We have received a piece of the puzzle to solve the mystery on this sound file. Does anyone have another connecting piece? Here is a quote from our contributer, “Dear David, In response to your question of what ‘the’ sea hawk is I do not know. However, a Navy SH-60 Sea Hawk is a twin-engine, medium lift, utility or assault helicopter.
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There has been much controversy and miss-information floating around over the last few months about “Simone” and President Bush’s speeches. Just to set the record straight here is an article that accurately documents the series of events that led to this story breaking national press.
In the September 1990 issue of Backtalk we published a series of session transcripts from key players in the Persian Gulf crisis recorded during the first two weeks of Operation Desert Shield. Among these transcripts a mysterious word was heard that had never been heard before in Reverse Speech. The word was Simone. In fact this word appeared not once, but many times on key American speakers, in each instance as they were talking forwards about the Iraqi war machine or U.S. operations in the Persian Gulf. President Bush had a reversal that said: “Simone, Simone in the sands” (Click here to download a wave file of this – WARNING, its 2.5 megs so allow some time)*; Secretary Baker had a reversal that said “Simone won’t shine”*; Defense Secretary Cheney had a reversal that said “Simone goes in”.* (*** See notes at end of article.)
After my recent move to Denver I began sorting through boxes and boxes of old research material and archives and came across some rather interesting additions to the “Simone” controversy. When I first came to the United States in 1990 I first took Reverse Speech to the US government and law enforcement agencies. Initially there was great interest. The Michigan State Police Department were planning on doing a field research project on reverse speech. Here is a copy of one a the many faxes that went to and fro.
However, this would not last long because a few months later I found a secret code in one of bushes speeches that revealed a possible military code word. Details of this controversy can be found on the page including a secret memo leaked to the press. Here is a video clip of the CNN news story on the article.
I was asked to keep quite about all this and for the most part I did. However, several news paper articles were published. Here are some of them… beltway | providence
After all this hit the press, many of my lectures around the country were canceled, the Michigan State Police stopped looking for funding for the research into Reverse Speech and I was shunned, not to reappear onto the scene again (at least publicly) until 1996. The rest of the story is on the page below.”
It seemed apparant to many Reverse Speech researchers that there may be some special significance to this word for it to suddenly appear in Reverse Speech only during the Persian Gulf crisis. It had never been documented before. Was it a code word? Or perhaps a personal metaphor, doing the rounds with Oral Tradition, that described the current situation in the Persian Gulf?
Curious to know an answer to this, I made some discrete enquiries with an acquaintance of mine in Washington DC – Special assistant, Scott Jones, who worked for Rhode Island Senator Claibourne Pell, the chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Scott Jones is a former naval Intelligence officer who works for Senator Pell in the role of an adviser, investigating new technologies and paranormal phenomenon. Jones had visited me in Dallas in July 1990 to look into Reverse Speech. He had been sufficently impressed with the technology to travel back to Washington DC and arrange private briefings for me with the FBI and key politicians on Capitol Hill. These briefings were due to take place in November 1990 and he had already sent me my airplane ticket. The “Simone” incident was just a little sideline in an already developing relationship.
Scott Jones then wrote a confidential letter to his long time friend, Dick Cheney, telling him of Reverse Speech and “Simone.” One line in his letter sparked attention: “I mention this situation in case it is a code word that it would not be in the national interests to reveal. ”
Obviously someone down the line thought that it was in the national interests because a copy of the letter found its way to the press and almost overnight “Simone” made it to national news desks across the country.
CNN cable news ran the story implying that Reverse Speech was some new secret technology that the Pentagon was being very tight lipped about. Of course if the truth be known they probably had no idea what Reverse Speech was. Other newspapers across the country ran the story with headlines like: “Is The President Hiding Secret Code Words Backwards In His Speech”, and “What is Reverse Speech?”
From a political point of view, tbe story could not have broken at a worse time. Senator Pell was up for re-election and with the story for the most part being ridiculed, Scott Jones’ assertions seemed to portray a credibility gap. One reporter said to me: “The man’s crazy. Playing tapes backwards to hear voices. Now if that don’t beat all.” No-one ever bothered to state tbat it wasn’t Scott Jones’ analysis. He hadn’t played the tapes backwards and found the reversals. I had. He was merely doing exactly what his job called him to do. Look into new technologies and report back.
As a result of the incident, my trip to Washington DC was cancelled indefinitely. Reverse Speech was now a political mine field. Scott Jones requested that I drop tbe incident and keep a low profile until it all blew over. I reluctantly agreed but privately I was still curious. What did Simone mean?
Then, in a radio interview I conducted shortly afterwards, someone informed me that “Simone” was actually an Arabic word, spelled “Simoonn, that meant a “Dust Storm In The Desert.” Further research revealed that it was an Arabic word that had since been adopted in English. The official Contemporary dictionary definition is: “A hot, dry, dust laden, exhausting wind of the African and Arabian deserts.” The Oxford dictionary goes one step further and calls it “violent. ”
I found this translation, and its significance with the current operations in the Persian Gulf to be more than fascinating, especially considering that it was both an Arabic AND English word. My original thinking was that it described the way the Iraqis had stormed Kuwait in a violent fashion in the sands of the Arabian deserts. I theorized tbat it may have been adopted as a personal metaphor for the Gulf operations. I subsequently wrote an article on Simone for the November issue of Backtalk but was requested that I not print it. Not wishing to cause unnecessary complications I agreed, and just before Backtalk went to print in November, I pulled tbe article. Now, in light of recent events I wish I had not. The article was actually quite prophetic in its implications. Here are a few selected short lines from it…
“While we may never know what Simone actually means, there are some interesting possibilities. It may be a code word for an operation in the gulf or a personal metaphor of some description … on a recent radio talk show a caller told me that it is the Arabic word for Dust Storm. The caller cited as his source The Dictionary Of Geographical Terms. Other possible translations are “Desert Wind” or “DESERT STORM. ” (my emphasis in this reprint) … ultimately Simone is just another mystery in this new technology of Reverse Speech that may one day be explained.”
Other than that one radio interview and an article in The Rhode Island Providence Journal, I was never mentioned in any of the press reports. I mentioned it briefly in some public lectures for the next two or three weeks and then slowly forgot about it until … The war broke. Chills traveled up and down my spine as it was announced that operation Desert Storm had begun. “Simone!” I exclaimed out loud. I rang some of my students and they had seen it as well. Suddenly excitement in the Reverse Speech community was intense.
Here we had the code name for the current operation in the Gulf being announced in national press THREE months prior to its official announcement. What better proof could we have for the existence and profound importance of Reverse Speech?
During the following week, as watched with interest all the press reports coming out of the Gulf, it slowly dawned on me that not only was Simone a cryptic Reverse Speech code name for Operation Desert Storm but it was also a metaphor that graphically described the way the operations in the Gulf were being conducted. Around the clock, relentless, fast and effective. (Dictionary definitions: exhausting wind, hot, dry, dust laden.)
Then, when the first American POWs were interviewed, I heard Sirnone in reverse for the very first time on an Iraqi (see transcript elsewhere in this issue). Shortly afterwards, during Iraq’s short occupation of the Saudi Arabian border town of Kafji, Iraq made an announcement calling Kafji: ” The beginning of a thunderous storm rolling across the desert.” Simone was to be seen everywhere.
Thus we have Simone, a profound lesson in the true nature of Reverse Speech. Simone, the code name for the U.S. operations in the Gulf relayed in national press three months prior to its official announcement. Simone, a metaphor that graphically depicts the whole spirit and feel of the war in the Gulf, both from the American and Iraqi viewpoint. And finally – Simone, the name of my first born twin daughter on whom the first reversal on children was found at four months of age – “Mummy”:.
May it live forever in Reverse Speech history!
We had planned to present many significant reversals from operation Desert storm in this issue, but due to a heavy work load it was not possible to prepare the transcripts. We have, however, published a collection of reversals from the first thirty minutes of the war with CNN reporters, and another section where the first American POWs were seen on Iraqi television. All reversals have been reprinted as they occurred without comment.
The research institute has just begun a major research project into Operation Desert storm (for details see page 7) and the initial results of this will be published in the next issue of BackTalk.
Peter: “Now we’re seeing a lot of activity in the area of .this refinery. One thing after another. [One bomb, apparantly], coming down in the area…” You must alert the bomb
Peter: “Oops! Now there’s [something on fire]. That was an explosion fairly near our location at, er, [near a mosk in downtown]. We could sort of feel the report [from that].” I’ve known it. I’m lonely. I’m worried. Damn them!
John: “Tonight, [every bomb we have seen] land [seems to have hit something]. They hit the refinery correctly…” Now nuclear war. They are not visible.
John: “They seem to, they have [these, er, laser directed], they, the, the, the guided [bombs systems] now.” They kill with hardly a word. Is this Simone?
Peter: “[Well the anti air craft] fire has died down and it seems to me that there’s been [at least three waves] of aircraft here so far.” Fucking Arab. We fucked Arab.
Peter: “[But as I said, further out] in the city, on the outskirts of the city there seems to be [more explosions taking place, multiple explosions]! ” Hey listen! Fire love. Shell with the bomb. Help me get results.
Peter: ” [Indeed. Its quiet over] there too. But I think its probably just a lull as President Bush follows] through his threat in an attempt to prove to Saddam Hussein that he should leave Kuwait.” They ousted Eden. Don’t shoot them. Nuke them.
Charles Jaco: “[The war With Iraq] began early Tuesday morning as a squadron of U.S. [fighter bombers took off from] the largest U.S. air base in central Saudi Arabia.” Now with the whirlwind. Don’t want to fuck with you.
Charles Jaco: “Colonel Ray Davies said, This is history in the making. [He said, er watched a group of sombre] pilots board their aircrafts, [taxy down the runway] and takeoff.” You must remove the soul. We are at mercy. You all know of my disgust.
Charles Jaco: “The military here in Saudi Arabia has [no further information]. They say all briefings will probably come from Riyadh.” War is here. Ashamed of me.
CNN Front Desk: “The liberation of Kuwait, in the words of the White House, has begun with operation [Desert Storm].” I know you monsters.
Peter: “We have yet to see the bombs fall but its the same pattern of the previous, [at least three raids], that we have witnessed.” We’re stupid. Get used to it.
John: “The anti aircraft [fire is now going toward the South]. We’re looking [out to the west] and we [see the tracer bullets going].” To hell with it. The bastards don’t know Fonzi. Don’t tell ’em it’s yesterday.
John: “The flames might be high [but the tracer bullets are still going] up into the sky.” I know I’d waste it. Bomb Jerusalem.
John: ” [We’ve seen these bombs come down before].” Bomb them often. I must love in Hebrew.
John: “We don’t have any indication [at all that these] anti-aircraft guns are much success.” They use the Lord.
John: “I’ll give another moment to [catch your breath].” I’ll respect it.
POW: “..leutenant [Jefferey Morton Zaun], United States Navy… Want my home. You hurt.
POW: ” . . . [I am from attack squadron 35] in the U.S. Saratoga…” They don’t have love there.
POW: “…my mission was to attack H3 airfield in [south western Iraq]…” Error, you still trust me.
POW: “…[I think our leaders] and our people have wrongly attacked the peaceful people of Iraq…” Do you know this hell?
POW: “…I would like to [tell my mother and my father] and mysister that [I am well treated]…” You know now my trouble. Hurts to done it.
POW: “…and that [they should pray] for peace…” Ashamed in it.
Iraq: ” ?????? ” Simone ?????
POW: “…[for the children, please study hard at school]…” Bush robbed your faith, Bush did.