The Light of Collective Creation

By David John Oates
Copyright ©: 1996


As one begins to study the information contained in Reverse Speech, it soon becomes obvious that this is a phenomenon of tremendous significance. At its deepest levels, Reverse Speech tells us not only how human behavior works, but also how our own thoughts influence and create the physical world in which we live. It gives us all this information through metaphors and parables.

A primarily central theme in these metaphors is the operation and function of “The Whirlwind.” Reverse Speech describes this as an energy field which surrounds the body. This energy field interacts with a larger field that permeates our physical world. In its simplest form, The Whirlwind operates as a giant communications link. This link relays our unconscious messages to the larger Whirlwind which then travels out and connects with other people’s own personal Whirlwinds. This attracts and creates those situations which our unconscious had learned that we need to operate. It does this through, what Reverse Speech describes as “Sound.” Many reversals talk about “The sound in the air around” or “posting our thoughts to the sound of the Whirlwind”.

I personally believe that these sound interactions can be tracked and monitored scientifically, although such research has not yet been conducted due to limited funds and resources. Below are extracts from my book “It’s Only A Metaphor” which explain some of these operations.


“…The Whirlwind within connected with the Whirlwind without and it was how we created our physical world. I had thirteen years of research which was documented, proven and analyzed that gave me some preliminary information about how this occurred. And in my wildest imaginations, I used to wonder if the secrets to faster-than-light-speed lay in the Whirlwinds of the mind.

Snap. Back to reality.

Reverse Speech stated that humans were fighting for dominance and control of the Whirlwind within and its interaction with the Whirlwind without. It described this process as the exchange and theft of Sex in the form of emotional transfers. Humans were constantly having psychic Sex with each other. Life situations provided the necessary sexual energy to enable the psyche to continue functioning. Psychic Sex could be healthy and uplifting, making love; it could superficial, screwing or fucking; or it could be totally damaging, farting, shitting, etc.

Reverse Speech further stated that there was an ultimate source for this psychic sexual energy and this source came from God. However, we had lost contact with God eons ago and now sourced each other and life situations instead.

Separate from these personal interactions, a higher collective intelligence was also operating. This intelligence used the operations of the Whirlwind to structure the process of human evolution and historical events so that a higher consciousness could evolve. At times, it seemed to structure life events so that people operating common reversed metaphors would find each other. Through the process of Oral Tradition, similar unconscious metaphors attracted each other through interactions in the Whirlwind. When these people met, they would exchange further personal metaphors that would unconsciously combine with other metaphors during the process of conversation and energy exchange.

The result would be a strengthened metaphoric structure, and another piece of consciousness would be etched onto the psyche. In effect, some metaphors were evolving, approaching maturity like grapes on the vine. The pictures of the movie collectively and individually continued to unravel and grow.

According to Reverse Speech, the secrets of the universe and evolution were in the pictures and they were now coming together, reaching critical mass. It was how we thought and acted and created, and it was how we evolved. The new pictures became new scenes, and new behavior became the new life plots. Collective knowledge continued to grow, collective intelligence expanded and, according to the hidden small voice of the spirit that I heard everyday, human consciousness was about to explode.

This process of evolution seemed to be leading mankind towards an inevitable and unshakable confrontation with itself. The discovery of Reverse Speech was the most significant step yet towards this process. The unconscious mind was rising to consciousness and was calling for a unification of the whole. It was leading us back to ourselves, to the Light that lay within, and eventually humanity would begin to discover the source of energy that was contained within this Light.

From my research with Reverse Speech and my Christian upbringing, I understood this energy to be the Light of God that came from the deepest recesses of the mind, from an area even deeper than the collective unconscious in the timeless void beyond the Mist that Reverse Speech called Heaven.

The Light began in the Holy of Holies in the very center of Heaven or the most sacred area of consciousness. It was the source of metaphor or the image that created all other images. It was a single conscious intelligence of Love that filled all and connected all. It was the energy that bound all together that resided within and without. According to Reverse Speech, the Light was, is and always will be, perfect Sex, or the power of connection and creation.

We were all designed to have Sex with God, but had forgotten how to do so. We worshipped the images of beasts and demons in the unconscious instead. We had allowed these images to create our world of dysfunction and disharmony. Because they were not the Light, we were now required to source Sex externally rather than internally. Even the Christ metaphor, forever resident in total consciousness, that enabled us to bypass the beasts had been ignored. The only way we could now have Sex was to exchange personal resources with those around. This allowed the dysfunctional metaphors to have even more control and dominance in the world as the pictures within created the pictures without.

With the arrogance of conscious blindness, we had given demons permission to reside in the Whirlwind that the light of collective intelligence had used to reflect Himself upon the world. And so the Light of collective intelligence was restructuring the historical events of human history through the pictures in the wind so the demons of the mind could be exposed.

What was once unconscious would begin to be seen by the conscious. Then humanity would be forced to face the demons. Many would scream in pain, shielding their eyes from the torment that fell upon them. Some would stand firm though. If they could banish the demons from the winds of the mind, then the Light could be completely reflected out and physical reality would literally shift to one of harmony and paradise as the picture within created the picture without.

Reverse Speech stated that the ultimate purpose of human history was to manifest the Light onto the world once more. As it had been in the beginning in the Garden before the great unconsciousness came, so would it become again. The alpha and the omega, the beginning and the end, the forwards and the backwards….”


The following extract continues this theme on the personal level, explaining how the light of consciousness causes and creates personal behavior through the action of pictures or metaphors. This personal behavior subsequently influences collective behavior.

“…What actually is the spiritual body and what part do metaphors play in it?

The spiritual body is the unconscious mind. The unconscious mind is energy. To be spiritual means to be connected to and flowing with the winds and forces of the unconscious. And that is very powerful because the unconscious contains the secrets of the universe and the unconscious creates the universe. It’s all a metaphor and that is the secret to life. So, to be in rapport with the unconscious means to be in rapport with the universe, and there is nothing more spiritual than that.

A metaphor is a picture and at the beginning there are only pictures. The pictures are energies and these energies are emotions. That is how human behavior works. Each picture has its own specific vibration of light. Light is Sex and Sex is a metaphor which keeps it all working. This sexual energy, or light vibration, is felt in the physical body as an emotion or energy rush. The way you experience physical sexual activity will reflect the way you experience and flow with the unconscious, and that is a very sacred statement.

As the pictures combine together, the single strand of emotion combines with other strands and the choruses of consciousness begin to sing. This creates a dance of emotions and energies which stimulate conscious thoughts and physical behavior. Conscious thoughts are simply our attempts to translate or interpret the sparks of energy that the pictures caused.

It is very important that you understand this metaphor because this is the basis of Reverse Speech and it is what creates human behavior.

The Light is first, then comes the pictures. Each picture is a reflection of one particular aspect of the Light. The pictures are metaphors that create energies or emotions. These energies can be felt in the heart, body and mind. Then comes conscious thoughts which attempt to translate the metaphor, usually inaccurately which is why we have no wisdom because wisdom is encoded into the pictures.

The conscious thoughts do not come first nor are they self-generated. They are formed sparked from the sexual energy of the picture. This energy registers as electrical impulses by an EEG machine. The accuracy of the conscious translation, whether it be internal mental chatter or external two-way conversation, will depend entirely on how congruent one’s conscious self is with the totality of one’s other selves. These other selves, 95% of which are below consciousness, are the spiritual Kingdoms of the unconscious and these selves speak backwards. In fact, speech reversals often use the terms us, they, you, we etc., which refer to the many parts of Self.

Thus, as you access the picture, you access great forces that create the thoughts that cause the behavior. Change the picture and change the behavior. This is the secret. You cannot change the thought without changing the picture. It is destined for failure. You might as well try to change America by changing the President. It will never work, because ultimately the President is only a spokesperson for the people and a reflection of the people.

The bottom line is this. Never underestimate the power of pictures, for a metaphor is worth several million books and one parable can change the entire planet. And the key to being a truly spiritual person is to be honest and congruent and integral. Never be afraid to see the valley of the shadow of death because fear causes incongruity and incongruity gives the demons permission to remain. Remember that the picture lies within. If you look to the stars, you won’t see the light, only His reflection. You must look to yourself and feel the winds blowing over the sand dunes of consciousness.

Real spirituality is to know and feel and flow with the forces sparked by the pictures that reside in the Whirlwind of the mind. Then you will know that you really are a reflection of God because you will see the coincidences of life opening up before you. You’re sailing on the wind, you see, and the collective wind blows where He Wills.”
