Reversal of the Week

Reversal of the Week January 26 thru February 1, 2014

Here is the reversal picked as this weeks winner as submitted through the new Reverse Speech app called iReverseSpeech. This is an interesting reversal and it is what would be classified as a ‘Mirror Reversal’. A ‘Mirror Reversal’ is a reversal that says the exact same thing in reverse as it does forwards. Somewhat rare but happens more often that would be predicted, a ‘Mirror Reversal’ communicates that the person is very congruent in their statement. We present two formats here, one as the the reversal was submitted through the app and two, the reversal cleanly cut and dumped into proper format using the Reverse Speech Pro software.

Speaker: “…[I miss him] and I really hope that soon we’ll get back together.” I miss him.

Submitted Original

Speaker: “…[I miss him] and I really hope that soon we’ll get back together.” I miss him.

Reversal Properly Formatted
