Training Announcement

Hello Everyone,

For those of you who have been following my work for a while now, you will know that Reverse Speech has been getting a lot of successes lately. The JFK assassination show was heralded as the best in my 33 year career, the recent outing of Reince Priebus, chairman of the RNC, was confirmed in the news only a week after I released those reversals. And of course the amazing successes I get in my therapeutic practice go virtually silent, however those are the greatest successes of all!

Yet, despite the stunning successes that I get, the field has only a handful of skilled practitioners across the world doing it. I need people to take this technology out to the world! It has been said that I need to clone myself, there is so much work to be done. The only way I know how to clone myself is to train others how to do Reverse Speech.

Please, if you have any interest in Reverse Speech or a desire to make a difference in the world, this is your opportunity.


I am therefore scheduling my next training class to commence on Sunday June the 19th 2016. There will be 12 classes altogether held on line, for 3 hours every 2 weeks. In England the time will be 2 pm – 5 pm, in Australia 11 pm – 2 am, and in the United States 9 am – 12 pm EST.

Please consider this carefully. This is an important class and an important field. The implications of Reverse Speech are enormous. We truly do need you involved!

The cost is usually $US1997 including the reverse speech software. However, if you sign up now I will offer a $200 discount, so you can start for $US1797! (That’s 1300 GBP, or $AUD2350)

In this course you will learn…..

• How to use the Reverse Speech software
• How to accurately document genuine speech reversals
• How to determine what speech reversals mean
• How to conduct conversations to get the greatest numbers of reversals
• How the human mind creates behaviour and personality with metaphors

To sign up for this course email me at or call in the US 503-5687077, or in London call 0203 6081426, and Australia – 08 83824372

I look forward to seeing you in class

David J. Oates
Founder of Reverse Speech

Visit The Training Page Here
