Significant events in Bush’s Presidency

Harpers’s magazine lists significant events in Bush’s presidency and lists reverse speech…

Jan 21 2005

George W. Bush was sworn in again as president, and threatened to bring “the untamed fire of freedom” to the world. In his 20-minute speech the president used the words “free,” “freedom,” and “liberty” 49 times, but never said “war” or “Iraq.”»[Washington Post]

Norwegians were shocked to see the president and his family repeatedly give the University of Texas “hook ’em, ‘horns” sign, which they interpreted as a salute to Satan, during the festivities, and sign-language users pointed out that the sign means “bulls**t.”[New York Daily News][AP]»

A reverse-speech expert played Bush’s inaugural address backwards and heard the messages “Hero’s gonna shell Iran” and “Bombs will make laws.”»[Wireless Flash]

Nice to know we made it to significant events in bush’s presidency
