April 2016 Reversal Updates

April 2016 Reversal Updates

So, we have received some great reversals in the month of April 2016 so far. We’ll start out with quite a few reversals on Reince Priebus, a ‘lawyer’ and current head of the Republican National Committee talking the morning of the Wisconsin primary. Also, some general reversals found on him recently on that same page. Next, I want to remind you to check out the U.S. 2016 Presidential Election page where there have been many reversals on Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump, Bernie Sanders, and Ted Cruz added this month as the election campaign heats up. We have a few individual reversals on some of the important players in the election game on the April 2016 Reversals page. We have Sally Miller, Bill Clinton’s purported mistress, there are single reversals on John Kerry, Melania Trump, and Michelle Obama. There are also a couple new reversals on former Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfield too.

March 2016 Update

There is a lot to cover this month March 2016. We’ll start out with many new reversals on Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump, Bernie Sanders, and Ted Cruz that were added to the US 2016 Election page. Next, you will want to see the JFK Assassination page where the release of new recordings recently has helped Reverse Speech solve the case of who did it here. Then we have reversals on LaVoy Finnicum the man shot and killed by the Oregon State Police regarding the stand off in Eastern Oregon. The information we found in reverse completely contradicts what the Feds are saying happened. Then we had a handful of single reversals that proved to be interesting here on President Obama, Newt Gingrich, Mitt Romney, and Juval Aviv, the Mossad Agent.

Response To The Skeptical Believer Article About Reverse Speech


By Matjaz Kranjec

In our life, we would all like everything to be perfect, in perfect order and everything should fit in our understanding.

In theory, this is very desirable and possible. We would like to protect ourselves with knowing everything and we would like to reach the truth. Always!

Practically is not so easy as we usually get trapped into defending some of our statements or beliefs or we express skeptic to others.

There is an interesting article on Skeptoid, written by Mr. Brien Dunning with a title ” Who is closed minded, the skeptic or the believer?”

The case reminds me of some proverb “The doors are not bad when closed either good, when open. They are just doors!” We can draw some similarities here about our mind. The mind is not bad, usually protect something. Further, we will discover what is probably protected, and the new interesting way how we can pull that out doesn’t matter what it could be.

However, Skeptical Believer by name gives me a sense not to believe about anything either not to not-believe, which puts a researcher into some inside trouble or conflict never to satisfy or clear the chosen task.

By doing that usually, we find our mind “on the end of the tunnel” and not the truth, which we are desperately craving.

Many times we go so far by trying to prove something non-scientific or alternative if you like, with scientific tools that lead to a one-way street.

Scientists claim to discover “God particle” in 2015, and if we follow the previous principle, God should not be recognized till this discovery, but we know that many of the highest (if not all) scientists trust in God.

This way of skepticism doesn’t bring us anywhere.

Common sense is many times only way out of solving the problems and scientists know that very well, and we need to open our eyes to occurring facts.

Facts are important because we cannot deny them, right?

We need to admit to ourselves that we can accept something like a “real” only to an extent of our knowledge, experiences, habits, beliefs, repetitions, etc. If there is something new, we are in deep trouble as nothing of previous is there to compare.

It is not easy to convince someone about something if that person doesn’t like the “thing” as is not fitting into their perspective of the world, which doesn’t have anything in common with a truth. Truth shouldn’t depend on liking!

We like to laugh about others how can be so naive and believe something, but on the other hand, we swear about another just opposite.

Here we have an example in “The Skeptical Believer” article, written by Mr. John Shirley, how speed on a “new road” can be unsafe.

And Reverse Speech, which is a comment about, is a New road.

Recording conversation, playing backwards and here it is the truth that we are all looking. Forward talking is conscious, backward recording of it is unconscious. Our mind controls forward to talk, backward is expressed uncontrollably by our subconscious.

Wow, wow, wow!

Important discoveries require serious investigation, not a speedy one, right?

We can all agree that best things in our life are simple, and simple operations usually operate much more effective than complicated one. And reverse speech is a prove that truth is revealed relative simple way, “naked” as it can be.
Mr. David Oats is not showing his academic background, claimed “The Skeptic.” If we follow previous, we cannot avoid the fact that also the “wheel” was not invented by a group of scientists in the lab and later published in “The Scientist” but in spite of that was one of most important discovery in human history. Similar story goes with prophets about mobile-phone thirty years and “something” ago, with cars, electricity, etc.

So please, let’s dive a little bit deeper and find some useful facts.

Correct, we live in a time where research must be carefully done, all outcomes recorded, and the ethical sense must be strictly respected.

If Mr. Skeptic could do some deeper research would discover that Reverse Speech procedure of taking backward messages requires exactly that. Reverse speech method fulfills all those strict requirements and even more. And if he could decide to join the course to learn, he would see that training is not just a “piece of cake” but serious work with all ethical and technical requirements described in a contract or application form.

Let’s go to the core.

How can the truth be scientifically proven?

We are getting into trouble here.

Even “lie detector” made by high scientific souls couldn’t prove without a doubt that someone is telling the truth or not. So looking for the scientific evidence in a case of Reverse Speech is not an easy task.

The truth is simple and direct and cannot be decided scientifically, that we already know.

There are many Reverse Speech recordings on the web, clearly and undoubtedly expressing facts, physical evidence, and revealing future events. And denying those is much like claim not to hear something that everybody can and saying to that gibberish is a minor saying silly. Not to believe what we hear is allowed to anyone just is a question how good is that. For example, if there is a discovery of cause and cure for some problem that our subconscious undoubtedly express to us, but we want to believe more to someone claiming that there is no explanation or cure for such disease, is strictly our problem. Either way are consequences.

But we will not jump into what is our right about choice.

We all claim the truth, and here it is about the Truth, just we are many times to scared to see or hear it.
Let’s imagine something.

How would we feel if there would be a simple and reliable method with which all of us, I mean all of us, would be exposed continuously to the naked truth coming out? What would our life and the world look like?

Scary to some and realising to others!

Some they are capable of feeling that already.

And this is the potential reason Mr. Oats couldn’t understand why his discovery is not already academic accepted and operational everywhere in social life as offers therapeutic and practical tool of highest value.

Reading the article makes me smile.

I do not see any reason not to charge for some work. What is here weird? Especially if you doing some break-thru and pioneering work and you sacrifice thirty- plus years of your life to bring out something important and then is strange to charge. I should remind us if we are aware enough we can see that, unfortunately, “money God” is ruling us. We pay for water, food, any events and stuff even air you can buy in a can! Anything is on a sale; this is ridiculous. Who can survive with only charity work, and on another side we all know that what is for free usually have no big value for us. Shame on us!

Resentments regarding trademarking of Reverse Speech protocol are already a bit amusing. Why not protect innovative work that must be done by strict protocol to get correct outcome, from some people that they just try something and then drop it as not working. With that approach “skeptics” get material to “burn”!

I am convinced about this one, if Mr. Jesus would trademark his teaching and understanding, probably today we would not have “War on everything”! Not because we are bad but because we do not understand!

How can we today improve or learn? We go to www and purchase “instructions manual”, let be for driving a car, cooking, learning Reverse Speech or buying The Bible.

Remember, The Bible is from God, so should be for free, right?

Connecting something to God is usually dangerous. And too many times abused, who cannot agree with that. But, can we describe God?

Probably we would talk about some higher power, God is everywhere, etc.

Let’s start with basics. Who is doing our thoughts? Maybe some will say it is easy, and talk about the mind. But if we are in control of our lives we should control everything. Can someone say what will think in five minutes, or in two minutes? We should, but we can’t. As we are not in control. That comes from an uncontrollable part of us, and from that direction also comes the Reverse Speech. That power we can call as we like, but in spite of that will not become controllable. And that is also the charm of the Reverse Speech.

Seeing the patterns where we want to see them is good to claim to negate someone or make him silly. Maybe we shouldn’t repeat, “alternative thinking” that we couldn’t see something that someone somewhere didn’t saw yet. Remember, monkey experiment with potatoes, or native Indians when Columbus ships reach the shore for the first time. That’s the way our mind operates. We can use this tool on anyone and anywhere. How could we name something with one word that is seen for the first time?

I cannot see a particular reason we wouldn’t allow God, our higher self or subconscious mind about all we speak in forwards also wouldn’t be confirmed or denied (judged) by some simultaneous expression. My common sense allows me that possibility and also allows someone to uncover that. Not necessary me!

If the Reverse Speech method wouldn’t be powerful then wouldn’t be also criticized. That is the fact. Would be good to those who doubts that apply to a course? They could only gain, as their subconscious mind would reveal causes of problems or disease or just show them the way they couldn’t find. They could hear their inside voice beyond control and imagination. Genuine. What can be more precious than that?

I am usually grateful to skeptics as they make me think and after that I am stronger, or I improve my conclusions.
We have all something in common, either be a skeptic or believer. We make an effort to protect, improve or find a cure. Reverse Speech is precious here, as brings messages or solutions directly from our source.

New, which causes big change or call for improvement is scary, doesn’t matter how useful or beneficial can be. And we are talking about Reverse Speech here, something new and good!



Dunning, B. “When People Talk Backwards.” Skeptoid Podcast. Skeptoid Media, 17 Jun 2008. Web. 10 Jan 2016. <http://skeptoid.com/episodes/4105>



My Response to Sceptics

By Cathy Read

In this essay, I will respond to an article of Reverse Speech entitled “ZetaTalk: Reverse Speech”. It was found on the website “Zeta Talk” and its internet address is http://zetatalk.com/myths/m49.htm. It was published on January 15, 1997, and does not identify the author.

The article begins by boldly stating that “there is no such phenomenon as Reverse Speech, and all such discoveries are just imagination.” They do not give any evidence of proof of this claim. I also have a problem with the “and all such discoveries are just imagination”. That is a sweeping generalization. How do they know, how can they prove, that “all” such discoveries are false? They do not even specify what they mean by “such discoveries”. These discoveries can cover anything.

After this shameful example of sloppy reasoning, we find this statement “The human body is not designed to speak intelligibly in a reverse manner, simultaneous to forward speech spoken at a different speed.” If the author had done any kind of research on the topic, he would have learned that reversals come from the mind, not the body. Reversals are not formed by the letters of the words, but by the sounds of the speech.

It is obvious that the author did no research on this topic. He is jumping to conclusions. If you are going to judge something and come to a reliable conclusion about it, you must at least investigate!

Next we find the statement “The human mind perceives rolling forward and does not reply backwards, and simply is not geared that way because nature does not play things backwards. EEG (brain wave) testing that was done in 1988 showed that the brain definitely responds to backward messages. Brain activity alters significantly when Reverse Speech occurs. Different parts of the brain respond to different reversals depending on the subject.

Also, the fact that some people can speak both forwards and backwards at speed of text proves that the brain can have the ability to speak backwards. Speaking at speed of text means to take a page of material and read it at normal speed while articulating the words correctly.

His statement that the mind “does not reply backwards” is hard to assess as it makes no real sense. David Oates has never claimed that the mind “replays backwards.” HE claims that we occasionally speak in reverse at the same time as we speak forwards. That is not replaying.

The article then goes on to say that “nature does not play things backwards.” That is not true. Hummingbirds fly both forwards and backwards. The human eye is wired backward. Images on your retina are reverse. Your retina “sees” everything backwards, and your brain reorients you. This image reversal is an adaptive advantage providing us with tremendous peripheral vision and the ability to view objects much larger than just a few millimeters. Without this reversal, we would have a very limited view of our world, so say Dr. Randall Wong, M.D., a retina specialist on his website http://www.retinaeyedoctor.com.

Nature Magazine has an article entitled “Proteins that read DNA backwards” (www.nature.com/news/2008/081204/full/news.2008.1277.html).

It is known in physics, that light can exert a backwards torque on matter.

So there are backwards things in nature. They are, as the eye doctor says, “an adaptive advantage”.

The author goes on to say that humans evolved to deal with sights and sounds around them, not with an artificial phenomenon. Reverse Speech theory states that it is a natural phenomenon present at birth in all people. God, or nature, depending upon your belief system, gave us this faculty to help us.

The author then goes on in a confusing and badly written way to tell us that Reverse Speech is being used to avoid the fear of being tempted by the devil. How this can be so I can’t figure out.

Then he says that the attention Reverse Speech is getting is because of advances in modern electronics. This is partly true, as Reverse Speech was discovered because of a broken tape player. Also, the electronics make is much easier to deal with. But that does not negate the reality of Reverse Speech. It does not void the fact that if one bothered to listen to tapes and see for oneself if it was true, one would actually hear reversals.

Next the author says that Reverse Speech has gotten a rush of attention that “will not last”. This article was written in 1997, and Reverse Speech is currently gaining popularity and becoming more appreciated. He does not consider that it is getting attention because it is real. He does not read the testimonials from people from all walks of life, including professionals of all stripes, who say it is real and it has helped them.

After this, the author states that any conversation played backwards at various speeds will sound vaguely like a recognizable speech phrase. Not so. It will sound like gibberish. This statement ignores research testing that shows the people have heard clear, distinct phrases in the gibberish. And that these phrases usually relate to the forward speech. No rational, unbiased person can call this coincidence.

The most common argument against Reverse Speech is that if you listen to gibberish long enough, you will eventually hear, or think you hear, words and phrases within it. Self-delusion, wishful thinking, the power of suggestion, seeing the face of Jesus in wood is what is implied. The author compares it to seeing things in clouds.

After this, the articles says that people will latch on something, (like Reverse Speech) as a way to understand what they know intuitively, but can’t fully grasp. And that often people are simply looking for a “source”.

Again, this ignores 32 years of research proving the reality of it, and many positive client testimonials. The author ends the article saying that we should listen with an open heart and mind to the “underlying message”, which may have a great deal of truth to it while implying that Reverse Speech is nonsense used by weak minded people to explain things they cannot understand. When I read the last argument, I thought of the Oregon State Police, who allow their cadets to study Reverse Speech for credit. I wonder if they are weak people.

This biased, mindless article remind of two famous quotes I have heard. The first is originally attributed to William Paley:

There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against
all arguments and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance –
that principle is contempt prior to investigation
~William Paley~


The second famous quote was attributed to Stuart Chase. Although it was written to apply to a belief or non-belief in God, I feel that the second part can be applied to any subject, especially Reverse Speech:

For those who believe, no proof is necessary. For those who don’t believe,
no proof is possible.
~Stuart Chase~


These two quotes sum up the authors arguments. He has so much contempt for the subject of Reverse Speech, he will not even look into it. Very often people’s perceptions of reality are compulsively filtered through the screening mesh of what they want and do not want to be true. Either it is true or it is not true, and one needs to adjust their perception accordingly.

The facts that some academics and some scientists don’t want to deal with this subject is meaningless. They have been wrong before. History is full of examples of experts who were wrong in a big way. Not all that long ago, it was commonly believed that the earth was flat and that tomatoes were poisonous. New ideas are frequently discarded without examination. OR feared. In the middle ages, television would have been considered the work of the devil. Today it is just annoying!

Reverse Speech, still in its infancy, will grow and become accepted as a fact and a part of life. It will be taught in schools and will make the world a better place. It will force us to be honest with ourselves and with other people. What the anonymous author of this article thinks does not matter.



Expanded Understanding of Reverse Speech

Summary of Your Expanded Understanding of Reverse Speech Since Beginning Training

By Debbie Fitzgerald

Reverse speech, a complex and fascinating discovery with many different theories and applications. I will endeavour to give an overview of what I have learned thus far on my journey into this phenomenon including my understanding of Reverse speech and my personal experiences. To keep in unison with the Reverse speech documentation I will also document any reversals quoted in the following summary in bold type, including references to backwards masking. This is certainly an amazing and exciting approach into the multiple levels of human consciousness.

Firstly, Reverse speech was discovered by David Oates quite accidentally back in 1984. Whilst running half-way house in Adelaide, Australia for teenagers the question came up about the much publicised ‘backward masking’ (‘a recording technique where words and statements are deliberately inserted backwards into the sound track of music’) that had some of the teenagers scared and concerned.

David grabbed out an old tape recorder of his wanting to find the truth of what was being said by the teenagers. This tape recorder just happened to have been damaged and even though he had tried to repair it, it would only play cassette tapes backwards so it had been thrown in a drawer. A meaningful coincidence one would think, I know I do.

Whilst playing the tapes backwards David soon discovered his first backwards message in Led Zeppelin’s song ‘Stairway to Heaven’ it said “Play backward. Hear words sung.” Over the next few months, while playing most of his music collection in reverse, David discovered that, in addition to the back-masked messages intentionally placed into the music tracks there were also intelligent messages occurring naturally without any technical assistance, not just in music but also in human speech.

David continued on, devoting all of his time carefully analysing and documenting countless hours of tape. It then became obvious that there was indisputable evidence found to support the concept of Reverse Speech.
On further research and analysis David understood the words, sentences and messages found in reversal to be an instruction from the many parts of the human mind.

Reverse speech is identified as one of the two forms of human communication automatically generated by the brain which is incredible in itself as it has only ever been considered that communication occurred in one way only, language spoken forwards.

When forwards speech in humans is recorded and then, when the recording is played backwards the clear audible words and sentences that can be heard in amongst the standard gibberish are known as Reverse speech. This technique can be applied to both spoken word and songs.

Additionally, there is a direct correlation between the backwards sentences found and what is being spoken in forwards at the same time. It has also been established through thorough research and analysis that reverse speech is a communication process received and understood by the human brain on an unconscious level.

It was in 1987 that David Oates developed the Theory of Reverse Speech and Speech Complementarity. This theory has remained unchanged over the years and sums up Reverse speech in a nutshell. It has been documented as follows:

  1. Human speech has two separate, yet complementary, functions and modes. One mode occurs overtly, is spoken forwards, and is under conscious control. The other mode occurs covertly, is spoken backwards and is not under conscious control. The backward mode of speech occurs simultaneously with the forward mode and is a reversal of the forward speech sounds.
  2. These two modes of speech, forward and backward, complement and are dependent upon each other. One mode cannot be fully understood without the other mode. In the dynamics of interpersonal communication, both modes of speech combined communicate portions of the total psyche of the person, conscious and unconscious.
  3. Covert speech develops before overt speech and children speak backwards speech gradually combine into one forming an overall bi-level communication process.

The source of Reverse speech occurs in two ways.
Firstly, this mode of communication is automatically generated by the right brain when we are using our first mode of communication known as forward speech, which is generated from the left brain. The left brain is the logical thinking, detail orientated, sequential and rational side of the brain. It is analytical, objective, and looks at the parts of a thing first, before assembling it into a whole. The right brain is the creative thinking, random, intuitive side of the brain which is “big picture” orientated looking at the whole first.  It is holistic, philosophical, imaginative, deals in symbols and images and uses feelings and emotions.

Secondly, Reverse speech originates from many parts of the human mind, the multiple levels of human consciousness. This includes the conscious, unconscious, subconscious, collective consciousness and our higher conscious mind otherwise known as Spirit. Below I will explain each of these levels of consciousness and give examples of reverse speech in each of these categories which I have found personally when listening to recordings backwards.

The conscious mind where it contains thoughts and emotions that we are aware of having at the time of speaking. The same words are spoken in both forwards and backwards speech, which are known as congruent reversals. There are also those called incongruent reversals which is a conscious reversal whilst speaking.
For example:
– a male was talking of his mum’s home cooking and forwards said “[and it was] unbelievable”. Was a winner. This is a congruent reversal as it matches what is being said forwards. Mums cooking was a winner, he loved it.

– a client was talking of her spiritual journey. “It’s the time for me waken [spiritually] now” Hear her spirits. Another congruent reversal, the reversal is confirming what is being said forwards.
The subconscious mind which is the area of the mind which is just beneath the level of the conscious mind, just below the level of awareness. This holds our memories that were once on the conscious level but have become suppressed due to time or psychological factors. These stored and hidden memories can be conveyed in reverse speech. The subconscious also contains the knowledge of physical conditions and disease that hasn’t as yet reached the conscious mind. Reversals can occur that may be warnings or suggestions to resolve physical disease that may be coming. It can also reveal thoughts that are soon to reach the conscious mind as well as show hidden deep seated beliefs. The language here is regular language with some metaphors.

One example here was on me personally when I had an uncontrollable rash which was quite severe. “it sort of went a bit crazy” Give it milk. This shows a reversal from my subconscious giving a solution to my rash, milk is very soothing so a helpful solution. The word milk is also a metaphor.

The unconscious mind is a much deeper level of the mind than that of the subconscious mind. This level of deep unconsciousness comprises of mental processes that are inaccessible to consciousness and impact judgements, feelings, behaviour and personality. These unconscious thoughts and motives, behavioural patterns and personality structures can be identified in reversals. These reversals are often communicated in the form of metaphors and archetypes.
With years of research and analysis of reversals David Oates suggests “that at the deeper levels of consciousness, the human mind thinks in pictures and images, or metaphor. These metaphors form the basic building blocks of the psyche and determine who we are as individuals”. This has been demonstrated with thousands of reversals and there is an extremely high number of metaphors in Reverse speech.
Over the years David has been able to give meaning to these metaphors by using the principal of speech complementarity, and examining the forward context in which they occur.
Here are some examples of reversals using metaphors that I have found myself in the short time I have been involved with Reverse speech.

– I was interviewing a child of 12 years old about her pet dog and life-span of that particular breed of dog. Forwards she said “12 years if they’re normal 10 years if they’ve not had the best of lives” Disease wolf. The metaphor Wolf, is a structure in the unconscious that creates motivation. This is preceded by the word disease (impairment of the normal functioning of) which indicates that this child’s motivation is impaired. A deep thought in her unconscious mind.

– This was an interview with a celebrity about one of his favourite foods. “to medium rare with [skinny fries]” Sour phoenix. Sour is a metaphor meaning unpleasant, spiritually corrupt. Phoenix is a mythical bird that consumed itself by fire and later rises from the ashes renewed. Sour phoenix suggests unpleasant or corrupt power or bad energy and no renewal present.

– Talking with a client regarding work prospects and what the future holds for her. Forwards she said “one door [finishes another one o]pens” I know what my musician is used. The metaphor musician refers to as a new journey begins, this person has an idea of what her path, skill will be and what will make her heart sing.
– A woman talking of her spirituality. “I suspect there is [probably some big] block” He must see the wolf. A block to spirituality, with the use of the metaphor wolf. Must see what is motivating this block.

– One client speaking of a past life, where her spiritual master saw the power she had within and took advantage of that. “I had [a master that saw that]” A horse and a swan. The metaphor swan relates to a new pattern emerging in spirituality, being at peace with it now and the metaphor horse, this is in reference to moving forward with her spiritual life and being in control now in this lifetime.

It certainly is fascinating what the deep unconscious reveals in Reverse speech and gives greater knowledge in order to shift and release certain thoughts, motives, behavioural patterns and personality structures which are not serving their purpose for a happy, peaceful and fulfilled life.

The collective consciousness which can reveal universal knowledge and information outside of one’s own knowledge. We are all considered as one on earth and belong to and have access to the universal storehouse of knowledge. Messages can be brought out from reversals in the form of metaphors, archetypes and regular language.

As far back as October 1936 renowned Swiss psychiatrist and psychotherapist Carl Jung, who founded analytical psychology delivered a lecture “The Concept of the Collective Unconscious” He referred to collective consciousness as a structure of the unconscious mind which is shared and mutual to mankind as a whole and originates in the inherited structure of the brain. According to Jung, the collective unconscious contains archetypes, or universal primordial images and ideas. Archetypes constitute the structure of the collective unconscious – they are psychic innate dispositions to experience and represent basic human behaviour and situations.
The concept of collective consciousness is not only one which is attributed to Carl Jung’s theory from many years ago but is now one that has been increasingly acknowledged as we undergo the spiritual awakening and consequent ascension on and in our universe today, which has been slowly increasing since before the year 2000. It seems that as more and more of us become enlightened and our consciousness raises to heightened levels, Carl Jung’s theory of collective consciousness is catching up with present day.

Reverse speech can on rare occasions show a reversal from the collective consciousness when people show a knowledge of events outside their conscious awareness, past, present, and even future events. This gives further evidence of this astonishing concept.

I have not personally come across such a reversal as yet due to the fact that they are not as common so I will give an example that has been documented by David Oates.
– a client is talking about his spiritual beliefs with a rather strange speech reversal, seemingly unrelated. “That I think that, you know, [that, um, I will be an opener of s]ouls and I had the most incredible feeling of my heart chakra just bursting wide open.” Soon plan evil on America. The reversal seems to be totally out of context with the forward dialogue and we had no idea what it meant. However, 4 months later, 911 happened and America was attacked. This reversal could have been a prediction of this event coming from the Collective Unconscious.

The Spirit which comes from an even deeper part of us relating to matters of the soul, of Source, of our Higher Self. It is a voice of guidance, helping us, giving advice, instructions and insight. Reversals here are found in metaphors and regular language and at times can seem to speak directly to us. Those with intuitive abilities would, more than likely pick up the reverse speech of others they interact with. This may come to them in the way of a gut feeling. This would not only occur with the reverse speech type of Spirit but would relate to all the different types of reversals mentioned above.

An example of this:
– I was interviewing a woman on her business and who she worked with. She spoke about one of her staff members “one sort of full time her name is Karen” Will finish.
This was in early September of 2015 and the staff member she was referring to up and announced she was leaving at the end of November, less than 3 months later.
There was no prior warning, no discussion and she didn’t give the standard 2 weeks’ notice. She told the woman on the Friday and returned the following day to clear out all her belongings, no explanation. The reversal seemed to be a definite voice of insight.

With the above mentioned sources of Reverse speech it is really important to find clear, concise, and audible reversals. Before explaining more about finding great reversals I will mention here that over the years there have been side effects or adverse reactions observed consistently and in varying degrees which have been documented by David Oates especially when teaching Reverse speech classes.

Finding reversals requires more than simply listening to tapes and recordings backwards. In addition things happen in the unconscious mind.
Listening for reversals stimulates the right brain which can intensify emotions and creativity. Whilst listening for reversals, unconscious information is being downloaded to the conscious mind which can have differing effects on a person. Prolonged listening in reverse is likely to increase the conscious mind therefore opening up talents and abilities previously only obtainable to the unconscious mind. At times information heard in reversals could be a direct conflict to the beliefs of a person’s conscious mind.

As the new students of Reverse Speech begin their studies they are taught early on of the adverse reactions that can occur so they can be aware of any reactions they may experience and understand why.

These reactions have ranged from mild to severe depending on the individual.
In the mild cases reactions can be visible as an emotional reaction to hearing the reversals. Emotions are increased, emotions may fluctuate, a person may be on edge and in some cases an emotional reaction can manifest as a physical sensation in the body. These mild forms of reactions may only last a few days or in some cases last for days and even weeks. The majority dissipate with the first month.

Other reactions include an increase in dream states, sleep talking and sleepwalking, a heightened state of awareness, and creativity, intuition can become sharper and there may even be strange phenomena such as mysterious odours appearing in the house such as roses, peach or burning rubber smells and some have reported a feeling that someone is watching them or unexplained voices were found on the audio recordings.

Students are also discouraged when they are just starting out in Reverse speech to avoid doing reversals on themselves or their family members. There is a 50 percent chance of going into a reaction. It has been seen to increase family tensions and dynamics dramatically. Emotional states can run high and be quite intense and in some cases medical involvement has been necessary.
Students are also encouraged to break every half hour of reversing time. Taking a 5 minute break to go for a walk, have something to eat and drink will help reduce the chance of a reaction.

More active reactions may include a common one of transference – seeing your own faults in those around you and is generally directed at Reverse Speech itself, the Reverse Speech teacher or trainer. A client who doesn’t like the reversals found on them and/or go into denial. They may not able to accept the message of their reversal and blame the Reverse Speech analyst and even be very angry towards them even irrationally angry. The client will automatically go into defense mode and shutdown to any suggestion that they may be experiencing a reaction. There is a strong desire to break all contact with Reverse speech.

I have experienced a couple of the above mentioned reactions first hand when I started as a student of Reverse speech. Immediately after listening for reversals I would break out in a random rash which was quite severe and never in the same place when the rash reappeared. Of course I didn’t expect such a major physical reaction and for 3-4 weeks did not attribute the rash to reverse speech at all. It only began to click when I had a few days off in between listening to reversals due to work commitments and the rash subsided. It would appear again as soon as I started listening for reversals. I would stop for a few days as suggested but it continued to flare up every time I went back to listening for the reversals.

I was then able to see the power in the therapeutic value of Reverse Speech when I was guided by David Oates with a metaphorical image. Not that I ever questioned the value and effectiveness of Reverse Speech, I was a student and very passionate about this amazing work. This stopped the rash immediately and continued to work for the next week. My reaction was more deep seeded than first thought and I was lucky enough to have David’s help once again and he did a recording on me and found my reversals. Following a session with David and being put through my own personal metawalk (a spiritual journey through the metaphors of the unconscious mind), a subject for another time, which I continued for one week only, the rash disappeared by day 2. I am now freely able to listen to reversals without any ill effects and have not had a rash appear since. Emotions manifesting a physical reaction cleared,. Outstanding results!!!!
The other strange experience I had was when I listened for the reversals I’d smell a strange odour in my study which was similar to that of burnt rubber. This lasted for about a week and then disappeared.

When an adverse reaction has occurred there are solutions to this. For a mild, passive reaction it is best to stop doing reversals for a few days if the symptoms being experienced are causing a concern. For a more extreme, active reaction it is not as easy to solve and once it occurs it can become almost permanent. This is especially so if it has triggered a denial over a particular issue and then transferring the issue to someone else usually the Reverse speech analyst, teacher or trainer as mentioned above. It is important here to for the person experiencing the symptoms to accept 100% responsibility for it and the issue that triggered the reaction in the first place. Failure to do this can and has led to students and clients walking away from Reverse Speech which personally I find is a disappointing thing.

In Reverse speech genuine documentation of reversals found need to be precise and when playing a recording backwards the points to consider when looking for speech reversals are you will hear nothing but gibberish, you will imagine phrases into the backward sounds that do not exist, like seeing pictures in clouds, you will hear coincidental sounds only and you will hear genuine speech reversals.
If in doubt of what you are hearing throw it out and don’t document it. Don’t document reversals with more than eight words.

There are specific basic techniques in locating a clear, concise and audible reversal.
Allocate 2-3 hours and find a quiet place away from any distractions. Begin to analyse the recording from the beginning so that the complementarity and conversation flow is easy to determine. Go through the recording in small 3-4 second intervals listening to the forwards and then the reverse. The best speed to listen for reversals is at 85% reduced speed and it is important never to go over the same section of the recording more than six times when trying to decipher what a reversal is saying. More than this could cause you to project into the gibberish. Keep listening to the recording in this way until you locate an intelligent word backwards. It is best not to try too hard to find a reversal, let the reversal find you. Try to defocus your ears and hear beyond the gibberish. The reversal should just pop out or jump out of the gibberish and give you that wow factor.

There has been a set of seven reversal check points and five reversal validity factors formulated to follow in order to make sure the reversal found can be easily heard by others. This is most important as it will be played back to the client during the session times and it will also be used as examples in teaching as well as explaining and demonstrating Reverse Speech to others.

These seven check points were initially put together in 1991 to give students of Reverse speech easy steps and guidelines to distinguish between gibberish, their imagination and a genuine speech reversal. It still applies today as it has proven to be extremely effective and following these checkpoints greatly improves the accuracy rate.

There are however, an initial set of three checkpoints to follow when a suspected reversal is found. This will help distinguish genuine reversals from imagination. These are as follows:

  1. Is the syllable count correct?
  2. Are the beginnings and endings of words clear and distinct?
  3. Are the consonant and vowel sounds well formed?

If the reversal meets these three check points then go over the reversal several times applying the full seven checkpoints. These are as follows:

  1. Is the syllable count of the entire phrase correct?
  2. Are the vowel and consonant sounds in each syllable clear and precise?
  3. Are the beginnings and endings of words clearly defined and distinguishable?
  4. Are the spacing sufficient between each word, so that it is clearly distinguishable from other words in the reversal?
  5. Is the reversed phrase distinct from the surrounding gibberish?
  6. Does the entire phrase have a continuous, melodious tone from beginning to end?
  7. Does the phrase have a definite constant beat or tempo from beginning to end?

A reversal that meets the above seven check points is considered “a perfect reversal”.
There are however some reversals that do not meet all seven check points but they can still be considered as a reversal and documented but it will have a decreased validity factor.
The validity factor chart below acts as a guide to documenting the reversal it fails to meet the seven check points and needs to be documented with a reduced validity factor.

Validity Factor Chart

VF 5: All seven check points are met – the reversal is very clear.
VF 4: One check point ONLY may be imprecise.
VF 3: One check point of 1,2,3,4 and one of 5,6,7 may be imprecise
VF 2: One check point of 1,2,3,4 and two of 5,6,7 are imprecise
VF 1: Two check points of 1,2,3,4 and two of 5,6,7 are imprecise

It is best to document a reversal that has a validity factor of 3 and above, though ideally it is far better to document a reversal of a validity factor of 4 and 5.
Reversals that only have a validity factor of 1 and 2 should never be documented as it would be quite difficult for the phrase to be understood and for most people to hear clearly what is being said in reverse.

Specific prompting techniques can be used in the interview process with a client in order to obtain great reversals that are perfect for documenting before using the above checkpoints and validity factors.
Emotional content comes from the right brain and so reverse speech occurs in an emotional or relaxed situation. The more right brained a person is in their speech the more reversals will be found.
Invoking right brain activity by providing a relaxed and comfortable environment for the person being recorded. Making them feel at ease, developing and maintaining a great rapport mentally, emotionally and energetically. Having a solid connection with your client throughout the entire session will assist this process. Being in tune with or in sync with your client means aligning yourself with your client by matching their body movements, using common language and subtly mirroring or pacing a person’s non-verbal communication as well as energetic alignment. This can be done by sitting in the same body position, using similar gestures, using identical vocal speed, pitch and tones and/or matching their breathing patterns.

This will encourage an easy-going and natural flow to the conversation as well as keeping it lively and spontaneous.
Both clarity and frequency of reversals will differ depending on the situation the conversation is recorded under. The points below give a suggestion of the frequency in differing scenarios.

  • Casual conversation, free flowing with high rapport – 1 reversal every 10-20 seconds.
  • Typical session, questioning style – one reversal every 20-30 seconds.
  • Typical session recorded over the phone – one reversal every 30-60 seconds.
  • Public speaker in free style questioning – one reversal every 1-2 minutes.
  • Public speaker with prepared text – one reversal every 2-10 minutes.

Having a high number of perfect reversals will, in turn benefit the person being recorded as it will give a greater insight into their patterns and behaviours, what is presently going on in their lives and give the analyst vital information in order to help them with whatever they are needing at the time of consultation.

There are different types of Reverse Speech which have been found over the many years whilst analysing thousands of reversals. David Oates has been able to divide these into groups.

Differing sounds and tonalities of reverse speech. There have been eight different tonalities observed in backwards speech but most listeners have come across 1- 2 and the others get missed. Two people analysing the same recording may hear completely different reversals depending on the sounds they are able to tune into.

Layered reversals. Backwards speech is holographic in nature, as in when two different images can be seen depending on how you focus your eyes. When listening for reversals and by shifting your listening perspective, two different reversals can be heard. First one reversal can be heard, and then another. Most often, layered reversals are not revealed unless two or more people are listening to the same recording. One person hears one phrase and the other person will hears another phrase. These different phrases overlap each other giving the appearance of 2-3 reversals occurring at once depending on your listening perspective. Both phrases will meet the Reverse Speech check points and the phrases will be complementary to each other, as well as the forward dialogue. Together they make up the whole of a sentence as each message combines.

Constant reversals. Certain words and phrases spoken forwards will show up in reverse as saying the same thing or something very similar no matter who is talking.. For example the word relationship will mostly show up as “this is shallow” in reverse, (our relationships with others are shallow); the word reverse shows up as “serve you”; the word America shows up as ‘the crime”; the word understand shows up as “answer” (if you understand something you have the answer to it): the word President shows up as “deserve this”; the word emotion shows up as “show me”, (emotions are used to “show” people how we feel at times). Initially these were called coincidental sounds but as Reverse speech has grown it’s now believed that language has evolved to both forwards and backwards speech given the specific relationship between these sounds as demonstrated in the some of the examples given. It further adds to the theory of speech complementarity mentioned earlier in this article.

The three main types of constant reversals are as follows:

1. Universal Constants – These are words that will always or usually reverse to say the same thing, no matter who is speaking at time.

2. Personal Constants – These are words that will usually reverse to say the same thing for one particular person, but not another. These constants depict a behavioural aspect of the person speaking which is determined by using the complementarity between the forwards and the reversal.

3. Situational Constants – These are words that are only constant in one particular situation or topic at the time by a particular speaker. They may reverse to say the same thing on one day, but not the next.
The rule of thumb with documenting constant reversals is if they appear as part of an entire reverse sentence.

Categories of Reverse speech. The vast majority of reversals will have some relationship to the forward speech and these complementary relationships can be categorized into nine main types. These are called Categories of Reverse Speech. Most speech reversals will fit at least one category with a few reversals fitting two or three different categories. This is the first stage in determining what the reversal actually means by understanding the speech complementarity involved.
To assist this process asking the following questions when examining each reversal individually and categorizing it will give the analyst great understanding of the meaning and the significance of each reversal.

These questions are as follows:

  1. What is the precise forward dialogue responsible for the reversal?
  2. What is the forwards sentence and paragraph in which the reversal appears?
  3. Is the reversal congruent with or is it contradicting (non-congruent) the forwards?
  4. Are the emotions communicated the same or different from the forwards?
  5. Is the reversal communicating extra information concerning the forwards?
  6. What extra insights do the reversals give you?

Categories are:

Congruent reversals – these reversals are congruent with and provide confirmation of the content in the forwards speech.
Examples I have found of congruent reversals –

  • “[now I’ve] been told by somebody” now I am
  • “into a bit [more of a routine]” near still reform
  • “I’m happy to keep massaging for a few more years” pretty obvious
  • “[good thankyou]” waking up good

Incongruent reversals – these reversals will directly contradict what has been said forwards.

  • “[yeah good idea]” please, not again

Expansive reversals – These reversals add additional information to the forward dialogue.

  • “a paid role in [the summer]” harmless
  • “[look it’s just], it kinda felt weird” sex with him

External dialogue – These reversals will speak directly to another person giving instructions or asking questions. It’s believed that the unconscious mind hears these reversed messages, recognizes it as intuition and responds accordingly.

  • “sometimes stay here sometimes go see mum and dad” say yes

Internal dialogue – These reversals will reflect internal thought processes, conscious and unconscious, as the psyche talks to itself, organizing behaviour and self-analysis.

  • “why is that happening” I feel
  • “he doesn’t like bananas” and I end up yelling
  • “hard done by, [he’s the victim here]” I must be confused

Internal command – These reversals will give a direct command concerning some action that must taken by the conscious self. It is assumed these commands are coming from some deeper part of the psyche. Reversals will most often start with the word you.

  • “she [started telling] me I’d abandoned my children” you must split up
  • “would like to play the [piano properly]” you look both one eye

Trail and lead – These reversals will appear in a conversation either before or after a topic is discussed in forward speech. In other words, they either “lead” the discussion, or “trail” on after the topic has changed. They can appear a few seconds before or after, or be several minutes apart.
I haven’t personally come across any of these trial and lead reversals, but I have included a Reverse speech example:

  • “…discussion on reverse speech, conversation changes, [I bought a new car today]…” Reverse speech will change society
  • “I was about 30-35 when I found out my father was alive, [it was just through word of mouth] – long dialogue – I found out there were other brothers and sisters.” I have an older sister

Future tense reversals – These reversals predict a future event or behavioural outcome in a person’s life.

  • “[next year there’s] sort of a new role” survey, it’s in. A conversation I had with someone regarding a possible new job. The reversal says it’s in, the job was hers and the following year this was true.
  • “one sortof full time her name is Karen” will finish. A conversation I had with a business owner and her staff. This staff member did in fact finish up 3 months later.

Comparative reversals – These reversals have no obvious connection with the subject matter of the forward dialogue, but will rather contain an emotional comparison. That is, the reversal may discuss an event or subject that, although unrelated to the subject of the forward dialogue, has similar emotions attached to it.
I’ve not come across a true comparative reversal as yet so the example is from Reverse Speech:

  • “I like the reverse speech training course very much.” I went sailing on the weekend

Reversal Structure. Reversals appear in many different styles and structures. The list below details the differing structural forms so far documented.

Normal Structure: Most reversals appear as a single sentence of a few words with direct and obvious complementarity with the forward dialogue. These are also the most common of the reversals I have found so far.

Long Sentences: Long reversals of more than 12 words are extremely rare. Take care when documenting them to make sure that they are not actually 2 or 3 reversals separated by gibberish. I haven’t come across a long sentence reversal structure as yet.

Single words: These reversals are fairly common but caution when documenting them as they could also be coincidence. The validity factor should be high and there must be an obvious complementarity with the forward dialogue before documenting them.

Semi Formed: In a small number of reversals, the last half of the last word, or the whole word, will disappear into gibberish. It is always the end of the reversal that is not there, never at the beginning or middle of the reversal. For example a reversal that says back, and (wards) disappears into gibberish.

Mirror Image: In these reversals the forward and the reverse statement will say exactly the same thing, or be a mirror image of each other. Sometimes partial mirror image reversals can occur, where certain words of the reversal will be the same as certain words of the forwards.

Sentence Building: In these reversals, the forward and reverse dialogue will combine to form a complete sentence, with the reversal completing a sentence that has begun in the forward dialogue.

Cause and Effect: These reversals will contain two separate statements, separated by punctuation, that are related to each. (Punctuation can be in the form of a long space, or tonal shift between the two statements.) The two statements will support and complement each other.

Link Reversals: These reversals are very rare. They occur in quick exchanges between people in high rapport where there is connection or common understanding of an idea being communicated. The forward dialogue responsible for the reversal comes from the last words of the first speaker’s sentence and the first words of the second speaker’s sentence. Sometimes the reversal will appear to be in one voice, even though two different speakers are responsible for the reversal.

Reverse speech brings a whole new meaning to the saying – “the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth”. On a conscious level we are fully aware that we are lying unlike the unconscious and subconscious mind which cannot be forced to lie. It is impossible to lie when reversals access truth only. According to the research and analysis of thousands of reversals found David Oates has never discovered one instance of someone being able to withhold the truth in reverse.

Reverse speech would definitely be an extremely effective way for people to be forced into being honest with themselves. It really is the human lie detector or a “truth serum” as Reverse Speech will usually correct the inconsistencies of forward speech. If a lie is spoken forwards, the truth may be communicated in reverse. If important facts are left out of the forward speech these may also be spoken in reverse. It can reveal hidden motive and agenda and other conscious thought processes. Quite a powerful tool which can be applied in so many ways for the good of all.

David Oates quoted on the Reverse Speech website “Imagine asking yourself any question and getting an answer of TRUTH from your unconscious mind to shed new light on decisions or challenges that are existing or even unknown.”

It would be quite evident by now, the incredible applications that Reverse Speech can have and what an amazing tool it is for all of us today.
It has been applied and found to be of immense benefit in assisting in the following ways:

  • Business applications – assisting with business dealings of all types, whether or not to invest money into a particular business venture, when making important business decisions, finding the best employees for the job, helps when working with business partners and starting a business with others in finding the best possible person to partner up with and It can reveal whether a person’s partners can be trusted, assists in advertising as speech reversals that are set into the advertisement can mean its success or failure and invaluable to and corporate business decisions, investments, mergers and marketing.
  • Police work is an area for reverse speech to get the whole truth and to expand on any given evidence in criminal cases using the unconscious language. The courts and legal system could gain truth and insight in trials. Private investigation work.
  • Insurance companies shedding light on fraudulent claims avoiding a large payout.
  • Therapeutic benefits – personal development and self-discovery, assisting with issues from the past preventing people from moving forwards in their life, those continually repeating the same patterns of behaviour over and over, not learning from past mistakes and repeating those same mistakes regardless of the consequences, finding stronger motivation, advice on relationships, wanting to achieve better relationships with partners, family members, friends and children, an improved mental attitude, those needing advice on an important decision or their life’s direction and purpose, personal or family therapy sessions, medical conditions both acute and chronic and psychotherapy.
  • Areas of interest – this has extremely fascinating results when applied to politics with speech’s are given. Interviews on radio and television with politician’s and government members which could prove interesting as the truth can be revealed, what is really going on in this area, news, current affairs and world events, celebrities and controversies and religion.
  • Children ….

    Reversals in children and the applications of Reverse speech for children of all ages is one topic that is totally fascinating to me. I originally trained as a Nurse and specialized in paediatric nursing for many years and also have my own business in the alternative health and healing field. Working with children, helping and supporting them and their parents has always been and still is a great passion of mine. It would be remiss of me to not include this topic in full, along with the discoveries made and the theory of dual language. I have written an article on this topic and below I have included the whole article as I feel it gives the best overall summary. To break it down further would not give justice to this wonderful application of Reverse speech for children and just how enormous and exciting the benefits are, which can help our children of today.
Reversals on Children and Some Applications They Can Have
14th January 2016


Reverse speech was first discovered by David Oates in 1984. Further investigation and many hours of extensive research performed by David over the next few years uncovered many incredible discoveries. In April of 1987 David Oates developed the theory of dual language. Humans communicate not only in forward speech but also in Reverse speech so we have what’s known as bi-level communication – speech occurring on two levels simultaneously. This brought about the question of how does Reverse Speech begin? One, are we born with it or two, does it develop like Forward speech as a learned function?
Blessed with twin girls in July of 1987 David then began recording his babies from birth and an answer to this question was discovered.

For the first few months David recorded his babies’ sounds, crying and gurgling and nothing was found when listening to the tapes in reverse. Persisting with recordings of the twins and countless hours of playing them backwards David heard the very first speech reversal on a baby. This was found at 4 months of age.
The first clear reversal found was “mummy” when one of the twins had been crying in her cot whilst her parents were playing a board game. It was a week later that another clear reversal was found.
Reversals were heard more frequently on the twins as they grew older, for example hungry, help, nappy.

It was then evident through these countless hours of research that children speak backwards before they do forwards. This actually also confirms the nature of Reverse Speech coming from the unconscious mind. We all are born with the unconscious mind fully active and developed, then as we grow and learn the conscious mind develops. So it would make sense that children do in fact speak backwards before they talk forwards. As they begin to speak forwards the two modes of communication merge together forming an overall bi-level communication process.
With these recordings of his girls and from other babies, toddlers and children over the next 4 years David was able to develop a timeline for the stages of development in children.
From as early as 4 months of age, simple words can be found as reversals and by the time children reach 13-14 months of age, complex sentences are forming in reverse.

Based on the reversal samples that were found on children, although limited, allowed a timeline to be developed by David Oates which showed the stages of language development of children.
At 3-4 months of age – reverse language begins and single simple words can be found about once every 10 – 15 minutes of baby sounds, including crying and fussing.
At 7-9 months of age – reverse language begins to appear as a 2-3 word simple sentence still occurring every 10 – 15 minutes. This shows simple emotions and intellectual concepts in children of this age.
At 12-18 months – reversals appear in a more complex sentence and begin to occur at a greater frequency. It is also at this stage that forward speech commences and with it speech complementary also begins.
At 18-24 months – reversals occur with more frequency and these reversals found contain occasional metaphors. (a figure of speech in which a word or phrase is applied to an object or action to which it is not literally applicable.) This shows that a child’s game playing begins to sort through conflicts with the speech reversals supplying the commentary.
At 2-4 years – reversals are occurring prolifically in a child’s language and metaphors appear a lot more often. At this stage children work through conflicts and resolutions with more advanced behavioural strategies which can be clearly seen in the reversals found.

It is usually the children’s reversals which convince people of Reverse speech. Children’s reverse speech opens up an amazing and exciting new approach to helping children of all ages, including their parents.
Being able to access the mind of a child from 3- 4 months onwards is not only incredible in itself but the applications are huge in working with children and assisting them on so many levels.
Babies and young children can communicate their needs and how they are feeling long before they can talk. The advantage of helping parents, especially first time parents who may have concerns about their children is incredible. It is often said by many parents at one stage or another “why didn’t we get a manual when our child was born” and is referred to at all ages of a child’s life when the parents are dealing with some difficult times and circumstances. Reverse speech in children certainly gives a whole new meaning to the “manual”.
Getting answers to why their baby or young child is irritable, constantly crying, unsettled and not sleeping would be such a relief and could in turn work as a teaching tool for all parents.

As children grow up, there is a myriad of circumstances that can arise where reverse speech would also be invaluable to parents as well as teachers, coaches, doctors, counselors, social workers and other health care professionals. Children may struggle socially, may suffer from separation anxiety and can’t bear to be separated from mum in particular, have behavioural issues, learning difficulties, sleep disorders, issues at pre-school and school, may have suffered some form of trauma in their young lives, may be victims of bullying and to too afraid to speak up, may live in difficult family situations or sadly be living in a domestic violence household, have parents who have divorced and whether the divorce was amicable or not it can effect children in all different ways, they could have definite fears – a most common one is fear of the dark, or fear of the unknown or be simply too young to understand why and what they are feeling or how to speak about it properly.
Children behavioural problems most likely occur as a result of one or more of the above situations or another issue they are facing. Children, in most cases act out if they are dealing with a situation that they can’t themselves work through or find a solution too. They may be too fearful to speak up, unable to talk with a parent or another adult or they may be unable to comprehend or understand the reason why.
Investigating and analysing children’s reversals usually gives an accurate explanation of what is happening with them at an unconscious level and can bring to light the reasons for their current behaviour. Based on the reversals found solutions can be found quickly, easily and with less upset and unnecessary stress for the child.

This also brings up another discovery David came across with his research on children’s reversals. Children’s learned behaviour can unconsciously come from their parent’s speech reversals. As reverse speech is a form of communication, children are constantly hearing their parent’s speech reversals on an unconscious level and can take on those characteristics. Reverse speech is often expressed in metaphors and archetypes which carry with them specific behavioural patterns. Children hear these metaphors from their parents and in turn this metaphorical and archetypal behaviour also becomes a part of their behaviour. These parental patterns then become that of their children and unless change is created in either the parents, or the children, at the unconscious level children will grow up repeating the patterns of their parents. This is often seen when children as adults have their own children. In some cases they vow never to be like their parents and before they know it they are automatically repeating the patterns of those very same behaviours of their parents. With the application of Reverse speech this would be an incredible way to minimize generations of repeated patterns and lead to a better future for us all.

There are so many other reasons for using reverse speech in children and this application would certainly be beneficial on so many levels. It would cut down the therapeutic process by months or even years. Instead of lengthy consultations or therapy sessions with health care professionals in an attempt to discover why, how and when children developed particular issues or behaviours, using Reverse speech allows us to see precisely what is creating a child’s current personal issues and behaviours. It may even bypass the professional assistance needed altogether in a lot of cases, giving parents the much needed teaching tools to help their child without feeling helpless, stressed and worried sick themselves which in turn would give them more confidence, empowering them as parents. Certainly another plus for applying reverse speech with children.

Reverse speech, being a communication process has also been known to be successful in allowing one mother to be given an incredible gift from her daughter. Her daughter was a 13 year old mentally disabled and nonverbal. She had been this way since birth. A 30 minute tape that the mother had sent to David of her daughter’s nonsensical sounds was analysed. Several clear reversals were found including one very special one that every parent wants to hear. This reversal said “Mummy, love you”. This application is really exciting for parents with children in similar situations and can open up channels of communication that would otherwise never exist. It would also be extremely helpful to carers and educators working with the parents.
Speech reversals have also been found on the sounds made by children who are deaf. It could also be applied in children with autism. Children who have been diagnosed with autistic disorder have difficulties with interaction and communication with others. They seem to be in their own world, have little or no spoken language, they often echo or mimic words or phrases without meaning or in an unusual tone of voice, depending on the severity of their autism. The condition is often diagnosed when it becomes clear that a child’s social behaviour and language aren’t developing in a typical way.
Having access to communicate with these children would not only assist them more with their needs and wants but give us access into their world and could be paramount in drawing an autistic child back into our world.

I believe the applications for using Reverse speech in children are extremely exciting and offers a whole new approach to healing. Having the ability to communicate on a level with special needs children which would otherwise be lost to parent’s altogether is amazing. Addressing problems and concerns at an earlier age and dealing with children’s issues when they start could lessen the amount of wayward and troubled teenagers, perhaps even save quite a large number of young lives. Having had help in their earlier years could reduce the need to turn to drugs and alcohol as a coping mechanism, rebelling against their parents or people of authority and getting themselves into trouble one way or another.

Wouldn’t it be wonderful for all children who did need assistance in one way or another to receive the benefits of Reverse speech? Children would be feeling better so much quicker as would their parents. Happy, healthy children is all a parent really wants for their child after all.
Children are very receptive and respond well to many healing modalities. Reverse speech is no exception. Definitely a win-win!!!

In summing up, this is to date my understanding of Reverse speech, the basic theories, investigative knowledge and the first analysis skills required to begin my journey of helping others benefit from the applications of Reverse Speech in their lives.
As it is such a complex and profound it couldn’t be summarized in a few short pages. The whole concept of reverse speech is extremely special and the implications for helping people in so many ways is sensational especially in the world as we know it today. The possibilities are endless, in fact and spreading the word so more and more people are aware of Reverse speech would be nothing but miraculous for all.