Reverse Speech Makes Main Stream Advertising

Reverse Speech Makes Main Stream Advertising - Progressive Insurance Ad

Reverse Speech Makes Main Stream Advertising

Reverse Speech Makes Main Stream Advertising – Much to our surprise and delight, it seems that slowly but surely Reverse Speech is creeping into main stream. Check out this Progressive Insurance advertisement where they use Reverse Speech analysis to find a reverse statement on the now famous Flo, the Progressive salesperson. The interesting thing about it is at the end of the advertisement, they say, “Revealing the truth to help you save.” What is interesting about this is they are implying that what is found in reverse is the truth. Good for them because that is what 33 years of research reveals to us. The advertisement also alludes to the idea that they will be doing more to find out the truth in what is being said by Flo. If there is more to come it will certainly be interesting to see what they come up with. What is not correct is the idea that they are slowing the speed to 1/8th of normal speed but I’m afraid at that slow of a speed, nobody could possibly understand anything being said. In reality, we never analyze slower than about 70% of normal speed and most of the time we run about 85% of normal speed.

Check out the advertisement here: Progressive Advertisement


