Beyond Backward Masking Book

Beyond Backward Masking Book

Beyond Backward Masking Book

Beyond Backward Masking Book

Hey All,

First released 30 years ago…

Beyond Backward Masking book was the first EVER publication that explained the phenomenon of backward masking – you know, those voices you hear when you play rock and roll records in reverse.

There was a lot of controversy about this at the time and a lot of confusion and speculation as to what caused it…

It was also the first book I authored or, on this occasion, co-authored with my good friend Greg Albrecht, and I’m excited to announce that I’ve just published a new for 2017 revised version.

Take a look here now:

This is the book that uncovered a new form of human communication and postulated the theory of duality in human language – something that simply hadn’t been considered before!

In what is perhaps the most comprehensive study of its kind, this book reveals all the findings of Greg’s and myself’s extensive research.

Concluding that these until now unexplained messages are in fact an intricate and integral part of the communication process and that on the Reverse of everyone’s speech can be heard the uncensored voice of our unconscious, inner mind – a window into the soul.

In short it’s a revelation!

And right now, to celebrate the release of this new for 2017 revised edition, Greg and I are giving you the opportunity, not only to own a historic piece of research and writing, but also a very powerful, and you could say, enlightening book.

The book will start shipping March 15th.

I’m offering every one who pre-orders the book a 10% discount as well as FREE shipping to anywhere in the USA.

Pre-order now and save 10%:

If nothing else, this book will open your eyes to an entirely new way of thinking about how you communicate – it may even make you think twice before you speak!





Metawalks® Interactive Program

Metawalks Interactive Program

Metawalks® Interactive Program

Hey All,

Have you ever wished it was as easy to transform your life as it is to
get a prescription from the pharmacy for a physical ailment?

Well now it is…

After 30 years I’ve finally created something quite unique that will allow everyone
to benefit from what is possibly the most transformative behavioural technique
on the planet

I’m referring of course to the Metawalk™ element of the Reverse Speech process

This is the piece that actually rewires your unconscious mind and allows you to
experience massive transformations in virtually ANY area of life

Take a look for yourself –

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What are you waiting for

Download your own prescription for personal transformation today
I know you’ll love it




Video Testimonial – Marie-Claire Carlyle

Video Testimonial From Marie-Claire Carlyle

Video Testimonial From Marie-Claire Carlyle

This Video Testimonial is from Marie-Claire Carlyle who is a Hay House author, inspirational speaker, success coach and ambassador for Tropic Skincare. Marie-Claire has over twenty years in corporate world of sales, culminating in the role as UK Sales Director of a software company. She left the corporate world in 2003 to explore travel and the world of personal development. Soon she created her own Feng Shui and Coaching consultancy in Chester and went on to create the one day Money Magnet workshop in 2005. After that she wrote the book “How to become a Money Magnet” to spread the magic formula further afield. Became a published author with Hay House in September 2010 and launched her second book “Money Magnet Mindset! in October 2012. She has coached individuals and teams to achieve high incomes most of her working life and continue to have a select number of coaching clients. She is now frequently in demand as an inspirational speaker and is currently working on her third book. She is passionate about empowering everyone to enjoy their life and to become financially free, and she has recently become an ambassador for Tropic Skincare.

Analysis of President Trumps Inauguration Speech

Reverse Speech Analysis of President Trumps Inauguration Speech

Reverse Speech Analysis of President Trumps Inauguration Speech

Donald J Trump was just sworn in as the 45th President of America today, January 20, 2017 and vowed to rebuild the country using “American hands”. President Trump has written his inauguration address draft himself, two senior Trump transition officials said Tuesday. Trump was joined at the inauguration by members of his family, including his wife Melania Trump, and his children Donald Trump Jr., Eric Trump, Ivanka Trump, Tiffany Trump and Barron Trump, his youngest son. Outgoing President Barack Obama, along with former Presidents George W. Bush, Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter were also in attendance. Ahead of his speech, Trump aide Kellyanne Conway said the American people could expect Trump’s address to be a message to “unify the country.” “You’re going to hear a man of action, a man of resolve in what we all know to be a divided country,” Conway said Friday morning on CBS. At just over 15 minutes, Trump’s address was short and to the point and free of the flowery prose that suggests a speechwriter far too eager to be remembered by history. He painted a picture of a broken and damaged country, dotted with rusting-out factories “like tombstones”, city streets plagued with “crime and the gangs, and the drugs that have stolen too many lives,” and the wealth of the middle class “ripped from their homes and then redistributed all across the world”. Trump’s inauguration speech identified the new president’s enemies, set the terms of their defeat, and made his battle plan against them clear. Now we’ll have to wait and see if he’s able to execute it. Meanwhile, across the nation there were protests from those who oppose Trumps election including the city of Washington, D.C., and just about every other major city throughout the United States. Here is the Reverse Speech analysis of President Trumps inauguration speech.

Researching a Metaphor – The Owl


Researching a Metaphor- The Owl


Researching a Metaphor- The Owl

By Addy Pitman

“And yesterday the bird of night did sit
Even at noon-day upon the marketplace,
Hooting and shrieking. When these prodigies
Do so conjointly meet, let not men say,
“These are their reasons. They are natural.”
For I believe they are portentous things
Unto the climate that they point upon.”

– William Shakespeare, Julius Caesar


Researching a Metaphor- The Owl – The word owl originates from Middle English owle, from Old English ūle, similar to Old High German uwila owl. First Known Use: before 12th century.

The owl is a bird of prey. It is part of the raptor family of Strigiformes, consisting of nocturnal birds of prey. They have a large head, large eyes, a short hooked beak, soft down feathers, and powerful talons. They vary in size and are found in all areas of the world with the exception of Antarctica and some islands. The Elf Owl is the smallest owl standing at 5 to 6 inches tall and weighing 1 1/2 oz. The North American owl is the largest of all owls and stands at 32 inches tall. A silent flyer with a keen sense of sight and hearing make this bird a perfect night time hunter. Most owls can detect their prey from a great distance, up to a half a mile away. Owls typically hunt other owls, small animals and insects.

According to the Reverse Speech Dictionary the definitions for owl are as follows:

OWL (Structural) see Wisdom, metaphor pair; Owl is knowledge from conscious mind; knowledge that one has reasoned with the intellect; earthly “wisdom”; also honor and integrity. Trance image; an owl

WHITE OWL (Structural) see Wise Owl, metaphor pair, the opposite of; to worship ones intellect as though it was God; this was the crime of Lucifer, he thought he was so wise he was equal with God; this metaphor is very strong and it refers to someone immersed in their head with no spiritual connection; a mighty intellect that is rigid and immovable. Trance image; a large owl, sometimes white sometimes demonic.

WISE OWL (Structural) see White Owl, metaphor pair, the opposite of; take great caution with the documentation of these metaphors, there is a fine line between white Owl and Wise Owl; Wise Owl refers to an intellect that is in contact with the spiritual forces of the unconscious and therefore has true wisdom; White Owl is the opposite and represents one who has no wisdom but thinks themselves to be supremely wise. Trance image; unknown.

WISDOM (Structural) see Owl; Wisdom is unconscious knowledge, Owl is conscious reasoning; Owl is forwards or knowledge, wisdom is backwards or wisdom; sometimes pronounced as “wis-s-hdom” (long, drawn-out “sh” instead of “s”); insight; comes directly from the Soul; to be taken very seriously; profound truth; it by-passes the intellect. Trance image; sometimes messages encrypted onto scrolls.

Symbolic meanings for the owl are:

  • Intuition, insight
  • Wisdom, reflection (advisor)
  • Ability to see through deception and darkness
  • Announcement of change(messenger)
  • Announcement of death, including a symbolic death or life transition

In the Bible, owls are considered to be “unclean” birds, and God had not intended for them to be consumed by the Israelites:

“And these you shall have in abomination among the birds, they shall not be eaten, they are an abomination: the eagle, the vulture, the osprey, the kite, the falcon according to its kind, every raven according to its kind, the ostrich, the nighthawk, the sea gull, the hawk according to its kind, the owl, the cormorant, the ibis, the water hen, the pelican, the carrion vulture, the stork, the heron according to its kind, the hoopoe, and the bat.”
(Leviticus 11:13-19 RSV)

Since owls are active at night and often inhabit caves and deserted land, they became biblically symbolic of desolate places:

“I am like a vulture of the wilderness, like an owl of the waste places; I lie awake, I am like a lonely bird on the housetop”
(Psalm 102:6-7 RSV)

“Night and day it shall not be quenched; its smoke shall go up forever. From generation to generation it shall lie waste; none shall pass through it forever and ever. But the hawk and the porcupine shall possess it, the owl and the raven shall dwell in it. He shall stretch the line of confusion over it, and the plummet of chaos over its nobles. They shall name it No Kingdom There, and all its princes shall be nothing. Thorns shall grow over its strongholds, nettles and thistles in its fortresses. It shall be the haunt of jackals, an abode for ostriches. And wild beasts shall meet with hyenas, the satyr shall cry to his fellow; yea, there shall the night hag alight, and find for herself a resting place. There shall the owl nest and lay and hatch and gather her young in her shadow; yea, there shall the kites be gathered, each one with her mate. Seek and read from the book of The Lord: Not one of these shall be missing; none shall be without her mate. For the mouth of The Lord has commanded, and his Spirit has gathered them.”
(Isaiah 34:10-16 RSV)

Since ancient times, owls have been portrayed in art, pottery, wooden carvings, and small statues. The owl began as a goddess reference figure in early matriarchal societies. Greek goddess Athena and Roman goddess Minerva were often depicted with owls. The owl signified the wisdom and knowledge of the goddesses. It enabled them to speak the truth. A little owl also can be found on the Greek coin from 500 B.C. as well as a 5th century statue of Athena holding an owl in her hand. Early European Celts represented the owl as the Great Mother of fertility well before the Greeks and Romans.

As patriarchal cultures emerged, owls became disparaging omens signifying a looming death. Most likely the owl became associated with the deceased because of its relation to the darkness of night. Death, the eternal sleep, goes hand and hand with darkness. Usually the death of a close relative or public figure would be foretold by the cries or presence of an owl. Romans believed that if an owl was seen hooting from the roof of a public building, it was a sign of the future death of an important public person . The hooting and shrieking of an owl was thought to have prognosticated the stabbing of Julius Caesar by Marcus Junius Brutus.

From China and India to Japan and the Middle East, owls are associated with evil and bad omens. Ancient Egyptians associated the owl with death, but honored the owl as a bird that protected dead spirits as they crossed over into the afterlife. Some Native American tribes such as the Pawnee and the Cherokee have a positive view of the owl as one of protection, power and sacredness. It is often referred to as the “Night Eagle” because of its silence during flight and its ability to see in the dark.

Mirroring that logic, a dream about an owl can be both positive and negative. Seeing an owl in a dream is positive, hearing one is negative. The sounds of an owl in a dream predicts disappointment and potential death. The subconscious is trying to get the attention of the dreamer. Seeing an owl denotes wisdom and intuition. An owl can be a subconscious way of telling the dreamer to move on from the past or negative patterns of thinking and behaving.

A dual symbolism of lightness (wisdom) and darkness (death) is portrayed in the owl. As our collective consciousness has evolved so too as the owl metaphor. The symbol of the owl has transformed over the ages; from the goddess filled with wisdom and intuition, to death as a transformation or change, and to the omen of evil or death. The owl definition in Reverse Speech metaphor dictionary signifies knowledge from the unconscious mind, wisdom, honor and truth. While the metaphor owl is positive, the white owl is a proxy of Lucifer. It is a negative metaphor referring to the sin of Lucifer believing his wisdom was equal to that of God’s; a spiritual disconnection in a person who thinks he or she is wise but is not. The trance image for the white owl metaphor would be a large demonic owl which again is a representation of negativity and darkness. The owl reminds us, if we do not have a connection to God (wisdom/truth), we are in darkness (evil/death).



Animal Magick: The Art of Recognizing & Working with Familiars – By D. J. Conway



Investigator Essay – What Is Reverse Speech?


Investigator Essay - What Is Reverse Speech?


Investigator Essay – What Is Reverse Speech?

By Richard Dillon

Investigator Essay – What Is Reverse Speech? The phenomenon of Reverse Speech is possessed of its own mystery, it has a similarity to the Parapraxis (Freudian Slip) found in Psychoanalysis, where any of us can inadvertently reveal hidden motivations, concerns, or issues by the misuse of a word when speaking.  In Wikipedia we read, “A  Freudian slip, is an error in speech, memory, or physical action that is interpreted as occurring due to the interference of an unconscious subdued wish or internal train of thought.” The idea of “an unconscious subdued wish or internal train of thought” provides a sense or measure of what a speech reversal does or means. How either of these modes of communication operate mechanically is a matter of conjecture.

Reverse Speech can also be compared to results of the Cut-up Writing Technique developed by William S. Burroughs, Bryan Gysin, and Surrealist artists.  Taking articles from a random newspaper, magazine, book, WSB would cut the body of the text into three columns. After splicing the columnar texts spontaneously, new sentences emerged.  These lines would create new analogies, metaphors, and oracular pronouncements.  Burroughs worked with tape recorders, splicing and inter-cutting soundtracks, which became tracks in time. Time Future Metaphors could, thus, comment on Time Past, Time Past could comment on Time Future, and both on Time Present, which, itself, could comment on Past and Future. I believe that he was aware of Reverse Speech, certainly, he could not not have encountered the phenomenon over the decades in his experiments with film, paper and taped sound and speech.

A poet is said to be animated by his muse.  The muse conveys the impulses through the poet who translates them into words.   The imperfect rendering of the muse’s messages into mere words mechanically excludes commentary by the muse about what it said originally. If the oral rendition of a poem is reversed, this excluded commentary by the muse could be discovered, embedded in the original sonic matrix translated into the poet’s native language.

Within the interstices of the psychoanalytic event of parapraxis or the artistic event of the Cut-Up Technique, the principle of Synchronicity comes into play to explain how meaning discloses itself.  Carl Jung coined this term, defining it as an “Acausal connecting principle.”  One event can comment upon a second event but neither of them is fastened together in any serial structure that can be measured or counted.  Robert Schmidt, President of Project Hindsight, a school of scholarship that re-enters lost arts and sciences to reanimate them, translator of the original texts of Hellenistic Astrology and re-developer of its animating theory, has also investigated Synchronicity.  He prefers the term, “Synchronism,” to identify a particular event of this nature.

It is beyond the scope of this writing to discuss the potential relationship of Quantum Mechanical Phenomena to Reverse Speech, in particular, events at a distance which to occur must override the speed of light.

Reverse Speech events appear in the body of a verbal statement.  They “comment” on the ostensible message delivered by the speaker.  It is a mystery how the vocal chords can produce these hidden reports. A thesis can be proposed about the nature of communication, therefore.  What we say happens on multiple levels simultaneously, and at the quotidian level, we hear what we can transcribe by a pen.  At higher levels of sound, call them ultrasonic, other communications of the Spirit uncaught by the overt material transcription remain. If thoughts, per se, translate themselves into raw sound conveyed by the vocal chords, then those thoughts we term, “Reversals,” are present with overt speech but, mysteriously, are not included with it, perhaps, because they occupy the same “space” as the overt sounds but like dark matter require another means of technology to be discovered, sensed or heard. These statements report on the original communication and apparently serve the purpose of what is called, “Conscience.”

This Conscience serves the purposes of the march of truth within the flood of spoken words.  If a lie is told, the truth is hidden.  Somehow, what Socrates called his “Daimon, ” or his conscience, will speak inadvertently, or find its way out into consensus reality by other means.  Reverse Speech technology is one of these other means without which the Truth of Conscience may remain blocked from expression.  The recent example of Hillary Clinton is the most vivid example.  It became ever more apparent to millions of television viewers (many of whom had only come of voting age to encounter her for the first time) that this woman was stringing together explanations for deeds of a criminal nature.  These explanations were intuited to be lies.  Reversals of these verbal expositions revealed that the Daimon of Conscience remarked upon her claims to the contrary, acting like confessions.  Reverse Speech technology, thus, helped many to refute her claims and thus to defeat her from gaining ultimate power in the world.