The New Updated Reverse Speech App Is Out!

The New Updated Reverse Speech App Is Out!

The New Updated Reverse Speech App Is Out!

The New Updated Reverse Speech App Is Out! – The NEW! Updated version of the Reverse Speech App for iOS is now out and available at the iTunes App Store and at least some of our prior customers should be getting their update notices on their devices. Those who purchased the older version of the Reverse Speech App 1.0, do not have to pay again for the update to the new version. If you have not received your update notice yet, you may go to the App Store and download it manually.

The NEW! updated Reverse Speech App is better than before with a more friendly user interface along with much better file control. You can share via Text Message, Email, Add To Your iCloud Drive, or Air Drop. Also, features File Access through iTunes on your computer so you can Transfer, Save, and Manage your saved files and examples. You can access the download from our main app website here: iReverseSpeech
