What Do People Find Attractive In Our Speech?

What Do People Find Attractive In Our Speech?

What Do People Find Attractive In Our Speech?

By Amanda Wilson

A speech, just like writing, is one of the artistic dispositions people admire immensely and it is most of the times anchored on lingua franca, which is all about adopting a language for common speech and understanding. It can be Spanish or English language that both non-natives and natives decide to use in speaking forums such as United Nations meetings. A good essay writer is sometimes a big asset in such contexts. And whether you are a motivational speaker or a spokesperson who reads from a manuscript or talks freely, how you deliver it will either sway an audience or have them terribly bored. It is actually for this reason that there are very interesting speakers that anyone would love listening to. But even then, listening critically will make a difference between you and that person who is doing so appreciatively, even though speeches are most of the times meant to entertain.

The Question of Captivating Speeches

Talented speakers are regarded as role models by many people around the world. History judges them rightly and names like Former U.S President Barack Obama are regarded as some of the best orators the world has ever known. But while this is sometimes hinged on the subject matter in which they specialize, at the end of the day, even a political keynote address can bear undertones of attraction. It’s when you realize that you want to listen more and more. A commonality is that listeners in every speaking context are usually triggered to change their mind or take some action. But here is the catch; is it the manner in which a speech gets delivered that makes you reconsider a stance on something or it doesn’t matter? What about the attractive ingredient in speeches?

Well, if you ever listened to a speech that really moved your emotions and you got either tensed or attentive throughout, then it comes down to the fact that there is something attractive about it. Speeches can be melancholic, and in which case, they wring tears even from the most stone-faced. On the other hand, they can be so enlightening that concluding remarks leaves you yearning for more. All these reactions come down to the skills with which a speaker is endowed. Now, take a look below for some reasons why we tend to find great speeches attractive.


People who know how to conduct themselves during speech delivery tend to win over audiences really fast and it has all got to do with charisma. In other words, charismatic people are regarded as divinely talented and their presence on stage alone is always very compelling. If you can command an audience, then you can be sure they find your speaking attractive. This is usually manifest from the very first words one utters and the whole room goes into grave silence. People of this caliber will occasionally crack a joke during a speaking session leaving the audience in stitches and every trait they exhibit directly influences listeners. Basically, their presence alone gets over struggling for space to lend an ear.

Articulation: Working in the Minds and Hearts of Listeners

Making sure a speech is properly packed and is logically appraised earns you the attention of listeners. These notwithstanding, empathy will go a long way in having an audience attracted throughout a session. Those who can have a great speech paper written can help achieve this but at the end of the day, how articulate and the expertise with which you understand listeners’ psychology makes it attractively outstanding.

In summary, people love to listen only when they find speeches attractive in one way or another. It equally comes down to how best a speaker understands the needs and expectations of listeners.


I’m Amanda Wilson – an assistant of creative writing at Columbia College of Chicago. I’ve started my career with a paper editing and understood the hot need of mastering the art of word. My favorite thing in this process is an open conclusion, thanks to which people can build own practical theories. Lots of my colleagues at writers departments take risks experimenting with fresh language using approaches. I’m sure that this science area is a great place for research.
