Why Was the JFK Broadcast Such a Success?

Why Was the JFK Broadcast Such a Success?

By Tiffany Fontenot


The JFK broadcast had many reasons for being such a great success. The first of which was that it brought the right people together who are experts in their fields including such a great alternative news person as Jeff Rense who stands behind Reverse Speech. Jeff Rense and David Oates have been educating the public for a long time about Reverse Speech.

When we started doing the JFK reversals in class, I was thinking how awesome it would be if we had Jim Marrs on hand to help us put together what we were getting in class on the JFK reversals, with Jim’s knowledge base because he is an expert in the JFK assassination field of study, and lo and behold then I found out at the beginning of the show that Jim Marrs was going to be on with David and Jeff, and I thought… this show is going to be awesome with Jim Marrs and Jeff Rense there to be able to match up their knowledge with the Reversals that were found! There was also a remote viewer, Dick Allgire on the show who was similarly able to corroborate what was coming up in the JFK reversals.

Also, adding new people, adds new excitement to the topic of Reverse Speech and JFK. I have a large following in the light-worker and truth movement communities on Facebook, and several weeks ago I began educating my readers and other friends and family about Reverse Speech by posting about it, answering questions, and including some of my homework assignments which generated a ton of new discussion and interest among a group of people who had never heard of it before in the lightworker and truther communities, who then started sharing that information with their friends.

I have a few friends that know some of the staff at Veterans Today (VT) and I noticed that shortly after I started posting all this stuff on Reverse Speech that they published a short article on it, so some of the VT staff also seem to have become interested in Reverse Speech as well. All of this new interest has assisted the public to seek out a show like the one that was broadcast.

Since introducing my readers to Reverse Speech, they have come farther down the lane about who it is that they are wanting to vote for in our current presidential election, and many of them have expressed that they feel very comfortable with the amount of information in the Reverse Speech database I’ve been sharing with them for all candidates except for Bernie Sanders.

In other words, they feel as if they have come to properly know these people well enough through reverse speech in order to come to a voting decision, except for Bernie Sanders. They want to know more about who he is. Many of them are suspicious of Sander’s relationship with Israel, and want to know if all his reversals are congruent, and don’t think there are enough examples in the database to be able to know that yet.

So, since my readers had already learned enough about Reverse Speech from what I was posting and what we were discussing about the current presidential race, they found the possibility of being able to find out the truth about what really happened, and who was involved in the JFK assassination highly interesting!

There were two other major factors in this broadcast becoming such a great success. One of them was that the reversals that were used were extremely clear reversals. As David and the rest of us were listening to the reversals in class, we had to consider whether or not they were clear enough to be aired on the radio with a large audience in order for them to see the very best examples that Reverse Speech has to offer. Only the ones with “the wow factor” were used.

And, lastly, emotion played the biggest part of all in why this broadcast was so successful. The reversals were so clear because we we’re dealing with people now who were living through a time where a beloved leader was taken away from our country by the darkest of criminals. Criminals who have been sweating it out under the gaze of the public eye trying to keep all their lies straight from that day until this one. The reversals used for the show were ones that occurred within weeks before, during, and after the actual assassination, so they were very clear because there was so much emotion being generated during that very historic time period.

The emotions of this topic are still in play today because many of us were alive and still remember exactly where we were when this despicable criminal, satanic act was committed and covered up en masse.

People are very frustrated that this topic has never been able to come to a point of rest, but those people who stuck with this broadcast, and listened to it, were able to move through those emotions of amazement of all the discoveries about this topic that have been made possible through Reverse Speech analysis… disbelief of how despicable these criminals have been, and how badly the truth has been tainted on our planet, then also a measure of release and CLOSURE of finally, at long last HAVING and FEELING the TRUTH of the situation firmly within our grasp, so that we can put it in its proper perspective, and proper place within our own personal, national, and global frame of reference.

Knowing the truth is a starting place both for problem solving to learn from what happened and try to put in more safe guards where our power structure is concerned as a people, and also allows us to begin a process of healing our social fabric.



Wow! Diccionario de Reverse Speech en Español

We are very pleased to post the first edition of a Reverse Speech Metaphor Dictionary written for the Spanish language. This is a great work by Carlos Mauricio Coto, CRSI, CRSA and long time Reverse Speech supporter. It is available to download for free in Word Document format to anyone who wishes it here: Diccionario de Reverse Speech en Español

Experience The Wonders of Session Work

Look at the updated page on Personal Development regarding Reverse Speech Session Work and experience the wonders of session work. Also, check out this new article David has written about what you can expect going through Reverse Speech session work or Metaphor Restructuring here: Metaphor Restructuring – What You Can Expect I think most will find it very enlightening and interesting.

Training Announcement

Hello Everyone,

For those of you who have been following my work for a while now, you will know that Reverse Speech has been getting a lot of successes lately. The JFK assassination show was heralded as the best in my 33 year career, the recent outing of Reince Priebus, chairman of the RNC, was confirmed in the news only a week after I released those reversals. And of course the amazing successes I get in my therapeutic practice go virtually silent, however those are the greatest successes of all!

Yet, despite the stunning successes that I get, the field has only a handful of skilled practitioners across the world doing it. I need people to take this technology out to the world! It has been said that I need to clone myself, there is so much work to be done. The only way I know how to clone myself is to train others how to do Reverse Speech.

Please, if you have any interest in Reverse Speech or a desire to make a difference in the world, this is your opportunity.


I am therefore scheduling my next training class to commence on Sunday June the 19th 2016. There will be 12 classes altogether held on line, for 3 hours every 2 weeks. In England the time will be 2 pm – 5 pm, in Australia 11 pm – 2 am, and in the United States 9 am – 12 pm EST.

Please consider this carefully. This is an important class and an important field. The implications of Reverse Speech are enormous. We truly do need you involved!

The cost is usually $US1997 including the reverse speech software. However, if you sign up now I will offer a $200 discount, so you can start for $US1797! (That’s 1300 GBP, or $AUD2350)

In this course you will learn…..

• How to use the Reverse Speech software
• How to accurately document genuine speech reversals
• How to determine what speech reversals mean
• How to conduct conversations to get the greatest numbers of reversals
• How the human mind creates behaviour and personality with metaphors

To sign up for this course email me at backwards@reversespeech.com or call in the US 503-5687077, or in London call 0203 6081426, and Australia – 08 83824372

I look forward to seeing you in class

David J. Oates
Founder of Reverse Speech

Visit The Training Page Here