Reveal Lecture right here now. Find out what is really going on behind the scenes of the Covid pandemic. David speaks through the first hour about Reverse Speech, it’s discovery, how it works, and what it all means. The second half is devoted to showing what lies beneath the surface of the Covid pandemic from the mouths of our “Leaders.” Listen to the audio reversals, watch the video reversals, and judge for yourself what it all means.

Reverse Speech Lecture May 8th – COVID Reveal

May 3rd, 2021 – David will be giving a virtual lecture over Zoom this coming weekend which will be his first public lecture in 3 years. The lecture will begin on May 8th, 2021 at 5:30 PM Pacific Coast Time, USA. David will cover the basics of Reverse Speech in the first hour and then cover the Covid Pandemic and vaccine in the second hour. The information will be in depth and may be shocking to some. Please contact Jeff through email if you wish to be entered on the sign up list by clicking here. Spaces are limited so don’t hesitate if you wish to participate.