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August 2004
Bush: Served by the influence
Bush: We aim to scalp, unnanounced
Bush: And the sheriff’s an imbecile
Bush: You better deal
Bush: You’ll surf that issue
Bush: Go with a mouse and a crime in it
Bush: Stealth, misuse it
Bush: Hell sickness, I wish you were master
Bush: Let it go
Bush: Earth guilty
May-June 2004
On death of Ronald Reagan
Bush: May God bless you
Bush Snr: Man with values again
Bush Snr: And I go with it
Cheney: See the loss
Reagan 1947: Have the law and we’ll beat the crime
Reagan 1947: The youth with me, the love serve him
Reagan 1987: See the dream
Reagan 1992: Overcome here with freedom
John Kerry: But I’ve seen the man broke
John Kerry: They deserve more of it
John Kerry: Send him to serve with your mouth
John Kerry: Dirt from our business
John Kerry: With the weed, theres no nurse
John Kerry: But are you worth it
Bush: Hear the servant
Bush: My new friend
John Howard: And we’d argue
John Howard: I am the simone in it
January-April 2004
Bush: And there is no whip
Bush: Usurp the law on it
Bush: Our issues here are so sensitive
Bush: They have no money
Bush: Hear the boss
Bush: This is the oil
Bush: Feel the battle
Bush: Foul her soul. You saw the face
Bush: We need a navy
Bush: C’mon, pay the plan
Bush: I should start off serious
Bush: The deal severed
Powell: Acknowledge the hole
Powell: But its a scam
Powell: When Iraq burn
Powell: We lost though you honour the ways
Rumsfeld: Bush, They warn you
Rumsfeld: Emir Jamal molested
Rumsfeld: Have to stop making a mess of it, July
Rumsfeld: Its how we believe you
Rumsfeld: You bless the whirlwind