What Is The Unconscious Mind

By David John Oates

When I first realised what Reverse Speech was in 1987, I was a novice to psychology and the nature of human consciousness. I knew that Reverse Speech was unconscious in nature. By that I mean it was occurring outside of our conscious control, but other than that it was all new territory for me. I resolved then and there to let Reverse Speech be my teacher. I will learn from Reverse Speech itself and let it teach me about consciousness and the nature of the human psyche.

The Unconscious mind is largely unexplored. Probably the first pioneer in the field was Carl Jung who spent his life researching the unconscious mind and the metaphoric constructs it contains. Other pioneers in the field have used hypnosis, visualisations, muscle testing, to name a few, in an attempt to communicate and even alter the unconscious part of ourselves. Many of these researchers claim that more than 95% of our psyche is in the realms of unconsciousness. Based on my research I would agree with this figure. By far the vast majority of our mental processes, thoughts, decisions and behaviour happen in the realm of unconsciousness.

For a start, many of our body functions are unconscious – heart beat, breathing, digestion, our nervous and immune systems, to name just a few. These are all automatic body functions that operate on their own without any conscious thought or effort from our conscious self needed. This is on the surface level of unconsciousness. This part of the unconscious mind monitors our physical body and warns us of trouble or disease. It warns us by using unconscious means of expression such as dreams, body language and Reverse Speech. If we are aware of and in tune with these unconscious forms of communication, we can discover physical issues long before they enter the realms of consciousness.

In this surface level of unconsciousness also resides memory and an unconscious check point of the truth and error of our conscious mind. If we are consciously lying or leaving out pertinent information, this part of the unconscious mind will correct our errors and communicate the truth. It will communicate the truth using body language, Reverse Speech and other unconscious means communication. Reverse Speech teaches us what some of these other unconscious forms of communication are. Smell is one. We are transmitting and receiving odors on an unconscious level all the time. Reverse Speech also talks about “Sound”, describing a means of unconscious communication using energy or Sound. The unconscious mind is alive and active in its communication. We are only just beginning to become aware of it now. We unconsciously receive these communications
from others and recognise it as intuition.

As we move deeper into the area of unconsciousness we enter the realm of metaphor and archetype. It is this area that creates behaviour and personality and it does it with pictures. We get glimpses into this area, and deeper, with our dreams. The images of dreams reflect the inner workings of unconsciousness as do the deeper revelations of Reverse Speech.

Reverse Speech teaches us that the deep unconscious is alive and active. It is comprised of hundreds if not thousands of different parts. All of these parts work together in a well-orchestrated chorus to create our unique personalities and behaviour patterns. These individual parts are life forms in and of themselves. We can hear these parts talking to each other in Reverse Speech, as they continue with the delicate dance of behaviour, and the mechanisms of our daily lives. These parts also communicate in Reverse Speech and contact with them can be established using the technique of Metaphor Restructuring that I have developed using the knowledge Reverse Speech has given me. Once communication has been established, negotiations can be carried out with these parts and behavior can be effectively changed.

This level, however, is still only the tip of the iceberg of what is contained in unconsciousness. Deeper than this level resides what has commonly been called the collective unconscious. The collective unconscious is a universal mind that is connected to all things, and knows all things. It is like a central CPU that uses a complex communications network of unconscious forms of communication to communicate with the unconscious minds of those around us. This communications network is so complex that it connects with all others on the planet. It collects knowledge and information and stores it in its unconscious memory banks to be accessed at any time.

This part of the unconscious also exists outside of time and space and all events, past present and future, both in our own lives and the collective life of the planet, can appear here. These revelations, present, past and future, can occasionally appear in consciousness with dreams, revelations and insights, or those “ah-ha” moments when we suddenly have an inspiration or brain wave. They will also appear in Reverse Speech.

Then we come to the level of the Soul. Reverse Speech talks a lot about the Soul. It describes it as alive and active. It has emotions and thoughts. It can be sick or healthy and it lives forever, surviving physical death. It acts as a storage bank of all of our life events and experiences. It collect these experiences and then, and most importantly, it reflects those experiences back to us as it creates our daily lives. The Soul creates and manifests. It uses unconscious communication channels to effect life events to bring to us the situations we have told it we want to experience. If we have chosen a life of depression, the soul will bring more depression to us. If we have chosen a life of vigour and success, the soul will also bring those experiences to us. When we die, we take with us what we have fed the soul during our lives.

Finally, at the deepest level of unconsciousness we have the Spirit. The spirit is separate from the Soul. It is a monitoring intelligence of the psyche. It speaks in the first person in Reverse Speech whereas the soul is always referenced in the third person. It is constantly talking to the conscious self, giving it advice and guidance, support and reassurance. The spirit is connected to the Divine. When we pray, we are using the Spirit to establish connection. Religions try to connect to the spirit and the Divine. They use prayer and meditation, chants and rituals and other practices to gain contact with and connection to the spirit. Whether we can hear its voice depends entirely on our level of personal congruity, or how much we are in line with the unconscious. Of course we can always use Reverse Speech. It is constantly talking to our conscious self.

And so the unconscious mind is complex and involved. It has many different layers and many different functions. The conscious mind is merely the tip of the iceberg of what is happening in our deep psyche. If we can learn to hear its many voices and have the courage to follow its wisdom we can greatly enhance our daily lives, and finally get in control.

This is what Reverse Speech has taught me in the 32 years I have been doing it.



Future Tense Reversals

By David John Oates

There is a category of reversals in Reverse Speech that seem to defy explanation and these are named, future tense reversals. Future tense reversals will accurately predict events in a person’s future.

A classic example of this is the reversal found on George Bush 2 weeks before America went into Iraq. It said “We will sit in Baghdad.” And indeed that’s exactly what happened. I made this announcement publicly BEFORE America went into Iraq. Also on the topic of Iraq, a reversal was found back in 1991 when Saddam Hussein held British hostages. They were interviewed on TV and I found a reversal on one of the hostages as she talked to her family in England that said “We will see you soon.” The hostages were released 2 weeks later.

Future Tense reversals can be seen across the board and the implications are fascinating. On a businessman who was talking about future expansion I found a reversal that said “Start off with it, it will be profit.” The businessman went ahead with his plans for expansion and made a significant amount of money. Another businessman when talking about his future had a reversal that said “There will be an awful fuckup.” And there was indeed. Two weeks later he made a horrible mistake with a client’s order and almost lost his job.

I have been working with corporate clients for many years now and in that time the use of Reverse Speech has been absolutely marvelous. It will accurately predict the future of any business deal, as well as predict the future of staff performance. One client I work with recently saved himself 5 million dollars by following the advice of his reversals and not participating in a huge deal that the reversals said would be a disaster.

I was alerted to the power of future tense reversals when I was dating a woman in San Diego in the mid 90’s. I was taping our conversations and found a reversal on her that said “I will shift the bedroom.” A week later she had rearranged her whole bedroom and within another week after that, she had a new boyfriend and I was history. The reversal had proven itself to be true.

I have also used future tense reversals to predict future events in the media. I remember in 1999 when Y2K was a huge concern, I found several future tense reversals on Y2K proponents that said there would be no trouble with the computers in the year 2000. I went public on my radio show in 1999 saying that Y2K would not be a problem and I was correct.

Two years later in mid 2001 I found two reversals on clients that made no sense at the time. They said “They’ll fuss with the USA” and “Soon plan evil on America.” The reversals were totally unrelated to the forward dialogue. Yet barely 3 months later, the twin towers in New York were attacked. Had I found that event in reverse three months prior to it happening? And what were the reversals doing on Australian citizens who had no contact with America. How did they know something was going to happen?

Of equal importance was a reversal I found on Bill Clinton after he was re-elected in 1996. It said “The world will come and damn you.” I went public at the time predicting some disaster in the Clinton Presidency and two years later the Monica Lewinski scandal broke and Clinton was impeached. How did Bill Clinton know this? Why would this information appear on his reversals two years prior to the event happening?

Of a similar nature, a reversal was found on Australia’s Prime Minister, John Howard, in a speech he gave after the first Bali bombing that killed Australian tourists. The reversal said “They will fuck the tourists” indicating future problems. Barely a year later there was another bombing in Bali that killed more tourists.

Other future tense reversals seem to defy explanation. For example, a reversal was recently found on me when I was in London doing a radio interview. The interview was recorded and analysed the next day by another Reverse Speech Analyst. She found a reversal on me that was not related to the forward dialogue, that said, “On the highway, there’s a chill here.” The reversal made no sense, yet a week later I was in America flying to see a friend. The flight could not land because of snow and returned to the origination airport. I subsequently hired a 4 wheel drive truck and drove there. Barely an hour down the road as I ascended into the mountains, the snow came and I was caught in a blizzard on the highway. Thus the reversal that was found on me a week earlier came true.

A reversal was found on John Lennon the morning of his assassination by Mark Chapman that said, “Mark, he will die in the cell.” The reversal uses the actual name of his killer, Mark, and predicts his future. Mark Chapman is still in jail for Lennon’s murder. How did this information appear on Lennon’s reversals?

There are several explanations for future tense reversals. The explanation I used to use was that it is an example of the incredible computing power of the unconscious mind which knows us and our circumstance very well. However this doesn’t explain future tense reversals such as “Soon plan evil on America,” and “On the highway, there’s a chill here,” let alone Lennon predicting the name and fate of his killer.

One must therefore consider the possibility that on the unconscious level there is no past and future. That the unconscious mind exists outside of time, and that all events past, present and future are happening simultaneously in the deep unconscious. This is why we can tap into the past and the future with Reverse Speech.

The implications of this knowledge is vast, and its applications immense.

It means that Reverse Speech can give us glimpses into the Infinite. At its deepest levels it can reveal a common Collective Unconscious that is connected to all things and knows all things. This is why reversals were found that predicted 911. This aspect of Reverse Speech can be used by anyone who wants information about the future of their relationships, decisions, and indeed their life overall.

In time, Reverse Speech will lead us to a greater understanding of our Unconscious selves, as it continues to tap into the amazing secrets of the unconscious mind.



November 2015 Newest Reversal Additions

Some great reversals were added this month, November 2015. Starting with some reversals on Edward Snowden labeled a courageous whistleblower or traitor depending on your political bent. Then we had a few reversals submitted on Gordon Duff, Senior Editor at Veterans Today and one lone reversal on the minor presidential candidate Lindsey Graham. The big submission this month is on the Dark Thirty Radio Show with Jeremy Scott interviewing David John Oates. You can hear those findings on this page here.

David Releases New Book!

Have you heard the news?

I’ve just released my latest book – ‘A New Theory About
Language’ the 2015 edition!

And I have to say… I’m extremely proud of it.

Over the last 30-years Reverse Speech has, as a result of constant
research and testing evolved and developed, often beyond my own
expectations, to become what it is today…

And in this book I reveal for the very first time, the results of my
latest research on the subject.

Research I haven’t shared before, that will advance Reverse Speech
and propel it toward my dream of it being embraced by the entire
scientific community…

And in this book I reveal for the very first time, the results of my
latest research on the subject.

Research I haven’t shared before, that will advance Reverse Speech
and propel it toward my dream of it being embraced by the entire
scientific community…

Which, I hope you’ll agree, it should be!

Seriously though, the discoveries I’ve made since my last book
release are just incredible and will, when you read them, deepen your
knowledge and experience of Reverse Speech far more than you can
imagine right now.

Which is why I urge you to grab a copy now.

It really is the most comprehensive and valuable piece of literature
on Reverse Speech available anywhere in the World…

And includes commentary from students, plus a first for Reverse
Speech; the identification of words that typically produce the same
reversal regardless of who is speaking at the time adding further
validity to my work.

I could go on, however I don’t want to give everything away,
otherwise they’ll be no surprises when you do get stuck into it’s

So, go here – and secure your copy today


David Oates

A New Theory About Language by David John Oates



Response To Mark Newbrook (Monash University) by Greg Albrecht


An article has been published in the ‘Skeptical Humanities’ web site asserting that I have claimed that David Oates stole my ideas, presumably after we wrote ‘Beyond Backward Masking.’ Skeptical Humanities.

The part that I object to is the following sentence: “He [David Oates] decided that these ‘reversals’ were systematic and of great significance; he and his then colleague Greg Albrecht produced the first book on RS. (Albrecht later claimed that Oates had ‘stolen’ his ideas.)” I have never made this claim. Many of the ideas that David applies with Reverse Speech, such as Metaphor Restructuring, Meta Walks, etc. were solely developed by him. I have said that we both combined our ideas. I initially suggested that we explore Jung’s concept of the Collective unconscious. I remember mentioning that to Jane Curtain in a telephone conversation. I DID NOT say David stole ideas from me. Many of the concepts of Reverse Speech, such as ‘Speech Complementarity’, were developed together. David Oates and I engaged in collaborative research. Collaboration means to work together, sharing ideas and tasks. I assume that the author of this article is Mark Newbrook. Having worked at a University, Mr Newbrook should know the meaning of collaboration. I may disagree with David Oates over some matters and likewise he may disagree with me. I have no problem with that and nor does David.

David has been unfairly criticised for making a living from Reverse Speech. Newbrook and Curtain assert that “The RS enterprise has a very overtly commercial nature; for instance, one hour of an analyst’s time working with a tape costs at least US$125.00, the fees for courses run to thousands of dollars and ‘reversing machines’ are sold at around US$200.00.” Out of curiosity, I checked what Monash University charges for a student undertaking a Masters of Applied Linguistics Course, and discovered that the University requires students to pay $28,400. Is this to be paid annually or does the $28,400 cover the whole course? One would hope for the student’s sake it is the latter. David Oates’ course only costs students $2,500. I think it would be fair to say that Monash University has made education into something “overtly commercial.”

Mark Newbrook should thank David Oates for giving him something to write about because without David he wouldn’t have ideas to criticize in his book, ‘Strange Linguistics.’ Check out Amazon.com and you will find Newbrook’s book. He is flogging it for $69.80. Most books sell for around $20 to $30. Am I missing out on something? Perhaps I should get back into Reverse Speech, write my own book, sell it for $69.80, better still round it off at seventy bucks, and watch my bank balance grow!

Greg Albrecht