Upcoming Canadian Lectures

Crime and Trauma Scene Cleaners, Canada

Upcoming Canadian Lecture – David will be giving lectures and workshops in Toronto, Ontario, Canada this October 15th to the 28th. Presented by Crime and Trauma Scene Cleaners of Canada, this will be David’s grand introduction of Reverse Speech into Canada. Listen below to the radio spot that will begin airing Sunday September 02, 2018 in Canada, on Zoomer Radio 740 AM and 96.7 FM, on the Richard Syrett Show @ 11:00 PM EST.


Date: Thursday, October 18, 2018.
Location: Metamorphosis Greek Orthodox Church (Basement), Toronto Ontario M4J 3N6 (Right beside Donlands Subway Station.)
Time: 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm EST
Admission: $10.00
Topic: Crime & Trauma Scene Cleaners is proud to present Reverse Speech in Politics. “See what politicians are hiding from us, and what they are really thinking.”
Admission: $10.00 (Tickets Sold at the Door.) Plus a chance to meet with Legendary David John Oates, founder of Reverse Speech.

Date: Friday, October 19, 2018
Time: 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Location: Metamorphosis Greek Orthodox Church (Basement), Toronto Ontario M4J 3N6 (Right beside Donlands Subway Station.)
Topic: Crime & Trauma Scene Cleaners is proud to present Reverse Speech on Notorious Hitmen, Mobsters, and Serial Killers.
Admission: $10.00 (Tickets Sold at the Door.) Plus a chance to meet legendary David John Oates, founder of Reverse Speech.

Date: Saturday, October 20, 2018
Time: 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Location: Metamorphosis Greek Orthodox Church (Basement), Toronto Ontario M4J 3N6 (Right beside Donlands Subway Station.)
Topic: Crime & Trauma Scene Cleaners is proud to present Reverse Speech – JFK Assassination FINALLY solved, the TRUTH on the moon landing and Princess Diana’s death and much, much more.
Admission: $15.00 (Tickets Sold at the Door.) Plus a chance to meet with legendary David John Oates, founder of Reverse Speech.

Hosted by Renowned Canadian Broadcaster Richard Syrett, (the Canadian Art Bell) of 96.7 FM and 740 AM “The Conspiracy Show” and Christian D. Cadieux (the real John Constantine.) of Paranormal Contractors.
