Unveiling The Truth – The Secrets of Reverse Speech

New Book! Unveiling The Truth - The Secrets of Reverse Speech by David John Oates

Unveiling The Truth – The Secrets of Reverse Speech

By David John Oates

“Without the truth from Reverse Speech the planet has no future, it opens that door for all of us” ~ Jeff Rense

David’s New Book!! Unveiling The Truth – The Secrets of Reverse Speech – Finally the truth is revealed… after more than 15 years of silence following death threats, an arson attack, covert surveillance and even a drive by shooting David Oates shares the truth behind the words of some of the past century’s most prolific American politicians in this gripping account of his journey with Reverse Speech the technology he first discovered in 1989.

In an age where we are once again seeing the value of truth and honesty in our communication and behaviour – the revelations shared in this book serve to further the progress humanity is making toward a more conscious and aware existence.

Visit The Main Website For David’s New Book!

This book and the body of work David has compiled will ignite your desire to truly understand yourself, reveal and witness your true potential and help you access an unlimited wealth of knowledge, talent and ability, that has until now been suppressed!

David John Oates is a 60 year old Australian hypnotherapist. He has spent the last 32 years of his life researching the field of Reverse Speech, and incorporated his findings in his therapeutic work.

Mr. Oates has written 5 books on reverse speech and has appeared on 100s of TV and radio programs furthering his work. He also maintains an active international speaking schedule.
